A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


i jus have the feelin tt my menses cmin..feel cramp at my lower abdomen.. =( n my BBT stay at 36.6 for 3 days...

Hi Kermit

I hope so also lor... actually, for my condition, if every mth got O... I very happy liao... hehehe...

Hi Joy

Hopefully, we both so heng to strike.. though we miss the O lor...
joy & yuki..miracle will happen sooner than you think
try to spread out BD dates...Dr. Du said to start BD on CD12 onwards to CD27...alternate...should be able to catch the egg

but nvm u still strike...mean it yrs =)
I oso hard to manage alter day to BD.. as hubby busy wif work.. so we try our best... tis mth i oso start from CD12, but tested +ve on CD20 but BD on CD21 & CD24...

Hmm.. ger is there any possible to scan there a egg on CD10 but release on CD20? i jus wonder.. Thks

Dr Du's advice to me is different. cos my hubby got morphology problems. i am to try to detect O. once detect +ve OPK, BD 12 hrs, 24 hrs and 48 hrs later to maximise chance.

i think the alternate days method would work better for husbands with normal spermie.

the eggie that was scanned on CD10, how big was it? an eggie would only be released when it's at least 20mm in size.

than i will miss the "O" =(
as i tested +ve on CD20 but BD on CD21 & 24... and summre 2day oni my CD 25, gt feelin that menses cmin..feel cramp at my lower abdomen

i oso 4gt wat the size of the egg .. i tink mre than 10mm...so gyane ask to BD from CD12 onward ..
for my case, after taking Dr Du's herbs, i O earlier..usually cd12, 13..hence to play safe, BD starts CD12 onwards for me... i stopped her herb last 2 months...but followed her method still..think strike cos more relax mode..
Hi yuki,
My baby is doing fine but I am suffering from bad morning sickness. Will be gg for my 3rd gynae appt later this evening.

U know hor, the cycle which i striked, I also O-ed on CD14. My normal cycles, I usually O-ed on CD17 to 19. And we only BDed once just before my O day cos after tt we found out of my endo problem and since doc says little chance we also no more mood to BD...who knows, miracles do happen...so gd luck to u
Most importantly, don't lose faith
Hi ladies, can anyone advice me on my Progesterone level of 27.80 nmol/L iszit normal? Thanks in advance..

Hi ant, haha.. I really do hope AF can go hili for 9 months.. keke.. do u have any symptons? any sore boobs, CM or etc?
zenia- stil no sign of my AF. been having sore boobs since last wk. CM on n off, not alot also. jus feel tummy big leh n feels hard when i press. how abt u?
hi ant, i do have sore boobs these few days.. normally have it when AF coming soon.. I did have some CM olso on and off.. tummy feels soft when press.. now have abit gastric leh..

do u feel tired or listless? hmmm.. maybe i'm jus lazy lah.. haha..
zenia- i also have sore boobs when AF coming. that's y not harbouring much hopes. but get excited when i see my tummy! haha. tink i siao already =P i also the lazy kind! everyday also feel tired one so difficult to judge from this.
i started BD from CD18 to CD22, CD24 & 25 (tested +ve on opk on CD21). today already CD36. when do u intend to test?

Dun mentioned

ger i oso hv the same feelin with u

abit sore boobs,cramp at my lower abdomen , CM on off.. n feelin vomit sumtm =(..like gastric flu..

Ur tummy gt bloated ..mine abit..
2day is my CD 25..hw abt u?
Hi Elizabeth...

Say easy than done mah... always wanted to BD alternate days from CD 10 to 22... always cannot make it... gave up liao.. somehow half way sure too tired to BD one... Leave it to fate liao... I will try my best to BD often... but may not be alternate days lor...

Hi Tami

I heard that one who has very bad MS... the baby is more stable leh... dunno how true... so maybe bad MS is not that bad afterall lor... do take care of yourself hor...

Btw, how's yr endo condition now after the pregnancy?

Pray hard will be like u lor... but mine is BD 2 days before O... so, think not very high chances..

Hi Zenia

If I remembered correctly, I had that level too but my gynae told me it's too low... but haven't heard before lower than that... so can't confirm also... u may wanna check wif yr gynae lor..
Hi ant.. this month only BD 3 times.. CD18, CD20 (suspect O) and CD 22.. hmm.. think lower chance oso lah.. em.. still praying AF dun come tonight leh.. if really shun shun, me planning to test this friday.. what about you? now dun know gastric or tummy feeling uncomfort leh.. will update if AF come tonight..

Hi joy.. sorry for my ignorance.. actually, i dun know what is the feeling for bloated leh.. think i dun have ba.. i'm in my CD34 now.. which is also my 15DPO. AF due today..
yes Yuki

u r rite..With MS BB is mre stable..my sis told me..she studyin abt it one of her topic is pregancy period..

but if no MS oso no worry as my col oso dun hv any thou out her preg .. her BB boy nw already 2yrs old+
hi yuki, yeah i understand...sometimes the mood is bad or simply too tired after work...btw..just to share, my HB had quite a bit of coke to "boost" himself during BD week..

help u to cross fingers..Hope AF dun cm..
Good luck!!

Me i dun noe when due as menses alway siao...
aug cm on CD52 n sep cm on CD24.. messy..
n my normal is ard 29-34

Bloated..hmmm sumtin like tummy hv many gas ...
Hi Joy

Ya lor... I think my colleague also no MS... but her boy also 10 mths liao... so shld be okie bah... Maybe it meant comparing MS with no MS... MS will be relatively more stable...

Hi Elizabeth

My HB didn't like coke leh... 100 plus can?
hi yuki,

thanks for replying.. really appreciate it..
actually, I consulted the gynae in KKH on my result and he only told me base on the result, i am ovulate this month but his ideal P.level is around 30.. so, mine consider slightly below lor and suggest me to take the P test again fo rnext month.. hmmmm.. since u oso say it is low, then dun think I am preggy liao.. cos if preggy, P.level should be high..
errr joy

for that 10 months that we TTC, Dr Du didn't allow my hubby to drink coffee at all leh! because the caffeine is no good for spermie. maybe eliz's husband also got powderful spermie so no problem. hehe!

has your husband gone for SA test yet?
not sure about 100+..but i had a colleague HB loves to drink coke...she gave birth to 3 boys..for me, we happened to have coke at home, so my HB drank throughout last month..

u mean no kopi 4 hubby?
I oso ..the most 3x a week..isiz ok..
my hubby din go thou SA test as gyane said if two mths ltr no strike than tested.

i oso follow up with TCM.. is at rocher rd there.. but he said my menses is irregular so he regular it 1st abt start TTC..
zenia..not really fart alot..haaaa
jus feel full alway ...=P

Ya yuki
so no worry abt MS.. =)
if really strike jus b a happy preg lady =)

I am new to this tread... but somehow been reading that some of the gals here do go to Dr Jin at Fortune Centre. Wonder if anyone can provide me with the details cos apparently my colleague who has been diagnosed with blocked tube is thinking to seek 2nd opinon.

Thanks alot...
Hi Zenia

U tested on 7 DPO? Can't tell if u preggy based on Progesterone level during then lah... once, my Progesterone level was very very high but also not preggy... it juz meant that u ovulated well... which means higher chance of getting pregnant... but I understand that some of them progesterone level low also can get preggy... so dun worry too much lor..
hi hung,
thanks for your blessings...not really fast...been ttc for 1 year plus now..TCM for about 4 months
how's things for you now that wedding n honeymoon are done?
good morning ladies..

hung - oic... our piano teachers very near to each other hor...
i started to learn piano ard 7yr old, but stop for very long, 10 over years already.. this feb just resumed my grade 7... :p

ant & zenia - GOOD LUCKS!!! for my case, i think BBT is really a good gadge. i observed tt my BBT everytime drop on dpo15, and the temp is always 36.39... then my menses will come...

elizabeth - thanks for the info! may i have dr du's contact? feel like consulting her...

caitlyn & yuki - i really went to airport early sun morning to pick my hubby up... i was really emotional, couldn't control my tears at all when i saw my hubby... hugged him and kept weeping, and he was teary as well... :p
morning gals

zenia- i intend to test this fri too
tummy feeling cramps now, hope it's not AF! jus now went to the loo n when i wiped got bit of blood, is that implantation bleeding? maybe i trying to kid myself, AF probably on its way liao

thks joy! all the best to u too
this ttc journey is indeed tiring n taxing.
Hi dodo and ant, my bbt drop greatly today.. to 36.40.. so, I guess AF is on its way.. sigh..

ant, maybe it is.. jus try to think positive ya.. how regular are your menses? how many days?
MoRN ladies

ya true ant, v tirin n stressful sumtm.. i never tink b4 TTC can b sooo hard...everymth scare to c red..haiz.. n hv try to tell ourself b mre relax..than can strike mah..

my BBT oso drop by 0.10 tis morn..
from tested +ve till today ,,i tink is my DPO 6..will BBT drop tis fast? last 3days remain same BBT 36.6
hi joy, think if there is a dip in BBT 4-6 days after O, u might be having an implantation leh.. (em.. am I right?, rest of the ladies..) I do have a dip in my bbt on 4 and 5 dpo.. but my result will be out on friday if AF not here.. however, i do not have any preggy symptoms.. not at all.. except sore boobs past few days but now subside liao.. somemore, bbt drop greatly today..
eliz- thks gal. really hope to be able to join u all in the jun MTB!

zenia- now i scared to go to the loo
cramps getting worse. my cycle is 35 days. if late also by 2-3 days.

joy- me too, even tot once off protection, confirm can kana. my hb also, now thn realise it's tough!

Ger,, as well as "M" dun cm..mean hv hope.
but if really no strike tis mth try harder next mth =) Tell ourself we can make it ..

ant: icic.. mine is 34 days.. hopefully, both of us can get through this... aiyo.. now tummy oso feel abit cramp.. gal, how long have u ttc?

joy: thanks fo rthe encouragement..ya.. seems like this cycle struck on me liao.. I always tell my hubby to "long da wo du zi" haha.. its so ironic.. last time worried auntie won't come.. now worried auntie will come.. haha..
