A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi ladies,

i consulted the dr du last night... she arranged me & hubby to do a checkup next week... knowing tt i have PCOS, she said i might need to take metformin... does anyone here take metformin as well? coz i know nuts abt it and not sure whether is there any side effects...

yuki..recently weather no good.. rest well.. go n sleep will b beta when wake up..=)tt tm i oso fever shotup to 38.9 ..

this Dr Du is very farniee hor? you know she periodically goes on this chat show on TV...on monday night?

yuki and joy

take care! go see a doc and get mc to go home to rest!
kermit - is it? she featured on tv huh? i really find her very humorous! she very cute leh... she keep saying i behave like small kid, "dong dong hee" ... haa! but she very encouraging as well... so i believe if i obediently follow her instruction, my wish will be granted loh..
Hi ladies,

I am also TTCing for my 1st child. Did anyone of you went through HSG(x-ray) to check whether fallopian tube is blocked? Heard from gynae that the newer method is through ultrasound but have to put under anathesia...suppose to do end of this mth but I am abit worried abt the pain...if anyone of you did this before please advise me. Thks!
dodo...must faithfully drink Dr Du's medicine..and encourage your hubby to do the brewing...so that when u preggie, he has to do all the brewing cos pot is too heavy for u...
elizabeth - hihi, yup... he very supportive
he was abit moody yest when we on our way back from dr du's place... i asked him why, he said he very heartpain that i have to go thru all this, to drink those bitter med coz he knows i very low tolerant level for bitterness... actually he very thoughtful, he is the one who do all the sweeping, mopping & cleaning of toilets loh.. coz he said i better dun do these chores coz im ttc... hee... im quite touched loh
wah dodo, ur hb's so sweet! next time when u preg, can be sure he will really take good care of u! i already pre-empt my hb that once i preg, he got to take over all the hsework! haha. thn he says wat i do? i replied, stay in bed n rest lor!!
hi dodo, yr hb is so sweet...

hi marble, yes, once preggie i am drinking 1 bowl every 4 hours now...

when ttc, 2 bowls per day

I am literally forcing myself to drink everyday now...cos i get nausea whenever i smell the medicine....when ttc, it was just bitter, still can tahan. But Dr. Du always says...when u see the baby with rosy complexion, it is all worth it.
hey dodo,
did you have to wait very long to fix an appt with Dr Du? And when you are there, do u have to queue very long too? Quite keen to go consult her leh.

Hi Elizabeth,
U said had to drink 2 bowls per day during ttc, so if you are working, how to brew the herbs?
ant, joy & liz - im sure ur hubbies are just sweet as well

poissons - i called her on 11.10, then visited her on 12.10 night... nope, i din wait long, there's no queue at all coz i believe she only accept customer thru appointment...

the 1 bowl every 4 hrs can die! i only did that for about 3 weeks. nearly peng san liao! soo pukey and can hardly swallow the bitter thing. poor hubby was literally brewing herbs every night! but when the spotting stopped, it was such a relief!
but since you are not spotting, how come Dr Du ask you to drink that? is it because of the yellow discharge?

i really hope my bb will have the rosy complexion!
hi poissons,

you only need to brew the meds once every 2 days as the meds can be stored in the fridge after brewing. It takes about 2 hours to boil 2 days' worth of meds, so u can do it on alternate nights after work lor..
hi kermit, dr du said to be on safe side, told me to drink for 10 days till next scan result..also taking 2nd blood test next week. she said yellow discharge no big alarm...the medicine will ease yellow discharge and cramping sensation..

dodo, dr du clinic usually packed on weekends...so good to see her weekday. the couple after me waited 45mins cos she was packing 10 pkts of herb for me..

poissons, like what marble said, brew alternate day and we do it in the evening. so no social life for a while..and house will smell..there are times my hubby brewed till 1am when we start late..but sacrifice all worth it...and u get BFP!
liz - ya.. i believe all these hardship worth the while! duno why, i feel much better after consulting her.. at least i know im doing somethg good for my body and for my future bb
did u go to her clinic last night?
Hi, hope to join you gals here.

I've been TTC since 3 mth ago but no good news so far (Poissons - same as you). M thinking to use OPK this mth to confirm if i do ovulate. My cycle is ard 30 days & check the online ovulation calculator tt my fertile period will fall on CD14~CD17. In this case, how early should i use OPK to test. As there is only 5 strips in 1 box & really dun wish to waste them, thus need your kind advice. Thks in advance.
dodo, i visited her on tues, she mentioned busy on wed cos new couple coming to her see on wed, guess in my mind, could be u

yeah u will feel better, i did too..feel like got a "pillar" to rely on..and i look forward to see her every week as she prepare diff herbs for diff week of ttc..dr du will share alot of tips too..
Hi liz, so e.g. if i tested positive on CD14, when will likely be my ovulation day, usually the kit will give 24 ~ 36 hrs in advance?? Will miss the egg if juz BD on alternate day fm CD14 or should it be everyday after tested positive huh??

oh ya congrats to you as know tt you're a MTB now... in fact, after reading yr previous mails tt you bought some sets of BB wears for BB luck, I follows suit too & bought 2 sets. Heehee... showed to my HB & quite surprised tt he did say me being "pang tang"... actually both of us hope to have a Piggy bb lor.
march, buying baby clothes wasnt a "pang tang" act or for BB luck....it was more like a act of faith that we believe God will bless us.

if you can, BD daily...you wont miss any chance. For me, i BD alternate cos work stress doesnt permit us to BD daily
spermies live 72 hours long (i read) so alternate day should be good enough...some MTB can advise too?
Aiyah, juz saw i typed wrongly... should be my HB didnt say me being "pang tang".

Now then realise tt TTC is not as easy as i thought previously... The waiting for BFP news every mth can be quite torturing. Nevertheless, we still have to keep our faith & be positive when AF reports.
march, yup..press on..it is a long journey..but i feel the process does bring me n HB even closer cos we share each other joy n pain...
hope u get yr BFP soon.
i agree.

brewing the herbs helped to take the pressure off TTC for me. i didn't think of anything, just boil boil boil, and drink drink drink. then concentrated on helping hubby do a life style change to boost his morphology. we grew much closer during the process.
liz & kermit - it's very encouraging to hear ur successful story
i asked dr du roughly how long shd i wait for my BFP, she said less than 1/2 year... not sure whether is she being encouraging or what.. but i feel much relieved after her assurance loh..
hi march, welcome
we are all here to learn n share with one another n hopefully one day we will all get a BFP! also try to stay in bed after BD to aid the spermies to swim in faster
exactly kermit...boil boil boil, drink drink drink...hee..
life evolves ard Dr Du and visits to her clinic for me...
she was my pillar of hope and strength

dodo..stayed encouraged, you will get your BFP..

i wanna thank kermit for recommending dr du to me too...
Thanks liz...

Hi ant, ya hope all of us here will get BFP soon juz like liz & kermit (happy MTB now).

Hi poissons, BFP - Big Fat Positive (means positive pregnant).
hi march,
hehe..thanks..so it's BIG FAT POSITIVE! so far i'm not even O positive, can't even smell a positive for pregnancy! sigh.
Hi march-aries,

Perhaps you can invest in cheap OPKs from the US website then you wun feel so "heartache" when you waste the OPK


which CD are you at now? wat time do u usually test on the OPK?
Hey ladies,

I'm ready to have a BB, can someone advise me on the following :

(1) Assuming if I TTC this month and I get pregant, chances are I will deliver during lunar 7th mth (Hungry Ghost Fesitival). Is it very inauspicious?

(2) Is it ok for pregnant women to travel?

(3) I have recorded my menses date - 4th Aug, 8th Sept & 5th Oct. So what is my likely ovolution date this month?

(4) Is it necessary to take Folic Acid to increase my chances to get pregnant?
Hi tigress,

my answer to your question:
1) I am not trying to pour cold water on you. But the fact is even you start ttc-ing this month,you have ab 30% chance to strike. So i think you are worrying too much.. I was borned in the 7th month too..does that mean my life is no good?

2) 1st trimester better dun travel..

3) Your cycle means to be ard 32 to 35 days range. To count ovulation date,pen down the next AF date and count down 14 days..Alternatively,you can try testing on Ovulation Predictor kit (OPK) to pinpoint your Ovulation.

4) Folic acid do not increase your chance to get pregnant. Folic acid is taken to prevent any adnormalites in the baby. It is good to start on folic acid once you start ttc-ing..

Some advice for you: You try actively for 3 months,if mission fail,I suggest you go and see a gynae for the necessary check ups to make sure that everything is ok. Normal couples should get pregnant within 1 year. However,dun wait till one year later then go and check..If you think you want to have a child soon...
ant: sorry, for late reply.. felt soooo tired yesterday.. (CD2)

hmm... my cycle length usually is 34 days..so now I think should be 34-36 days liao..
hi ladies,

i have a box of pre-seed to let go. carton is open coz i wanted to inspect inside, but all 6 pcs inside are unused (wrapper still intact). Exp 10/2007. bot @ $39.90 last month from NHG polyclinic. letting go at $25/=. pls email me if u're interested.
[email protected]
hello hoonie,
today's CD20 liao, my cycle is usually abt 32 days. i test OPK usually at night about 9.30pm, almost every day since CD12. Already wasted so many kits
Hi ladies,

For so long nvr come in, so many posting liao...
I wish all the best to those who are in their 2ww. Good Luck!

Sadly for me, my AF reported today. Mission failed
Kinda weird coz it is not supposed to due until monday!

Now my cycle become 28days instead of the usual 30-35days!
Don't know is it bcos I took Royal Jelly?

Hi apple..
no sad no sad..try again next cycle yah? My cycle also abit wierd this time, dunno what happen. today CD20, my boobs feel a little sore, like PMS symptom. cannot be preggie cos' i haven't O. So funny.
Hi Poissons,
Hm... previously you posted that you still BD even didn't detect +OPK right? Your boobs feeling sore might be a symptom too cos I read that some gals didn't detect +OPK also got pregnant! Have you visit the website - twoweekwait.com that the gals recommanded? There are alot of MTB posting their 2ww symptom leh... go there and take a look while you wait for the 2 weeks to pass!
Hi poissons,

Actually the best time to test on the OPK is 2pm to 8pm...U test at 9:30pm like a little too late leh...
Sometimes the result show -ve could be coz you drank a lot of water before hence dilute the LH hormones...Nevertheless,whether OPK show +ve or not..you got to be hardworking wor...hehe

Yes..as what apple says...it is possible that some people never detect +ve and is pregnant...My neighbour who is 5 months pregnant now is one good example!
Anyway,you just got to wait lor..In the meantime,keep your mind occupied and dun read too much into the symptoms too...**Keeping my fingers crossed for you gal!** Good luck
