A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


realli been 6 mths? time flies...

maybe test agn 7 days later if bbt still high & af no come *cross fingers*
thanks juju for answering my ques

caitlyn - hmm, i duno leh.. coz my BBT remain high for the past 15days (suspected O on 01.08)... but hor this morning BBT drop from usual 36.7 to 36.4... early this morning got a spotting so i thought menses coming soon but now no more spotting again... im confused...
kermit - wow... 6 mths liao.. 3 more mths to popping.. must be super excited huh.. =)

unique - good luck!!

juju - how're things w u??

dodo - hmm.. maybe wait a few more days.. tt time i also had a bit of spotting then disappeared for 1-2 days then AF came.. maybe wait a while more? it's good tt ur temp can stay consistent at 36.7 for a period.. means tt u do O!! =)
hi everyone,

tks...but me dun hope for the best cos everytime AF coming I will hv spot...plus tis morning I spot more than yest thou now no AF arr...

n also breast was sore but today not that sore oredi...

anyway...hope there will be a miracle this time round
hi unique and dodo - things hapen when u dun expect it and will come as a SURPRISE...who knows miracle will hapen

All the best and good luck to both of you!!
caitlyn- i duno whether i really O or not.. but from the BBT chart.. seems O-ed.. guess i have to be patient n wait for a few more days...
unique - ya, AF not reported... BBT high for past 15days, but this morning drop to 36.4.... i haven tested... dun have the courage loh...

dol4 - thanks!!!
Hi gals

Actually does BBT really indicated O? Can BBT raise even when there is no O?

Cos my BBT also raise every CD15 onwards but this month, all my opk tested negative. So i am inclined to think i didnt O.

So like Unique and Dodo, i also dont dare expect anything and just hoping for a miracle.

aiyoh understand how u feel...cos u dun want to c -ve right...but u hv to lor...cos at least u noe u hv to be careful of wat u eat etc if u test +ve...so test lor....then u keep on wait n wait....

u noe in which CD n wat is ur regular cyc..

for me i test -ve so dun understand y my temp still so hard..cos usually when AF coming my temp will not b tat high....

then u noe lah...bleed abit abit...dun come very irritating men

exactly... "bu gan mian dui xian shi"... :p
mine irregular, ranging from 30+ days to 60+ days...
or maybe like what others said, it's too early to test for ur case? maybe u wait for a few days then test again?
Hi caitlyn,
jus wan to share my personal exp wif TCM.. I've been taking TCM for several mths. Usually, my cycle super long, 50 over days. After taking TCM, cycle now ard 37-39 days. I never try western medication but cant say for sure it's due to TCM effect. Jus that my body seems to react well to the medi. Think TCM doc also impt, I am comfy wif my doc cos besides being friendly and she's also specialist in this area. Did u go to yr physician thru some recommendation?

haha...can really understand how u feel....cos me bn thru tis....act i think is more like dun 1 2 disappoint my hub...cos he was hoping for 1...n hv tried for some time still nil...

sian men....1 2 preggie also soooo....difficult....

yet dun understand y some pple......soooo easy...
Hi sus sus,
did u observe yr cm also?
how long is yr cycle normally?
found it easier to find O wif taking BBT and observing cm.
Hi Joy,

My cycle quite regular, 28 days so supposedly should have O from CD15 but OPK was all negative and no EWCM, only watery milky one.

So i am inclined to tink i may not have ovulated this mth. Opk to me was a very big clue. BBT still raise to the norm, 36.4 thereabout after O compared to 35.9 before O. Only today, BBT went crazy, shot up to 36.54, long time not so high liao.

I suspect its TCM but i only started 2 pack of the powder thingy yesterday so fast increase BBT? Haiz ... every mnth, my body play games with me.
sus sus
Is it possible for u to O earlier and not detected it?
Did u only test OPK after CD15?
Abit dun understand.. yr cycle quite regular, so yr O period shd be ard same time, rite?

Since u on TCM, did the doc comment whether u O or not during the consultation?
Huh Joy, can O earlier ah?

Ya lor, my cycle quite regular so suppose to O on CD14 hor? So i test opk on CD11 and CD13 but both no lines leh.

Could i have missed the detection on CD12 which i didnt test? If so, that means the surge can only be detected within 24 hours?

I tested again on CD16 in case O delayed but also nothing. My TCM say cant be sure whether i O or not. She say western doc can tell better with tests.
hi sus sus, i think u may hv missed the surge on CD12. for clearblue opk, the instruction said u have to continue testing based on the table with all the cycle length when to start testing til u detected a surge. Once detected, no need to continue testing. Not sure for other brand of opk.
did u BD during those few days?
sus sus
hmm..so u din test on CD12, CD14 & CD15.
Previous cycle u managed to detect O with OPK?
Have u gone to see western doc already?

For my case, previous mths dun know exactly when O cos only based on BBT. TCM doc got tell me to observe cm but I've little cm at first so not easy to observe. Told her this problem and she prescribe some medi. This time, I use BBT, observe cm and OPK, then managed to detect O. Faint line initially, followed by stronger line and then faint again. After seeing my BBT chart, my TCM comment I got O. Also wonder how she can tell jus by looking at chart, maybe she see BBT pattern. I've been ttc-ing naturally for few mths liao, think it's time to go for test with western doc if never strike this cycle.
been hanging ard & reading only... seldom post nowadays
probably making a job switch by end of the year then let Mother Nature decide everything else la... the past 22 months not easy to live, dun wan to go thru dat anymore.
regarding interpreting O frm BBT, there are certain BBT shifts dat r only seen in O-ing cycles. those who O will usu see a biphasic BBT chart & sometimes triphasic. preggies will see a more distinctive triphasic chart if i'm not wrong.
kermit, think u r the expert in tis area... do advise
just want to share .
I drank Florida -Grapefruit Juice , it helps .
i did not chart BBT / no OPK ( ran out of stock)
BD on alt days and im preggy now.
Hi gals,
I have been trying for 4 mths. First 2 mth still using lubrication gel, then realised that it could kill the sperms so stop using the last 2 mths. Have been quite "on", every alternate days starting from the estimated ovulation period but no news. Rather disappointed... my menses is very regular so I thought it is quite easy to gauge the O day...

Now am thinking of trying BBT or O kit...

Hi Joy Wee,
May I know how long have you been trying?
Hi May,
I've been ttc-ing for abt a yr liao. Dun feel disappointed, take this time to build up yr health so that by the time u preggie, u in tip top cond. Eggie only survive 12-24 hrs so timing to BD crucial. Go buy BBT thermometer and OPK kit to help yr ttc-ing. Recently, bought OPK test strips from BP so now I can test as many times as I want and at a much lower cost.
joy - thx for sharing.. my TCM was recommended by my colleague.. but i really hate taking e meds and all.. =(

caicai - congrats! have a smooth pregnancy!

juju - hugz.. u nvr noe.. things will happen when u least expect it! hope ur job switch will do u good..
hugz back! read ur posts but din noe wat to post back. u take care & make the decision dat both u & ur hubby r comfy wif ya
Gd morn Gals,

Hi Dolp, Hi Joy,

Ya, i could have missed the surge on CD12 hor? But when i test on CD13, there was a faint line but i thot its negative since opk not the same as hpt. Opk is considered negative even if faint line? Otherwise, then i may have O on CD14 since my faint line was on CD13 nite?

Joy, same as you, these months, i have little discharge. In fact i been missing EWCM, dont see it at all. I remember last time used to see leh. Maybe my body needs some 'tiao yang' to get it back. My BBT always low but do increase after the CD14 so may have O. But you see, no EWCM and slightly increased BBT and also faint Opk, kinda hard to think i have O leh.

Havent seen gynae, only TCM cos i thot used TCM to help 'tiao yang' first then if still no luck, then i go do fertility tests from gynae.

Have you gals got good BBT too? As in distinct biphasic temp? Today, my BBT went crazy again. Yesterday reach new high of 36.54, today only 36.22 ... Haiz ...
Hi Caicai


Can i ask: How long have you started taking Florida - Grapefruit Juice? It helps for getting more EWCM rite? Does it improve EWCM instantly or take some time to bring it back? Were you like me, little or no EWCM but you managed to get it back after taking the juice? Also, which days do you take the juice during your cycle? CD1 to CD14? Must avoid from DPO rite?

Sorry for so many qns. I want to get some success tips from you leh. Thanks!!
juju - no probs.. thanks.. my hb nt really very proactive in this TTC process.. most of e time he just goes along w wat i want! haha.. but this time, i forcing him to consider and read up first.. keke.. i'm e ba dao wifey this time.. poor thing.. he has to put up with all my nonsense.. luckily he quite supportive..
hi sus sus ,
i dun hv much CM , so when i read somewhere that that drinking grapefruit juice helps , i try lor .
initially i used CERES , but no result . so even though Florida costs more , i buy that :p

and CM situation improves ( there is significantly more) .

tot of sharing this info with u gals out there . it works for me lah , so no harm trying :D
but can cause gastric, but i hv a history of gastric
hi sus sus,

yes , u r rite OPK is considered negative if its show faint line. Only when it has darker or similar color as the reference line then OPK is positive. If m not wrong, ur BBT will show a dip then rise and if its stay for consecutive 3 days of high temp then u hv O-ed. Th dip is your O day.
Need to correlate the OPK and BBT to roughly gauge O...any gals pls correct me if m wrong.

Not sure my BBT good or not but I do see the biphasic temp...
juju - haha.. mine is becoz he also want bb.. and most imptly, he wants me to be my happy-go-lucky self again.. haha.. but he doesn't really understand 'the rush' as he puts it.. hee.. he prefer to take dr chua's advice of eating diane-35 but i prefer either taking clomid or taking nothing at all.. hee.. then i "scold" him for not being on e same wavelength! poor thing hor.. so many mixed signals.. haha
mine also wan bb... in fact, we got married bcos we wanted kids. but now, mine also say take it easy. if dun hv, then dun matter lor...
i think hor... if side effects of diane-35 not dat great or many, u better dun take clomid la... wif clomid, chances of m/c is higher also. cos egg may not be healthy but was forced to mature fast fast... i dunno la. i think maybe dat's wat happened to me lor... bad egg.
hi caitlyn,

agreed w juju loh...heard that clomid really quite harmful to our ovaries ...i know u r eager to have a bb but our health is oso veri impt loh. i duno abt diane-35..sorry, just my opinion hope that we did not make u in a dilemma.
juju + dolp4 - diane-35 also may have side effects.. in fact some countries apparently stopped selling diane-35 coz of some ingredients in it which are harmful to our body.. as for clomid, if taken with proper care and tracking e effects are by rite very very minimal.. cannot take for prolonged period.. from wat i've been reading.. also on e pcos thread tt i go to, many of them personally rec clomid.. haha.. tt's y now big dilemma.. as for m/c which is wat my hb is most worried abt (coz he scared i'll have a total breakdown if i undergo it), i'll always have a higher risk of tt coz of e PCOS.. sighz.. sorry tt i go on n on.. just need to air everything out..

Congratulations Cai Cai...

Hi Caitlyn

Think yr hb loves u and didn't wanna put u at risk or harm mah... "yu shu er bu da" (the faster u go, the more u won't reach the destination u want)... hhahaha... dun scold yr hubby lah... so poor thing... hhhhehehehehe...

Anyway, gals... for mi, after taking TCM, my EWCM came back... so I think TCM really got this "tiao yang" effect lor... hopefully... it will tiao till I got a bb lor... heheheh...
