A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

liz.. i oso wanna join u leh. haha..

YA true...rem last time if din cm eat pineapple ..haaa ,,siao rite =P

act i been TTC quite long..but no news.. last yr i take 13mths to strike my 1st one but too bad ...than start TTC on apr06 till nw no news..
haiz sumtm like fated.. tt tm i was on clomid so strike at the 2nd cycle.. nw i jus wan it to b naturally.. Hope god give me =)


I wann to join u toooooooooooo.......
zenia- the blood stain is gone! really duno wat's tat. usually once i see blood stain, AF will follow shortly after that. actually i started 3 mths back, paiseh to say also. sort of regretted not starting after AD lor but hb says to have er ren shi jie 1st. hee.. how abt u?
YA true...rem last time if din cm eat pineapple ..haaa ,,siao rite =P

act i been TTC quite long..but no news.. last yr i take 13mths to strike my 1st one but too bad ...than start TTC on apr06 till nw no news..
haiz sumtm like fated.. tt tm i was on clomid so strike at the 2nd cycle.. nw i jus wan it to b naturally.. Hope god give me =)


I wann to join u toooooooooooo.......
YA true...rem last time if din cm eat pineapple ..haaa ,,siao rite =P

act i been TTC quite long..but no news.. last yr i take 13mths to strike my 1st one but too bad ...than start TTC on apr06 till nw no news..
haiz sumtm like fated.. tt tm i was on clomid so strike at the 2nd cycle.. nw i jus wan it to b naturally.. Hope god give me =)


I wann to join u toooooooooooo.......

ANT- no.. MY 1st preg , BB NO HeartbeAT..so done a d & c ON jan06 SO I STarTED ttc ON ApR06..HOPE 2 STRike sooner
joy: haha.. true lor..
that time I was looking forward for AF manz..

icic.. why are u on clomid? are your cycles regular? actually I went kkh and consulted the gynae about my blood test results and he suggested that I take clomid leh.. but HB objected when he read the phamplet on the side effects.. I have never thought of taking clomid leh.. got a shock when the gynae suggested cos my mense are regular.. so, quite doubtful with his advice..

ant: thats great!! hope its gone and never return.. until 9 mths later.. keke.. me ah.. on my dun know 15 or 16 cycle liao.. (1 year plus).. started ttc once after AD cos not young anymore.. chances are getting slimmer as months passes..

ya my M nt irregular ..sumtm long sumtm short..but after clomid my CD bcm v short at 24 days. .. hope tis tm i can strike without anytin..jus naturally.. =)
dodo - me too when my BBT drop to 36.39 on dpo15, then my menses will come...frankly speaking, monitor until veri stress...

joy, ant - ya loh agreed never noe TTC so difficult, i really tot if off protection sure will kana...regretted that did not start early. both hb and me wanted to have er ren shi jie oso...sigh...

gals - All the best and good luck...
joy- we will strike one day! got to persereve on

zenia- yalor hope i dun have to see red for the nxt 10 mths! =P how come u need to take clomid since ur cycle is regular?
zenia & ant - hope to hear good news from u!

dolp4 - true... tt's why BBT very accurate for me, when it drops, it means i got to prepare for the worst already.... ya, it's stressful... but slowly it becomes a routine to me already...my hand will automatically stretch to get the thermometer once my alarm ring...hee... :p
dodo - ya actually really become a daily rountine for me also...hand automatically reach for the thermometer when the alarm ring... :p

gals- yest i went my mum's hse to have dinner. She told me that my cousin was pregnant again. It was her second kid. Then she also said my BIL side his sister also pregnant. She just got married this year. Then my mum asked me whether i got any good news. I replied her not yet. She did not asked me further. At that moment, my heart really sank to the bottom with all these news. Luckily, my mum already had 8 grandchildren. If not, wait for me duno until when...but, my PIL side, no grandchildren yet. Although they did not press me, this made me even more guilty.

Let's hope our wishes will be granted soon...
Hi Zenia

I gotta know that I have cysts and endo thr' v-scan... I dun think u r able to tell that u r having cysts juz based on blood test...

Hi Dodo...

Ohhhhh.... soooooo sweet... yr hubby must be very touched lor... u make it to the airport afterall... hehehe... nice surprise hor...

Hi Dolp4

For mi and my HB... we were not the "favourite" of the family... so also lucky coz both my and his parents also nvr pester us to have bb... but of course, I wish to have at least one... more for myself... not so much to shut the mouth of my relatives... hehehe... Dun be guilty... u wanted to have bb too wat... u tried yr best, so no need to be guilty abt... but everytime, i heard my frens getting preggy... i felt happy for them but at the same time... sad for myself... but kept telling myself... it's fated... u gain some.. u lose some... maybe god wanted me to have more time wif my hubby...

act i same feelin with u .. tt tm my MIL jus told me that her relative tt recently married gt preg N one of her neighbour married same mth as me oos preg.. Wow after i heard my heart oso sank dwn
as i try so long but hvnt strike..
yuki - yup... he very touched indeed...
we hugged each other for so long and blocked the way of other passengers... :p

dolp4 & yuki - i very agree with yuki... i really wish to have one at least, more for myself n hubby... and maybe a small part is bcoz of my father-in-law, coz he's 70+ yr old and dun have a granchild yet... wish that my wish will be granted soon
very true abt the gain some n lose some part as well... as we still able to enjoy the romantic & loving couplehood... with kids, i believe more attention will be given to them loh...
hi yuki & joy - thanks...ya, happy for others but sad for ourself...

this sun still got my good fren's bb shower to attend, must really shou1 shi4 hao3 xin1 ging2...
me too.. my mum alwz update me about so n so is preg already, then ask how come i stil no news? she also tink that getting preg is very easy!

anyone experienced implementation bleeding?
poissons: I left the phamplet at home.. will reply u tonight.. I remember reading one of the point as will have miscarriage..

ant: ya lor.. thats why I very doubtful on him leh.. one of the gynae from kkh.. actually, when i ask him some question about BBT, he say he doesn't know anything about it.. wah sey.. think he not very experience leh..

dodo and dolp: hmmm... my temp this morning drop till 36.40.. oso think AF on its way liao.. so, normally, ur AF came on the same day or the next day?

my fz exp b4.. nw she ard 6mths preg ,, tat tm she told me she hvin implementation bleeding durin her mid cycle, n ltr on she found she was preg n she was v surprised..

Good luck to u! hope the mornin bleedin is yr implementating
hi poissons,
when i told clomid, i had bouts of hot flush and headaches....and u will also feel bloated....i think the side effects will depends on individual....
zenia- lidat tink u beta seek 2nd opinion.

joy- i really hope so. suddenly feel cramps in my stomach now, feels like AF coming anytime! i went to read on implantation bleeding, says will occur 6-12 DPO. but i already 15DPO
poissons: ya.. as char mention, its based on individual on how ones health reacts to the medicine.. are u taking clomid now or u are planning to take? did u get the doc for advice?

ant: ya.. thats why asking the ladies here on some of my blood test results.. gal.. dun worry too much about the red thing u saw this morning.. as what joy mention, we are defeated only when it come flowing out.. keke.. relax ya.. haha.. aiyo.. make me until so kancheong.. haha..
ant: haha.. no worries.. tease you only..
maybe I've gone thru too many cycles of disappointment until now abit numb liao.. this time round, didn't even bother to buy HPT kits.. last time, I always brought extras jus in case I can test it anytime.. haha.. crazy right.. more over, try to think in this way that, if didn't strike this month, its better for AF to come asap cos can start new cycle.. so, a new hope again.. AF dun come will jus keep us on suspence.. which I feel more uneasy lor.. mind keeps thinking and getting more sensitive with our body..
Hi Zenia,
Thanks for the info. Nope, my AF quite regular so my gynae never mention about me taking clomid. Just that i read in the forum discussion that some gals took clomid cos' they have irregular period, after a couple of mths later they striked liao.

Fwah, if really might result in miscarriages after taking, then it sounds dangerous!

Have you thought of taking a vacation with your hubby then BD during the trip to increase the chances of striking? My gf tried for coming to 2 yrs but no news until she went for a vacation with the hubby and they striked! Made in USA...haha. My hubby and I both busy with work so can't afford the time...sigh..
i jus saw blood again. AF is here

zenia- guess i have to pick myself up n learn from all of u here
look on the positive side, can start on new cycle again!
wondering if baby oil has any harmful effects on the spermies? just came to my mind that all along we been using that as a lubricant n probably y we cldnt strike? maybe shd try pressed this coming cycle!
ant: yup.. jus try again.. a new hope is on its way..
gal.. how come u use baby oil? can meh? I'm using preseed currently.. but when I detect EWCM, i didn't use.. hee.. cos can some save $$.. :D

possions: icic.. mine oso regular.. normally what is your cycle length? emm.. mind if i ask how long have u been ttcing?
zenia: my cycle length is about 32 days. AF always come on the same date of every month, except this month cos' I think I took medication as I was down with high fever. Been ttcing since July this year, 3 months liao.
hi possons,

From the phamplet I got from KKH..

side effects, risk and disappointment
*Known side effects include hot-flushes, blurring of vision, dizziness and headache. However, they are rarely occur.

There is a 10% chance of multiple pregency occuring, usually a twin pregency. There is also a slight increase in miscarriages.

A small group of patients will not respond to clomid and will need other fertility drugs and these are usually in the form of injections.
Hi Ant

Think it's better not to use babyoil as lubricant if u r trying for a bb.... dunno if babyoil is conducive for sperm or not... it's better to use preseed...

Hi Possons

I have taken clomid before and my body didn't respond well to clomid... I have headache... fever and i felt very very tired...
zenia/yuki- tink i beta stop using baby oil =P wil go buy pre-seed. is it available at pharmacy? ex? i read somewhere that saliva is not gd for the spermies too?

was telling hb ytd that the key word is really to RELAX! tink we too preoccupied with making bb whenever we BD. from now on, shall jus enjoy the process n expect the unexpected!
now i noe y my tummy bigger, perhaps all the spermies residing there now?
Hi Ant

Ya lor... think Preseed is available @ the isetan's scotts pharmacy... it's kinda ex... so think u can continue to use baby oil during yr non-fertile period and use preseed during yr fertile period lor... save cost mah... ehhehe...

Gals, this cycle... I think I O early... but too bad... didn't manage to BD a day before or on O itself... so think not much chance... but at least, this cycle shows a distinct rise... so more at ease that I did O this cycle... ehhehe... today is my 3 DPO... still a long way to go...
thanks for the info on clomid!

how come you never try testing OPK earlier? for me, i find it wierd this month..i have been testing since CD12, today already CD18 but it's still negative! sigh..maybe this month no O..so sad..
thks dolp, we shall all jia you tog

yuki- gd idea! keke.. hw ex is it? wana prepare myself. this month n next super broke cos lots of weddings to attend. can faint!

new cycle new start n new hope.. jus relax...=)

i oso if nv strike i wan to try pressed again...I have fz who try pressed once n strike ..


last tm i oso takin clomid.. i dun really hv mani side effect but strike at the 2nd cycle.. but end up found tt BB no heartbeat.. but gyane told me is nt the clomid prob.. who noe rite..


today is my DPO 7.. one week to go....i alway v anxious..haa
