A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

yes ant1712, i am a christian
i dont usually drink coffee but drank at starbucks twice last week...oops...pray nothing bad will happen.

elizabeth - tt's a funny description!!! hee...

ant - me too! my fren called me "kopi sian" (coffee god), so u can imagine how addicted am i... i took almost 2 cups per day...
elizabeth- me too
am believing in God that i will be successful this cycle! last few times, i failed cos immed after BD, i got up to go loo, cannot tahan! but this cycle, i stayed in bed n slept til morning. hope that greatly increase the chance!

dodo- how ah lidat? i am not reali an addict but in office wil want to drink a cup esp in the morning! i try to subsitute with tea sometimes.
Hi Elizabeth... CONGRATULATIONS...

Hi Caitlyn

Hope u get good news soon...

Hi Dodo.... hopefully, u get good news on yr wedding anniversary...
ant - im also "cant help falling in love" with coffee... so now i am trying to drink 1/2 a cup in morning and 1/2 cup in noon... :p

me now cough and blocked nose... coughed till voice also changed... sigh~
Btw, saw some of the gals discussing abt low BBT... as wat I understand those wif low BBT after O... is mostly likely also low on progesterone and if yr BBT is consistently low wif not much of variations... u might wanna check if u have other symptoms of Hypothyroidism... coz low BBT is also a sign of Hypothyroidism... which may also affect fertility coz of the release of hormones...

Juz to share my exp... my BBT has been low after my O... and after testing Progesterone, the level is also low... which coincide.. as for hypothyroidism... I realised that my BBT has been very low (consistently) after my op to remove one of my ovaries... but haven't do a blood test yet... but my gynae told me that I do not have the other symptoms... so... will see this mth's reading first before doing the blood test...
thanks Yuki..... the blessings of the ladies mean alot to me

so far i havent tell anyone except HB and ladies here n of coz my boss... i really really hope this time baby will sticks and stays....
Hi Elizabeth, Ant,

I am also a christian! So glad to see you two so strong on faith. I was often discouraged but couldnt find anyone to ask about christian faith on child bearing so was often very lost and down. Always ask God why not yet ... thats all.

Hi Yuki, thanks. Your msg speaks to me. I very low BBT, today only 35.99. I am planning a visit to gynae this week, will be sure to ask about testing for low progesterone and hypothyroidism. Btw, do you know of any symptoms/tell tale signs for hypothyroidism?
sus sus, i was like u too...down on faith for a while..questioning why it was given n taken away from me..still healing but am moving on to forget the past n embrace the future
we gotta believe that we will be blessed
Hi Sus Sus

Some symptoms are as follow:
Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight
Coarse, dry hair
Dry, rough pale skin
Hair loss
Cold intolerance (can't tolerate the cold like those around you)
Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches
Memory loss
Abnormal menstrual cycles
Decreased libido

Dun go panic if u have a few of these symptoms... think if u have quite a few... then better do a blood test to confirm lor... coz if there's problem wif yr hormone then also hard to get preggy... I'm also kinda worried... so wait for one more mth and see how my BBT goes first lor...

Hi Elizabeth

We all hope for the best for u... juz wondering... for those brew kinda medication... how did u brew them... using slow cooker can? actually, Bt Timah is nearer to where I stay... but brewed kind... afraid i dunno how to brew mah... anyway, how much is yr consultation + medication and how often do u need to drink the medication? heheheh... i also alot of questions hor...
Congratulations to you Elizabeth, wow..getting more and more mum-to-be

caitlyn, char and dodo - All the best and good luck!! Everything will be fine.

Take great care all the mum-to-be..

ant - me oso got sore boobs before AF come but this time round dun have and abdoment got funny feeling...but, preggie is impossible loh as no sore boobs and BBT dropped when i measured this morning...but, still no sign of AF...so sian...
very disappointed...
Hi Elizabeth

I believe God always planned to give you this bb tats why you got a 1st one in Mar.

I believe m/c is not in God's plan. I read in a book called 'Supernatural Birth' written by a christian author. She said tithers do not cast their fruits before time.

Take care of yourself well and let God do the rest ok? Keep us posted!

For me, i just wish God will give me one soon. I know he will, in his time but i just hope its soon cos i nearing 30yrs old liao and i always wanted to have 3 kids before 35.
I have read online a few success stories on women using preseed to get pregnant?

anyone use preseed before? how does it work? is it available in spore?
dolph- ur AF due anytime soon? i didnt measure my bbt, relying on the possible symptons experienced by most MTBs. but seems i only had funny feeling in tummy, that's all
ant- actually expecting today but still no sign...have to wait see tonight or tomorrow. But, my AF not regular. However, I was following last few cycles ard 29-30 days loh. really torturing...

dodo- thanks...i really need luck

kermit- urs is prince or princess? how is evrything?i think eliz TCM same as you...
hi caityln,
me back from doc..confirmed it is not etopic and can see the small fetus.....phew!! can finally relax liao....
Hey elizabeth...

Congrats! Will keep you in my prayers too
I believe in God's grace too..When the time is ripe,he will give me a baby..
We juz have to wait lor....

Take good care of yourself...Dun overwork ok??
Congrats! Understand the feeling....when u saw the foetus, u feel so relieved.....


I have pm you to ask abt your gynae. Maybe you did not receive it. I am seeing the same gynae as you and would like to find out more about her. How's ur experience with her so far?
char - CONGRATS CONGRATS!! must be so happy to be able to see the foetus!! me still must wait for 2 more weeks.. just gotta keep my spirits up till then..

all.. my blood test results are out.. nurse says results look fine.. sat's hcg lvl was around 1.3k.. mon's hcg lvl ard 3.3k.. i think.. so now just gotta wait for appt 2 weeks later..
char & caitlyn - very happy for u gals! everythg is doing fine... so no worry anymore k... enjoy the happiness of MTB!
dodo - thanks.. i guess i wun really feel it until i get to see frm e scan tt all is well.. coz my symptoms hv all disappeared.. me n b hoping for e best.. but prepared for e worst also.. =)
Hi all MTBs,
Congrats congrats! Yday went to visit my boss's newborn son, she made me carry the little one to pass on her baby dust to me..haha. I hope to be as lucky as you ladies here ;)

Hi Caitlyn,
What's the cause of the blocked ears, do you know? Is it cos' you too heaty? Or it juz occured suddenly? Try ear candling?
char- gong xi!! must be a wonderful feeling to see the foetus inside ur tummy
hopefully my turn will be here soon!

caitlyn- looks like urs is a confirmed pregnancy!! congrats!

never received your PM. you are asking about Dr Yvonne Chan? I like her very much! but i heard her charges could be one of the higher ones in TMC. she was recommended by my friend who's husband is also a doctor. Apparently a lot of her patients are doctors or doctors' wives which i guess speaks a lot about her professionalism.

When you first meet her, you will think she is very aloof and cold. i felt that way. but she needs getting warmed up to. after the second visit, she will be chatting away with you. Have heard reviews from other posters that her stitching skills are fantastic. and she don't take too many patients. there was once i was in the clinic and a couple came in to ask if could slot them in for a particular EDD date and the nurse told them doctor is fully booked and rejected them .so the waiting times are always very short. i normally just wait like 10 mins and can go in to see her already. what else do you need to know? maybe can try to PM me again?


the HCG levels look fantastic, no need to worry anymore! eat your folic acid now! very important and stuff yourself with milk and nutritious food!


so relieved to finally see the sac right? should be able to see the heartbeat soon!
ant - do u have any symptoms so far? my BBT today exactly the same as last few days... not increase higher than 36.69 leh...

how i envy char & caitlyn........
hi gals,

Visited the gynea yesterday..4 weeks old, couldnt see any sac..doc said too early..took a blood test to confirm the preggie...crossing my fingers now....pls pray for me..results should be out today...i hope..

temp still riding high at 39.92
Hi Gals,
Thanks for all the well wishes!!felt so excited when Dr says that she can see the sac....actually didnt really think will strike this cycle...cos only BD once during positive OPK...really very heng....Wish everybody in the TTC can graduate soon!!!
ant - me too... beginning to lose hope as well... my BBT not really high... and i dun have much symptoms as well, just some cramping on n off...
i feel like testing soon but the result may not accurate also... how ah...
hi yuki,

TCM medicine is brewing kind...need to brew at least 3 times a week...brew using those old medicine pot..slow cooker cannot

My TCM was recommended by Kermit. Dr Du consultation charges $50 (one time), subsequent medical charges $20 per packet...each time take about 3 packets = $60. Dr. Du will also recommend a scan for the wife and SA analysis for hubby before she starts her treatment.

Possion & Daphne, will response to your email today
dodo- try to endure! i will only test when my AF is late. i got this funny feeling in the stomach, duno is it cramps or wat. which dpo r u today?
Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks, will hear from you then. When you said brewing with old medicine pot, how long do you need to brew? Since have to work in the day, the only time can brew will be at night, if need a long time to brew, I think most prob will end up falling asleep beside the stove. haha..
hi poissons,
my hubby also brew at nite...weekend, we will brew during daytime. need to soak herbs for 12 hours in advance..so we soak overnite, then come home at nite to brew..usually start at 7pm, finishes by 10plus...1st few times, we burn the herbs...after a 2/3 times practices...v skillful..hee...
ant - my menses very irregular, so not sure when to test also... initially thinking to test on 07/08th, but duno can wait till then or not...
mine today dpo 10... how's ur funny feeling of stomach? is it like poking? read from a website tt the poking feeling is 1 of the symptoms as well...
hey liz

aren't you glad that days of brewing are over? the whole house stinks right? but it was all worth it!

4 weeks too early to see sac liao. With high bbt, don't worry lah! should be ok!

hi char, so happy for you...all the best in your 9 mth pregnancy journey...

caitlyn - can understand how u feel now...but dun worry since ur hcg level has increase. Everything will turn out fine. We will pray hard for you

regarding the wong wong sound in your ears, y dun u go and see GP but let him/her know u r now preggie...

Elizabeth - We will pray for you...dun worry too much...
Btw, u mentioned cannot use slow cooker y har?

Kermit - haha cannot wait to pop...now oct, endure dec will be coming soon...

dodo and ant - we are in the same boat...i think my AF coming soon abdomen very cramp liao...
