A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

chloe: maybe ur hubby is slightly or classify under MCP. maybe sit down and have a good talk abt family planning and talk to him that u require his support both physically n emotionally. Some men are real stubborn idiots, but its take time to get them understand.
if TTC is only you n you alone, there is nothing much u can do abt it. it takes 2 hands to clap.

pardon me, i have no done HSG before, but there are some of the TTCs friends here who went for it... some pains are surely involved. but there is a saying, no pain no gain.
some who has gone through HSG here, actually BFP (Big Fat Positive) after they did their HSG. So good luck, doing HSG might not be a wrong choice.

Bernice: man is a man afterall, how do you expect him to really understand you in all aspect? well its always easy to blame him for being insensitive, but also giving a second thought, its never easy for a man to go for a SA test either. The pressure n stress of waiting for the results and hoping results are ok, and what happens if they know the results arent ok? taking SA test already isnt easy, cos they have to be alone doing DIY and getting it out. both needs to play a supportive role in each others' life. i have many TTC friends who hubby gone for SA test, and how funny the guys felt abt it.

it surely real upsetting when you are always the one who keep the TTC going, esp. when pressure from family members who fail to understand and pressure from peers. Esp. CNY is getting near, and same old questions...

My principle.... Anyhow Do, Anyhow strike!

dont do for the sake of making baby, at least one will be happier making out than to make a baby.

spread some baby dust to all, hoping all will have
in 2006!!!

clarissemummy, my husband supports me physically. i should say he is very good in tangible support eg. giving me injections and bringing me to see doctor, helping me do housework after my ovulation) He still lacks in the emotional aspects though. Maybe that is the problem with man. They will only do the things that they are told to do...

Anyway, thanks everyone for bearing with me on my ttc frustration and undesirable arrival of AF. Now, i just have to move on and try to strike this cycle.
I mainly eat out. Just me and my hubby at home, too much of a hassle to cook. But I love fruits and vegetables. I do watch my diet (weight concious!). Occasional fast food.

My cycle is regular (32 days). Ovulate around day 16-18.

You sound like a healthcare professional. Are you one?
Bernice, cannot neglect red meat like beef and pork, cos iron is also very important. oh yes, not forgeting folic acid, it has to be taken even before conception. i used to ovulate around D16-D18 too! Think ur cycle quite similar to mine.

Btw, hope u dun mind me asking, are u seeing a doctor or taking any medication now?
yup I take folic acid and a regular multi-vitamin. otherwise not taking any other medication.

I have not been seeing my doctor for the last 3 months. Since he thinks that the problem lies with my husband, he gave him some medications to help to improve his counts. After taking the meds for 3 months, my hubby just went for another SA. We are still waiting for the results. If the results are good, I will try naturally for a few more months. If it is still low then I mau try IUI.
Bernice, ic. Good to hear that there is no problem at ur side. i've got PCOS and that's why having difficulty to conceive. But it takes two hands to clap, so hopefully ur hubby's soldiers are adequate.
My husband's soldiers are very difficult to predict. So far, the dr is ok with his count, just that it keeps fluctuating, ie. sometimes very good, sometimes can fall by half. So, sometimes when i manage to release 2 eggs, his sperm count drops. When i only ovulate 1 egg, his soldiers increase by 2-3 folds. So difficult to get a good match each time!

Yes, i think u should consider IUI. Since u are ovulating well, i think ur chances should be higher. Moreover, by doing IUI, sperms bypass the vagina and cervix, which may not be sperm friendly in some women.
chloe: u arent alone TTC, thats why some of us are hear to listen and give emotional support.
I was like u many moons ago, super upset when i see red. well, more stress u are, the more AF wanna come to upset us. take things easy.

Bernice: i am not one..
try having some good soup, and which helps to build ur body. when i started TTC< i make it a pt to make soup at home weekly and it helps alot to prepare our body for the TTC and the bb. I understand many will say its a hassle, but its worth it, when u BFP. dun try gng to food court and look for those soup, cos they add lots of things which is not gng to help and they add things like salt n MSG. During ur O, try to make ur hubby eat more Oysters... it helps too.
try to get a O kits to help u zero in ur O. when u are O-ing, stay relax, dun give urself stress, cos stress will produce a certain kinds of acid to deter ur TTC. ur CD is close to mine, try making out on 15,17,19
Thank you Chloe and ClarisseMummy for the valuable advices. I never thought of having good soup and oysters! I am glad to have people with similar experiences to talk to. Everybody around me seems to have no problem at all with TTC. And I work in a female environment and almost everybody is pregnant or recently been pregnant! So, cant seem to share my frustrations with them.

I will only get the SA result next week. Keeping my fingers crossed.
clarissemummy, thanks, will brave up. can share wat soup u make? do u need to use slow cooker for these soup? my husband cannot take too much oyster, he has high cholestrol... any other food that can boost sperm counts??
Bernice, although i dun work in a female env, but none of my friends have problem ttc. So also no one to share experience. This is indeed a good platform to exchange pointers and vent frustrations.
Hi Chloe,
You mention the vagina and cervix may not be sperm friendly in some women. Does it mean that the sperms cannot pass through the cervix to reach the womb? Will HSG be able to detect that as well? How can we tell? Is there a test for this? Sorry so many questions. :p
I think you can try zink suppliments. That is why oysters are good, because they contain a lot of zink. Try GNC they have zink in various doses.
Bernice: some colleagues arent so kind to share the same sentiments as you, as they failed to realise they are less fortunate ones ard them. dun be dishearten.
I get those packets of ingredients from NTUC and bring it to boil with a black chicken (de-skinned). do not add any salt or MSG to it... if you are using slow cooker, put everything into the pot before u head out to work, and once you are home after dinner, u n hubby can enjoy the soup together. those in food court are diff and of no use, as they boil the soup then transfer into the little ceramic pots. try to use chicken instead of pork.

Chloe: u can try to get some oysters from Carrefour, and make some oyster fried eggs during dinner. dun have tt so often, kekek beste to have tt when tt day u are O-ing and gng to make baby tt very nite.
its helps the little soldiers better.

bernice &amp; chloe: after ML, try to use a pillow to stack behind the buttock area to lift the butt up for 10mins.
dun go wash up immed.
dmin2, the cervical mucus can be unfriendly in some women (either too acidic or too alkaline), hence reduce the number of sperms which actually reach the egg. This is especially true for pple taking clomid like me. No, HSG cannot detect this... Mr doctor shared with me about this, but he din mention whether there is a way to determine unfriendly CM...

Bernice, thanks, will also check with dr when i next see him.

clarissemummy, thanks.
Hi Chloe,
Thanks for the explanation. You mean clomid will cause the cervical mucus to be unfriendly? My gynae did not mention this to me. Hmm.. if my tubes are clear, maybe I will continue TTCing without clomid. Anyway, see how is my HSG this Friday first.

wow...giving tips on oysters, i know u are indebted to oysters liao, kekeke

tomolo im goin for my HSG test leh, scared scared manz but heck lah, have to go for it and cheong liao, hahaha...
dmin2, are u taking clomid becos of any difficulties in ovulation? If that's the case, not wise to stop taking clomid leh... i used to take 150mg clomid (3 tabs!). My current dr is putting me on metformin and he has reduced my clomid intake to just 50mg. He's the second dr who tells me clomid can cause unfriendly CM. Although it does not affect me much, cos i am doing IUI, he is still reducing my dose.

jcml, go for it! i have also gone thru HSG. The procedure is very fast, and is not as painful as u think. Do bring along sanitory pad with u, cos there is a possibility of slight staining after the procedure.
Hi Chloe,
Actually I think I do ovulate on my own. From my BBT, my gynae says my chart looks okay. Gynae also detected that I have ovulated, around day 11/12. My gynae recommended 50g clomid for me after I asked a number of questions on why I cannot conceive. After clomid, my ovulation delayed till around day 16. So I am not really sure how clomid has helped me.

Was busy in the afternoon. I think some gals have answered ur queries wrt blood test. It has nothing to do with HSG. The blood test is only to check the hormone level. I just did it after lunch today...guess what, it costs me $140...
...by the way, also checked with the nurse HSG itself costs $175 and can only be done within 7-10 days from day 1 of the period...and you have to abstain from sex from day 1....

Would you mind sharing with me on the IUI cost? someone told me it is only about a few hundred dollars, but some said that it could reach 1K plus all the medicine and scan etc. Is it true?

No worries.
Wah, $140.. So when will you know the results? Btw, will we know the HSG results on the same day? Cos the nurse asked me to see my gynae after my HSG test.

My IUI, including the IUI procedure, washing of the sperms, scans and HSG jab, costs around $400 (exclusive of medicine). The only medicine I took is clomid, which is rather cheap, think $10 for 5 tablets only. Hubby took multi-vit. Each bottle costs around $80 (think got 80 or 100 tablets). To us, the cost is reasonable, if it helps to increase our chances. But too bad, failed twice.
Yes you will know the HSG result right away as the procedure is being done. Just ask the person doing it for you. The blood test results might take 2 days. Where did you do your IUI?

Your HSG is cheaper than mine. Mine was $225. It was done in NUH. Blood test was around the same price.
lol chen sing.. folic acid is meant for u not him leh.. keke u so cute.
Men are Men after all.. of cos they are sensitive. how to talk him out of the box, u will have to find way n means to tell him... to go a detail check up, so its easy to zero in to the problem where it lies.
Oysters no need to take everyday.. i think if everyday i oso wont encourage, try only O-ing time... dun eat it like continuous 3 days in a row, i am sure he oso cant tahan. so many one of the O-ing day will be good n enough.
no need to eat fresh oysters, what i did was to fry the oysters with eggs.
at least it wont look so eerie..
have u try using O kits to help? cos using BBT not very easy to Spot the O-ing period.
who knows after using O kits, u strike? and dun have to waste money on the HSG.
chensing, my mom also ask my husband to eat more lady's fingers and tomatos, cos she said it is good for him. It is slightly different from ur case, cos my mom knows that my husband is ok and i am the one having problems. Probably that's why, my husband is not offended, but took things with a positive light.

For ur case, i guess, ur husband may feel that ur mom is hinting that he got problems... Putting that aside, i think u should still persuade him to go for the test, not to prove to others that he is ok, but more becos u need to get this done to be one step closer to ur goal. Even if the test turns out to be no good (*touch wood*), it is really up to u whether to tell ur parents. i chose not to when my husband's spermies were not up to expectation previously.

Gestures, be it out of good or bad intention from other parties could turn out to be damaging. i felt very upset too when my BIL intuitively hinted that the problem lies with me (even though we have never shared with him that i've got fertility problems!)... so, dun take wat ur husband said to heart.
Hi ladies,
I would like to purchase some home ovulation kits online. But not too sure which is the most reliable and cheapest website that sell them??? Do u ladies have any advise?? Thanks in advance.
chensing, depends on how accurate is ur cycle. ur bbt might be a good indication. Will be good if u have collected the last few months of bbt, then from there, u should be able to see a trend to predict when u will ovulate. For myself, minimally i used 2 sticks.

Maybe ur husband pai seh to go for the test? The first time is always the most difficult. My husband had problems producing the sample initially. How about asking ur husband to produce at home?
chen sing: miracles dont happen overnight. give urself and the kits sometime. Depends how many times u wanna test. i used 3 sticks.
u try ordering from the internet, cheaper than those Clear Plan out on sale in Watsons.

u also know i got hsg ar? how u know ar? oh no, i must have announced to the whole world liao, kekeke...

my hsg i think is ok coz i have not gone for my review yet. so hw are u? you going for lap operation or hsg? i also blur liao
hi jcml,

hhehhehe u mention in this thread mah..u so funny

i actually post a qn on laproscopy sometime last 2 weeks ago and u r the first one to reply to it hehehe but u mention abt hsg. i've done my lapro, no blockage so now doc want me to go for IUI coz of unexplained fertility problems

u went for the lap operation liao?? i dun understand leh, why must do lap operation to check for blocked tubes?? can't HSG detect the problem?

so hw are you feeling now? must rest more okie?
Hi jcml

How is your HSG? is it painful? I am supposed to do it sometime this week...a bit scared...some ppl said it is quite painful one....

by the way, did ur Dr tell u not to TTC for 3 mth after HSG cause x-tray may have some negative impact on the baby....? Thx!

I think X-ray don't stay in the body one...

Some pple go back immediately BD...quite a few of the gals strike the 1st cycle after their HSG. I also went for my HSG last month..gynae only say no BD from menses till HSG test.

Painful some pple, only mild cramps for other....what ever it is , it will be over in a few minutes. good luck.

har? no lah i dun tink after HSG cannot BD for 3 months leh, as what dawn has said, some people actuali strike after they had their HSG coz the HSG caused the fallopian tubes to be wider and easier for the swimmers to swim towards the egg, something like that

for me HSG is not painful but uncomfortable. You really have to relax and dun think too much. If you are very tense then of coz it will turn out to be painful lor
Hi ladies,

Sorry to intrude..I've never posted here altho' I sometimes lurk around here to see wat u gals r talking about

I am also TTC'g and would like to check if any of you took Clomid and TCM at the same time and conceive? If so, can tell me which TCM sinseh u saw?
Hi JCML/Dawn

Thx for the advice.

Hi Marble

Think better check with your gynae. Some TCM may have some negative impact on clomid. When I take clomid, I don't take bai feng wan...
hi jcml,

if my tubes are found blocked, the lap surgery can help to remove the blockage, if possible. i know it is an invasive procedure, but i'm desperate for baby now, so i just go for the surgery...so i'm killing 2 birds with 1 stone

hi marble, i used to take clomid when i went to see a pte doc but i kept on having cysts after that. I was ovulating too much according to the doc. Then i change to KK gynae and blood test showed that i can ovulate myself, so KK gynae didnt give me any clomid.
Hi piggymum,

i dun take bai feng wan anymore coz i've heard it's not so good for endometriosis which i have.

Hi rms, wat was your clomid dosage? my gynae is suggesting clomid as i did not want to try injections after my op to remove my endo cysts. my tubes were blocked as well and he suggested clomid to increase my chances of conception.

Hi Marble,

I also have endometriosis. Found out when I did laproscopy last December. Can you tell me why bai feng wan is not so good for people like us?

Thanks :)
