A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

CONGRATS elizabeth!!!!
Such a good news early in the morning!

take good care and wish u a smooth 9months ahead.. ^-^

Goooood morning ... me so tired this morning, hardly can keep eyes open.

Congrats Elizabeth!! How long have you been TTC-ing? Do take care of yourself hor?!

And for a bit of advise: how much green tea and grapefruit did you take? Daily? From CD? to CD? and how much ml? Sorry i so inquisitive ... i also take grapefruit about 500ml from CD9 to CD12 only. Too little?

Spread your baby dust to me hor?! Need loads of it!
CONGRATS elizabeth! it's great to hear more gd news in this thread!

dodo- till now, not much symptons for me. had bad tummy ache over the weekend. n stomach now stil feeling funny!

possions- me same as u. every mornin goten rush to get out of the house, no mood to BD! haha. we stil prefer to do b4 sleep cos hb wil be super tired after that, cant imagine if goten change thn go work! tink he wil peng san lor!
Thanks Dodo & Sus Sus
I am still in shock n anxiety stage cos of M/c in march. Praying v hard that all will be smooth this round...

Early preggie symptoms
- sore breasts (& it is v sore, spread over arm pits too & nipples are v painful to touch).
- Not much cramping but feel bloated most of the time.
- Body feels very warm even in air-con room (been taking temp very morning for 3 months now, temp range 36.6 - 37.07 since tested positive)

TTC since last year Oct. I drink two sachets of green tea everyday and grapefruit about 1 coffee mug daily. Can finish 1 packet of Florida a week.
Went for TCM for 2 months (recommended by some of the gals in this thread) TCM taught me some "good tricks" - eg. we could O early like in day 11, 12. So good to test OPK from Day 12 onwards. Alternate between missionary n doggie styles
keep back elevated for 30 mins then sleep still for at least 2 hours before any washoff (best not to wash..just sleep)..Ok to BD from CD12 - CD27, CD27 onwards, stop BD and avoid "liang" food.

Hope above info helpful
*babydust* to all...keep me in your prayers okie!!
thanks for the tips! elizabeth

pardon me for my ignorant... what is missionary style huh? :p may i know which dpo u tested?
and may i know do u monitor any difference in your discharge now? sorry for so many ques... :p
ant - are u better now? i have constipation for a few days... actually im not sure whether is it stomachache or cramp... take care oh..
elizabeth- thks for the info!

dodo- still feelin funny. could be the bbq food i ate over the weekend. whole body aching now too! my cm like no more liao.. haiz. seems like sore boobs is a sure sign of preg but til now i dun have it leh
dodo - missionary style means HB on top of wife.
DPO means test kit?? I tested BFP using Clearblue and Watson brand.

Yes, during O period, discharge was clear and o watery. After O period, discharge was yellowish and more "cakey", lumpy. oh, i have been suffering from constipation too since O period..

No worries abt questions..glad i can be of help
Hi dodo,

Missionary style means gal below and man on top ;)

Hi Elizabeth,

Congrats! Can you recommend the TCM to us? Errmm...can't wash up after BD? oh dear...dunno I can tahan or not, but for the sake of having bb, dun mind giving it a try la. thanks for the babydust, give us more! hehe.
ant - my sore boobs may not be a good sign.. coz i always get it b4 my AF visit...
just went to washroom and discovered my cm is back.. quite heavy & thick...
dodo - if you meant O test kit, i used OPK cassette. The box is pink in color with a baby face on the cover...cant remember the brand...anyone know which brand?
elizabeth - thanks for the explanation! hee... think i prefer missionary style :p but hubby away to india for 1 week starting from today... i already start to miss him now...

oh... my DPO means how many days past ovulation u tested huh? when ur menses due is it? for my case i have very irregular menses, so not sure when to test as well.. duno 14 days after ovulation will be accurate for me or not...
u also suffer constipation huh?! me too! n im confused btw the crampy feeling or stomachache...
thanks poisson for the explanation... :p
sotong me, had been practicing tt style for long, now only then know tt it is called missionary.. hee...
not sure can openly recommend TCM on thread, just some info...the TCM i visited is located at bukit timah plaza, female doc - Dr. Du. Her medicine must brew-type... Can email me if you need more details. My email: [email protected]

I used to wash up after BD but didnt strike, so i tried Dr. Du's method..just put a towel underneath your back and sleep. If you diligently follow her instructions to elevate your backside for 30 mins and lie still for 2 hours, the spermie usually wont flow out and cause discomfort.

I usually get sore breasts before O, and before AF comes. But sore breasts if BFP is different i notice....pain spread to the armpit area, & nipples are sensitive to touch (based on my last preggie-turn-m/c experience and now this preggie)
dodo- sounds like constipation is a sign too!
i usually will have sore boobs b4 AF too but this time round dun feel anything yet.

elizabeth- DPO = day past ovulation. which day did u test on the kit?

poissons- try to ren! i also the kind who immed will go toilet after BD, cannot tahan! but to increase my chance, i tried lying down for a while 1st n tried to go to sleep
ant - is constipation a sign too? but im not too hopeful actually... coz i just look back at my last cycle BBT, i had high BBT after O as well... but menses still came on DPO 15...

elizabeth - so excited for u!
u must take good care and have plenty of rest k...
Hi dodo,
Constipation is also a sign of preggy, cos ur body will start to produce progestrone and this will make the digestive relax, therefore causing constipation....
thank you dodo...i am excited too n couldnt believe when test BFP. thot the test kit is faulty and tested on another one. was expecting AF to show up cos of backaches and sore breasts..

i read that high BBT should stay for at least 18 days (chances of BFP is high then).

i hope the visit to gynea this afternoon can double confirm. but worry 4 weeks might be too early to detect anything. but was told to go today cos i have m/c history...so better be safe.
hi char - oic... really gladful got u gals here to share ur prof advices...
but i worry if i pin too high hope and will get disappointed later on...
hi elizabeth,
much like u, I have very sore boobs, backaches,constipation and is always in sleep mode....feels very tired and will just sleep when the oppertunity arises.... :p
and not forgetting the nausea part....i cant stand the smell of people frying fish, will feel nausea when i take bread...have a craving for porridge....
i wll be seeing the doc today to scan again...went last week but couldnt really see anything...doc says its either too early or its etopic pregnancy..so also keeping my fingers cross lor....
morning all.. so many posts early in the morning! hee.. just back frm the gynae.. did a blood test on sat and today.. this will cfm whether i'm preggy.. help me keep fingers crossed tt the HCG levels will double k?

elizabeth - CONGRATS CONGRATS!! =)
yeah this thread has journeyed with me thru ups n downs for the past 1 year...gained alot of good tips and recommendations too...

i understand the emotional roller coaster of all ttc-sters...i guess to say, keep trying, keeping going is lame for all ttc-sters...but still we must have never-give-up attitudes. Good to go for body check-ups too...my HB went for SA analysis and I went for checkup for egg size under the recommendation of TCM. concluded HB ok, but my egg size is often small and slow to O..so TCM helps...but the process of brewing is tiring... i was on TCM for 3 months..june, july, aug before i had high fever and stopped TCM. during the period on TCM, my O date changed from CD16 onwards to CD12 which is supposed to be good cos good eggs will O earlier...anyway hope info is useful
elizabeth - ya, better to consult a gynae soon... he/ she will be able to give u better care
so u will have a june bb also! i wish to have a june bb as well as i was borned in June...

oic... actually i think of testing on 08 Oct (dpo 15), if it's a good news, with give hubby a surprise on our 1st wedding anniversary on 10 Oct
if it's not a good news, then will have 2 days to adjust my disappointment b4 celebrating my wedding anniversary loh...
hope to hear yr good news dodo..
agree it would be the best anniversary gift... me & HB got ROM on 18 Sept, it is our best belated gift once double confirm by gynea
caitlyn - yes! im the one!
thanks thanks... i need all ur baby dusts now! hee...

caitlyn, char & elizabeth - pray hard for u all! *-*

ant & zenia - hope we are very fortunate to join their league...
thanks elizabeth...
no matter good news or bad news... will definately keep u all updated! actually my fingers very itchy now... feel like testing leh... aiyo...
aiyoh...all of you so newly wed ah...this coming thur will be my 4th wedding anni liao....feel so 'lao fu lao qi' liao.... :p
char, me also married 4 years liao..

dodo, understand the agony of wanting to test..
if can tahan for another week, tahan..if not...go for it man!
char - wah.. then it's also the best present for ur hubby on ur wedding anniversary!

ant - hee.. how to control our itchy fingers... ya, agree tt better dun test so early... the result may not be tt accurate and may result in disappointment also... really wish to occupy my mind with other stuff so i can totally ignore this...but it's so hard!
hi dodo...if u can, try to wait for a while before you test...cos when I tested DPO15...the test result was really very faint, to the extend i was doubting that is the test accurate or not....but when i tested again last weekend-DPO 20(hand itchy.....)which is around 4-5 weeks preggy, the line was almost as dark as the control line...
elizabeth & char - thanks for the advice
ya.. think i better control myself for the time being... actually me now DIY a present for my hubby for the coming 1 year anniversary... shd concentrate on tt.. :p really wish tt im blessed enough to join u in June MTB...
congrats! elizabeth!

just want ot chk wif u, u mentioned drink 2 sachets of greentea,
isit wif caffeine? so u drink before O or after O?

hmm..any diet and supplements to share by u and ur HB bsides drinknig the fruit juice and greentea?

eh u O on which cycle?
even after O still bd till cd27?
hi mangogal, i drank green tea throughout - before O, after O and during 2WW. The greentea i bought is OSK brand (those u always see at sakae sushi restaurant)

We didnt eat anything extra. Only during TCM, I had to drink the brewed chinese med everyday, my HB drank it 1 week before O period to prepare his spermie..

I O on CD13. I BD on CD9, CD11, CD13 & CD19. TCM advises to BD till CD27 (if we can, in case of late O) But no BD allowed after CD27.

Something silly to share...by faith, me & HB bought baby clothings at recent taka baby fair...hee...saw on this thread some preggie moms did that, so we follow...
ant - thanks so much.. nurse says hopefully can get before 6pm today.. coz they sent in sample as 'urgent'..

char - wat time is ur appt today? keep us updated too ya?

dodo - dun test too early as results wun be accurate.. try to tahan at least until DPO14 or sth..
elizabeth- wah maybe i shd go buy some bb clothings too! if we can see it, we can have it! r u a christian?

i am drinkin a cup of coffee everyday. read that it's ok to drink 1 cup but stil worry that it may affect the bb if i am reali preg. anyone like me?

think crucial part is not to wash off after BD, stay elevated 30mins and lie still 2 hrs. Just sleep overnite.
i used to find it sticky and messy...but this round, i just bochap and bear with it...

my TCM illustrated to me in a cute way, she said that spermie usually takes 30 mins to swim from entrance to meet egg..then spermie needs 2 hours to take off his tuxedo before he can finally, successfully meet the egg!!!
