A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

really ah? my cycle is 32 days, prob this cycle the length is longer cos' I had my AF 2 days late. usually I will O around CD15 or CD16, but today it's already CD18..no sight of O. But i dun care lah, juz BD on alternate days, who knows right? hee..

jus check the online calculator, wil only O'ed end of this mth. wah super long leh!

poissons- yea! jus BD on alternate days. u nvr noe
i plan to do tat too. hehe!
Hi Poissons

I nvr been able to catch the rite time to use OPK... ended up nvr get +ve... so gave up on OPK liao... coz too stressful... I still prefer to use BBT... though I only know that I've ovulated... For mi, I will start BD as and when possible from CD 10... but too bad... over the weekends coz gotta attend 3 weddings... so ended up too tired to BD lor...
that's y missed the O day mah...

For u, think juz continue to BD... there may be 2 possibilities... 1) you have O'd but not reflected by OPK... 2) you were too stressful these few days... that's y, yr O delayed...

Hi Ant

If I'm not wrong is $39.90... hahhaa... ya lor... this mth I also many weddings to attend... and on top of that still got funeral... gosh... spending too much liao...

Hi Joy

Yrs 1 week more only leh... for mi it's 1 1/2 weeks more... hahahaha... luckily during then is the super long weekends and I'm going to Ipoh... so won't be so anxious... thing more excited abt the trip lor... coz I think this mth very slim chance of striking liao...

ya true ger..who noe will strike..Good luck!

but i cant manage to BD alter days..hubby oso late hm =(
so hope tt my little chances can strike ...=)
dopl: thanks.. my temp today again 36.42.. almost the same as yesterday 36.40.. hmmm... hopefully, AF to come asap If i really didn't strike.. getting impatient on this waiting game leh..its killing me...

ant: if I remember correctly, preseed cost 49.90.. for 6 pkts..
and ya.. i oso read saliva may kill sperm.. thats why try not to oral.. :D

joy: em.. i oso dun know leh.. maybe lor.. but what interest me is the mulitple pregency.. haha.. good hor.. but HB say I crazy..
yuki/zenia- thks! will go check out this wkend

yuki- u going ipoh ah? i just went there last mth. drove there n it's super long! must try the ipoh horfun. very nice! slurpz

zenia- i also tot twins will be great! hehe! then can close shop already. but hb says twice the cost, twice of everything!
Hi Joy

ya lor... going for trip... so time pass faster... and even if AF comes... not so sad mah... but of course... hope it doesn't come lah...

I've been TTC for nearly 1 yr liao... since Dec last yr, after my 1st op... but was really active only in Jan/Feb... But too bad, in June, cysts came back... so stop for a mth again... so all in all... maybe abt 1/2 yr lor.. heheheh... but already gotten used to the disappointments liao...

Hi Ant

Ya lor... I think the drive will be very long... but it's my hubby driving mah... hehehe... so i juz sit and sleep lor... and maybe feed him wif sweets and tibits... Ya... will sure go try the Ipoh hor fun... everybody tell me the same thing... hehehee...

I also wanted twins... but think my chances very slim... when I was young, I always tot I will have twins... coz my mum is a twin mah... so "ge dai yi chuan" I shld have also... hehehe... good mah... best is "long feng dai" then can close shop liao... hehehhehe...
Hi Zenia

Hehehehe... when my gynae told me to talk clomid... I also hope that I will get twins... so happily took it... but of course, mine is more for medical reasons lah... but in the end nvr give me twins... gave me cysts instead... luckily not twin cysts... otherwise both ovary also bo liao... ;p
yuki- it's really very long drive! keke. my hb n i took turns to drive but he drove longer lah, till he cannot take it already then i take over! hehe. if not when i drive, he sure got lots of comments, me very pissed!
hey ur mum is a twin then shd have higher chance rite?
but didn't the gynae check whether your body can take clomid? or he/she to advice to stop when u have certain discomfort after taking the pill?
actually i read from some webby that there is also another way to induce O by injection.. so, currently, I did consider that as in, will try the injection first then clomid if my 2nd blood test on progestrone is bad..

gal.. did ur HB went for SA? actually I'm also searching info on this as my HB normal form is 8% only.. that KKH gynae say its normal but what we read/found is those below 14% is adnormal leh (Teratozoospermia).. aiyo.. start to feel that this gynae dun know how he pass his medi cert one..

i oso since TTC from nov04.. haizz
ger i rem Diana ser she oso hvin cyrst tt tm n she removed it on feb06 nw she nw preg with afew mths.. Will b yr turn sooner or ltr... =)
Hi Ant

Ya lor... I was telling my hubby I better no drive later he more stress than when he's driving it... hehehe... so we decided that once he's tired... we juz find a place to sit and drink lor.. coz this is supposingly a relaxed trip also...

Hi Zenia

Well.. for my 1st cycle, I reacted well to Clomid... my progesterone level went up... but after that 1st cycle... dunno why... somehow my body rejected liao.. so, can't blame my gynae lah... I some more take blood test every cycle that I took clomid... maybe, it's my cysts conditions... my gynae is also trying to get me preggy before a relapse... but too bad, the relapse came faster...

Wat injection is that? can share abit more?

I couldn't quite recall what's my hubby's readings liao... coz it's been awhile since he took the test... but his was normal too...
Hi Ant

Now that only left wif 1 ovary... can O very good liao... dun dare to dream of twins anymore...

Hi Joy

Hope so lor... praying very hard every cycle...
ya LOR..I Oso PRaYin Hard hard...hope to b my turn.. u noe i tot that normally for TTC age 20-29 is a beta age to conceive but like no leh... many ladies at the age oso TTC for quite awhile..haizzz
yuki- gd to go on a relaxing trip, who noes u may strike during the trip! bb made in ipoh!! hehe!

joy- tat time i went to this seminar n the doc says the best age for woman to conceive is between 22-26 yrs old! after that still can lah but chances lower lor..
yuki: icic.. hmmm... at least some precautions are taken by taking blood test every cycle when on clomid. As for the injection, the doc will induce ovulation by giving u a hormonal jab to and to induce the ovulation when the egg is ready. It makes it more effective since you know exectly when you can try. but still need to find out more info on its side effects and etc..

gal, did u ever consider IUI? As for the SA result, that doc oso say 8% is normal leh but sigh.. he did not give me a confident ans lor.. especially when i sask him about bbt and opk, he know nothing about it.. and keep saying I too kan cheong.. buay tahan.. waste my consultatation $$$.. haha..
Hi Joy

I already pass that age liao... think nowsaday pple normally start TTC later...

Hi Ant

Won't be lah... that's my 2ww... so i probably will receive good news or bad news during the trip lor...

Hi Zenia

KK Hos izzit? Is like that one lah... think the doc there not very professional lor.. maybe day in day out deal wif too many gals trying to get preggy liao... so quite bo chap lor... that's y i rather spend abit more go for private gynae lor... at least.. they answer to yr enquiries and put u at ease.. hehehe...

As for IUI or IVF... my hubby not interested.. he prefer to try naturally... We have agreed that by 35...if still nothing then we will go for adoption lor... anyway, now so many children got nobody to care for... so, it's also consider a good deed mah...
Hi ladies.. Latest up date.. my AF is here.. phew.. finally.. this month delay for 3 days.. actually, i dun feel stress this month leh.. dun know what cause the delay.. normally, very zhun one.. once hit 34 days, then AF arrive liao..
yuki: ya.. kkh lor.. aiya.. actually I try to save some cost oso.. i did have a pte gynae but wanna take the blood test at a cheaper price.. keke.. bo bian.. think need to go back to him liao..

gal.. u know anything about egg mornitering?

22-26... but for me i like oso hard.. =(
like my col she at her age 33 got married but she strike the followin mth..so fated bah =(
Hi Zenia

Dunno leh... sometimes I also like that... dun feel stressed but AF still delay... maybe, too used to stress liao... so didn't realise bah..

Hi Zenia

My gynae also didn't explain much abt the SA report since it's normal... maybe that's y, KKH nvr explain?

Hi Joy

Ya lor... juz fate lah... so juz pray hard lor...
thanks for the gd luck! haha..we are also trying our best to BD alternate, actually for the first 2 mths, my HB cannot dong and can't perform if BD on alternate, but somehow this month he can leh, maybe he secretly went to take tongkat ali..haha! I used to urge him to BD, but now he's the one who initiated. Bet he wants bb badly..
zenia- hw long is ur cycle? we can pace each other
hee... my cramps super bad today. no mood to work at all
jus feel like sleeping!

joy- believe it's God's will. we will have ours one day

poissons- u so funny!
but gd tat ur hb can perform now! keke
zenia- sometimes we tot we r not stress but actually deep inside we r still struggling with this TTC thingy so 'qian yi shi' stress we oso duno...now ur AF came liao, start a new cycle, new hope

poissons- ya, dun care just whack... :p

zenia/ant/joy/yuki -i oso tot of if can strike twins (long feng tai)wow good leh...one time pain and close shop...no more worry... hehe

I wish all the gals who are TTCing get BFP soon...Good Luck!!

The haze really irritating making me cough...
all the mummies pls stay indoor as much as poosible...
dolp- i agree, sometimes we unknowingly put stress on ourselves which we may not be aware. trying to kan4 kai1 now

now left 3 more hours. if wan to take mc, whole day beta! hehe. hope time passes fast today!
Hi poisson

Ya lor... I hope that my hubby also more "desperate" in wanting bb... coz now he like always say he's tired leh... so ended up always nvr BD...

But on the other hand... luckily he's not so "desperate" lor... sekali... divorce me coz cannot give birth... ;p
ant- oso rite left a few hr only, maybe take tomorrow and have a good rest...

joy - Pray hard for you and oso the rest of the gals...

never see dodo post...maybe too busy... caityln oso MIA...hope she is ok...

my colleague sent me some pic of cartoon pig veri cute but still figuring how to detach...me stulut...tot of sharing with you gals... ;p
yuki - if he really divorce you then he not worth your love for him. I believe ur hb love you...

my hb also not very eager as compare to me...but the good thing is he really support me loh if not i defintely go nut...I found that all the hb here are caring and supporting to their wives which i feel veri touch...
dolp- tmw shd be beta. my 2nd day is the worst

my hb also not very eager abt ttc but like u, he's a pillar of support to me. when i told him my AF came ytd, he said no hurry we still young can try again n enjoy er ren shi jie 1st. hee...

today my body n hand hv burnin feelin..n since last thurs.. i bafter eatin any meals i feel v sick...nw my gastric feelin throwin out
ant- ok, poor thing...try to drink some warm water or place something warm on your abdomen. ya enjoy er ren shi jie as much as we can...once strike is san ren shi jie if twin then si ren shi jie. haha...
Hi Ant

At least u can still make it to work... I can't even stand straight... so always MC lor... my MC going to used up liao...

some more I'm in HR... even worst...

I always use hot water bag to make me feel better... in office when there's no hot water bag... I used water bottle...

Hi Dolp4 .... juz joking lah.. my hubby won't do that lah... hehhehe...

Hi Joy

Are u preggy or are u sick? Coz symptoms look almost the same leh...
I oni in MY 7 DPO leh.. i tink no..mre like gastric flu.. but oni today feel burnin..esp hand
n my BBT oni 36.6
but gers

if i can strike tis mth .. i will b v v happy..anyway dun tink so muc ..if nt when AF reportin will feel mre disppointed ..
hi dolp4
Thks 4 the concern =)....funny is in the morn notin happen gastric ok but after lunch becm bad:S...n my hand still feel burnin tis morn..mayb heaty .. haha..i beta dun hu shi ruan xiang..but tis mornin BBT drop abit..but my themometer oso 1 demical pt... use 2 demical one is beta rite.
Suddenly got fever... felt terrible... wanna sleep but still at work place

Tonite still got bowling tournament... dunno still can play or not...

hi morning

dolp4 - hihi... yup, very busy wi work these few days...hardly have time to "visit" here :p

yuki - take care gal... ur temp seems high leh... wana consult a doc? dun do sports if feeling unwell k.. have plenty of rest...
