A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

good luck! i think it's bcos u did quite a lot of blood tests, dat's why more ex... ya, after finding out wat's wrong & get the solutions, take a break for a while...

Good morn gals!!

Thanks Juju, me go check out NTUC pharmacy later.

Wow, Stella, congrats! Ok, i should concentrate on my nutrition and stress level then. And hope God grants me one child soon. You are living example that it can happen!

Ya Mich, i learnt, now just to relax and dun hope so much. Learnt to trust its in God's time, not mine ... just hope its sooner than later.

Like what Dolp4 said, should learn to enjoy married life while we can. Its true that with kids, we may get to do less late nite movies, short holidays and even dining out. Imagine also all that relatives fighting to crowd us every now and then also quite bothersome. Also PILs forcing down their rules and expectations, more sianz ... Haiz ... ok lor, enjoy while we can.

Hello Grace, i also saw that book but didnt flip thru ... hmmm ... should check it out.
juju - yah lor.. each blood test is like 100++.. then consultation is like another min 80.. haha.. scared oredi.. some more me and hb are qiong guang dans! haha
yuki - coz i did alot of blood tests!! e endo side also blood test, dr chua side also blood test.. until now i really more scared of needles man!
hi all

just attend my my friend's daugther 1 yr birthday..

boo...boo....so sad..my friend sis-in law, married in jan now already 4 mths pregnant, so mean she manage to conceive in mar, which mean she try 3 mths only then hit jackpot liao.

then my boss bro, wedding in jun, then go NZ honeymoon, now pregnant liao...

why some ppl so easy hit jackpot?? me very depress, will give myseld till end of the yr(me would have try for 6mths).. not too fast see doc right??
Hi, another book I want to recommend is called Supernatural Childbirth but its written by a Christian author called Jackie Mize. So if you are Christian, can get that as a reference as well.
Hi Caitlyn

Wat kinda blood tests? Izzit necessary to do so many blood tests? Maybe can try to cut... $800 a mth is alot of $$ leh... very soon... u will be drained...

Hi Choco

Dun be depress lah... this is all fate... sometimes, stress is a problem for conceiving... when u kept thinking abt it... it may be difficult to get preggy...

Btw, gals... mi back to office today... first day back... very sleepy and tired...
Hi choco, yup try about 6 months, and then go get a good gynae to ask him for advice.

But then again, maybe you will be seeing him to check the pregnancy instead already... so don't be depressed, and hang in there.
Hi Choco

i also same as you, give myself till end of year then go see doc.

So meanwhile, just trying and trying and most importantly eating well and de-stressing so that hormones are ok to allow proper ovulation etc ...
yuki - i think only for this mth only lah.. all e blood test for e hormone levels.. for dr chua side is e CD02 test to cfm tt i hv PCOS.. =) do u hv alot of work to do since it's ur first day back? think will need a while to get used to it..
hi choco, dat's fast for ur fren SIL...maybe they r in honeymoon period so veri relax...

agreed w yuki, mich and sus sus, try not to stress, i noe its isn't easy but if u keep comparing w others u r just adding more stress to urself... try to focus on other things that you enjoy doing and put yourself in a relax state..who know u will gv us good news leh.

caitlyn, heartpain for you but i believe no choice loh...I believe all the money spent was worthwhile when the moment Strike!
dolp4 - keke.. but i was telling my hb.. pay $800 to find out there's sthg wrong w me! so silly! hahahaha.. but i guess i m lucky coz i found out early n din wait too long.. so i just gonna try naturally for awhile then see how..
caitlyn, i tink most of us spent quite alot also in the end found dat something wrong w us... ;p

ya try naturally first and see how..good luck
Hello gals,

I went to buy Preseed and came back liao. Wow ... $39.90 ... very exp.

BTW, anyone know where to get thermometer that measures up to .xx ? Mine only measure up to 1 decimal point, very hard to gauge when O will come.

CD13 - 36.2 and
CD14 - 36.3 and
CD15 - 36.4 (O liao)
then i dont know which are those days my temp gradually increasing, ie CD10 to 12.

Or better measure in Farenheit?
Oooo ... Ok i go check out.

Dolp4, can i ask where you got your thermometer? Noticed that yours measure in 2 decimal points.

Thats more helpful in knowing the gradual increase in temp than mine, only 1 decimal point.

And i dunno if mine is cranky. Sometimes i woke up abit too early and measured 35.8 then went to sleep awhile more and when awoke again half hour later, measured 36.1, so big diff leh?!
hi sus sus, i bought it from the gynae at $16 that i consulted. Its called ovulation thermometer.
maybe u can try finding at guardian or watsons like wat caitlyn said.

hmm...try to take at the same timing and like ju ju advise need 3 hrs of sleep, not moving ur body except reaching for the thermometer.

intially, i took the reading wrongly becoz weekend tends to sleep late and the reading was veri high...not accurate! Now, i stick to same timing by setting alarm to wake up at the same time. Quite tiring esp during weekend hv to wake up the same time as week day...but no choice...
dolp , i never exercise lor tats why not healthy. Now trying to go jogging every week once, but i try not to exercise during 2WW.
Oooo, ok, i try the shops, if not, i go get from gynae, hehe ... Thanks Dolp4! Ya, looks like gotta sacrific beauty sleep on weekends, haha ...

Mich, i got it from the taka basement pharmacy, Nishino. Recommended by one of the gals here, Zenia. Got 6 inside, likely use 3 per BD cycle. Hope after 2 months, no need to re-stock. Hehe ...

I also just started exercise as all these ttc has made me gain fat around waist. urgh! How come ah? I now do swimming once a week, cannot too strenous, later affect conception mah hor?
hi su-su, u need to buy basal thermometer for conceiving purpose. not any thermometer. the one i bought comes with a ovulation tracking chart too...it is made in japan cost abt $19++ i got it from the same place as i bought preseed (isetan scott basement pharmancy). hope its helpful
huh?! No wonder my thermometer doesnt help, its the normal ones! Ok, i go check out Insetan then! Thanks Elizabeth! Wa, so busy shopping this month ... thermometer, preseed, EPO, folic acid, flax seeds, grapefruit juice and i almost forgot, OPK. Haiz ... going broke liao. Shd have bought all the right ones dur GSS, haiz ...
thx juju78

I have to take Metformin twice a day which means is 1000mg dosage. wonder if can just take once at night, cos if take in the day, then it is going to affect me in school.

Caitlyn, u oso teacher?

I've not taken clomid cos my cycle not here yet. I read some articles about women in other countires manage to conceive just on Metformin....without clomid. Anyone heard of such case here in SG? cos Metformin is really making me feel nausea, I cant imagine taking clomid...
hi koori, me too never exercise for veri long time liao...i tink should at least exercise to keep the eggie healthy hor? eat rite, exercise and relax maybe can help....btw, wat is 2WW?

hi sus, no wonder ur temp look cranky as u said, u r using the wrong type of thermometer...luckily elizabeth highlighted...xu jin yi chang...

but sus, r u suppose to take so many things at a time? quite confusing leh...
Errr ... i kno, abit greedy hor?

Actually, i planning to take EPO daily and grapefruit juice on alternate days from CD1 to CD12 to help get more EWCM, and BD with preseed if the above didnt help.

Then after O, take Flax seeds from DPO2 to DPO12.

Meanwhile, on daily basis, take Folic Acid, measure BBT and CM. Till CD11 nearer to O, use OPK.

So looks like alot of things hor? I also feel very busy.

Not only that, i now cut down on coffee, chocolate, colas and even milk, which i like very much ... heard its got galactose that is not good ... hmm ... havent got any much info on that area so avoided milk for now.

Everyday, i try to take fish, vege, fruits and drink lotsa water.
I had the impression that it comes in a tube just like KY jelly... so its in individual packs? Then each pack quite expensive hor...

I only exercise once a week doing kickboxing. But my class at the sports council over liao. Now I think just take brisk walks will do.
teobaby - yuppers.. me a teacher too.. u teaching which level?

dolp4 - me haven't exercised since jc yrs! haha.. super lazy bones one..
hi sus sus,
my thermometer is the same brand as BabyDust - Omron (Japan Brand). Maybe u like to watch out for this brand when shopping. So far the thermometer works quite accurately for me

Good that you are so focused and driven on the TTC journey..very motivating for me.
jia you!
hi all..

me super ks again...went to buy a P.kit when my AF is next week..

ai..find myself so useless...waste money again..

i get slight small cramp and my breast is swollen since last week, and further more, i did not have the EWCM which i have for the past 6mths, but i did not feel nause....
so thut maybe will struck jackpot...but still negative...sob...sob...
sus_sus - mine also omron brand.. keke..

choco - hugz.. dun be so hard on urself.. still got chance since AF is not here.. 2 cycles ago, i test HPT three days in a row even though my BBT was dropping and i had no symptoms.. so can understand how u feel.. hugz..
Hi, I hv ttc for almost a year, still fail, feel very depress. Going to c doc this month. Anyone can advise what doc will check for the 1st visit? And cost?

think the gynae will scan you to see if you have any cysts or fibroid. Which CD are you now? may be better to schedule it around CD14 so that gynae can also see if there are any dominant follicles (if there are, means you can ovulate on your own). husband may be asked to do a SA (semen analysis). purpose is to narrow down to see where is the problem lying with.

scans are normally like $120 plus and SA is like about $40 plus.
hi sus sus, i can understand u r trying all means to conceive...everyone here the same. Just dat different problem taking different things...

talking abt eating fish...pls not eat those fish dat eat other fish because mercury content will be very high...can only think of shark(shark fin)...i tink the best is cod, salmon...

however, everything consume moderately and hv balanced diet.
as if m nutrional expert :p
btw, really cannot take milk? anyone can cfm this?

mich - got exercise once a week better than nothing. brisk walking is not a bad idea. somemore is free...hmm...

caityln, maybe we shld consider ya

koori -OIC.

caityln - dats veri long..haha...sama sama...

choco - me too...got one time my AF late and i tot got chance...however, HPT kit showed N...nx day AF came...so sad...but keep trying dun gv up!!
kermit - how're ya? is this part of e pregnancy very smooth? supposed to be 'honeymoon period' of pregnancy rite?

dolp4 - yup.. many years liao.. keke..

anyone here noes more at endometriosis? i read up a bit of e symptoms on e web.. and i seem to have them leh.. but endo cannot be detected thru scans and all rite?
hi caitlyn

been very well. and have started to feel bb kicking. it's a really weird feeling like someone knocking on the door but from the inside
but strangely appetite has decreased and occasionally the weird taste in the mouth comes back...yucks!

oh..about endo, i thought can be detected through scans? not sure...but some symptoms i thought are bad cramps and mid cycle spotting. so what's the next step for you, are you given meds to regulate the hormones? and how's the "get fat" plan coming along? hehe...have you been eating all the chocolates and junk food?
kermit - good to noe u've been doing well.. must be so exciting when u felt the first kick frm bb huh? hopefully ur appetite will come back soon! =) for endo, i read tt like cannot detect unless through some keyhole surgery.. i hv mid-cycle bleeding, bad cramps, diarrhea during AF.. all these are symptoms of endo.. really cross my fingers n pray i dun have tt.. coz tt one cannot "cure" one.. so sad.. my get fat plan coming along quite well.. eat alot of fast food, chocolates, potato chips!! haaaha.. and doc's vits really works i think coz i feel hungry almost all e time! haha.. machiam preggy..
hihi ladies...

hope everyone is doing fine... i have been very very busy with work! almost suffocated...
no good news for me yet... actually quite sian over taking BBT already... confusing n demoralising...
dodo - dun be discouraged.. jia you jia you! ur AF still hasn't reported? maybe still got chance?dun give up yah?? me gg see dr chua for review today coz my scan +blood test cfm i have PCOS.. =)
hi caitlyn,

long time din chat wi u... how are u?

my last menses was 29.06... but my menses super irregular so i belive it wun visit me tt soon loh.. and frm my BBT chart, it seems like i din ovulate at all! sigh~

u seeing dr chua today huh? i got PCOS too! but she confirmed tt thru a scan, i din do any blood test leh.. is it essential to do a blood test?
dodo - through e scan saw tt i had PCOS-type ovaries.. then she said can do a CD02 blood test to cfm it.. sthg like tt.. dun be too affected by BBT.. sometimes we dun really take it tt accurately maybe? my menses also super irregular plus i always have mid-cycle bleeding so my case probably worse than urs tt's y dr chua wanted me to do e blood test..
Hi ladies, sigh.. feeling very depress now.. cos can feel my tummy area crampy like my auntie coming soon.. hope she dun come tomorrow.. today is my 15DPO and tested NEGATIVE this morning.. aiyo.. so damn sianz.. gals.. really feel very down now.. every month hope and hope and hope that I could strike.. wah lau!!! its so torturing!!

caitlyn - oic... im not sure also, but i believe i took my BBT quite zhun loh... same time n environment everyday... but it keeps fluctuating from 35.78 to 36.29... it gives me many "W"s loh...
dun worry gal, seek & follow dr chua's advices.. u will be fine
