A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi chua_family

i switched dr this cycle and i showed him the progesterone pills that my previous dr gave me. Previously, dr asked me to insert the pills into my vagina. My current dr however asked me to take orally instead (gross hor?). Actually he din see the need to prescribe me progesterone but since i got leftovers, may as well check with him. My bbt is no good, only 36.4 today, really panic so called dr this morning for advice and he told me to double the dose of progesterone... How's ur bbt? Is it normal?

Well, for the last weekend, although i din stay on the bed the whole day, i refrained from doing housework, carry heavy stuff, etc.

Regarding IUI, dr told me it will take 36-42 hours after HSG for ovulation to occur. Did u do ur HSG on Sat evening and IUI on Mon morning? My follicles also have not ovulated when i did IUI, ur case seems similar to mine.


u are so funny in ur description of the spermies, hahaha

The test was done at TMC fertility centre. It was referred by the gynae. It didn't show the binding capability. Basically it shows three things
1) volume, ie density
2) Motility, ie whether the sperm can swim fast enough or not
3) Morphology, ie percentage of the good sperms, ie in good shape, with head and tails etc.

From these three, you can derive the fertilisable sperm volume already...ie volume * density * motility * morphology
hi piggymum,

so that means :

fertilisable volume = density x motility x morp

so we can calculate the fertilisable volume ourselves izzit?

wow, din noe that there's such a calculation
tonite i try to calculate and see hw much my hb spermies can be used, hee hee
Hi Chloe,
which gynae r u seeing?I'm with Chris Chen & ttc for no 2 with clomid & melformin.I had my HCG jab on sat 5pm & did my IUI on mon 7pm.Already beyond 42hr but still have not ovulated.I didn't take bbt cause really got no time.I'm a SAHM so have to take care of my son on Thurs,wondering how not to carry heavy things.These two days my mum is helping me so that I can rest well.When is your next appointment?
hi chua, erh... wat is SAHM? my gynae is L C Foong, his clinic is at Gleneagles. If my menses come, then i will call him on D2 and see him on D10. But if i self test at home for pregancy and strike this time, then can just call him immediately for the next appt.

i've got PCOS and dr foong is putting me on 1500mg metformin and 50mg clomid and 2 days of FSH jabs of 75ml each. Are u on medication too?
hi all

i am new here..just starting TTc-ing 3 months ago and this month is the first time i am doing my BBT.

I am at CD 24 today and my BBT is 36.6 this morning. yesterday was 36.7. the previous last two evenings my temp was 37.3 degrees and i've got achy breasts since last week. feels a little crampy too. but not sure if my nausea is psychological :p

Don't think all my signs are conclusive and gotta wait out the week...AF due on CD 30...

was surfing and i found this site and so glad to find people in the same boat!

spend all my married life trying NOT to get pregnant...cannot ever imagine myself ever getting this obsessed about getting preggie...sigh!
thanks mashy!

read that you are 16 weeks preggie! congrats!

aren't you glad you got it over and done with? the waiting is really torturous...and i've never been the most patient person...

hahaha, not yet over and done with. Still in progress. It's just the beginning. Must wait till bb is born safely. Well, this teaches u patience. After all, u'll need lots of it when your bb is born.
Hi Chloe,

SAHM is "stay at home mum".My next appointment will be next wk.Don't know by then will know strike at not?
I was stimulate using melformin & clomid too.I actually have PCOS too & went for lap op & get preggie for my son but my PCOS got worsen by birth cause menses keep missing for more than 8mths.
hi chua, nice to hear that u already have a child... me, gosong still
Learnt a new word today. Now just have to keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. Keep me informed of ur progress ok? Nice sharing info with u.
mashy, how you doing? I think you better stay put and rest lots and lots... dun move around so much....:p

Nat, kekekeke... you change nick liao...
coral, PCOS in laymen is the follicles in the ovary is not developing properly... normally will see something like a string of pearls.... it's becos these follicles are not developing properly, the follicles are too small and does not get released.... and thus missed ovulation...
hi, long time never come in...

i miss my menses again. i took only 1 cycle of clomid in april then menses came on CD30 in may and june but miss in july... sian... don't think my gynae is good thath's why i stop seeing him

do u gals have any good gynae to recommend?
i stay in woodlands... during my 1st visit, he did a scan for me and commented that i have cysts and i ask if i need an operation, he say dun need. then gave me clomid lor...

i dun know if i should go back to him or change another gynae.
hi meimei, besides scanning, usually i think gynae will need to see ur blood test result during ur follicular and luteal phase(usually on D2 and D14) to determine whether u are ovulating. u may have cysts, but we cannot conclude that u are not ovulating. In my case, i have PCOS, i was diagnosed with PCOS primarily with scan, followed by blood test. On D2, my FSH is slightly lower than LH, after D14, my progesterone is low. These are signs of PCOS. i have regular menses, but again it does not mean i am ovulating.

On ur own, u can try taking ur bbt. From the pattern of ur bbt, u can roughly guess whether u have ovulated.

Well, not sure how many cycles u have tried this doctor. But if u have been seeing him for a long time and still no results, maybe u should get a second opinion?
my gynae never ask me to go for blood test leh.. only gave me clomid, he told me to go to him again if 1st cycle is unsuccessful, then he will give me stronger dosage.

i only tried 1 cycle of clomid with this gynae..
meimei, maybe u should request ur gynae to do blood test for u? cannot stress ok?

i know how u feel... but then, just ignore those happenings and concentrate on wat u wanna achieve. i found it difficult initially when many pple around me got preggie, esp when those who are younger already have kids... After some time, just got used to it lor.
chloe, u have any kids already? stressed leh, think i will go back to the gynae again, will fix an appt with him.

i tested -ve 1 week after i miss my menses. till now i never test cos i very 'negative' already... dont wan to waste me test kit
Hi Jess,

my AF was regular during school times but getting worse after working.Didn't start to worry until when ttc for a yr then decide to see gynae on this.like what Chloe's said,PCOS is diagnosed through blood test & scan.AF can't determine whether u have PCOS.

Hi Chloe,

do u feel bloated around your tummy?Anythings to take note after IUI cause my gynae didn't mention any.
meimei, i've got no kids yet, trying very hard to have one. i cannot deny that sometimes will be stressed lar... but hor, must always try to overcome. if u feel upset, hopefully this forum will help u vent ur frustrations. Pple here are very helpful. i used to be a perfectionist, but for the sake of ttc, i have lowered my expectations on a lot of things. Good luck to u, and hope that u will be a mother soon.

chua, yes, bloated, like got a lot of wind in the tummy. i have been like that since i was put on metformin. Initially, i dun even have appetite to eat, and wanted to vomit very badly! Getting better these few days, in fact, feel so hungry nowadays, i hope i am not over-eating... My dr told me to avoid carrying heavy things, housework, etc. He din mention anything else. But i did call the clinic yesterday morning cos my bbt was low, so he asked me to double my dosage of progesterone. Anything else u observe after ur IUI to share?
my AF was irregular when schooling then become regular when working but irregular again after marriage... dont know wat happen. very depressed

chloe, wish u gd luck too... btw, wat is IUI?
meimei, dun be sad lar, now most impt is see doctor and go for treatment. i hope u dun mind me asking, how long have u ttc?

IUI stands for Intra-Uterine Insemination. The husband's sperm is processed in the lab, usually using the swim-up technique. Those sperms who are active will be processed and injected directly to the wife's uterus using a thin flexible catheter. Unlike natural intercourse, sperms bypass the cervix (therefore eliminates the possiblility of unfriendly mucus), straight into the womb.
ask u something... i heard that PCOS may be inherited is it?

my mum when young also got irregular menses. only regular after giving birth. then my sis also got PCOS
Hi Chloe,

I also feel hungry & tired these few days.I have the same symptoms as u when taking melformin & clomid.Me even lose weight after taking metformin.Did u take folic acid now?Hope my son will behave himself these two wk & no need me to carry him,if not,sigh...really have to pray hard.
Hi meimei,

don't think these are preggie symptoms cause is still too early.
Metformin helps to improve our eggs quality & control our insulin to so as to stablise our wight so that we don't put on too much weight & which will also cause fertitity problem.

chua, good luck. me hungry again! going to grab somemore food.

meimei, to add on to wat chua has mentioned, metformin is to sensitize the body so that it is more responsive to FSH, a hormone needed during the follicular phase to mature our eggs. There is a tendency for PCOS patients to be insulin resistent, ie. body has to produce high level of insulin to transport sugar into our blood. Insulin is another hormone, which is believed to affect fertility when in high level.
