A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

berries... maybe certain things to u not acceptable but he don't know mah. I also have some close guy frens lor, but I'll share wif hub what we talk abt, then he won't be unhappy or jealous lor. Sometimes, he got ask me why i so close to tis person... but i got reassure him nothing one lor! hee hee But, don't need to leave home for 3 days???? My goodness!!! Glad u resolved it lah

Penguin, ur hub v nice liao lah... u refuse to talk to him he still give in to u! V sweet

Jade, think my hub will KILL me if I do like u.. ha ha...

Msn-queen, you tried hard during your O day still early for you to say AF coming. *crossing finger I BD late think mine is coming. I never experience BD until bleed leh so can't comment. Better for you to see Dr Heng soon, she's going on leave next week.

think he still thot I was joking the last time I told him that I dun like him to sms this gal lor. so now I really make it known to him big time how I feel.

ya lor.. my hp gg to burst with his calls & sms liao. then he sms me say he is really very sorry & wants me to go home, he even ask where am I? whaha..
think this kind of "tiao qi lai mai" game cannot play too long ah.. will go home tonight & have a talk with him lor.
berries, oic... anywae, i dunno whether my hub will do tat for me?? Sekali, he don't bother to ask me to go back, i CRY MAN!! So, better not try also lah, lovey dovey better ho!!
Have good talk wif him, like dating times!! I find v dangerous to use the D word... better don't next time
berries... go home lah..u know fresh pork aso cannot tiao qi lai mai for too long..will become stale.. go home while u r still on upper hand...
wer did u go the last 3 days??
yr mum's place?
hi berries,
ya, i encourage you to talk to DH already. This kind of hard to get game can't play too long... coz in the end will get angry for the other party. This happen to me and hubby too... but usually is if I ignore hm even when he give in, he will get angry too! Anyway, a r/s need to have some argument to let it go into a higher level. *personally view*... so sometime I will say... we like long time no quarrel liao hor.... hahaa

Oways send mesg to you feel so wried like very rude leh. Btw, I duno leh... I dun think got hope leh... dun see any sign yet... and then tummy oso so flat & normal... like thing is not going to happen.... then somemore the bleed.... *heart sank*
Louie, Jadefeet, MSN..

ya i know... too long wait my pork belly seh gor ah! become mouldy. He already give in big time to me already & just sms me to ask if I am still angry as he would like to explain & talk to me. Want me to go home lor.
I will go back tonight lah & talk to him again since he also know that he is in the wrong already & repentful liao rite?
berries... ha ha... Think u better let him know tat u not angry anymore 1st (like NOW)! Otherwise, he wait until wanna *ping sanz*!! But think u shd also apologise for running away fr home... no joke leh, for 3 days... In a way, u made him worry for tat long leh! Pei fu ur hubby aso, for being v patient!!!
Believe both of u must still love each other lots lots
berries - hmm, if you don't feel comfortable with the SMSing thing, you must tell him off. Yup you should go back tonight and have a talk with him and strighten things up. I believe he totally unaware that he and that gal has go beyong the boundries already.
hamz- i have answer to your queries at another thread. PLease go and check.

Jade - I am suppose to go back to dr jin this sat. but would be busy. maybe postpone to next week. The medication she gave me not finish yet as i stop for fews day for holiday :p My HB on accompany me there. didn't see her for any medication. I have make him take vit-e nowaday. thinking to adding in Zinc soon.

hayashi - so have you bought the zinc sumpp
Msn queen,

me DPO12 today, also crossing fingers!! i kanna late O this cycle, CD16, normally CD14 for past 3 cycles... and my cycle length is 27-28 days for last 6 months... So think this cycle will be a bit longer cos by late O.. i think my AF due will be on 30/4, same as you instead of 28/4...

me feel nothing also, no special sign yet too. So I dun dare to put too high hope in this cycle as a bit abnormal for late O!!!
msn queen, you'r welcome to send me msg don't feel is rude. But hor you must be patient b'cos I seldom check mail one. I hope your's is implantation bleeding. One step at a time if preggie few mths then tummy will show. Btw, don't think too much, let's nature takes it course, pray hard this time round god grants you with a bb.
Hi gals - can someone enlighten me on OPK test. Read from the previous day threads, someone mention about we should do the test twice per day to avoid missing the egg. hmmm, so far my gynae only ask me to test in the morning after wake up. this month i didn't manage to get any positive results for cd14-16. give up testing from cd17 till now. :p

hi hayashi - how are you?
bettle-bug.. suppose to go to her just now but she is not in today so got to wait till 2molo but think 2molo i wont hav time...got to delay till nex week...
forgot to tell u all..
i gave megaman, oyster extract, horny goat weed to my DH, its for potency booster.. hopefully can improve sperm qlty.. all fr GNC. gynae aso giv him tribestan... used to take andriol but not useful... havnt yet 2 go for SA to check if got improvement...

nope.never go and buy....Dun think will go and buy oreadi...have a discussion with my gyn,actually even after taking zinc,we oso will not know if it will really aids in the sperm production.
jadefeet- your HB sperm got problem? wah he so GUAY eat so many supp. my HB very lazy on.. taking only vit-e can also forget one. you see lah. did dr jin also prescribe many medicine for you. i have to take about 12-18 pills each time twice perday, and a liquid.

hayashi - hmmm, I have read thru your posting few days back. i think anti-oxidant will help lor. so will since taking vit-e liao. will just get zinc for him. hope he will guay guay
Orh ok.. thxs gals,
I feel so much better after letting out my frustations here. Yes he is super worried & i heard from my mom that he was like eyes red red, like just cried, in the living room when my mom suddenly went to my hse to find me. And he keep asking her if she knows where am I? That was the 1st night I did not go home. (I was out with my frds at that time) Actually when my mom told me that I was really quite heart pain lor.

I will give in as it is true that we both love each other a lot but he is just unaware of me hating him with this sms thing! I will let him know. hopefully he will know his limits & stop all this rubbish! kekeke...

I think he learnt his lesson. But must remind you one thing, once u have talked...u must learn to re-trust him although it might difficult in the begining where u will keep suspecting that he is SMSg someone.

Been thru that (except I didn't move back HOME - cos I stay with my in-laws and I just gave birth to my 2nd kid). I am took it slowly where I am learning to retrust. But things are considered good now. Hence we are taking a huge step to try for no. 3.
Hi bettlebug n louie,

Me 1st time in the message board, earlier posted a message and dunno where it goes...

I went to the EYS at paragon before for 3-4 mths, yet no news... ended up conclude maybe m=not my issue. :p

actually your case is special...because morphology is very important..because funny shaped sperm cannot fertilised an eggie. but i think he said that specifically to you because your hb's other indicators like counts and motility are VERY good, much much higher than the norm.

so i also think it wouldn't affect your fertility much
Hi all,

Just now typed an intro think i forgot to select the "POST Message" option, that's why it is missing.

Anyway, let me self intro again.

I am a mother of a boy going 4 years old..now still trying for no. 2 since he was 18 mths old.
Guess my "hit" rate is low as i only have menses 4-6 times a year. That's good when i am not trying for children.

I went to see my gynea last dec and was given clomid, was on it for 4 mths, no result and i decide to stop since last cycle as a close fren of mine had some side effect after the 3rd cycle.

I have been trying on the right time, yet didn't manage to succeed... wondering what's wrong, is it my hubby or not as he had a stressful job and stayed up late into the night. Thought of asking him to go and see the chinese physician to "tiao" his body to build up his body wellness.

hayashi - i think morphology is important too. bad shape can't fertilise a egg. so can only rely on those normal one. my gynae also told me still can. but i think will lower our chance or conceiving. hmmm. the supp also partly to improve his health as he seems to be always feel tired and he had super sensitive nose.

How is ur MS now??Keep to small meals,if u have any U/S of ur little BB,please post it here and let us share the joy with u okie...

Yah,actually we are not too worried abt the sperm morphology now....
Bettlebug, to trace your O you have to depend on your CD length.If you have more OPK stripes no harm trying twice a day lor...
Accuratepregnancytests webbie suggesting don't use 1st morning urine, best time to test is 10am to 8pm.
ohohjazz - what is the reaso you are on clomid? is it because you don't o well? or just to regulate your cycle. Somehow i realise the local gynae like always prescribe clomid to us leh. many of us also on clomid now.

I was on clomid lst year for few cycles. stop since Jan, cos it seems to have some side effect and i read it is not good to take for long term.
hmm like that ah. tried before to do between 10am to 4pm as instruct by a tcm. but never get positive results. I think most proprably i didn't do it on a fix time everyday.

i think this month i didn't O as i didn't have a little abs pain when it is near. But hor i experience a little aching on my left abs on CD18 and 19. Wonder if i O late this round... hmmmm. really can't understand

no major MS yet...just got the wanna-puke feeling always at the back of my throat...when thinking what to eat, like no appetite like that..but once i started eating..voila! so strange...can eat lor...hehe!

going to scan next thursday (7 wks)...hopefully can see heartbeat by then...

Here is my suggestion:
Find out the real reason why he did it. Though he say it is for fun, there might be other reason.
I knew the reason why my hubby did it. I realise it is partially my own fault and his also. My fault cos I was a workaholic and I didn't spend time with him & kids, I had to go back to work after 1 mth of rest (maternity - wasn't paid). But I already told him in advance that if he wants us to have a better future, he would have to let me work hard for 1-2 yrs. (His job not much prospects, but mind had loads)

Anyway, after the incident. I got a maid to take care of my kids. Also cut down my work hrs to 8-8 instead 8-10/11. To spend more time together.


Good luck. I can tell ur dh really loves u loads...
bettle bug,

My gynae see me having irregualr menses therefore prescribe me with clomid. However, 1st - 2nd cycle still okay..3rd cycle onwards my menses getting lesser. Wondering if my body cannot take it is it?

Actually it was a miracle that i manage to conceive my son after trying for 2 years. That afternoon happen to take off and decide to see a gynae to check on my problem, then she to me that the eggs is coming down and asked me to try for the next 2 day and then BINGO i had my son.

Wonder should i go for scan each time when i think i am ovulating?!?

sure can see heartbeat...beating very fast as well....
Good to hear that u are eating well oso....Last time,i oso have very good appetite,but hor eat oreadi,all the food goes into the toilet bowl...I vomitted out after every meals....VERY JIALET leh...
HI Berries

glad that u r feeling better now.

i have gone thr a bad eposide in my marriage also(extra marital affair). Trust is difficult to re-build but it is not possible.

As long as both of u have the same goal, it is possible
bettle bug, yeah got morphology prob loh...
anyway.. he wans bb too so he got to work on it...
he knows its either take supp or go for surgery to correct the prob...
he is very scared of needles so got to kuai kuai take supp to try to improve..
Dh always say even 2% good sperm aso got chance cos its 2% of how many millions n only need 1 to fertilise the egg... jus have to wait patiently loh

wanna to ask u where to take a test to do the sperm count or check? How to go about doing it? was surfing the KK website just now do not seem to locate the clinic.
u go to gynae, they will order sperm count check 4 u if they think the prob may lie wif yr DH.
usually gynae wan to elimate the possibility of prob of the wife b4 they move on to check the DH.
or u can ask for it.
hayashi, think kermit say ur special case lor. Coz' shape of spermy v impt. but like u said, since u were preggie b4... shd be ok

berries, don't let ur hub worry anymore lah! Guess he went a bit far for the sms thingy, but he didn't have affair or watsoever lah. U can "fang xin"!
At least his mind is clear! Yes agree wif icebaby, DO NOT BRING UP as quarelling material in the future hor!!

stella, glad u forgave ur hub. Guess sometimes really hard to forgive lor.... it really takes a lot of effort *pat on ur back*

Jade, me also feeding my hub with GNC zinc 100. Yesterday aft touch down fr airport, he guai guai when I give him eat at home lor! keekeke

bettle_ u shd use opk fr 10am onwards till 7pm at nite. DON'T use 1st urine!! morning urine is fine...
Some pple more successful with use of clomid, guess dependent on pple + its more suitable for certain conditions??? Me not sure also, think have to ask gynae!

ohhohjazz, welcome!!
EYS q ex leh, $100-200 per visit??

Yuki, kena flu? Rest well yah... recover fast, then cycle won't go haywire!!
ohohjazz, yup have to go gynae. Also, must abstain for 3 days b4 SA test!! If KKH, got long queue one, have to go bk another day. So, maybe u can consider pte! U see TCM at EYS, the physician says ur body v good, not ur problem??
okies thanxs pple!


but icebaby,
I think that it might be really quite hard for me to get the reason out from him leh. Sigh.. how do i start asking if i want to find out ah?
berries, just need to ask him direct lor... why is he so good frens, or why he feel so "connected" to tis fren?? Maybe ur hubby jus comfortable wif her, but of coz the notti msgs a bit too much lah! My male colleague also sometimes sms quite cheeky/playful one lah, but nothing suggestive lah of coz!!
