A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

kermit - i also heard quite a few ppl say tt abt diane-35.. will discuss w hb today.. keke.. yup, feel better liao.. i quite fast to get over bad stuff one.. keke.. now i'm hoping tt my temp stays high for at least 2 mre days to see if i did O.. it has stayed high for 2 days liao.. haa. but i guess i'm again trying to grasp at thin air! denial denial! haha

thanks kermit, choco mm & caitlyn!

aiya.. then i think i "missed the boat" this time round... hubby n me still very hardworking past 2 days though we very very tired after our tennis yesterday... nvm, hope tt my menses come soon so i can start all over again!
today already CD 36...

i think that video when they said "it can take up to 6 days to fertilise the egg" it means that the sperms can live up to 6 days. the seminal pool i think will happen if the mucus plug is still blocking the cervix and the sperms are not allowed into the cervix. this happens when it is not the fertile period of the woman. when it is the fertile period, the mucus plug becomes like EWCM and the sperms can then enter.

when the path is clear, it only takes minutes for the sperms to reach the tubes, and if the egg is already released, probably take another few minutes to fertilie (i have read it takes less than a minute for the sperm to enter the egg). then a zygote (early embroyo) would be form.

this early embroyo would stay in the tubes for a few days, then go down the tube and then float around in the uterus for a few days before attaching itself to the wall. this whole process may take 6 to 8 days i think.

i remembered that fizz experienced the same thing. her BBT dropped and she thought no chance liao. then the next day, it shot back up again. Don't give up yet...see tmr's bbt how...*fingers crossed*
Hi Koori

Ya lor... I also always wondering if I'm stressed.... I was thought that my stress torturance quiet high... but dunno if it's because of that... even when I'm stessed, I didn't realise...

Hi Posh

Mi? back to office this week lor... everybody all ask me the same thing.... "how are you? Recovered?" hehhehe... but good to know that when I'm not around... so many pple noe.. at least, that means that I'm missed... (I wish) hehhehe...

Hi Caitlyn

True lah... but gotta be careful wif wat u eat lor... my mum also very thin when she had me and my bro... and she also eat alot of canned food... in the end, die of cancer... very scary hor? not trying to scare u lah... but try to eat as healthy as u can lor.. if cannot avoid processed food... at least, eat more fruits and veg together wif it lor...

Dun worry too much abt this diane-35 thingy... the earlier u get going wif it... the earlier u r outta it...

u are scaring me..cos last sun, me and my hunband eat canned food for both lunch and dinner..we both lazy to go out so i cook porriadge...i even open a 2 new canned food for dinner...oh dear, think i better control now
dodo - like kermit says.. still got chance.. so just stay positive! =)

yuki - wah.. dun scare me!! processed food = can food, potato chips that kind is it? i dun cook so eat out most of e time.. those is it processed food?? tt means those frozen food i eat all e time also = processed food ah?
Hi Choco & Caitlyn

My mum didn't die of cancer coz she ate can food lah... it shld be a variety of reasons... but canned food may be one of them... and I didn't think she had a very good confinement... plus her body was weak by nature lah...

Wat I'm suggesting is that... if u r eating canned food.. perhaps, wanna mixed wif some fresh ones... for eg.. if u r cooking luncheong meat, can add some fresh potatoes... if u r cooking canned roasted meat, can add some veg... campbell chinese soup... can add gold needle mushroom... or else... after eating a dinner full of canned food... finish by having some fresh fruits... dun juz eat canned food all the time...

Think in today's world... u cannot avoid processed food lah... but of course, if can avoid then avoid lor...
Hi, I agree with what yuki is saying. Now I am taking a nutrition course so there are many studies that point out that the chemicals/preservatives/colouring in today's processed food may do harm to the body. So the best thing to eat is fresh foods like vegetables and fruits. The nutrient content in canned food is much lower than in fresh stuff also. So for those ttc, very important to have the nutrients mah coz the baby gets your antibodies for the first six months of his life. Only then he will produce his own.
ya agree wi yuki... tried to cut down the consumption of canned food, and i usually avoid canned pdts from china.. coz ever saw a documentary on how they processed and packaged those food, very disgusting loh...
so i try to cook as often as possible...
hi caityln, like that u got ovulate since ur BBT hit 36.7...stay posotive ya
jia you jia you for you and all of us...

hey gals, most of the time i ate outside food too...usually take vegetarian or mixed vege but hor was thinking did the ppl washed the vege thoroughly to remove the pesticides...tink tink until i scare scare also...if like that nothing to eat liao chum...:p

how nice when still staying w mum can eat home-cooked food.

hi yuki, ya loh most of us hb and ourself working really no time to prepare meal...eating outside is unavoidable...sigh...

kermit, thanks for ur info..interesting and informative

today m in my cd29, my temp drop to 36.49...juz hope AF faster come then can start new cycle again...wonder shld i continue to monitor nx mth...quite stress and disappointed oso to see the temp never remain high...
Hi dolp4, sometimes got no choice but to eat out, so I think choosing vegetarian or mixed vege rice is very good as it has more liao. Better than things like laksa, carrot cake which is nothing more than a lot of carbohydrates. So just do your best, don't think too much. I try to cook at home but if I can't I will make do with whatever is outside lor.
Hello Gals!

Hi Yuki, i also like you, tell myself dun stress but sometimes stress at work but i didnt even know, just keep working and stressing ... haiz ... my work sucks ...

Ya, we must all eat well, which is what i doing now, so that our hormone systems will be restored. It takes a few months of healthy eating before our bodies are fully restored to top form.

By the way, is it a norm for temp to be at 36.7 after O? Mine is 36.1 or less during first 14 days before O and after that the next 14 days at around 36.4. Does it mean i didnt O?

36.4 is a bit on the low side but cannot just conclude you never ovulate, need to scan to conclude that. but one thing's for sure is that your progesterone may be a bit on the low side cos it's the progesterone that is released that cause the body temp to increase. more progesterone, the higher the body temp. and ample progesterone is needed for sustaining the pregnancy.
Oh no, that explains my infertility.

Maybe i ever conceived but the zygote just keeping getting expelled out cos low progesterone. Oh no, this seems rare case. I am the odd ball again.

This is bad ...
sus_sus - dun read too much into it.. maybe u sld just go for a check if u want to find out.. things may not be as bad as u think.. hugz.. my BBT ever reac 36.98 but my prog levels are super super low.. so u never noe yah..
Hi Sus sus

Ya lor... my BBT looks regular too... but my progestrone was also low bf I took Clomid...

If u wanna be sure of yr progesterone level... better to take a blood test on 7 dpo... not read too much... sometimes, could also be yr external condition... say air-con...
Ok, this is what i fear most but guess i gotta face it. To go to the gyn ... i just dun have the courage.

What did you gals tell your gyn when you are there the first time? Test hormones? Must specify anything? Or overall tests cos i believe the costs will differ right?
sus_sus - maybe just tell ur gynae ur concerns w TTC..think gynae will recommend suitable tests.. sorry to ask, but how long've u been TTC? i think they base their advice on tt also..
Hi Caitlyn

I just had my 5th cycle, this coming O will be 6th try. Abit too early to test rite? Tats why after this failed 5th try, i actually convinced myself to wait another few months.

But i keep smelling trouble with my body hence keep wanting to find out earlier than wait a few months later and waste these few months just hoping for the best.

Now still in a dilemma, whether to try and wait or test. I am doing my best now to improve nutrition and even taking EPO. Will that help?

i think aircon will affect a bit. but the thing about BBT is to look at your own trends and not to compare with other people. i sleep in aircon room and after O, my BBT will hover around 36.7 to 36.9.


think you have to conquer your fears and get some tests done. if you are not concerned or stressed at all, then i would say waiting a few months more wouldn't hurt (i think you are quite young too right?
) but if you are fretting already and looking at every little sign as something wrong with your body, might as well go to gynae earlier

if you have charted your BBT for a few months, the first thing you can do is to show the gynae that. and ask for his opinion. better than guessing and making yourself worried. and low progesterone is not rare, a lot of us have low progesterone. even when i was preggie, i had to be on progesterone jabs and meds to support the pregnancy
BTW, ovulation doesnt necessarily mean egg is released issit? Can there be ovulation but no egg?

And the only way to confirm ovulation is coming is to use OPK? And see if temp rises after the expected O?
technically, the word ovulation means that "egg being released from ovary"

the hormone FSH will grow the follicle until about 20mm, that takes about 14 days. then the hormone LH will popped the egg out, leaving the corpus lutuem in the ovary. it is this corpus luteum that is producing the progesterone.

and you are right, the OPK will detect the LH surge and the temp rise is to check the release of the progesterone from the corpus luteum.

another way really is to scan and see the corpus luteum left in the ovary to confirm ovulation.
Hello ladies,
When u go to gynae, normally the basic test consist of wat? and also, we can go to test at anytime or is it better after AF come? any difference?
By right high temp means high progesterone level, is it? Is it possible high temp but low progesterone? paiseh, not gd at this.. v confused.
hi joy

i think it could consist of a scan, just to check if there are any fibroids or cysts.

i think it's good to schedule your visit around CD14 like that so that if there is a dominant follicle in your ovary, then you can see that.

i wish i have straight answers, but it's not the high temp per se that determines whether got high progesterone or not, it's the trend of your BBT chart, a distinct biphasic trend (low temps before O and high temps after O) is a better gauge.

and like yuki said, the best way to gauge is to get a progesterone blood test at DPO7 to be very sure.
thanks for yr explanation.

dominant follicle in ovary, signifies wat? when u say visit gynae ard CD14, is it ard time of ovulation? If so, longer cycle means can go later, is it?

DP07, means wat? long time never come in forum so forget term liao. High progesterone level important to preggie, is it?

Sorrie, so many qns.
Last time i try and try not succesful, went to see first gyane, she say everything is OK. Went to see 2nd gyane on very following month, immediately detected to have some problems. It;s better to see a gyane, they will give you recommandation
To the person that says her BBT like W like that, did you sleep with your mouth open or breath through your mouth? Cos that will affect the temperature taking.
hey all, can u tell me wat to do next if i have done checkup and is normal, my DH also normal, then wat next? sigh! Wait for time isit.
caitlyn - Please consider TCM as alternative to tiao your body to Ovulate. Well western medication is still artificial way of tricking your body to produce the hormone etc. it is still not truely from your body. I took clomid before and went thru the side effect it create on my body. Now I am on TCM and it manage to regulate my body back to Ovulate by myself :D
Thanks Angelbee and all for comforting.

Frankly, i was despondent again yesterday. I didnt even know got such thing as progesterone prob, so when it surfaced, its like 'again? what now?'

I thot mainly ovulation and EWCM prob which i thot maybe i can just eat better and add supplements to improve. Then if still no results after a few months then see doctor.

Now got one more potential prob, progesterone which i dont even know whether can tackle via nutrition or is there anything i can do at all.

If nothing can be done, then only tests will put my mind at ease and put an end to my fretting over my system. But i also know we only tried 5 cycles, scared doctor wont help me, will just ask me go back and try and wait then its the same as now ...

Haiz ... guess can only trust in God to provide. It seem like an endless possibilities that something can always be wrong. So sianz ...

BTW, what TCM is good? If this month still fail, next mth, i probably try TCM also. Go to medical hall and ask for what kinda prescription? Thanks for enlightening!
sus_sus - u've only tried for 5 cycles.. maybe there's really nothing wrong w ya at all coz docs say the best gauge is try for a year.. so dun be too overly worried ya? if u want to test to put urself at ease then pls do.. just tell doc ur concerns.. no pt u getting so worried when maybe actually u're perfectly healthy? =)

koori - if everyting is normal.. maybe it's really just a matter of timing? dun give up ya..

beetle_bug - may i noe how long u saw e TCM before managing to ovulate? is it must eat herbs and powder medication?? me very scared of e taste..
Hi Sus sus

I can understand how u felt... the 1st time... I gotta know that I had to remove cysts... I was very upset... but tot that after the removal of cysts, will be able to conceive... but who knows, my progesterone level low... then took clomid... in the end, EWCM went missing... and eventually, over stimulated my ovary... resulting in cysts growing again... removed my left ovary... it's like one bad news after another... I really wonder sometimes... whether I can take all these bad news...

U have not seen a gynae for pre-conception check yet, rite? why not juz go for one... see how's yr body first... do a progesterone check at 7 dpo to be sure... dun need to wait for at least 1/2 yr lah... I didn't also...

I'm now taking TCM... at least, I recovered pretty fast from the op and I see my EWCM again (though I dunno if it's because I stop taking Clomid) but it's good to have it back... that's the only time I'm not complaining about discharge staining my panties.. hehehhee... Anyway, chances for me to conceive is very low... but I'll juz keep trying lor...

Juz bought the books "Taking Charge of your fertility"... hopefully, it will help...

Hi Caitlyn

If I didn't remember wrongly, bettle_bug is seeing the same TCM as me... we are eating pills and syrup... the pills not too bad... juz too many to eat... but the syrup is very yucky...
hi bloom,
im the one who having many "W" in my BBT chart

nope... i din sleep wi mouth opens or breathe thru my mouth...

after my BBT shown a sharp increase 2 days ago at 36.78, yest dropped to 36.40 and today 36.48... wonder whether is it because my menses coming soon... cant tolerate my sore boobs anymore... hee..
Hi Koori

if both husband and wife is healthy and no fertility problem. Can do a HSG to check the tube and at the same time, 'clean' it. After that, maybe you will strike. It happen to some ppl after they have a cleaner environment.

Good luck
yuki - oic.. thx! hmm.. i dun dare to take syrup one.. keke... glad tt u're stil so positive! admire ur courage alot!! dr chua told me very low chance of me conceiving..
Hi Angelbee,

HSG, with the pressure exerted during the procedure, can clear debris from the tubes. But for severe blockage and adhesion, may not help much. Women have known to conceive right after HSG.

Hi ladies,

I wanna check with all u experts here. During "O", must the cervical mucus be completely transparent? I've not been able to detect EWCM during O. Even on day of O (detected through BBT rise), my CM is a little cloudy. Is this ok?
Hello yuki,
It's been awhile since we last msg, hope u still remember me. Ya, never thot discharge also exist for a reason and has a role to play. Last time, only find it a nuisance..hehe.

Glad to see that u remain positive and strong despite of what u undergo.
Hi marble,
During 'O', heard that it's suppose to be like egg white. Honestly, I find it difficult to differentiate cm. After ML worse, dun know if it's cm or sperm..haha. Sometimes, I wonder if only i so silly, dun know how to differentiate.
Hi Caitlyn

Dr Chua also say the same thing abt me... she suggested IVF but I didn't wanted it...

How come u also slim chance leh? izzit because of PCOS or yr size?

Hi Marble & Joy

Think it's translucent... something that resembles egg white... it will stretch between yr fingers... If it's cloudy, u might wanna try to take some pink grapefruit juice... think cloudy occurs after O...

The diff btw CM & Sperm is that EWCM stretches but Sperm dun...
yuki - coz of my hormone test results.. tt's y she wanted me to take diane-35 to try to kickstart e system.. if tt doesn't help then we'll discuss again.. but she's like low chance not equals to impossible.. haha.. me gg to see a chinese doc today to get a 2nd opinion first.. thinking of doing TCM to regulate my hormones instead of using diane-35.. see wat e dr says..

this cycle got try harder to differentiate but still observing, most afraid if got little discharge. think u r rite, cm more like egg white, translucent, thick and stretchy, whereas sperm hor, like transparent and thin.

Hi caitlyn,
what happen to yr hormone? Does it affect yr O?
