A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

zenia - HUGZ HUGZ.. i think no words will make u feel better at tis pt in time.. but try not to be too discouraged please?

dodo - hmm.. frm wat i understand, if have PCOS, some mths we ovulate, some mths we dun.. or maybe coz ur cycle tends to be longer, u haven't O yet? did u track ur CM?
hi zenia,
dun be discourage... jia you ok!

hmm... coz from what i understand, the ovulation happen when there's a sharp dip in our ovulation right? but my chart shows me many "W"s in a regular n consistent pattern, no sharp dip at all loh... or maybe i interpret it wrongly?
i really admire those taking the BBT regularly...
it so tiring...maybe i will start next mth...hopefully i can also be so determined
dodo - maybe u can send ur chart to dr chua.. and ask for her opinion.. she's quite helpful n will reply emails one.. =)
hi caitlyn, ok.. sorry for being so negative and discouraging.. jus feel very down today.. will try to control my feeling and not to think too much..
caitlyn - ya, dr chua told me with PCOS, i may not ovulate every months loh... very cham right, my menses cycle super long, plus no ovulation in some cycles, guess my chances super slim loh...

actually i dun really know lots abt CM tracking... i always have thick CM throughout the cycle... just that the texture abit different at time loh...
Good morning ladies!!! How's everyone doing?? Have been buzy buzy recently, any new updates??

Well, as for me, my blood test result came back & confirm my PCOS condition, sigh.......... gynae say next cycle to go on metformin. so now is wait out time...... anyone take metformin & clomid in one cycle before??
Hi dodo,

so you also PCOS, gynae never suggest medication for you?? my last cycle also like that, super long & BBT never climb higher than 36.3!!
Hi Caitlyn

Mi also have endo... I confirmed it during my lap to remove my 2 big cysts last Nov... and during this surgery, Dr Chua also told me... my endo also came back... not too sure if there's any other ways to identify it without surgery... can check wif Dr Chua?

Hi Dodo

Welcome back... long time no see...

Hi Zenia

Dun be disappointed... if it's yrs... it's yrs.. juz have an open heart... We are all here to help and support each other...
caitlyn- but i worry she will find me nuisance leh.. . thinkinh whether shd i go for a thorough checkup wi my hubby first? hmm...

posh - caitlyn, me n u sama sama leh... dr chua did not encourage me to on medicatn now.. she suggested to try naturally for 1 to 1.5 yr first loh... me too! highest is 36.29... initially i still doubt the accuracy of it, so passed it to my hubby and took his temp, his much more higher than mine loh.. so proven it's not spoil.. hee...
posh - hee, ya.. i also did some silly things for the sake of ttc... :p my fren told me by keeping a set of bb clothes in my wardrobe will bring good luck, then i asked my mother to get a set from my cousin coz his bb so so CUTE!!!!! hee... :p

actually i did that also. hbs and i each bought a set of bb clothes. but we did it because we are christians and we want to exercise our faith that even if we can't see it, we believe that God will give
hbs bought first and i bought like many months later (yeah..my faith not as strong as hbs
), the same month i bought, i got preggie. so if you are christian, and you want to "walk by faith and not by sight" you could exercise your faith and do this!
my hubby hates it when he sees me taking BBT, says add more stress. but gynae encourage to take BBT!!! so for the sake of TTC again lor!!! baby clothes ah??? my sister in laws gave me a bag boy!!! says good luck....... i still happily waiting.......
Hello, good morn gals!

Hi Mich, ya, quite exp. Hopefully no need every month replenish, hehe ... if strike that is ...

Hi Elizabeth and Caitlyn, ya seems like thats the one. Went to Guardian yesterday, the pharmacist say have but her outlet out of stock so gotta try other outlets. Can read up to 2 decimal points. How good! Mine is 35.9 this morning at 645am, then 36.0 at 7am. Hmmm ... dunno which to take as actual reading now. I tink take 35.9 hor? Closest to nite before's rest.

Hi Choco, cheer up. I used to test days in advance too, then each time more and more disappointed. Now, i just learn to imagine AF will come so that if it really somes, not so disappointed. And if didnt come, then it will be a earth breaking surprise!

Hi Dolp4, ya hor? Aiyo like that very hard leh, i dont kno fish well, guess like what you say, eat in moderation the safest. Or eat vege and fruits, safest! Ya, i still hasnt got more info readily about milk ... hmm ... thot it supposed to be helpful but now cannot drink, my fav somemore. So hard to restrain.

Hi Kermit, how nice to feel the little one inside you! Congrats!

Hi Posh, temp not going beyond 36.3 is symptom of PCOS?
posh - my hubby very funny, said he wants to take his BBT as well! coz initially he not sure why im taking tt... then later i told him tt it's to check whether i ovulate, do u still wana take ur reading every morning? haa! posh, mind i ask how long have u been trying?
Hi Kermit,

Good point you raised, about walking by faith and not by sight! I am a christian too and ashamed to say, i havent been able to practise that. There are times when i prayed but doubt at the same time too as i thot maybe i am not deserving so God wont give me.

Then i heard from my church senior that when you pray, you gotta to believe and claim it by faith then God will deliver.

So now i just believe God will grant me but the thing is when? I sure hope God grants me one sooon ...

Now i also dont buy clothes or shoes already, if wanna buy, i choose dresses only, hoping can fit into them soon!
Haha ... Dodo, ur HB is cute. I guess man generally very curious over what we do to get better results for ttc hor?

To them, its just to provide that oomph! But to us, so many things, BBT ... vitamins ... CM ... OPK ... lubricants ... even positions and that upturned turtle stunt tat we do after BD ... They jus dont get it that its so delicately tedious and important, hehe ...

Now even my HB go surf gals forum trying hard to understand ... haha
zenia - dun have to be sorry.. we all have our ups n downs.. tt's y this forum is here for us to get suppt from each other..

yuki - i quite sure i like i have endo.. all e symptoms match.. hmm.. guess i'll ask dr chua today..

dodo - maybe u can just tell her tt u and hb woud just like to do a pre-conception test so tt u're more awre of wat to look out for if anything? i think she's very patient.. she sld understand e anxiety.. ur hb darned farnee!! hahahha.. but also shows tt he's very supportive.. did his BBT fluctuate alot?? hahhahaha
Hi Zenia

Try to cheer up, have something that you really like to eat for lunch or dinner today? Anyway, AF havent report rite? Can wait awhile more first...

I was like you 6 days ago, when i realised its not materialising again this time. It was a agony and a big disappointment. I almost didnt want to go home face HB. I felt like my heart sank till the floor.

But learn to take heart that maybe next try can strike leh? Now, just try to recover fast from all that blood lost to AF and eat well so that next cycle wont be affected.

Hehe ... and also come here learn from the rest ... have gotten quite alot of useful info. Thanks gals!!!
hi ladies, thanks for being so supportive.. really apprecciate it.

hmmm.. think i have used up all the nescssary tools for this cycle liao.. BBT, OPK, Preseed, toy elephant.. think next is to get a set of BB clothings and get DH to go for semen analysis..
anyway, still keeping my fingers cross for this cycle..

and gals, why is it that we cannot take milk (calcium)? cos I have been taking yogurt and yogurt drink frequently.. wondering whether if its bad to take during the 2WW..
sus sus - yup, he really very cute loh...hee... he saw me taking vit c & folic acid, he also wana buy megaman frm GNC to try...

caitlyn - ya, think will approach her to do a pre-conception test... haa! he dun bother to take his temp when he knows the "objective" of it...hee.. and i often used this to tease him... hee...
zenia - i nvr knew cannot take milk leh.. my gynae actually asked me to drink but i dun so she prescribed me calcum pills.. i thot calcium is supposed to be impt??

dodo - ur hb sounds really sweet!! so 'zi dong'.. keke..
kekeke ... dodo, ur HB realli funni! My HB also see me buy and eat vit, last nite he just said he also want to buy ... hahaha ... but good lah, at least i dun have to convince him.

Actually, i was also told milk no good leh. I read on website, must avoid dairy products, like milk cos got galactose, something that will affect sugar level. But i havent been able to get more info so quite confused now. I also tot milk good for calcium but the web gurus advise take calcium pills better than milk.

Hmm ...
Hi Kermit & Sus Sus,

I am more exaggerated ...so far I have bought baby room curtain, clothes..just short of buying baby cot and pram..hee..

But yeah i agree with Kermit, live by faith, our Lord will bless us at HIS timing. Keep persevering...
Wow... this thread really active.

Thanks kermit for the info.

Where u gals buy OPK from? How much does it cost?
BBT never go up means never Ovulate not PCOS, coz if O already, the corpus luteum will produce progesterone which will bring up the body temperature. Normal female may not ovulate once in a while, it is ok. However, PCOS condition means cannot Ovulate on your own or frequently dun ovulate at all.

try since early last year, pregnant in november but M/C in January, so now still trying, heehee!!
Hi sus_sus, since you are a Christian, would like to recommend you read Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize. Can find in most Christian bookshops. This book really helps build faith
The lady who wrote the book was told she could never have children. In the end, she had 4 of them. Such a wonderful testimony.
can any gals help to check with gynae whether milk is ok during TTCing? as m not with any gynae now so not able to find out...Thanks so much
Hi Ritz,

If you are interested, could you pm me by clicking on my username...I can send you the pricelist
hi gals, if you are taking BBT. it is better to chart it out, you can use fertilityfriend.com to chart your temp. With the chart,it easier to interprete your cycle.
i have the BBT charting in MS Excal format one, pm me if you are interested.

I am also doing BBT. found it quite useful
morning all.. just an update after meeting dr chua.. according to her, my blood test results are not very good.. it confirms my PCOS condition plus she's quite sure i most prob do not ovulate at all!! she says my estrogen level is ridiculously low for someone my age.. she also feels tt prescribing me fertility pills at this pt in time will not be very useful as she thinks my basic body chemistry (super low progesterone + estrogen) wun be able to sustain the pregnancy resulting in really early loss (chemical preg, i suppose.. her suggestion ws tt i go on e pill (diane 35) for 6 mths coz tt wld hopefully give me an artificial cycle and kickstart my system.. coz e pill has high dosage of estrogen.. sighz.. either tt or try naturally for another 6 mths then see her.. but i have very very low chance of gettin preg on my own..

me decided not to take e pill for e moment.. can't bring myself to do tt coz i do wanna conceive and taking e pill seems to be gg back on tt.. am i being silly? or sld i take e pill and hopefully it really does kickstart my system? 6 mths seem soooo loong..

sus_sus + dolp4: my gynae did mention abt milk.. she encourages me to drink hi calcium, low fat milk.. but she says consumption of milk will depend o individuals.. do not take too much becoz of e sugar levels.. if ur sugar levels are fine and all, then sldn't be a prob! hope this helps.. =)
just realised my post is really long.. sorry.. just needed to voice out.. but i'm feeling okies..=)

juju - wld u mind if i PM u to ask abt CARE? cz i remember u tokking abt e scan package.. i just hope to noe if i ovulate at all on my own..
reporting from melaka!!! leaving for ipoh in a while
so sorry for any late replies, cos no internet access till now

if gynae instruct u to take metformin 3 times a day, then no choice but to follow. if u realli wanna reduce dosage, pls chk wif ur gynae first

u r tempting me to go buy baby clothes liao leh

me ok bah... tagging on hubby's biz trip, not doing much sight-see cos on standby (to hubby)... when he go meeting, i jus find a place to read my book & have tea
tai-tai life minus the shopping... lol

to those enquiring abt milk, goat's milk is a better substitute for cow's milk bcos it's good for lactose intolerant ppl & more nutrients. it's said that goat's milk is more similar to human milk than cow's milk. this is the webbie for the local goat's milk farm: www.haydairies.com.sg
i've bought the milk from the farm before, i thot it's quite nice. then again, i love goat's milk. some ppl dun like.
try bah

do ask for Paul Tseng or Eunice Chua. the scan package for 1 cycle is $250, covers all the scans you need to do in 1 cycle. vaginal scan. start frm cd02, then cd10 (depending on ur cycle length), then alt days when O days close in, final scan before O will be the day follicle scanned at 17-18mm, then another scan at 7-8dpo, then 1 more scan if u r suspect to be preggie. u will prob be put on clomid, but u can request dun wan. since ur blood test progesterone level was quite low, u can chk wif gynae whether u shld be put on progesterone pills or not.

next round of replies when i can get online
jus read ur post abt ur session wif ur gynae. can she do an ovulation monitoring for u when ur cycle starts? since she's alrdy ur gynae.
i went to care, cos i wasn't wif any gynae. so care was more convenient.
i've been reading tis book on my trip & i think it provides some good insights into ttc-ing:
Getting pregnant Naturally, by Winifred Conkling.
i got it from the library

jus thot i wanna share here

if i may be kaypo...i think given your age (you are so young) you should really consider dr chua's suggestion of going on the pill. take that six months to kickstart your cycle and really to get fat. i am worried if you really do get preggie but you body is not able to sustain it, the pain and loss would even be greater! but like if according to dr chua, it's very hard to get preggie, and you didn't after that six months, you would have sort of wasted 6 months. just some thoughts. but this decision has to be considered carefully between you and hb and after you have decided, just do it and don't look back!
Hi Ladies here,

Qs to ask u all.

Do u all cramps b4 menses come?

Normally takin clomid , the CD cycle is hw long or depends?

If Preg, our body temp will rise higher rite?


juju - my gynae like doesn't have a package.. n each scan is very very exp!!

kermit - nah.. u're not kaypoh.. i appreciate all e advice tt i can get.. i also do feel tt way abt taking e pill.. but 6 mths seem really long.. wondering if 3 mths wld be enuff.. coz for me, one reason i'm reluctant is tt i do have a family history of "skinnies"! haha.. my grandma gave birth to 9 kids, but i cld actually wear her clothes n they were tight.. my aunties and mum also not more than 40kg when they conceived.. but i guess i may just be trying to grasp at straws tt are not even really there.. sigh.. coz my hormone test speaks volumes..
juju - my doc is dr chua yang.. maybe i'll call n check.. but i think she may want me to wait for 6 mths still.. maybe i just too anxious.. sld just relak! haha..
hi caitlyn, my thinking is to try naturally first since if you are still young. If after 6 mths, still cannot preggie, then take the pill.
Hope you mind what i said.

Afterall, I think you and your hubby decision is the most important. I know is not easy. Hugz Hugz

btw, may i noe dr chua is from which clinic?

Thanks for the effort to ask the gynae regarding the milk.

hi juju, thanks for the info on the milk too.

enjoy ur trip!

can check w u eunice chua @ CARE is good huh?
