A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

if u r regular cycle n pressume u r ovalulation on time between CD12-CD18..ur bbt shld be >36.5.. as long as u not yet see RED, still got chance lor.. dun give up gals... jia you..
loving, does the increase in bbt to >36.5 happen immediately after ovulation? Mine took about 4 days to reach 36.6 this morning, and that happens when i increase my dosage for progesterone to twice the amount last evening! cham, normal or not har?

naturally, u there? akan datang har! 14 days post ovulation already?
jess, metformin is used to regulate insulin level in the body, which is believed to cause PCOS (cos body that is insulin resistent is less sensitive to FSH hormone). not a nice experience, will cause nausea and bloatedness in some pple. i know chua and myself have similar symptoms of the side-effects already.
piggymum, where are you?

<font color="ff0000">Paging for piggymum</font>

i still cannot calculate the vol of fertilisable sperm leh

ok, for eg, a person motility is 43%, vol is 2.8ml and morphology is 3%, then what's the volume of fertilisable sperm? i calculate until very 'luan' and maybe that explains why i always fail my Maths in school, hee hee
it will take a few days for temp to rise to 36.9 or even higher......

kermit, your bbt at the moment might not be able to tell you everything...... now you have to wait.... cos only when AF is due then bbt still high then got good chance.
so be patient....
GOOD morning

how much dosage of progesterone u take? 400mg per day? not side effect like feel giddy n nausea meh?agreed wif elmo.. temp its need take few day to raise to higher.. some pple even raise till 37.5-38 degree.. like clarisse Mummy, her temp super high b4 detect BFP...
thanks loving and elmo

keke...yup! only thing to do now is to wait...

loving, clarisse mummy's temp of 37.5 to 38 degree were BBT? or taken during the day?
gd morning! anyone taking supplements besides folic acid? do u all usually take folic acid in the morning after breakfast? if i forgot to take can i still take it in the afternoon or evening?

what is the density? >= 20M/ml is the normal range.

it should be
volume * Density * Motility(%) * morphology(%).

For morphology, my hb'r test used Kruger's strict criteria. Not sure if your test used te same criteria. I heard there are two...
kermit: i did not take BBT during my TTC. i took once temp after my 2WW (2 weeks wait after O) and my temp is like 37.9-38.4.
i tested BFP after i have such a HOT Temp.
loving &amp; elmo, yes taking 4 tabs of progesterones in a day, 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. i have dizzy spells, but i dunno whether this is becos of metformin or progesterone that i am taking. Just had one dizzy spell this morning, like wanna faint... Luckily din faint, but i think my vision is quite blur. When i was attending a course this morning, i dun seem to be able to see wat is on the screen!
Hi Chloe,

how r u now?must take care of yourself.Do u continue to take metformin after IUI?I stopped once after HCG jab.Have to call my gynae to chk whether must take.
hi erin, elmo, loving, thanks for info.

chua, thanks for ur concern, i still feel dizzy leh. was at a meeting the whole of this afternoon, that's why din respond to u all. yes, still at 1500mg of metformin after IUI, siong man, dun feel well, and dunno which part of the body dun feel well (sometimes stomach, nausea, giddy, aiyoh!). Also dunno which medication causes all these. Today is only 6 days after IUI, aiyoh, still so many more days to go! keeping my fingers crossed... u still hungry and tired today? me like hungry until can shiver!
Like this thread not moving much nowadays.


Yah, i find that progesterone makes me feel dizzy, tired and nauseous. Just feel lousy all the time. I was put on 6 tables a day then. Felt totally miserable.
Hi Chloe,

thinks each type of pills we taking,contribute to the dizziness we feel,nauseous etc.But just have to endure,hoping for our baby.
Call to chk with my gynae on taking metformin after IUI,I did not take for the last few days,now wondering whether will it affect my implantation.Today still feel hungry but even more tired as my son is back fm my mum's place.
Now if have more time,will try to read through over this thread so that can communicate with others members.
hi chua, tell baby chua to be good, else how to produce baby brother or sister? my husband asked me to reduce my dose since the medicine makes me feel sick. But i insisted to continue with the same dose, no pain no gain hor? Just went to see GP near my house. He gave me one day sick leave, so i can sleep at home today. Quite bored though, cos alone in the house. will drop by now and then to this forum. Have u called ur gynae? i heard some pple need to take metformin even when they are pregnant, so better check. For me, my gynae specifically asked me to take metformin after IUI, but might not apply to everyone. So, still good to check.

hi gals, yesterday evening (6 days after IUI), i seem to feel a bit of aching at the lower part of my abdomen (around the womb?). Is this normal? i very scared that the ache is caused by the shedding of the womb lining. The feeling is like menstrual pain, but not that painful, just aching. i usually have this plus backache just before my menses come. aiyoh, anyone experiences this?
alloo mashy

how r u doing? i agree the thread had been slow. not even a page in a day. mayb the old batch had graduated and go to the MTB thread. i miss those days... keke

btw, i m crossing my finger cos me in CD29 and AF haven report lei. me having yellowish discharge these few days, but i dun hv any preggie signs like tender breast, tired easily except my abdomen feel crampy on n off. mayb my AF is really comin....hehe
i am on CD27 today (AF expected on CD30) and yesterday night around 11.30pm i went to wee and when i wiped, i saw light brown stains...just very little.

but this morning when i woke up, nothing on the pad but at 11am plus when i wiped, got brown stains again! but still very little...

is AF reporting early this month? arrghh...went to check all my AF dates and realised in the last 13 months, there were 2 instances that that old hag did come on CD27!

trying to remember also when was the last time the duration between the first spotting and the eventual full whammy was so long...

oh my BBT? still high this morning at 36.76 degrees. yesterday was higher though at 36.81 degrees.

breasts still achy, still feeling kinda nauseous (no vomiting though), still feeling crampy in the lower abdomen and about feeling tired...i always feel kinda tired one! LOL!

praying that this month still got chance...

down with flu now.
Think too much burning stuff around. It's choking up my breathing system. Yah, i miss them too...

Good Luck to U! Yellowish discharge? I've got that too. I was a bit hyper for a while before i felt very tired. So still got chance. When are u due for testing?
<font color="0000ff">Cat</font>
Have u been to zhu shen niang niang there to pray be4?? how was it ar? my MIL wanted to bring me there be4 7th mth but i dun want cos my other ttc frds experienced that their frd/relatives ask for bb from god then since is sincerity that touched god. then one day God want to take back we also bor bian. but zu shen gniang niang is different. cannot say ask for bb one lor..

i think i want to go back my gynae to do a follicles scan after my AF come this mth . I duno even i got O anot althought meneses come every mth.

hmmm... if based on last mth cycle of 28 days, i m only overdue for 1 day la. today is my CD29. my CD cycles are always 28 or 29. For the past AFs, my spotting will start ard CD26/27 already, but tis time dun hv lei... i think i still can tahan not to test so soon. wait for a few more days, who knows it's false alarm lei. cos my longest CD cycle is 32

Still on &amp; off. Days of normal discharge is so rare.

Oh, got chance orh. Then hold on. 3 more days. So excited for u. Remember to let me know hor.
Hi Chloe,

how r u these few days?Anymore aching?I have been very hungry than before,is this gd or not?Me still feel very bloated on my lower abdomen.It's been 1 wk after my IUI &amp; going to visit my gynae today.Will he know whether I strike or not during today's visit!

Hi Gals,

hope this thread will be as active as before.
hi mashy

i PM u lei... where are all the gals here? Or can i join in the msn.

hey nat/ elmo : alloooo morn.. btw do u gals still hv the online HTP to spare?

oh, i tested this morn but it's BFN lei. so i wonder it's i m really late for AF or still cant detect.
hi chua, i still feel nausea and bloated, so sian... but back in office already. Not sure gynae can tell whether u strike so soon. Thought need 12-14 DPO? i feel a bit crampy at my lower abdomen, dunno whether it is menstrual cramp, worried leh... Dr asked me to test this coming friday, which is 14 DPO, keeping my fingers crossed.
kermit, dun be sad. i know how it feels... everytime AF comes, i will feel like crying... tears will just flow lor...

chen sing, yesterday i had mild cramps, bbt also dropped by 0.2, but rised by 0.1 today. My bbt after ovulation has never been high, the highest i manage to get is only 36.6... Today, i am 10 DPO, *sigh*, i am so scared to see AF! when u going to test?

naturally, have not heard from u for quite some time. All the best to u!!!

Gals, i found this website with a lot of bbt charts, quite informative. They have the charts of pple who have PCOS and conceived as well. Take a look http://www.ovusoft.com/ourtcoyf/gallery/
Hi piggymum,

thinks my gynae will only scan to see whether I ovulated.But for pregnancy still have to wait another wk which is CD14.But my first child,I was tested pregnant after gynae saw my BBT high through blood test &amp; it was very early.Wonder will he ask me to do BBT today for the whole of next wk.

Hi kermit,

don't be sad,we will always pray for each &amp; everyone here.

Hi Chloe,

must test early friday morning &amp; inform us of the result,OK.

Hi gals,

thanks for the encourgement!Is great to know that there's always someone to share our happiness &amp; TTC feelings.
chen sing, same here, everytime test, AF will report the next day! but just too excited to test lor, sometimes know for sure it will be negative but still wanna test to confirm. Btw, which doctor are u seeing currently?

chua, if my AF does not report these few days, ok, i will test and see how. but hor, wat do u mean by "BBT high through blood test"?? Is it HCG that u are refering to?
thank lyn, chloe, chensing and dor...

*sniff sniff*

just tried for 3 months already so sickening..cannot imagine if this is prolonged...

everybody JIAYOU!
hi kermit,
don't be too upset. af also came yesterday. was a bit down but now feeling ok. going to bintan with colleagues in a couple of weeks so not so stressed abt ttc. perhaps u can try to focus on another area so u'll feel better.

I've also tried for 2 months. thought i'll strike this cycle cos af was late for 4 days. ai yah, so sian. it's not like u work hard will have results. really depend on luck lor. let's jia you together!

Kaoz! where got energy to BD everyday! hahaha!

but really it's about timing and i've read...even if you BD exactly on the day of ovulation, you will only have 33% chance of striking! aiyoooo!
