A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

ewcm = egg white Cervical Mucus

hi angel, no reason.. my HB jus wanna dun4 for me lor.. jus a mini surprise from him..
Hi Zenia,
oic....taking birdnest weekly is good for lungs." lun fei" & complexion. if preggie, try not to take too early and too much cos BB will have sensitive skin.
Hi sus_sus, I'm like you, feeling stressed out over this ttc thing... i keep thinking about when to BD, then watch all the symptoms... how to manage the stress and not keep thinking about it? Sometimes so stress until I think I don't want to ttc liao.
hi angel, but wasted for me lor.. he will have to eat all.. good for him.. keke.. hopefully, I'll be able to see a BFP in my 14DPO..

hi choco, "dun4" = hanyu pin yin ==> boil? cook?

preseed = www.preseed.com
not all polyclinics will sell

preseed is proclaimed as a sperm-friendly lubricant. lubricant like ky jelly is said to kill sperms.

dun4 is slow-boil: 炖
hi puppy2006,

Minute Maid brand has grapefruit one now.. have seen it in NTUC for a few weeks and now, they are also advertiding it on tv... heard that it's quite nice..

hi everyone,
do u all every encounter your cycle day getting longer as u TTC-ing? my cycle day used to be around 30-32 days and getting longer each month and last month, it becomes 43 days... and today is CD43 liao, AF still not here... wonder anything wrong... but got stomach cramps, so think fail this time round again... very sian of seeing red each month.. signz...
Hi Yen,

I do encounter what you mentioned..longer cycles... longest about 50 days.... think stress related..

Did laparoscopy in May and period came prompty (30 days) then June became 38 days...

Haiz, now experiencing all the symptoms of PMS...

Of coz in the midst of TTCing will get sian seeing red each month... but must learn to see hope...

Maybe you can do a test to check if preggie?
sus sus,

your womb is tilted backwards? Did gynae say anything about that? Mine about same case but gynae says it is fine.. will get corrected once pregnant...
hi Y,

So there's grapefruit from Minute Maid... that's great... I love minute maid... taste better than Florida and Cere...

hi Sus_sus,

EPO shall only be taken from day of menstruation to ovulation, 'cos EPO may cause uterine contraction. You can take flax seed oil in place of Evening Primrose Oil after ovulation takes place.

Hope the info helps...
hi phy,

i tell myself not to buy test kit at this moment... wasted so much $$ on it liao... think will wait longer before i test it... the longest delay i every encountered is 52 days (in the month of my wedding) .. so guess will only test if my AF din come for more than that. Otherwise, will be disappointed again..

u are rite.. must learn to c hope.. even my DH is more positive than me...

hi puppy2006,
I oso dun quite like Florida.. think I'll also try out the minute maid one...

Zenia, Caitlyn, Juju, thanks!! Ok i go check out those places for Preseed. Heard it work wonders.

Puppy, thanks!! I was wondering when to stop. Now i know. OK, will also get some flax seeds and folic acid to start after O in place of EPO.

Mich, ya, i very stressed out over this ttc thing, in fact this month most disppointed and stress till my body break down and fall sick thats why mixed the sickness with preggy symptoms. I even quarrelled with HB over it and tell him i dun want to try anymore. But deep down, we all know lah, cannot give up so easily. So now i helping myself with health supplements, thats the only thing i can do anyway. And oh ya, keep stress level low, so i told HB, next few months, try to eat out on non fanily dinner days, just to go back to dating days and relax abit. I also now dont want to hope so much already, just try and every month see got red or not. Dont hope then dont get so disappointed hor? By end of year, if still like that, then i go take tests. Haiz ... meanwhile, thank goodness there is this forum and all these nice gals to share and learn from. Hugsss to all!

Phy, ya lor, my womb is tilted backwards. Gyn say its ok, Stella also say its ok, but he also added, if got persistently got probs conceiving then better check. Haiz ... so now, just wait lor and research on techniques hehe.
sus sus... i am previously in this thread too.

R.U does not affect conceiving..i was diagonised with it when i went to my first ultrasound of the pelvis. i dunno wat position helped me to conceive (or is it some weird position when me and hb are having fun..keke) but the key word is to relax. In the month when i conceived, i did not even take bbt or used preseed.

things come when they are least expected!!
sus sus... i am previously in this thread too.

R.U does not affect conceiving..i was diagonised with it when i went to my first ultrasound of the pelvis. i dunno wat position helped me to conceive (or is it some weird position when me and hb are having fun..keke) but the key word is to relax. In the month when i conceived, i did not even take bbt or used preseed.

things come when they are least expected!!
Hi Y, I also resolved not to buy another pregnancy test stick till AF is very very late coz last month alone buy 3 already and its total $21! I think I should have spent it on a good meal instead. Anyway, I am getting some from a BP from the market place, very cheap $0.65 each so wasted also not so heart pain. My dh is also more positive than me... ha ha... maybe men can "kan de kai"?

Sus_sus, agree, don't hope then won't be so disappointed. I keep telling myself got then good, don't have, never mind lor. I have to tell myself AF sure coming, then if really preggy, can be surprised and delighted...
hi puppy2006,
just went to ntuc.. realised that the new pdt from minute maid is not grapefruit one.. it's pomelo and mandarin orange... sorry for giving u false hope..

hi mich,
guess i made the right choice in not getting a test kit early... my AF reported today.. very sad coz thought i will strike this month. people have been asking me whether there's something wrong with me coz I'm still not pregnant after nearly one yr of marriage.. all my friends around me got pregnant within 3 months of marriage, except me.. sob sob...

guess we are lucky to have comforting dh around us.. but no matter how much they comfort us, I think it's not easy for us to get over the disappointment...
agreed w u caityln. we try so hard TTCing really got kid, i dun think i she de scold... ;p
teng dou lai bu ji...haha..

so sorie angelbel for my late reply...BD means baby dance = make love. ;p

hi phy n yen, my longest cycles dat i hv was 72 days...dat was a few years back. i tink is work stress...b4 i got married, i missed AF for 3 mths.i was so worried wats wrong w me so decided to see doc. after dat AF came...phew...hmm..again due to stress!!

sus sus - dun b too stress, dun upset ur marriage over TTCing...since now we haven't got kids, maybe we can spend time w HB doing things we like...

me having cramp...i think AF reporting soon...will try again nx mth...
hi yen - i can understand how u feel...most of us here hv encountered ppl asking when r we gg to hv bb. i tink if those ppl who ask really out of concerns or care, i will really appreciate. if they r just busybodies or not veri close to me y shld i bother to explain myself.

sometimes,these ppl words r like poison really hurt our feeling...at the meantime, pls keep trying and dun gv up hope. we all jia you...

most of us go through all these roller coaster rides of hoping, hope crushed, hope rekindled, hope crushed again...

Important thing is to go on hoping, if not will sure sink deeper into loss and grief...

Keep on trying, if still unsure, go seek gynae's medical opinion..

ya, stress can cause delay in AF...also realise colour and duration also seem to change as I age... don't know if it is common..

but right after laparascopy in May, period was very heavy and very red (sorry for gory details)...

Just wondering if that also affect chance in conceiving..
Hi Phy,
we see the same gynae, Dr E Chua

did you tell her abt ur heavy period?
well gt any cramps?

hey, i read ur previous post and realise you hv a positive and holistic view on ttc,yup indeed count our blessings and lead a fulfilling life

if you hv any MSN add,
can I PM u my msn add?
hi happyger,

yet to see her after the lap... so yet to tell her about my period.. What I meant in my previous post is that b4 lap my periods were kind of short and light flow so wonder if that also affect chances of conceiving...

Anyway, I had always suffered from cramps...was so bad in my teens that I fainted a couple of times..

But now better, sometimes no cramps at all! In fact, could still carry on day activities..

So how abt you? What are Dr. Chua advice for you? If want to just pm me so we can chat... quite a few gers here are with Dr. Chua
Hi Phy

Eeerr.... so far, after my 2 lap, my menses have been very light and short....

I've checked wif my gynae and she mentioned that it's normal coz my wombing lining is adjusting to the hormone level... as long as my cycle is regular, it's okie...
thanks, Dolp and Phy. I guess some people just dun understand how we feel.. in fact, one of my colleagues said that it's so easy to conceive. My heart crashed when I heard that.. felt very sad after that... My sis has been asking em to consult the sinseh at JE.. but after reading the posts on the sinseh, I dun feel like going to her. Now looking around for some other sinseh..

right now, guess i will just keep trying ..

Hmm, so I wonder does lap "clear up" and sort of reset our mentrual cycles?

Also realise I don't get to have ewcm.... think when I was younger I used to get them but now kind of don't get any... Is this kind of normal as we age?
Think the sinseh @ JE is the same one whom hubby and I have consulted... I also stopped going to her after the first visit.. didn't feel good about her..
ok I PM u and we chat in private

but think when you see her for review after lap, tell her ur menses changes before and after lap,
so she can advise you better lor...
hi yen, for those who really got it the first try maybe really difficult for them to understand our feeling...there was one time i was chatting w a colleague then suddenly he asked me 'u dun intend to hv kid?' i replied to him saying 'did i tell u i dun wan?'. with dat he stopped the conversation...veri fustrated w all these ppl...

phy n yuki -my period was heavy the first 2 days after dat veri little. duno is it normal. I did not chek w the gynae since my last visit which was last year. chum, duno does this affect conceiving or not...my ewcm also veri little sometimes seems dun have...
Hi dolp4, ya lor, people who make stupied comments very annoying.

Yen, there is nothing wrong with you, just tell these annoying people that you are enjoying couplehood with hubby. Those who get preggy within first few months never have time to even enjoy married life so look on positive side.

Nowadays I have stopped asking people if they are planning to have babies. A very good friend of mine ttc for 5 yrs through many rounds of IUI and IVF before suceeding and she deal with many of these questions. So I know better than to ask people liao unless they volunteer to talk to abt it...
Hi all,
i am back. so bz recently. His cousin's wife just gave birth yesterday morning. everyone v excited and now they start questioning when we gg to have one. damm stressed. Using ovulation ship to test this cycle. so far all neg. will try again.
Hi all

Anyone taking Metformin?
I started taking Metformin on Saturday, and ever since then, I'm feeling nausea, diarrhea. Worse I'm already down with a bad flu and cough, so feeling extremely sick.
Anyone out there taking Metformin and oso have such side effects?
hi mich and the rest of TTCing gals, we juz ignore those KPO ppl...we hv the rite not to ans them...

teobaby n juju, wat is Metformin?
Dear girls,

yesterday I chance upon this great book on TTC titled "The Conception Chronicles" and I would like to share them with you all. I have since read the first 5 chapters of the book and I must say that it is really like a God-sent to me. It's about this 3 friends' TTC journey and the things that they have experienced in the process. After reading the book, I am so relieved to know that I am not alone in my emotional and mental struggles of TTC. I could relate to almost 100% of all that's being said in the chapters and I know it's perfectly normal to been thru' all the emotional ups and downs.

I wasn't even looking at buying any book on TTC but this just caught my eyes when I was at the bookstore. Am so glad that I bought it.
juju - have u taken clomid b4? does it also have such side effects? me cannot take metformin according to my endocrinologist.. coz my blood sugar not on high side.. and it also helps in wt management..
yes, nausea & diarrhoea caused by metformin result in loss of appetite = loss of weight. u cannot take

clomid gave me nausea, cramps, giddiness & hot flushes. but not everyone gets it.

juju - okies.. thanks.. will see wat dr chua says tmr.. it's quite scary but in like abt a mth, i've spent ard 800 on visits to drs.. really exp man.. pocket bleeding badly.. think after this visit i'll just try naturally first liao..
