A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


I oso dunno y diarrhea...mabbe due to to tom yum tat I hd last nite???...visited the loo 3 times tis morng...all watery stools...so er xin...kekeke

Hayashi...where r u now...r u in town...issit lao hoh...I wanna go orchard leh...

My ren gong yi liu...I din touch sashimi okie...

i at home now...not working today...
u wanna go orchard....surely traffic jam one.....

I think i can't tahan not eating sashimi for nine mths....
yeah dark dark now..but haven't rained yet...

i had kimchi ramen for lunch but just now at 4 had another hotdog sandwich..at the rate i am going, i think i am going to become very FAT!
yuki, if u just take a break for a few mths.. it wldn't affect ur mkt value. HR is not tat fast paced in terms of regulatory changes rite? Yup, don't burn out.

Kim, wah.. so fast effective hor!!! Went to Thong Chai (my physician is Luo Jin Yan)... i didn't realise tat I had to bring my 1st prescription back, kenna "scolded" by her!! I gave her copies of my hub's SA & my blood test result, but she insisted tat she told me to bring copy of prescription! Pissed!!
Tried to ask her prescription is to bu wat lor, but she v impatient one, said tat TCM is not like western med, its to tiao body on the whole. Tried to ask if my body xu or not, she like not willing to explain & bu4 nai4 fan2 like tat. Really irriated with her man!!!! Still boiling mad now!!!

Told her we just started my hub on Zinc. Then, she refuse to see him & give him a prescription!!! She ask him to continue with vit & do SA test in 3 mths, if still not good (his morphology only 6% now mah) then only see her! So unhelpful hor!!!
My hub see her attitude also SIAN!

If u wanna see Thong Chai - the Dr Tan (fri afternoon clinic, sitting next to my physician) is much friendlier, will laugh with patient. Mine ah, I ask more qn... she like going to murder me like tat!!!! Just hope her prescription is good lor, tahan her for a while!

Stella, which CD are u in now... u tested HPT too early issit?

penguin, logistics shd be quite easy to find job rite? Its quite in demand now... so take it easy lor
no lor..

just feel VERY VERY hungry! even tho mouth bland bland... wanna puke wanna puke like that...still can eat lor *blush*

actually i feel the best WHEN eating, cos cannot feel funny taste in mouth and won't feel nauseous. once finish eating, all these will come back!
Ya louie, sorry to hear that you have such a bad experience.

I am current waiting for my AF to go off then proceed to see chinese physician again.

I was cin Dr Loh last time too...she is stern...but I find her okie lah...did u bring the original prescription bac...I oways hand it bac to the med collection counter...or photocopy one for myself...in fact...she has been askin to c my hb leh...most impt to tat the med is effective to stimulate healthy eggies...

Yey...my hb jus told me he passed all his pprs liao...now goin to fetch him go Orchard shoppin!!!

Fizzy, so cool... can hear ur bb's heartbeat. U know that he/she is growing stronger & bigger each day! *hug hug* Aiyoh, maybe now preggie ur stomach more sensitive to spicy food? Take care yah! See my posting, super pissed with the Dr Luo. *ARRGGHHHH*

Hayashi, at Thong Chai u cannot change physician one once they allocated u!!! Coz' free hospital mah. My flu, phelgm better... not sure if becoz of the TCM med also. She also "scold" me why I ask the chinese med hall wat the prescription is for! I told her u didn't tell me wat!!!! I tried asking today, also kenna scolded... she only say TCM is holistic mtd one! Aiyoh, really QI SI REN ahhh!!

kermit, won't fat lah. My preggie colleague aso eat a lot but aft giving birth also slim down!
Hi Louie,
don't be angry!!bad for health leh... sometimes really have to see ' heng suay' one...like me,go SGH,met up with a doc who just blindly gave me clomid...haiz...also sian!!
fizzy, even if i really didn't bring she don't have to be sooo impatient wut! Not tat I purposely didn't bring. Duhh.... Just hope she is good lor
She look at my hub & asked if his SA was done b4 or aft taking vitamins. he said b4, then she said dun need to see. Maybe, his really not so bad?

Wat exams ur hubby taking? Tonight u both can go for celebration. Can buy BB stuff also... so fun!!! Me always walk into Robinsons/ Mothercare, but cannot buy anything yet. Sigh

Hayashi/Kermit, haiyah... wat to do, at least see her for a few more rounds lah. Fizz successful, maybe really good lor... hee hee. She said my body not really xu lor (to me its a good sign
), just need to tiao ovaries, womb etc.
char, will just tahan lor
. Are u gonna see pte gynae instead? Think SGH, KKH restructured hospitals always too overloaded wif cases. The 1st time I see my gynae, i wonder how come within 1 hr keep leaving his room one!! I tot he go for tea break... actually, he go to delievery room to check on patients! Must be really so busy!!

berries, good tat u resolve ur issues!!
Don't run away fr home again ok!
Def. tis whole saga will help ur r/s to mature & realise tat u
each other more than u realise even! hee.

yeah i guess...anything for our bbs...

but how is the med? horrible or not? i remembered mine was so so so bad *gags*

and hb's one, i smell already...i want to puke kind...
kermit, ya lor... if really not v good then maybe switch to urs! actually the med hall which I get medicine from... the boss is also a TCM practitioner. They are q nice, but dunno if they got specialise in fertility! Maybe can get hub to see hor, at least can strengthen his body!!

Not v horrible leh. I don't mind if bitter sort lor... maybe urs is really terrible! kkekeke
Are u going for ur 2nd scan soon?

kim, can share ur EYS consult charges + med? Thanks
stella, i think u juz have to wait because some people wil need time for the HCG to escalate before they can see the BFP on the kit.

fizz, hayashi very bad hor, put the pix to "sia" u..
kermit, very fast! Long wkend somemore, thur will come really soon
Me next tue got gynae appt also! hee...

Have a good wkend ladies!! Having bd-ing!!
Finally a long weekend but i got to study for my exams and my hubby is working OT...sighz...Last paper...gambatte!

Have a great weekend gals!
Hi Gals

Thanks so much for your advice.. Hope that my current company can convert me to part-time.. but I doubt they can do that lah... this company not so pro-flexi work arrangement... all antique here... so, see how first lor... if really work till sian liao... then will take a break and relax...

Looks like u gals are enjoying yr shopping spree... hope u all "man zhai er gui"

Enjoy yr BD this long weekends....
Hi Char and Louie,
My first visit to my TCM, she gave me 12 days supply of medicine. I pay about $80. Second consultation also two weeks medicine. I pay close to $100. Then I got pregant. So one month should cost about $200.
Hi gals, me today went to EYS for my first visit on TCM. It cost me $82 for 10days supply of medicine. hope my body can "tiao" better lor...

Kim, how the medi taste like? is it bitter?

frankly,TCM herbs really just to TIAO ur body only lor....In order to compensate the deficency of certain elements in our body system.
Perhaps,the next time u can ask her wat is deficent in ur body.Is it QI,HEAT OR EXCESS HEAT?

I am oso gg to enjoy my


Finally after his BI MEN LIAN GONG,he passed his exams....So he can start doing housework again...
hayashi, the medicine is in powder form. need to mix with half cup of warm water n drink twice per day.

i went to PS EYS. recommend by my frd. she say her sis-in-law went to see that doc n manage to get preggie within 3 mths.
i duno leh.. trying tmr...

me always dun like chinese medi cozs will taste bitter.. but no choice... for the sake of my body.

Ask u sometink...do u noe of any remedy which can relieve gastric...jus hd a bad one...hd to lie in bed for 45 mins b4 I cld get up...even my uterus hurt...it was so crampy n tight...I dun dare to take med...
hi penguin8,
ya, mine started the same time as u, i rem some other pple to. Maybe the other time i did not provide propery? Mine should be at DPO 12.... I already give up hope on the signs liao, coz i dun think it's going to be positive leh.... like no signs showing up recently too. Sigh... juz wait to be faster 1st May then see how....

Hi yuki,
Think the table info wrong. Today should be DPO 12. If not AF will not come on 1st if is a 28 day length. Thank you *muack*

So gd, finlly can hear something.... as i told u i didn't call dr heng... maybe I will stop BD-ing for the time being.... anyway, hubby will be working over the long weekend, think no time for me oso....

okie,if u are asking for fast pain relieve medicine,the only gastric medicine i know that preggie woman can take is Nexium.

My advise for u is to take note of ur diet....NO SPICY FOOD,NO GASY DRINKS and coffee,EAT SMALL FREQUET MEALS.Smetimes preggie woman get alot of gastric reflux and wind which will cause gastric pain.

there is this very good gastro doctor who specializes in treating gastro problem,u may want to check him out if neccessary.He is Dr Cheng Jun from Mt.E.
He has appeared on some health TV programme a couple of times already.


Thx for yr info...
...I wil take note of the dr...nowadays...I always burp like nobody else's business for at least haf an hr after my dinner...

I hv a history of mild gastric...meanin tat I dun nid to take any med...I jus nid it o sleep it thru...

The pain I hd yest was quite typical of the ones I used to hv pre-preg...jus tat durin my pre-preg days...the pain din travel all the way to my uterus part...the feelin I hd at my uterus was very crampy n tight...when I woke up at 6am...my gastric hd subsided...but I still hd tis achiness at my uterus...sometink like the after effect of kena punched for the whole nite...I m ok now...jus some fragile feelin at the uterus...tatz y I m a bit worried...

Up til now...I cant really differentiate whether it is my gastric which is causin the pain...or otherwise...hmmm...

Btw...i tot u were supposed to b BD-in last nite liao...how come u r still online at 12mn???
