A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

dodo and ant - I understand how you gals feel.
After failing for so many cycles...my heart become numbs when i see red everytime. Sigh! just our luck is not there yet.... but don't give up... one day our turn will come soon!

caitlyn - don't worry so much, your hcg level is a good indication. since you don't have spotting... should be quite safe already.

char - so happy to know you can see the sac... so you are 5 or 6 weeks preggie already rite....
caitlyn & yuki- i emailed dr chua asking her when's the earliest can i test for preg since my cycle always so irregular... she replied and told me tt 10 days after ovulation can test already, she wished me good lucks as well... :p but i still dun have the courage to test...today only dpo11...temp still at 36.69, exactly the same for the past 6 days...
elizabeth - my temp not really high... 36.69 only... and today only dpo 11, my finger starts to get itchy again... :p so is it better i wait for 1 more week?
Hi Dolp4,
We're the same age!! Jia you on the new cycle ok? I'm also waiting for my O to come next week and try again. How long have you been ttc-ing?

Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for emailing the TCM contact, I will most probably go check her out if the next cycle still fails. Congrats on your pregnancy...take good care of yourself and the baby huh!
Hi Bettle_bug

Ya lor... I already gotten very used to seeing red every cycle... but now, I'm getting worried coz my BBT reading is very low... so really scared that I'm really Hypothyriodism... Will wait for this cycle to complete first and see if I shld go for the blood test... dun wanna be too paranoid too...

Thinking of going for the egg monitoring... probably after this cycle lor... or shld I go this cycle? Wat do u gals think?
Hi Dodo

I agree wif Elizabeth... Perhaps, wait for awhile before testing lor... I personally find the -ve sign very depressing... so no point testing now... for some, u may be able to tell as early as 10 DPO... but usually, we tested much earlier... for mi, my BBT dun go down till the day bf AF... which is usually 13 or 14 DPO... on the safe side maybe test 14 DPO if yr AF still dun report lor...

But if u think u can handle it if it's -ve then... go ahead... who knows u might get good news earlier... ;p
hi yuki, i personally think egg monitoring is useful...helps to know when egg is ready to O..go for it if it doesnt stress u out too much

hi char & caitlyn, how's your temp charting? can share? mine dropped from 36.92 to 36.80..kinda worried.
yuki & elizabeth - okay noted...
yuki, me too! BBT usually decrease just the day bf AF come... so i better keep my fingers crossed for the next few days...
Hi bettlebug...me 6 weeks liao....so now try to rest more...but my backaches are quite bad....
Eh...elizebeth...i m the lazy kind...didnt take BBT for record...hehe...
Just to share some old folks advice,if u think u are preggy,pls dun take.....
1. Chin Chow-too cooling, may cause fits in children
2. Stingray--
3.green Banana--Too cooling
4. Mutton
caitlyn - eat those mamee, chips in moderation...eat more healthy snack leh...

bettle - so long never hear frm you...sama sama...yest juz see red...sian...really hope one day we will all strike together...

poissons - i ttc-ing coming to a year liao...sigh...thanks i will jia you this month...hope you will get a BFP this month too...keep finger cross for you

dodo - guo lai ren like me or most of us here can understand your kan cheongness...will keep finger cross for you.

yuki - maybe u can go for the egg monitoring this cycle if it doesn't stress you out like wat eliz said...i oso thot of gg for that if this cycle still dun strike(touchwood). btw, r u taking any med from the gynae or still on TCM?
char- did u consider gg to pre-natal yoga which i heard or read from some mag can help with backaches? those food tat u mentioned is it not to take after BD(possibility of striking)or early stage of pregnancy or throughout whole pregnancy?
Hi Dolp4,
thought of enrolling for the yoga,but most probably wait till after 1st trimister till everything is stabalise....My MIL is saying that not to eat throughout the pregnancy....I will consolidate it into a list dan send to you gals once ready....
Hi elizebeth,
bird nest and chicken soup should be ok....but if u are using herbs in the soup, have to be careful of what u put in cos certain chinese herbs are not to be taken during preggy time...for the chicken, best u can get kampong chicken...think it is less fats and healtier.. :p
hi gals,
I will be sending out an excel file on some TTC information...if u have not received it from me before, pls PM me so that I can send it to you too...
Hmm.. i have some enquires..
Yet to start ttc as not married yet.

But would like to know..

from what I read, there's must be implantation in order to conceive right?

then sure will have spotting due to the implantation?

Hi Char5105,

I've juz PM you ;) Thanks!

I heard that during preggie, better not to eat watermelon (coolong), octopus (too many hands!) and raw food (bacteria)...

Then if want to eat birdnest and stuff, shld eat during 2nd trimester...no point eating on the last trimester cos the baby won't absorb. Dunno how true is that.

Oh yah, another thing..try to walk more during pregnancy, this will help to have an easier labour. My boss climb stairs and go for long walks, she only had 5hrs of labour..it was quite easy for her lor.
Yuki, Elizabeth, Dolp, can i ask what is egg monitoring? Got such thing ah? Then i want to try too. Which CD to go and how much does it usually cost? Issit like transvaginal scan? Why will it stress us out, issit the process?
Wow... so many posting liao ah...

Being busy this few days and unable to log on...

Just manage to finish reading all the postings! There are so many good news! Congrat to all MTB!

Today I check my CM and find that it is milky in colour + some transparent mucus (mix). It can stretch about 1.5inch. I have not O yet according to the OPK but why so? I thought only EWCM are stretchable? Can anyone advise me?


Hi Poissons - so sorry for not replying your posting. So, hoonie (thanks, hoonie) has explained what is CD to you. So, which CD are you in now? Have you start using the OPK?
char -i have PM you...tks...

btw, my fren said bittergourd, water chestnut oso cannot eat because its cooling as well. Soft cheese oso cannot eat...All food must be well-cooked to kill germs.

hi poohise - yes there must be implantation in order to conceive. implantation spotting does not hapen to everyone. I got a fren said she dun have implantation spotting.

sus sus- regarding the egg monitoring, m not veri sure of the process...maybe yuki can help to explain to us..
Hi Apple,
Can I check...when you have your CM, is it usually alot of juz small patch or few drops? Cos I'm observing mine and it's usually juz a small little patch, dunno is it healthy or not? Currently it is milky and creamy...
Hi Poissons,

I think it depend on individuals. I don't really know how to describe. I think it's a small patch.

I read somewhere that as woman get older (35 & above), the CM also get lesser.
As I'm about the age range, I think mine should be less lor...

I also don't know is it healthy or not. I'm still waiting for advise from the rest of the gals leh... sorry, can't help.

But keep monitoring your CM. It is suppose to get clearer when you are near to your O day. BTW, which CD are you in now? Near your O day?
Hi Apple,
I agree about the age thing, cos' I remembered i had more during my younger days.

I'm in CD10 today, yours? Soon right? I have yet to use OPK, probably in a couple of days, since the gals here said that sometimes we tend to O earlier.
eliz and char - Thank you

apple and poissons - my cm oso veri little...younger times alot but won't appreciate...apple, think u r gg to ovulate soon...stretchy cm should be fertile cm...maybe not everyone will get EWCM? mine oso not really EW but oso stretchy which i noticed for last cycle...scratch head!!
Hi Poissons,

I'm in CD19 today. Sadly, I have not O according to the OPK. But I still BD anyway.

Hm... it's ok to test early. Last time when I was taking TCM. The sinseh provide me with OPK strips and asked me to start testing from CD10 also. If you don't intend to test early, don't stop ML too.

I find myself rely too much on OPK strip and lost the actual ML mood previously. It also make both of us very stress during the BD session as we have set our mind on making baby only. I think it's bad.
Nowadays, even I don't see good CM or +OPK, I also ML whenever we like. (If happen to test +OPK the next day, we will continue to BD for another 2days lor...) My poor HB...lucky he still can lah.... hehehe...
Hi Apple,
Hmm..ok, then i try OPK tmr morning since i juz stock up on the kits, dun want to loose any chances. Actually these few days my hubby has been working late, so we no ML..but I gave him a reminder this morning abt our baby plans so he said he will try his best to come back early.

Sigh..sometimes I felt that those who got pregnant on those one night stands really super duper "HENG" leh...it's like when you want it, you dun get it, the more you dun want it, you got it. So ironical.
Hi dolp4,
Really? I thought only EWCM is consider good CM for the Sperm to "swim"? I very confused... but hoping it will get clearer tomorrow or tonight!

Hi Poissons,
Hahahaa.... when you said they are "heng", remind me of what I told my husband last time. I told him "Those 1-night-stand/tou1 qing2 so lucky, maybe we also pretend to tou1 qing2 then go to hotel to try hor..."
He said "You xiao4 ah..."

Oh well, maybe we should try to relax more lor... those 1-night-stand are enjoying themselves while doing it right?
dodo- hope u feeling beta today. i still dun have any symptoms till date. cant help but keep thinking on the negative side
even my cm sometimes got, sometimes dun have!

poissons- yah, now i realise those who strike the 1st time is really super duper heng!!
apple- think the key is really to relax n enjoy the session instead of keep thinking abt bb. then it will come when u least expects it!
Hi Apple,
Hee..yah lor..they are enjoying themselves, right time, right place, so they striked!

Are you receptive to TCM? Was thinking if the next cycle failed, I might want to go check out the TCM contact Elizabeth gave me. NO time to lose liao.

Oh yah, did you gals read today's ST's supplement paper - Mind YOur Body? There was an article on making babies and it states that making babies require us to eat well, sleep soundly and live healthily. Must also be optimistic, that will help the sperms and eggs to get cosy together. The funniest one was that men shouldn't smoke, cos' smoking makes the sperm swim in circles rather than in one direction.
apple- yalor. agonizing wait! keep going to those preg website n check the day by day calendar to see what i can expect if i really strike! hee..

poissons- so funny! sperm swimming in circles for man who smoke?!
Hi Poissons,
I not sure if I'm receptive to TCM. The last time I went to the sinseh my cousin recommended, I got high fever after taking the pills. I've stopped and go for a thorough check up at KKH (except HSG). Going to try for another 2cycles before going for the HSG procedure.
I personally believe in TCM but I'm not going back to the sinseh I consulted (not very convincing). Will try other sinseh if I'm clear from HSG. Currently we are considering which hosiptal to go for HSG. Top choice = TMC

Heheee... sperm swim in circles? Not all swim in circle lah... My friend's husband is a heavy smoker and yet she conceived 2mths after their wedding dinner.

me also 26 lei..monkey also...and i have been trying since may also...but my menses still come every week.last 2 mths is only 1 week late.

will go for a check up in nov just to confirm
Hi Elizabeth

Can i check with you, how long have you been with Dr Du (TCM) at beauty world?

I heard she has designated western gynae whom she will advise us to see but that means we have to stop seeing our own gynae?

Can share what she did for you to tiao your body?
Hi Apple,

Ermm..sorry, what's HCG check?
I juz went to TMC on Mon to visit my boss who juz gave birth. Find the place very run down as compared to Gleneagles, didn't give me a good feeling. But I heard the gynaes there are pretty good wor.
hi sus sus,
i started treatment with Dr. Du for 3 months since June and stopped in Aug cos fall sick. thot going back to her and strike this month. yeah she works with Dr. Fong Chuan Wee - Gleneagles, quite a famous gynea who often appears on fertility programs. I am not sure if need to stop seeing your own gynea...can check with Dr. Du when u see her...she is quite chatty and will advise u.

her medicines are in herb form...(grass, roots etc) those u see in chinese medical hall. differnt phase of the cycle, she will prescribe different herb to stimulate your system. i drank her medicine every day for past 3 months, twice a day..my HB drank during O period to boost his spermies..hee...

hope info helpful..
Hi dodo: sorry.. very busy with my work the past few days.. so, any good news from you? today is my DPO9 but my temp drop at DPO6 and DPO7 at 36.4+ and at DPO8 and DPO9(today) at 36.9+.. and no symptoms like sore breast, backache, nausea, impatience, white discharge, constipation and etc.. sigh..

hmm... read from the previous post that u detected some blood stain?? It might be implantation bleeding leh.. gal.. high chance!!! more over u have sore breast leh.. hmmm.. All the best gal!!!

Hi yuki, i do have very low BBT before my O and this is the first time i continue taking my BBT after O but sometimes it goes to 36.4+ then back to 36.6+. (but is on the low side).. hmmm.. anyway, i went for a blood test on prostesgence this week.. so result will be out next week.. sigh.. I doubt I will have any good news lah..

anyway, i oso thought of going egg monitoring next month if this cycle fails.. hopefully baby dun let me spent too much $$ liao.. sigh..

Hi ant: u have poky feeling around tummy area? I have that funny feeling too but it won't be long.. jus a while only..

Hi dolp4: Please dun be discourage.. try again okie.. your turn will come soon..


Errr..Why ur O so late one??
What time u test on OPK one? The best time to test on OPK is 3pm to 8pm....Did you happen to drink a lot of water before u test on OPK?

Spermies swiming in circles?? haha...Wait the sperm giddy leh...

I think setting a date for sex and not BD with hubby mic helps...Dun let them know when u exactly ovulated....Then I guess there will be more passion and excitement...create a more conducive mood for ML...
Hi Possions,

HSG = Hysterosalpingogram
It is a test to determine whether your fallopian tubes are open or blocked.

I thought of going to TMC cos I find that KKH are very "rough" to their patients. The time I did a scan down below, the specialist "poke" until me very pain!

Another gal from this thread when to TMC and she say only like menses cramp. I have a friend who did a HSG at KKH also complaint that it is very painful.

Gynaes good? Hm... I think so lah... but I find my SIL one very "lazy" leh... My SIL was not due for another 2weeks (no complication) and he arrange her to check in for delivery. On the day she deliver, I heard that he attended to 5-6 MTB leh... it's like 4 convenient sick, ask my SIL to deliver on the same day as the rest.

Hi Hoonie,
Don't know leh... I ever had a +OPK at CD20. I didn't drink a lot of water leh...I start work at 10.30am and after 12pm (passing urine), I only sip water leh... I test at 3.30pm and 9.30pm
Ok not?
was on mc so quite lost..

elizabeth - my temp fluctuates between 36.87 - 37.09.. the past few days have been consistently rising a little but not sure if it's coz of e flu..

choco - me thot of seeing another gynae.. but decided just to stick with this gynae lor.. see too early also cannot see anything no pt..
good morning all!

ant - my BBT this morning (dpo12) is 36.79... have been 36.69 from dpo 6 to dpo 11... i dun feel any special symptoms... still sore breast and thick cm... but i feel very very tired these 2 days, despite having 7hours rest (as usual), i still feeling very tired n keep yawning... actually tiredness is one of my pre-AF symptoms as well...

choco - wah... we share lots of similarities
ya, think better to consult a gynae to do a thorough checkup, so at least can "fang xin"... however, i wish u "strike" b4 that k...
