A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

ya true yuki..

u noe for gyane oni gv me clomid n ask me 2 try. i been tryin v long 1st strike at Nov05 but too bad done a D & C on Jan06 so i try till nw till no news =( .. but when i went to TCM..he said my womb is too small..so hard to conceive. and hv to take his med to cure..n ask me not to worry so much.. but one tin is tis mth i taken clomid too..a few ltr i went TCM than start the chinese med.. till nw my menses hvnt cm.. but tested ydae is -ve.. overdue 10 days from my longest cycle..Heard others said mayb due to heaty so delay..

Hi Amy

Dun worry too much lah... who knows a few days nvr BD, yr hubby's spermie more & stronger and can find yr egg leh...

Hi Joy

How long have u been taking Clomid already? How's yr body's reaction to Clomid? Is the cycle shorten? Have u taken blood test after taking clomid... is yr progesterone level increased?

Dunno lor... for mi, Clomid actually over-stimulated my ovaries... and ended up have to remove one of them... so better be careful hor... if yr body is not reacting well to Clomid then better stop...

Did u tell yr TCM dat u r taking Clomid also?

Dun worry too much... sometimes, stress also can be a reason... especially if there's travelling, or some events dat's stressful during the cycle... Juz relax and if it doesn't come @ all... even better ;p
Hi Caitlyn,

Think it's really impt to stay happy
Then we can also cheer others up

I think you're right to go for second opinion... also consider what Yuki has suggested : TCM.. who knows?

Hi Baby,

I don't know if preseed helps in TTC.. I've been experiencing "dry spells" perhaps due to stress or clomid that I took last year... Heard that preseed (moisturiser) helps in vaginal dryness and some even got preggie by using it... so I thought I should try lor

If I bingo then will definitely recommends it... Right now I'm just trying out the product...


Ya, must jia you jia you zai jia you! That's why decided to try again...

Think the gals here are really great pple... very uplifting whenever I'm down and discouraged in the pursuit of snagging a BB..

Thanks to all wonderful ladies here!


I didn't know clomid can over stimulate ovaries... oh dear, my gynae gave me up to aug to try.. if not she's gonna put me on super ovulation drugs then 4th round of IUI...Now I'm scared..
Thanks Phy and Caitlyn for your blessings!

Phy, don't be disheartened...i tried for many cycles too then bingo....the wait is difficult, but never give up 'cos you may be blessed next...and your joy will be zillion times more than a girl who strikes easily!!!

take heart,

thanks for the comforting words. Will try and try and try... b4 natural resources (eggs & spermie) and $$ run out! wahaha
yuki - confirm is AF.. super heavy flow some more.. maybe coz e last round was very little only.. actually i went to see TCM liao but i wondering if i not suitable for TCM tt's y AF like tt this rd.. me gg tonite for my second opinion.. will see how it goes.. hopefully this gynae will be willing to try me on other drugs other than contraceptives..

phy - we all gambette together! i was like telling my hb, we just adopt lah worse come to worst then i wun have to go thru e pain! haha.. also, ytday there was an article abt "renting wombs".. i thot it was not tt bad a thing wat.. my hb thinks i'm nuts
Hi Caitlyn

Up to u lor... Hope u get a better opinion...

Hi Phy

Errr... didn't yr gynae told u bf letting u take Clomid? I choose to take Clomid coz I'm scare that my cysts will come back soon... and hope to get preggy asap... but who knows... over-stimulated... not too sure if it will be the same for u lah... but so many gals are taking clomid here... so, shld be diff depending on individual lor... dun worry too much...
yuki - actually i guess e gynae may say e same thing.. but this time i want to see RE.. coz RE can help in correcting hormonal imbalnce rather than just getting preggy.. coz to me, i think more impt to get to e root cause which is all e hormonal stuff.. after i correct tt, will prob go back to dr chua to try to get preggy..
hi phy, agreed w you. The gals here are veri encouraging and supportive. If without u gals, I duno who to turn to when i feel down and need encouragement. Thanks ladies.
hi Yuki

u mean Clomid is no good rite?.. i try 3x b4 the 1st strike n 2x for tis two mths... N my menses cm on 2nd jul.. i take clmid from 3th to 7th JUl.. and went to c TCM on 10th..n start his med.. but i did told him..he said alrite..

last time clomid shorten my CD.. from 34 to 24... tat time i found myselt preg on CD28..
but 2day is alredi CD45..the mre wan it to cm the mre dun come... haizzzz...

summre im sick recently ..fever, sore throat etc =(
Hi Elizabeth, Choco, Phy and all!

Thanks for helping me hunt down the BBT thermometer. I finally got mine over the weekend. Thanks!
hey gals,
i have some doubts here:

1) when is the earliest possible day to test for pregnancy after the ovulation?

2) what will the CM look like or feel like if pregnant?

thanks oh!
morning all...

dodo - u suspect u preggie?? all e best! help u keep fingers and toes crossed!

got a second opinion ytday.. dr says i can go on clomid next cycle.. on CD10/12 must scan follicle, and then take an injection if it shows follicle is ripe.. is this e usual procedure? any gals here have any opinions? sd i go on clomid or diane-35?? hmm

i would hesitate to take the clomid. some things cannot be rushed. i know you are very eager to have a bb asap. but if dr chua have said your body may not be suitable to carry a bb to full term, then you must take that into serious consideration. take at least 3 mths, best is 6 mths to tiao your body, gain some weight, normalise the hormones, so that body is in a better condition to be pregnant. these are my thoughts.

i am always skeptical of doctors who hand out clomid like nobody's business...
kermit - thanx for sharing.. i did ask this gynae the same qn.. he says becoz of my PCO condition, miscarriage is def higher chance than normal ppl.. but he did say tt based on family history (of super skinny ppl), blood test results and age, cannot be 100% sure will miscarry also... no one can predict tt.. tt's y now i abit mao dun.. also, my underlying PCO condition cannot be solved becoz of my body weight.. he said usu those who can solve underlying PCO problems are usu those who are overweight coz e drugs given usu help in wt management.. hmm.. so horrible hor.. get second opinion liao then start to mao dun! haha
Hi Caitlyn

Hmmm... actually, I will agree with kermit also... coz I think I was rushing into things before my last cycle also... each time I took Clomid... I felt terrible... My body didn't react very well from the 2nd times onwards... can coz I really wanted to get preggy, I juz continue to take it and ended up over stimulating the ovaries... sometimes, thinking back, I really regretted for rushing...

So, if I were u... I will rather go for TCM, tiao my body first or take the diane-35 as requested... rather than rushing into things...
sus sus

it is possible that TCM will increase BBT..cos it warms up the body...but just a bit strange the effects are felt so soon...i took TCM for a few months before seeing my BBT after O becoming higher and my biphasic pattern becoming more distinct.

it would depend on what you are checking. if you are going for a first scan, i would suggest CD12 to CD14. Apart from scanning for cysts and fibroids, you can also ask the gynae to scan for dominant follicles in the ovaries, that would tell you if you are producing eggs on your own.

for blood tests, CD2 or DPO7 may be better.
Thanks Kermit!

I felt strange too. Only taken 2 packets of that awful powder yesterday and today BBT shot to a new high. Havent seen this high BBT for a very long time.

Will continue to monitor the next few days. Today is CD21, 7 more days to AF.
hi caitlyn, in what way your body did not react well to TCM. AF became heavier as u mentioned before? Maybe you should check with the chinese physician is it normal to react this way after taking TCM? hmm...i am thinking if TCM really work and you juz stop halfway..heard my friend said that TCM work so slowly to tiao your body...

a bit worrie for u loh...
dolp4 - after i eat TCM, my menses flow suddenly very heavy, came way too fast plus never experience such bad cramps before.. so a bit wondering whether it's e TCM.. i not sure if it's just coincidence.. maybe i'll go back to e physician to check..

yuki + kermit - thx.. will consider carefully.. i sld have at least 1 mth to consider seeinf tt my cycles are super long! haha

my TCM got 2 types. before O and after O. before O is to help eggies to grow. after O is to help implantation. so if your TCM doc knows what he is doing, shouldn't be a problem. that is why the before O med can only be taken after CD5. just in case preggie already, then shouldn't take TCM.


the heavy flow and cramps may not be a bad thing after all. did you follow up and ask the TCM doc why? sometimes the TCM med could be purging your body of the toxicities and impurities.

Any one hv this experience....I am into CD32 my mense hv bn 30 days until last cyc. I have bn taking temp n tis few days my temp is btw 36.7 - 36.8...yest i got spot n tis morning slight bleeding...

I am a bit confuse cos usually when my AF coming my temp will drop n not remain tat high...anyone hv tis experience b4
hi unique,

the same happ to me for my last cycle. juz monitor for a few more days. if AF still does not report and BBT still high, it's time to do a preg test! best of luck!
kermit - i din follow up with TCM yet.. coz she tld me to finish my course of medication.. hmm.. i really in a big dilema now.. shucks.. haha..

quite well! thanks! going into my 6 mth liao! a lot of bb kicking felt...but the 20 week detailed scan was anther WHEW! so glad passed through that already and everything is fine.


keep monitoring! if BBT don't fall, then got chance! *fingers crossed*


yeah! think if i am you, i will be in dilemna too. cos its like it's worth taking a bet with the clomid. if you were like 30 and above, i would say GO FOR IT! but given your age, i wouldn't rush things! if it were me, i guess after carefully thinking, i would take the diane35 to regulate my cycle for 3 months, kick start the cycle like Dr chua said and in the meantime try to gain weight. my thinking is with your cycle haywired , you may be wasting your clomid cycles. as you know, clomid cannot be take for prolonged period and the toxicity is accummulated in your ovaries.

but i agree that miscarriage can happen to anyone and it's hard to predict. guess what yuki and i were trying to say is don't only think about getting results fast fast...but to think of all other factors as well

sus sus

*dash over to read email*
kermit - hmmm.. will discuss with my hb.. hopefully we'll come up with a good plan.. i'm of course very very tempteed to go for e clomid.. but well.. also agree tt i sld not rush.. but i did read up on diane-35 and there are also possible side effects..

Hi Unique,

Seems high chance leh ... AF late and high BBT. Maybe u are already preggie, just tat not enuff HCG in urine yet tats why hpt is negative? Maybe test again tml? All the best!
