A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

zenia - hihi! i haven test it yet... think will test it this sunday morning... hey gal, ur BBT this morning very high leh! my highest only 36.79... u got a dip in BBT on ur dpo 6? my BBT dip to 36.4 on dpo 6 also... then it bounds up afterward... though not sure what it means... :p my symptoms as usual, sore breast, thick cm... and these 2 days extremely tired... i keep yawning and feeling sleepy even in the day n noon time... and tiredness is one of my pre-AF symptoms as well loh... thanks for ur well-wishes gal! i wish u all the best too! so when will u do the testing?

dodo - increasing BBT is good.. for me, till now i got zero symptoms.. other than e fact tt my BBT remains high.. getting a bit worried but will just wait patiently.. =)
caitlyn- but my BBT not tt high... gal, dun worry unnecessary, since ur blood test result is good, u shd rest assured everythg doing fine.. must remain positive k!

actually i very guilty now... hubby called me from india yest night, but i threw temper at him, broke down n cried... he already sounds abit sick over the phone and i still treated him like tt... actually i miss him dearly but not sure why i behave like tt...he got a great shock when i hung up his phone... i feel so bad now... i shouldn't behave tt unreasonably and make him worried...
dodo - HUGZ.. mood swing sometimes inevitable.. am sure he'll understand.. anyway u cld sms or call him to assure him u're feeling better already?
Hi Elizabeth & Dolp4

Still thinking whether to go or not... maybe after this mth see how first... if nvr strike... then go for blood test and egg monitoring lor...

I'm now taking TCM and Folic acid lor... trying to tiao my body. Hopefully, will recover soon... but looking at my BBT, think my hormone level haven't adjusted to the removal of ovary leh... really wonder if my BBT will be like that forever...
Hi Dodo

Think u have good chance but dun stress yrself over it too much... juz leave it to fate lor... whether or not u r preggy has already been decided my god... coz ovulated liao mah.. so now juz wait and keep yr finger cross... praying for the good news lor..

Hi Caitlyn

Tell u hor... I juz finish my AF... but I have most of the preggy symptoms... felt like vomitting lah... giddy sometimes lah... stomach bloated lah... alamak...
yuki - poor dear.. very sian when that happens hor.. i also every like dat.. then i curse n swear! haha.. then i even hu si luan xiang tt maybe altho menses came.. flushed out one egg but still left one bb inside! crazy rite? haha.. now tt i supposedly preggers yet no symptoms.. gg cuckoo liao!!
Hi Dodo...

Think alot of pple are falling sick in India... my Reg sales mgr juz came back... he juz told me that alot of pple in the conference that he was attending was sick... and u hear alot of coughing and sneezing on the plane too... so now... ended up, he's also sick...

Yr hubby also need yr care and considerations.. so if u feel better already... better give him a call to "sayang" him lor... so poor thing already gotta go india... some more u threw temper... but can understand lah... during the 2ww... my temper also not very good... juz try to control lor...

Take care hor..
Hi Caitlyn

Hahahhaa... we really think alike leh... ahhaha... but after so many rounds of "false alarm" I learn to accept that.. I was juz dreaming lor... especially now only left wif 1 ovary... where the other egg came from... hehehhe... but good to dream lah...
caitlyn & yuki - i almost cried when i read ur postings... i really feel very guilty for what i had done, he must be feeling very sad now... yuki, that u said very true, he already sick yet i still treat him like that, im not a supportive wife at all...
i just sms him and said sorry... hope he is getting better now... i really must learn to be mature, cannot be so unreasonable and childish anymore...

thanks gals for "listening" to me...
Hi Dodo, Zenia, looks like high chance leh. BBT dip at dpo6 maybe is implantation dip?? And high BBT now is good thing leh! Good luck!!

I am CD18 (DPO4) today but my BBT hasnt rised at all since CD11 so i think i havent O, my O is delayed this mth, usually very zhun one on CD14. Now its 4 days late. My BBT only 36.01, haiz ...

Hi Elizabeth, thanks! Me gonna do gynae check this mth then if all seems ok, i will rely on TCM liao.

Hi Yuki, can share what is egg monitoring? Its that vaginal scan to see ovaries got eggs or not? How many times to monitor per cycle?
Hi dodo: today my bbt suddenly went up to 36.75.. sigh.. again, wondering if i didi move my body before taking bbt anot.. think me getting crazy.. haha.. think i won't be testing it lah.. cos i did a blood test early this week and the doc will review me next monday.. so, if really is good news, the test will tell.. (sigh.. keeping my fingers cross man..)

Hi caitlyn: u mean u have no symptoms? what about sore breast or constipation or backache?

Hi Sus_sus: dun worry too much.. actually my bbt drop at DPO5,6 and DPO 7 so, not ideal but am still very hopeful.. haha.. "zi qi qi ren"..
this month I oso had late O.. mine normally zhun zhun at CD17/18 but this month I O at CD20.. I test every morning and evening of the day.. can say i relay alot on OPK.. in addition, I take bbt jus to confirm I O well lor.. how long have u been ttcing? as for me, ttcing for more than a year liao.. so, if this cycle fails, hopefully not, intend to go egg monitoring liao..
zenia - oic... wah, good luck then! i will keep my fingers & toes crossed for u too..
did u experience slightest cramping? i have mild cramping for a few days already...
poissons- this morn my colleague just showed me the today's ST's supplement paper - Mind YOur Body. Must really eat well, sleep soundly and live healthily.

zenia - Thank you...i will try hard this month.
Good Luck to you.

yuki - Hope you will strike this month..keep finger cross for you...

dodo - cheer up...dun blame yourself as i know u oso dun want to behave that way. i believe ur hb will not blame you...since you have already sms him and said sorry, everything will be fine. Tell him you miss him and love him so much...

caitlyn- dun think too much...dun add stress to yourself...i remembered kermit said she has symptons much later if i did not remember wrongly... again rest and eat well.
dodo - dun be guilty liao.. at least u've msg him so he'll feel better... hugz

zenia - zilch.. had sore boobs two weeks back.. tt's all..

dolp4 - me not very stressed anymore.. kan kai liao.. =) now is stressed at work! haha
apple - actually m oso quite confuse abt the ewcm thingy...but i got noticed the changes in my c mucus before O and approaching O(stretchy)...

gals - i noticed that my menses flow is getting lighter for the past few cycles...this cycle oso like that...i hardly fill up a pad and the color look more brownish red rather than fresh red to me...is there something wrong huh?
dolp4 - according to gynaes, CD01 is the day u see fresh blood and can soak the pad.. tt's wat e docs told me.. if urs is very very little.. n mainly brownish in colour.. it may not actually be AF.. there was a period of time tt i was like dat.. n i had the brownish staining almost every 2 weeks.. doc says tt it may have been mid cycle bleeding rather than AF.. tis is for my case lah..

i think as we age, our flow will become lighter which is not very good
the flow is sort of dependent on the thickness of the endometrium and we need a nice cushiony thick one for good implantation. TCM can help to build this up i think.


glad to see that you are holding up well. your blood test looks good so don't think too much about it! symptoms varies for everyone and i basically had no symptoms until 6 or 7 weeks when i had no appetite. I didn't vomit at all also.
so waiting for your next appt with crossed fingers for you too!
kermit - thanks gal.. guess i kan kai liao.. if really meant to be, little bb will hold on tight to mummy! hee.. everyday tokking to tummy n kissing bb good morning n good nite (hb help me kiss lah!).. now wait until like giraffe for my appt.. 12 more days to go!! guess u must also be looking forward to popping? hee.. how's e last tri? tiring??
caitlyn- i got see fresh blood on CD1 but the flow is veri little...my last menses started on 3 sept and this cycle started on 3 oct(i got no mid cycle dischrge) so seems to me is AF leh...chum...duno wats wrong to my system...
kermit- ya i oso think is not good...wat u said is rite we need a nice cushiony thick one for good implantation...really sian...so many problems...
dolp4 - hmm.. then maybe it's like wat kermit says? my TCM also told me b4 tt if menses flow very light n e blood is not very thick may be indication tt no O.. but i also not too clear.. she speak in chinese i super blur.. haha..
hi Caitlyn

i oso try b4 like tis mid cycle which told by my TCM... As gt one cycle.. my CD bcm long @52days which my normal is 30-34.. so after the menses for CD 52..my menses cm on CD 24 after..n summre i tested OPK +ve on CD20.. funny rite..
Hi Hoonie,
Yap.. My cycle is about 30-37days. I guess I O late lor... the OPK strips that my sinseh gave me last time, also tested O around CD20.

I will continue to test today.

Hi dolp4,
Is milky + transparent CM, can stretch 1.5inch consider normal/good CM?
apple- i think is consider good cm...kermit, caitlyn or any gals can enlighten us? shld it be clear/transparent and stretchy then consider good cm?
joy - i similar to u.. also like dat.. when i had mid cycle spotting my cycle was 48 days.. then the next cycle was only 20 days.. as for OPK, sometimes e reading may not be very accurate also..
caityln- but frm my BBT it showed that i O leh...i tink i have to see doc already to double cfm...blood test can tell?
yo gals, something very strange leh... I went to toilet juz now and realised that I'm having EWCM... but it's only CD 10... dunno if it's because of the green tea that I'm drinking... I was drinking green tea for the pass few days... but only 1 cup per day leh... anyone encounter this before?

Hi Dodo...

Dun be sad lah... everybody have emotions... but juz that HB when travelling is already very nice to call home and yet u scream at him mah... juz treat him nice nice from now onwards lor...

Hi Sus sus

Ya, it's using v-scan to check the size of egg... I also dunno how many times to check per cycle... coz I haven't start yet... the last time I asked my gynae, she say scare that I will become very stress... so she suggest to try naturally first.. but after removal of one ovary now... thinking maybe egg monitoring can be more fertile...

Hi Dolp4

Not meaning to scare u but if u have light menses and only brown staining... it's better to juz do a scan to check that everything is okie... coz light menses happen for a reason... for mi, my 1st 2 days still pretty heavy and the 3rd day almost nothing liao... the rest of the 1 week is brown staining... which my gynae and tcm told me maybe it's because i only got 1 ovary now... but I scare that something is wrong wif my hormone coz my BBT also very low and not much of flunctuation during O period...
dolp4 - if u're concerned, maybe it's good to just go n see a dr to do a preconceptiion test? at least u wun be so stressed n worried.. can have a better idea of wat ur body condition is like.. maybe everything is actually good??

yuki - dr chua actually told me before not to read too much into CM.. can be misleading.. like this mth i totally no EWCM.. thot no hope liao.. who knoes.. other mths i have EWCM but blood tests show not ovulating.. but i think it's also possible to O early.. =)
Hi Caitlyn

Ya lor... that's wat Dr Chua told me also... but can't help wondering mah... heheheh... scare that my cycle really so haywire till O on CD 10 mah...
yuki - hee.. understand lah.. when dr chua told me i actually a bit sceptical! haha.. like other docs ask me to monitor CM, u say not accurate? but after all my blood test, can only conclude tt at least in my case, she's rite lor.. hee
Wow... So, a lot of stuff also cannot rely on hor...

Must BD more frequent then...heheehehehee....

I read that someone's sinseh suggest to sleep still for 2hours after BD. Sleep still does it mean lay flat? Cos I can only fall asleep on my side leh... cham lah...

Same case with me.. so TCM said is mid cycle...but funny tins is tis mth, i tested OPK for the last 6 days and 2day is my CD20.. but all cm out v fainted +ve...n last th test dark +ve on CD20 but M cm on CD24... i worry is PCOS..but gyane said no... I oso dun noe.. v confusin =(

is normal 4 us to mood swing.. i oso angry with my hubby last nite... even thou i noe nt his fault.. =P ... Sumtm mayb stressful abt TTC.. I married in Oct04..strike my 1st BB on Nov05 but end up no heartbeat n done a D&amp;C on Jan06. so from than I started TTC on Apr06.. but till nw no new..kana kind of sianz n disppointed =<
so nw every mth go TCM n tiao my body .. hope will turn well..

CD10 get EWCM is acceptable leh. cos EWCM comes like 2 or 3 days before O. O-ing early in the cycle is good leh!

my EWCM is quite accurate, typically like 2 or 3 days before O. but its true in the younger days, really get a lot more EWCM.


if can stretch 1.5 inch should be quite good EWCM. as long as sticky sticky and stretchy stretchy one, should be quite good.


if bbt shows that you O, then should be Ok. bbt don't lie. thing is maybe the endometrium not very thick, that's why flow is lighter. should really consider TCM to tiao your body. before i started TCM, i get blood clots and cramps but after starting TCM, no more blood clots and cramps and my bbt became more distinct which indicate that hormones are better.


yeah lor! the last mile is getting very tiring. the tummy so big, walk little bit so breathless, can't sleep well at night, but i think about how much i wanted this little one, everything became worth it! think all the girls here will understand!
yuki- ya, i oso think there must be a reason y my menses become so light loh...maybe like caitlyn said shld go for a checkup...thanks gals

i think i better dun worry or stress too much...muz relax and stay cheerful...will try this cycle and see how...

apple - me too can only fall asleep on my side esp right side..haha...i think so long dun move abt on the bed can already. really need to lie flat on the bed?? ;p
Hi Caitlyn

Ya lor... will juz start trying this few days lor.. maybe this mth start earlier... hopefully, got higher chance lor...

Hi Kermit

Ya lor... during younger days... I used to have a few days of EWCM... but nowsaday... no more leh... that's y also concern... sekali only come one day then stop liao... how...

Hi Dolp4

Dun worry too much... maybe it's nothing... juz check to confirm and rest yr mind lor..
yuki, good to BD early from CD12 to CD27..alternate days should do the trick

dolp4, dr du instructed me to lie flat 2 hours after 30 mins of elevation
i dont usually lie flat on my back 2 hours, maybe 1 hour, then sleep normal...by then the spermie shouldnt leak out
kermit - ok, will heed your advice...m not afraid of TCM but my hb veri scare of the taste and smell :p

yuki - ya will try not to think too much...

eliz- ok, thanks for the advice

if your hubby's SA is fine, worst come to worst, he only drink that one week during O, if not he don't even have to drink.

the thing is TCM will strengthen body so that even when you are preggie, would be so much easier to carry the baby.
joy - since gynae says it's not PCOS, then dun be too worried.. sometimes stress adds to our hormone changes.. sorry to hear abt wat happened to u.. dun give up k? we'll def get wat we worked so hard for one day! jia you!

kermit - yupz.. can understand how tiring but worthhile it'll be! do keep us updated n let us know when u pop! hee..

yuki - JIA YOU!
Hehehee... I also can only fall asleep on my right side...Now that Eliz give us advice, no more worries liao...

Thanks Elizabeth

ya.. i v stressful..dun noe Y..n hubby almost everyday wk late n normally i sleep 1st. n sumtm dun like my MIL , she noe im with TCM.. than one fine day she told me tat me beta?? so i dun noe wat she mean i jus smile back. n she started to said.. there is one v good TCM at ..... ..and is one of my hubby ah yi realtive , she cannt conceive so she go there n the person conceive..
U c wt the meanin by CANNOT CONCEIVE *ANGRY MAN*
this kind of tins is both of us,,y said me lor...n Y tins alway is women.. i hv went thou checkup.. but gyane said im ok.. haiz..sianz
Hi zenia, not really poking feeling, duno how to describe!

dodo- im feeling soreness in my boobs today. hope its not a sign that my AF is coming! usually when I have sore boobs, my AF will appear within the next 1-2 days..

hope ur mood swings beta today dun feel guilty ok, since u already apologised to ur hb
dear ALL, im very touched by your kind words and consolations... really touched

my hubby just called me, he sounded so emotional and made me cried in office again... he said he not angry wi me at all, he just wanted to make sure im safe &amp; happy here, even though he's unwell over there he will be very contended and happy...he still asked for my forgiveness for unable to go accompany me... i very sad to hear all these, he did so much for me and i still duno how to treasure it...
ant - me too! but my sore boobs lasting for a few days already... so dun really know what it implies... do you have white cm? i got quite thick of it these few days... and just a few hours ago, i feel tt my body aching as well...
elizabeth - me today dpo12... is white cm &amp; body aching +ve signs? do u experience these as well? im afraid i will pin too high hope and disappointed later....

dodo, i tested only 4 days past AF date to get a BFP. U might want to wait a while more
i didnt experience body aches but i had v sore nipples and boobs (sore to the point, even showering hurts). No discharge...only yellowish discharge these two days after testing positive.
