A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi dolp4, thks for the welcome
hope to join more in this thread n learn more w all of u.

congrats Tayetsuri! hw long hv u been ttc-ing?

hi yuki, ya loh veri informative...but veri thick duno when can i finish reading :p

hi bear, i remembered the 1st time i post on this thread oso ask alot of qns...the gals here are veri nice so dun hesitate to ask if in doubts...they are more than willing to share w you.
Thanks, gals!!! For all the blessing and well wishes.

Hmm...we are planning to TTC only in Aug becos of my illness (need to seek final clearance from doc before getting pregnant). Well, it came as a surprise to us, really :p

Any symptoms? Oh ya, all the symptoms of "M" coming...so I wasnt really bothered by it until I got abodminal pain, then realise tat I am pregnant when the doc told me. We were shocked. So you never know...dun let your guards now...JIA YOU, gals!!!

All the well wishes...and when I pop by the next time into this thread...I hope to see more Mum-to-be
Haiz ... actually, i abit down today. Abit sad that i may not have ovulated this month or maybe even the past months.

2 days of OPK testing before the O day (national day) turned out negative.

Also no EWCM. And BBT since then has been slowly increasing, no spike to indicate O:
CD10 Sat = 35.9
CD11 Sun = 35.9
CD12 Mon = 36.1 , BD
CD13 Tues = 36.3
CD14 Wed = 36.3 , BD
DPO1 Thurs = 36.4
DPO2 Today = 36.3

Haiz ... slim chance leh. If really have, its a miracle baby from God!
Hi Sus sus

How long is yr cycle... today only CD 16 leh... dun lose hope yet... coz sometimes, maybe late ovulation... juz continue to BD and hope for a miracle..
sus sus, dont lose heart. one thing i learnt abt ttc is that you gotta pick yourself up if the month didnt bring good news. Just have to shake the negative dust off the shoulder and try harder next month. Sooner or later, you gonna strike the jackpot!

like what yuki said, could be late O, keep BDing...
hi sus sus, i think u need to get the right thermometer first...dun be sad...the reading may not be accurate as it is oni 1 dec plc...m not christian but I believe GOD will bless you...

ya, sometimes, miracle do happen so dun give up hope!

Remember, we muz not be too stress, not easy, but pls try to k? Jia You...
, thnx for your babydust on this thread!! have a smooth 9 mois ahead!!

you're most welcome!!

just for info, to calculate O, minus 14-16 days from your cycle. eg: cycle is 35 days, minus 14 = CD21. minus 16 = CD19. the window of 14-16 days depends on each individual, some have longer luteal phase, average is 14, anything below 10 & its considered a luteal phase defect. good to BD any 5 days before O, O & 1 day after O, hope this info is useful to you.
posh- xie xie ni! i got a beta understanding nw
so i shd start to gear up frm CD14 (nxt wk), ask hb to get ready too

i bot sm opks too. wil start testin nxt wk. keke
Hi, oops ... sorry, i just realized i must have dampen the spirits by my post. Read one more time then realized abit negative.

Ok, will persevere. Thanks alot gals!! The encouragement help a great deal! I feel better now.

My cycle is 28 days so may have O-ed or maybe O delayed ... hope thats the case. Indeed must pick ourselves up even after the bad news. Just that its harder to convince the heart than the mind. But ya, just gotta do it and lose heart. Thanks again gals!
sus sus,

to give you a little more confidence, go to www.fertilityfriend.com website and search through the gallery charts for pregnancy / erratic BBT and you will see that pregnancies can still be achieved even with very ugly looking BBT patterns!

have a good weekend!
Sus Sus, u need to tell them its Basal thermometer, then they should know. Ask from the pharmacy assistant in watsons, they should be able to help

me kapo abit. How about getting it online. I just did a search and found this. But not sure if they have stock or not. Better than running around the whole of Singapore looking for it right (but I am not sure if price-wise it is much cheaper or what).

BTW, I am not related anyhow to the company, just that its in Singapore so hopefully the shipping charges are lower. Or perhaps someone can bulk order from overseas like what we did for the OPK last time.

bz with work for the last 2 weeks...now pop in to see look and already see that Stileto is preggie!


hi all,

think I've decided that TTCing is too stressful for me .... going to go full force in career since opportunities are presenting themselves...

Dunno if I'm looking for a reason not to try anymore after 30++ cycles... getting really tired... Also good friend's baby due in March, the month that I really hope to get... *sigh*
Hi Phy

Dun be disappointed... Juz continue to BD as and when you are available... and have the mood for it...

That doesn't mean u should give up any career opportunities because of TTC... juz leave it to fate and chances lor.... see which one comes first....

Hi all..

I am new in this thread..have a doubt here. Do you gals pee aft BD? I have habit to pee aft BD..now i am ttc so aft bd will lift up my butt for 15mins b4 washing. Will this waste the spermie cos it will trickle out when peeing..any1 have same experience?
hi all.. back from my trip.. had siarrhea on wed, and AF reported on Thurs..MC on Fri coz of severe cramps.. kinda spoilt e trip a little altho overall still relaxing.. this was a really short cycle for me.. it was only my CD20 when AF came full blast.. looks like my AF loves playing with me! haha.. hope it'll get lost soon!

stileto - congrats!! very happy for u!! hugz hugz

Ok, after 2 days of rest, now I feel better
Went to buy preseed and a basal thermometer... thinking that I should try again

Anyway, just a moment of frustrations and couldn't get out of the blues...

Hi Caitlyn,
Great to have you back.. great to see cheerful people around

Following some posts with regards to where to get them :

I bought mine at Isetan scotts basement pharmacy.. brand is Omron, $19.40.

Also bought Preseed there. $39.90 for 6 pre-filled applications.

Hope it helps whoever needs the information.

Used one preseed today... hope I'll BINGO
ph - sometimes must trick myself into believing i'm happy.. haha.. anyway, me decided to see another gynae to get a second opinion.. if e gynae also ask me to take diane-35 then i will lor..
hi patty, i hv the same problem! wil go to the loo after BD. tryin to stay in bed for at least 10 mins but i cant tahan til thn n wil go loo liao. reali wasted when i c the spermie tricklin dwn when i pee

thks jesmine. wil start testin on the opk this wk. hv been BD-ing on alternate days since last wk
ant... good luck.

i also hope i will strike this cycle. OPK +ve on 9th aug and bd on 9th and 10th only. cos 11th realised that the pain i am having is yeast infection and so refrain from bd so wonder if i will still strike.
hi caitlyn- Welcome back
u better today? pls take good care leh...

hi phy - glad that u continue to try...dun give up...lets jia you...
sus sus

i just bought a 2 decimal pt thermometer from gurandian causeway pt at 26.40.
the brand is ITO ovalation digital thermometer

its a bt ex compare to elizaberth one but really cannot find her model
Hi Caitlyn

Alamak... so early come liao? u sure not some mid-cycle spotting or better still implantation spotting... hehehehe...

Actually, have u tot of seeing TCM instead? coz sometimes, things that cannot be cured by western medication... maybe TCM works...

Though there's alot of medications to take... but if there's a chance... why let it go?
i tested OPK positive on 11/8 night.
O will be within 48 hours right?
should I still continue to BD today & tomorrow?
Hi Caitlyn

Welcome back...

Actually hor, do u wanna consider TCM first before going to another western gynae... sometimes, western medication cannot cure... but chinese medication leh...
Hi Amy

After 11/8 did u still do any OPK tests?

Likely is that u have already ovulated... if u wanna be doubly sure... continue to BD today...
