A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

oh..now i see why you are reluctant. guess its not an easy decision to make. perhaps you should do a bit more research on this diane35 and see exactly how effective it can be. or take all your reports and seek a second opinion. i would think regulating your cycle/hormones and getting to the normal weight should be top priority now. once you are healthy, getting preggie should come naturally...

no idea abt eunice chua... u may wanna chk wif the others. i only noe she's a visiting gynae wif Care.

can ask dr chua if she can work a package for u if u do O monitoring wif her? if not, then u call up care @ 63338608
good luck
kermit - yup.. agree w u.. i'm trying very very hard to gain weight.. i eat at least 4 meals nowadays and still not succeeding.. have been this weight since like sec 1!! haha.. guess i'll consider carefully.. most likely wun seek second opinion coz i do trust dr chua.. may go see a chinese doc these 6 months to try to 'tiao' my system if i decide not to go on e Pill.. will discuss w hb again.. ytday was super depressed so din tok to him much.. just wanted to be left alone.. i jst thank my lucky stars tt at e moment my PILs and hb are super understanding..
yeah discuss with hb and see what he says. going to a TCM doc is also a good idea...just be aware also that TCM takes time too...as it tries to solve the root instead of just the symptoms so it may take longer than 6 months for the effects to be felt...but don't be too anxious, at least you have time on your side and you are already tackling the problems so soon after you got married...JIA YOU k? HUGZ!
kermit - yuppers.. i noe tt TCM will take time.. tt's y start now.. at least by my appt 6 mths later sld have a teeny weeny bit of improvement *cross fingers n toes tightly* as for having time on my side.. well.. it's all relative i guess.. keke.. i've dreamt of having my own little one since i was a little teenage gal.. so i guess it feels long long long to me.. must work on reshaping my own views.. thanks!

i have taken diana35 before. but its not for cycle for more for my pimples.

it is a sort of contraceptive pill.so u will not get pregnant while on the pill...

but it really help with the cycle . when i am on the pill, my cycle very accruate and my complexion also very good.

i would think it is also best to get ur body into tip top condition 1st...maybe can try the pill for 3 mth instead of 6 or maybe can ask for 2nd opinion??
hi caityln, glad that your hb n PILs are understanding so pls dun gv yourself too much stress. me also underweight and r trying hard to put on weight. m oso gg to TCM nx week to tiao my body. Let's jia you
Hi hope 4 piglet ;) (bettle_bug_x)

I'm fine here...

hey caitlyn,
I hope you are doing fine there. hang on okay!
hi pinky, i do get cramps when my menses came...

i tink temp will be high after u ovulated and remain high or higher if u r preggie...i tink
kermit is in a better position to answer ur qns.

zenia, can understand how u feel...soon wil be my turn
hehe yeah dolp is definitely right. will be high after O and remain high or higher if preggie. if temp drops means AF coming liao...

i never get cramps before AF one so when that one week before AF came and i got funny funny crampy feeling, i was like fingers crossed liao...

pinky, do you normally get cramps before menses one?
Hi kermit,

last time dun hv.. oni this two mths..last mth i had a bad cramp than next day cm.. n tis mth i cramp on sat i tot sun will cm but no..hehe but gt feelin that AF cmin =( .. mayb stress n it come ltr bah.. my temp is nt high oso...

Thks Kermit & Dolp4
choco - did u suffer from any side effects from taking diane-35? is weight gain one of them?

ryes - glad to noe u're doing well.. me am okies.. now trying to gather all my thoughts and decide on my course of action..

dolp4 - yuppers.. jia you together! guess i'll only be actively TTC-ing 6 mths later..

zenia - hugz.. new cycle = new beginnings and new hopes.. we shall press on!!
hi pinky, no problem...just share wat i know but not expert. Learning frm the rest of the gals here

this morn take my BBT, temp drop so AF is ard the corner...sigh...

Dun be sad k...lets keep on trying, if tire take a break...

caitlyn, xiu(1) xi(2) shi(4) wei(4) le(4) zou (3)gen(4) chang(2) de(4) lu(4)

We shall PRESS ON no matter what...!!
Hi Caitlyn

If I were u, I will take now for 3 mths first... and check to see if it manage to kickstart yr system... coz the longer u wait... the older u get (though u still young lah... hehehe...).. the harder it will become for conception...

If there's improvement after 3 mths... then maybe dun need to take liao? since now also a time for u to gain weight to prepare for pregnancy... might as well do 2 together lor...

Juz my opinion lah...

Hi juju

I used to take goat's milk when I'm young... coz allergy to lactose... yummy... I prefer it warm...
dolp4 - yup.. trying very hard to get myself together now! too much info and options liao..

yuki - tt's wat i'm thinking too.. take for 3 mths instead of 6.. but i just wrote dr chua an email asking her if there are any other kinds of hormone pills that are non-contraceptive.. think she'll really find me a bother.. always email her after my appts!! hahaha
hi caitlyn,
if i were u, i believe i will do as what yuki suggested also... if u able to see results in 3-months time, then u can concentrate on ur bb making plan...

i just emailed dr chua regarding the pre-conception package, her clerk just called me and told me tt the blood test costs abt $100 but im not sure is it comprehensive... and if my blood test is normal, then my hubby will do the SA... not sure whether to go ahead... think dr chua also find me a bother as well.. keep bugging her wi lots of ques! hee...

took my temp this morning... quite high, 36.78 comparing to 35.8+ last few days... wonder am i on fever....
Hello gals!

Thanks Mich, for intro that book!

Ooo, Posh, i c, about the BBT. Anyway, i havent had much luck looking for the BBT thermometers at Guardian. Its the Omron pink color box one which Guardian advised whole island stock out! Haiz ... gotta go get from gynae already.

Oh ya, i also found out today that some people (with deficiency in certain sugar breaking down enzyme)are advised not to take milk becos of this galactose thing which if arises too much in our bodies, can hurt the ovaries.

So like what Caitlyn said, if body can break down sugar properly, then no prob taking milk. But better low fat milk and taken in moderation.

I just started on grapefruit juice from Ceres. Tot i will hate it but turn out quite ok leh, abit tangy like sweet plum. I have a litre to finish.

Question ... by when should i stop drinking ah? Same as EPO issit? Stop just before O day? Anyone know?
hi posh, just saw ur earlier posting... let's ja you together! never give up k!

but hor, just now i abit demoralised when my gynae clerk called me... coz after she explained to me abt the checkup package, she told me tt "u did the scan before right, and u know u got polycystic ovaries right... it's more difficult to conceive wi this loh... so u shd try harder... if u really got baby, then u will be very happy..."... my heart sort of sink when i heard her remarks... but still remind myself to remain optimistic...
dodo - dun be demoralised.. i think e clerk just wanted to spur u on.. they were very sweet to me and always say 'who say skinny, cannot get pregnant'.. haha..
caitlyn - i duno whether the sharp increase of temp is due to ovulation or not... maybe bcoz i got fever? gotta monitor my temp for the next few days and see how then... but today my CD 35... think unlikely to ovulate so late..

what they said very true... i have a fren abt 40kg and 1.7m tall, very slim... now 4mths preggie already!
dodo - hahaha.. but tt's before i cfm have PCOS.. so i dunno wat they'll say next time i see them.. ur cycle is very long rite? so high chance u DO ovulate on CD35!! hopefully u can strike this cycle! =) coz PCOS patients dun necessarily ovulate every mth.. and since dr chua actually ask u try naturally for 6 mths, maybe ur case not so bad.. mine is coz of hormonal imbalance so quite cham i guess..
caitlyn - ya, my cycle very long... the longest was 66 days... but i really doubt so coz my breast start to sore last 2 days, 1 of my pre-menses symptoms loh...
u find out the hormonal imbalance thru blood test right? i haven do my blood test leh.. maybe im also have hormonal imbalance... hence, it's more impt tt we stay optimistic and strong! i really hope miracles happen to all of us...
dodo - hmm.. okies.. if urs is not mainly coz of hormonal imbalance i think higher chance of conceiving.. anyway i think during O, sore boobs is also a symptom.. anyway, dun think too much.. just cross fingers n hope for e best while at e same time, prepared for e not so good news.. keke..
hi gers, i back sick @ home now. I tend to fall sick everytime i come back from overseas, sian!
Then i took so much medicine this cycle wonder if preggy will affect or not! Anyway i tik i not so heng to kana, hahaha
Side track abit, my colleague sent me an article of microwave oven and seems tat it will affect the hormones in our body. Anyone interested to see let me know so i can forward to you. I was thinking if anyone of us use microwave oven alot? One of my colleauge used it to cook rice and boil water and she got PCOS was wondering if it really affects and disrupt the body hormones, thats why body become siao siao. Just my thoughts.
Catilyn, i hope u are ok, discuss with your hubby and take the best step ahead. @ least u are still young, i am getting old liao! i just told my DH that we try IUI if don succeed this cycle, so tired of trying.
caitlyn - thanks for the encouragement...
ya, i will mentally prepare for the not so good news to avoid disappointment later on...
hi koori, maybe u can check with the doc whether the medicine is it harmful to prengnancy.
Pls take good care leh...

actually, m also thinking is it because of the food we ate that cause the hormone imbalance...normally, lunch and dinner we ate outside so all the processed food may have harmful additives, preservatives, etc...and also
stress, the enviroment may be a factor too...not sure lah but could be also...

thinking of getting organic product...will do some research on that first...
Hi Dodo & Caitlyn

Dun give up hope... juz keep doing... one day, our dreams will come true...

Hi Koori

Do take care of yourself... maybe, u r too stressful... that's y, haven't strike?

Hi Dolp4

Was juz looking at some organic products too... but dun think got the time to prepare... anyway, most of us are all working... so, hard to avoid processed food lor...

Maybe, that's y, Caitlyn's parents and grandparents have no problem conceiving... coz last time, not so much harmful food... but now, she has abit of difficulties liao... So, Caitlyn, u might wanna consider changing yr diet... hehehhe...
i tik diet is really a killer, now all processed food not so healthy.
Yuki - i dunno if i stress or not! haha

weight gain??actually my case was not that obverse cos i was also on diet pills...
i last time eat so many pills also dun know will affect my fertility or not??

but i think most prob will gain cos the appetite is good, so will tend to eat more...

side effect, i also dun know. but my doc did tell me the diana35 will not affect fertility after u stop.
i bet you jus ovulated!! my gynae say before that after O, BBT sure will hit 36.7 after a few days, if not it can never pass 36.3 - 36.4. hope you did work OT

sus sus,
dun say that leh, i feel so bad....... we are all here to share, jia you ya!!

hugzz!!! know how you feel, but never give up!! dreams!!! here we come!!!

my gf actually went on diane35, stop for 3 months & then went on to conceive. think it works!!!

good to have you around!!! how are you lately??

seen a doctor yet?? please take care, remember to tell doctor that you are TTC & request for medication that is not harmful jus in case hit jackpot!! better be safe.

your info on milk very useful, thnx. i am also a milk drinker, maybe my PCOS linked hor....... too high sugar in body.

baby kick you liao ah, sure very nice feeling right!!! so envious!!! keep us on updated ok!!
Hi ladies, today is my CD1 and my tummy feel so damn cramp and "suan1".. actually, thought my chances are high this cycle.. manage to detect O with BBT and OPK.. continuously BD for 3 days and even use preseed to "zhu4" the speamie "yi1 bi4 zhi1 li4" for the long journey to reach my eggie (hope i have 1).. but still fails leh!!! wondering whats wrong.. problem with DH speamie? lining in my uterus is not thick enough to hold the eggie? aiyo!! there are 101 questions in my head now.. sigh.. I even have swollen breast during my 2WW and it subside only these 2 days.. sigh.. sigh.. sigh.. bobian and only to look forward to my coming O day.. plan to stuff DH with oysters and pills.. and me to eat healthier..
dodo - all e best! keke

koori - yuppers.. me feeling better liao.. was just really confused ytday.. now waiting for my gynae to reply my email then decide on nxt step! =)

yuki - keke.. yes mdm! hee.. but my mother used to eat luncheon meat almost everyday lor!! i super junk food queen.. inherit frm mother! hahaha.. really quite torturous to change diet but will try.. hee..

posh - i dun think sugar is e cause of PCOS.. i think it's whether we are insulin resistant.. sthg like tt.. keke

anyway.. just a side.. me n hb haven't BD in ard 1.5 weeks coz he away on reservist.. and my temp has just hit 36.7 ytday.. keke.. i keeping my fingers crossed tt this means tt i did ovulate.. even if miss e boat this mth nvm.. got more chance nxt time..
good morning!

yuki & caitlyn - thanks for the encouragement...

posh - is it??!! my BBT yesterday morning was 36.78 but today dropped to 36.40... if i "zuo ren cheng gong", then my BBT shd continue to stay high right? quite sad to see my BBT dropped this morning... sigh~

i dun think it mean that right??
for the sperm to reach the egg so long journey so where got so fast one will see result one...
hi choco mm,
oh is it? so there's still possibility for my BBT to drop before it increase again if successful huh? paisei hor.. pardon for my ignorance.. :eek:
dodo - frm wat i understand, if we O well, there sld be a constant increase in temp for ard 3 days until it reaches ard 36.7 the remain constant.. if got implantation, some may exp a slight dip ard DPO9/10/11.. sthg like tt.. but i guess for some, BBT also not tt accurate.. so just try n try.. ning ke sha chuo bu ke fang guo..

it only takes minutes for the fast sperms to reach the tubes.

"At the time of intercourse and ejaculation, the sperm move from the testicles through the vas deferens, through the urethra, and are deposited in the vagina. The sperm almost immediately begin to travel into the cervix and through the cervical mucus. The majority of sperm that reach the cervical mucus do so within a matter of just a few minutes. They then continue on into the uterus and up into the fallopian tubes. This is a long and arduous journey and has been likened in terms of relative length to a human swimming the English Channel back and forth seven times. Amazingly, the sperm can complete this journey in just a few minutes. Of the millions of sperm deposited in the vagina, only a few hundred survive and make it into the fallopian tubetrue survival of the fittest. The vast majority of the sperm in the ejaculate do not reach the cervical mucus and are killed in the acidic environment of the vagina. The ejaculate consists not only of the sperm but also of several cc's of fluid from the prostate, which nourishes and protects the sperm. Since only the sperm enter the cervix (and a very small percentage at that), it is normal for the majority of the ejaculate to "leak out" of the vagina following intercourse."
hehe caitlyn

during those months of TTC, i read and read and was like a walking TTC-machine...muhahaha! you sound cheerier today...i just remembered one of my friends was also on diane35 to regulate cycle and for her acne, once she stopped for 2 months, she conceived
