A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


sorry to interrupt,

revcently my galfren wif only ONE TUBE & OVARY, somemore hv cyst is PREGNANT NATURALLY!! she is same age as ur colleague
She went thru 2 lapro n open surgery before, failed SO_IUI and IVF early this yr

so wat can I say?? It's a miracle!! she is expecting a princess

Hi Apple,
My gynae at Gleneagles is Dr Chan KH. An old man and fatherly figure. Saw from the pics in his clinic that he has delivered ex Prime Minister's grand kid! Anyway, have discussed with my hubby that if dun strike by next month, we going back to see him again for further tests. Perhaps this time will test HSG, hubby's SA and etc.

Hi Doplp4,
thanks for the encouragement..let's work hard together! gd luck to you too!

Hi happyger,
So good to hear about your gf's good news. I will share with my colleague abt it, she's not mentally strong and has been rather upset lately. This piece of news will definitely cheer her up
hey poissons, we'll jia you together..

Tonight at 9.30pm TV8 got this programme hey baby hosted by evelyn tan and her hb. they interviwed some couples who had tried very long and finally succeeded. Gynae Peter Chew from Gleneagles also there to give advice on some fertility issue. Quite informative...u may want to watch if you din know abt this pogramme.

happyger-ya is really a miracle...really happy for your gf. sometimes, i start to wonder is it all fated...
Hi dolp4,

thanks for the info..I'm aware of this programme, last wk they featured 2 couples who had fertibility probs but nevertheless they were still successful and are happy parents now.

Started to BD 2 days ago though have yet reached O. Haha...wanna get into the mood first ma. today tested OPK but still negative. this month I will not let hubby know when I O, so that he will not be pressurised to perform..haha.
krissie, u can get it at NHG pharmacy, ie pharmacies in polyclinics in the western side of s'pore. got mine at bt batok.
morning all...

sigh~ my menses reported on sat night... so sad... gonna start all over again... though disappointing, will still try to remain optimistic
elizabeth - may i wnquire somethg regarding dr du from u? roughly how much her consultation cost? i know tt the 1st visit she will refer us to dr fong @ gleneagles for a detailed chekup right? may i know an estimation cost for this as well? thanks
Hi Happyger

Yr msg gave me alot of hopes... coz I'm like yr friend... gone thr' 2 rounds of lap / open surgery to remove cysts... and one tube and one ovary... juz that my hubby refuse to try IVF or IUI... so, till now, we are trying naturally....

Hopefully, one day.. will be like yr friend... can ask if yr fren is taking any medication or seeing TCM?

Dun b sad..jus tell ourselves ..if failed try again., till success =)
One of my glfz told me she hv her 1st BB at her least expect..she TTC abt a few mth but no news so she jus relax n dun tink so much abt TTC n she strike..
joy - thanks for the encouragements..
ya, will take it easy... my mum keep telling me dun let this ttc thingy affect my life... shd always cherish the couplehood time with my hubby... i agree wi u, things normally come when they are least expected
YA Dodo

my mum n my best fz oso told me jus take it easy.. enjoy life 1st..dun tink that much..


Saw En HUi attached the link abt the TCM can help in conception, there is a going to be a workshop organised by MediaCorp. Im interested with it.. hehe
will get the ticket tis few days..
dodo- happy tat u r still optimistic!
enjoy er ren shi jie 1st! i'm still having sore boobs for like 4 days already! no other symptoms leh.
good morning ladies

how's weekend? My gynea visit on Sat went well...finally saw the sac..me n HB felt very relieved but will continue to pray hard. Going to see gynea again in 2 weeks' time. Had some cramping...so took a jab and medicine to calm the uterus. Thank you for the prayers and well wishes...appreciate alot alot

Dodo, Dr. Du's consultation fee is one-time $50. Subsequent visits you only pay for herbs she prescribe to you. Dr. Du will refer you and hubby to Dr. Fong (Gleneagles) for SA analysis for HB - $120+++ approximately (cant remember) and my scan is to check for fibroids, size of egg and any complications in the womb (Dr.Fong's consultation is $60, scan about $40). I know i didnt spend more than $300 for all.
zenia - i exp it abt two weeks before i tested positive.. =)

dodo - hugz. at least hb back liao! yup.. dun let ttc affect ur life too much.. enjoy e er ren shi jie u have now...

elizabeth - ur gynae says not supposed to have cramping ah? my gynae says cramping is normal leh..

i guess you O-ed on CD20. O takes place during the day with the lowest BBT typically. and besides you had EWCM too! did you managed to BD that day. If i were you, according also to Dr du's recommendation, i would have BD-ed CD20 morning and night, and then CD21 night to maximise chance of catching the eggie.


so glad you saw the sac. you had the progesterone jab? pain right?


both Dr Du and Dr Fang don't like to see cramping in their patients, they think it's not good. uterus stretching to them should be like pulling feeling and not like cramps.
kermit - oic.. i also dunno how to describe how i feel.. but i dun really exp it.. been feeling nauseaous since sat.. not sure if it's morning sickness of gastric flu.. sianz
thanks joy

caitlyn, my gynea said supposed to feel normal, too much cramping might cause bleeding so he prescribe uterus-relaxing med to help relax the uterus.
maybe diff gynea got diff school of thoughts

you are sick huh? *pat pat* must get well soon. drink lots of water. the nauseous feeling could be MS. try to eat small small meals throughout the day.

hehe! i know what you mean, i was in a daze until about 10 or 11 weeks. completely zombie-fied. no interest in anything, no appetite, no energy. just feel sooo sick but i was supposed to be the lucky few who was not merlion-ing. cannot imagine if i was also vomiting. Wah! dunno how i would have pulled through!
hi kermit..thanks
yeah the jab v painful...until now backside still hurts when walking..

i am starting to feel nausea and have this taste in the mouth..but still can eat big meals..hee...

question, when u in 1st trimster, did u attend weddings?

i didn't have any weddings to attend. actually i am not pantang so i would have gone. but i think the effect is how you feel about going. if you think like a bit not so good to go, then DON'T GO cos if you have that guilty feeling, it will affect you emotionally.

that taste in the mouth, very erxin right?
think i am the few who put on weight during the first tri because only when i eat i don't feel that weird taste.

i had the jab like 4 times i tell you! jab until both backside sooo pain!
joy - i dunno how many weeks i'm in.. coz my menses super irregular.. but shld be abt 6 weeks? din expect MS to start so early..

kermit - hee.. i really wondering if i'm just sick.. psychologically projecting MS on myself.. or MS. now trying to eat, minute food go in, feel pukey.. but i DARNED HUNGRY!! sob sob sob
actually i dont pantang..but my mom told me not to go...i didnt even think about it. i asked to be jiemei!!! guess i will turn it down to not over-exert myself but will go for dinner to feast!!

4x jab...wah...i can imagine the pain...i one jab already..v v painful..i actually screamed slightly when dr. fong jab..he was startled..hee

mayb yr MS starts..

isiz yr chest there feelin nauseaous n feel vomitin? than seem like gastric flu feelin?
i recently like tis...mine mayb due to weather..as i oni in my CD24..hehhe
but i still can eat alot too..
Hi Elizabeth,

Are you seeing Dr Du? Can I check with you, before Dr Du went away for her long trip, did she give you medicine she labelled as A, B and C? Is C the one for progesterone and to be taken during luteal phase? I got mine a little mixup so need some clarification and hope you can help. Thanks.
hi marble,
I didnt see Dr. Du before she went to italy so didnt get any medicine from her..sorry cant help. But she is back tmr, can try to sms or call her tmr
Hi Caitlyn,
it may be ur MS starting liao...mine started when I was in week 5..it was horrible, whole day hv the nauseous feeling and feels giddy..no appetite at all.
Now I'm in my 9th week and hv just started vomiting. I really cannot wait for all these sickness to end....

kermit, u are so lucky! u are one of those few who does not suffer fr MS! envy envy..haha
Hi Caitlyn

Do take care of yourself... MS can be pretty tiring...

Hi Tami

Long time never see u online.. How are u getting on wif yr pregnancy?
Hi Caitlyn,
I think you can start to take note if any particular food that makes you have MS and u can avoid them...
so envy kermit,lucky lucky not to have MS....
me already merlion until my guts are coming out...for just today , have merlion my lunch and 2 tea breaks.....so hungtry now....
Hi dodo, dun be discourage okie.. its a cycle for all ttc ladies here.. think mine coming too.. bbt drop from 36.64 yesterday to 36.55 today.. my AF is due tomorrow..

Hi kermit: Thanks for your comments..
didn't BD on CD 20 morning.. cos both of us rushing for work.. ony manage to BD in the evening of CD 20 and CD 22.. aiyo.. wasted hor.. should have BD on CD 21.. didn't think of that..

Hi all ladies.. I got back my blood test results today.. need some advices on the Progesterone level.. mine is 27.80 nmol/L is this okie?
hi joylee,

ca share more info about the workshop organised by MediaCorp? I'm interested too but not able to find any info from their webby leh. Thanks in advance..
Today, my BBT went up to 36.46 from 36.13... so think I've O liao... but too bad, I only managed to BD on Saturday... nvr BD on Sunday or Monday... so I think this cycle not much hope already...

surprisingly this cycle O so early on CD 13... as nvr prepare to O so early... (normally O in CD 16 to 18, last cycle I O only on CD 20) dunno wat happen... think my cycle crazy liao...

sumtm we get our tins at our least expected. so jus crossed our finger n pray for tis mth =)
many ppl told me when they r preg, on the mth they din BD on "O" day.. Like for me tis mth, gyane scan hv egg on my CD10..but on CD20 than i tested OPK +ve.. so i jus wonder i take so mani days to "O" but oni manage to BD on CD21? heez
Hi Joy

Thanks... heheheh... Perhaps lor... I'm praying too... but dun wanna give myself too much hopes... on the mth that I BD on the O day... didn't strike also...

O-ing early in the cycle is a very good thing! the eggie is healthier and easier to be fertilised. hope that you will start to O early from now onwards and chances are definitely going to be increased!
hi zenia, let's pray hard our AF goes on holiday! mine also due today
hands itchy liao, wanted to go buy the kit n test!
realise my pants like getting tighter! duno is it cos i'm putting on weight!


u noe wat gyane told me for my last visit, he said even OPK oso nt v accurate..bcos lst mth i tested +ve on CD 20 n cm menses on CD24..so disppointed as we managed BD on the "O" day but....

so mayb we tink "O" but hvnt n when heng heng strike when we BD the day tt we tot we miss the "O"

Good Luck ! =)
