A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

ant - thanks.. now just counting down e days to 16 oct.. haha

kermit - thanks.. i dun really noe wat e numbers mean.. but nurse says based on e nos. may be ard 6 weeks preggie.. then how come dr cannot see anything at scan? haha.. then i got another thing to worry abt.. haha.. but told myself to stop it liao.. all fated one.. =)

dodo - dun lose hope ya.. just hope for e best! jia you jia you!

dolp4 - thanks.. actually i saw e GP last thurs.. but dun dare to take med even tho he says it's safe for preggies.. hopefully e 'wong wong wong' thing is becoz of e flu n not anything else..
dodo- cant really descibe the feeling. cheer up ya. perhaps we belong to the grp without symptons! which is a good thing also
hi kermit,
the smell actually linger in the house for a while even though we stopped brewing late aug. but yes! it is all worth it cos Dr Du's herb helps to build my health

I really really hope this baby sticks n stays...other than breast soreness, i have no other symptoms..no nausea or increase/decrease appetite...

Thanks Dolp...and all gals' prayers...i will stay positive

btw, i am lactose-tolerant...so cannot drink milk...any recommendation to drink soy milk?
elizabeth - yup.. we'll be here for one another.. ur blood test results back yet? i think can get quite fast one.. share w us ya? hugz.. i not religious but will keep fingers n toes crossed for us! =)
hi kermit, once u tested preggie, u stopped dr du's treatment..can share why? i am contemplating to stop too cos she is away travelling at the moment and i stopped last aug due to fever...not sure if i should continue her treatment to "bao tai"?
ant & caitlyn - thanks for the encouragement...
guess i just mood swing... will try to remain +ve! how i wish my hubby by my side now....

she was the one who said not necessary unless got problems. i spotted once at 6.5 weeks and went back to drink her "bao tai" meds for 3 to 4 weeks. when stabilized, then no need to drink already!
dodo- mood swings is also another sign! i flared up at my hb last wkend. duno wat got into me. hb tot my AF coming soon!
ant - mood swing also one of the sign? but i got it when my menses coming soon as well... think i miss my hubby too much...
dodo- i read that in the 2ww website. when ur hb coming back? i also got mood swings when my AF nearing. that's y when i do have, my hb will noe it's that time of the mth again!
dodo- he's on biz trip? my AF supposed to report on dpo15 (nxt wk). tot of testing if it doesnt come by then to be doubly sure
ant - he going there for aviation seminars... GOOD LUCKS to u...
then i got to wait till this sunday... so hard to shed it off my mind...
dodo - Jus went to toilet and saw AF...mission failed..feeling quite numb liao...

caitlyn - can understand sometimes though the GP said medicine are safe for pregnancy we still doubt loh...but hor if u dun feel too good better check with ur gynae and see whether she said ok to take the med or not...take great care leh...

Eliz - maybe u can check with ur gynae is it ok to drink soy milk...btw, y can't use slow cooker to brew TCM ?
caitlyn - thanks...no words can describe my feeling now...really hope can strike within this year...

dodo - try to keep urself occupy and stay strong and positive...i remembered that time when my hb went oversea for ICT 3 weeks, i cried when he called back becoz missed him too much...luckily, he have ROD liao...
dopl *hugs* dont give up....wait for next cycle ok.. Dr Du's herb needs brewing cos they are all nature herbs (grass-like)
and she said only thru real brewing over the slow fire...can bring out the goodness of the herbs... actually it is quite easy to brew after a few attempts...she will teach you step by step.....
hi char, caitlyn & kermit,

just receive blood test results - HCG 476mIU/ML and progesterone 77.32nmol/L Gynea said it looks normal and healthy..confirmed preggie...will see me this weekend...hope for HCG to double..
dolp4 - hugz.. really can understand how u feel..

elizabeth - YAYY!! so happy for u!! this weekend u have to take blood test again? my gynae din test prog for me.. see all of u seeing ur gynaes so soon really makes my wait intolerable man! haha
thanks eliz and caitlyn, will try again this mth...thanks for the hugs

eliz - i will check my mail later, thanks...wow, abdomen so crampy, first day always like that...

Both of you must eat healthily and stay cheerful...
dolp4 - just saw ur posting... dun be sad gal, me like u... really wish to strike within this year... cheer up k! all the best for your coming cycle! we shall heed some of the advices provided by successul mummies here... out turn will come real soon!

ya, i almost cried when he called me just now... miss him so badly... i think im too dependent on him...
thks dodo. we shall update each other as each day passes
how i wish time is 1 wk ahead now!

dolp- try again this coming cycle. dun give up ya! we are all here to support one another
choco - may i know how long have u been TTC? i consulted gynae july-06 and she did an ultrasound scan for me and diagnose i have PCOS... have been trying from may-06 till now... though 5 mths already but there was only 3 cycles coz my cycle is usually long and irregular... thinking to consult gynae by this year end to do a very detailed & thorough checkup...
sure ant...
yes! i wish tt too... my crampy feeling getting more n more intense... worried tt my menses might report anytime...
dodo, ant and choco- really thanks for all the encouragement and support...deeply appreciated...
right now, only all the gals here can understand each other feeling...

dodo- m oso veri dependent on my hb..so i really can understand how u feel...
dolp4 - thanks for the hugs... u gals are so sweet
i got to be stronger, dun wan to let him keep worry over me there... he always said if i preggie, he got to look after 2 bbies, 1 big 1 small.. :p
caitlyn, dont worry too much...eat well n sleep more...baby will grow...should be able to see sac in your next appt.

thanks dodo & dolp for your encouragement.. dodo u can consider TCM to tiao your body..

jia you!!
elizabeth - yup, i ever consider tt as an option... and i heard tt the dr du u consulted is very reputable as well... but my biggest concern is i very scared of chinese med, always have the impression tt it's very bitter...
dolp4 - ya... me 26 this year, but my dad always said i behave like 6yr old.. sometimes he asked me wana "chi nai2 zhui3" ma? hee...

ant - haa! so we are 2 giant "monkey" babies :p
no worries dodo...not v bitter...just like herbal soup..with a bit of sour aftertaste...after 1/2 weeks of drinking, u will be immune..maybe develop craving when u dont get to drink..hee
elizabeth - thanks.. guess me worried coz heard tt MS n more symptoms means bb and hormones are doing well.. but me no nothing at all! hee.. just wait until neck long long for my appt lor.. try to keep myself busy.. plus i sld be ard week 6 already according to the nurse based on my HCG lvls
i also no MS or other symptoms except for breast soreness...even now the soreness keeps gone. my gynea said cramping is not good during early stage...dont worries, just relax and wait for yr next appt...
dodo and ant - keke... big BB.. so cute

caitlyn - i know u r veri anxious but dun think too much k...i believe everything will be fine...
Sleep well and eat well if possible ...
keke.. me e worry wart! haha.. to think tt i am usu a happy go lucky person.. yes to all e mdms here! will stop worrying! =)
me very "notti".. after 4 days of resisting potato chips etc (which are a staple for me!), i finally gave in to my cravingS! haha.. had a packet of mamee, 1 potato chip n 4 fries! feel much better now! haha
