A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Bettle Bug, Hello, I'm like your friend, also have PCOS but I am now coming to 6 weeks pregant. PCOS patients may have more difficulty getting pregant. But it helps if we try to improve our eating eg eat more wholemeal stuff, cut down on sugars, avoid cold drinks etc. When my gynae first said I have PCOS, he said there's no cure in western medicine. I was put on clomid for 2 cycles without success. I then decided if clomid has side effects, I don't want to take it. So I went to library to read up books on PCOS. I found out that TCM has a cure for PCOS thru taking herbs and/or acupunture. So I went to seek TCM help and there's where I got pregant in the first cycle of taking the TCM medicine. I guess mine is a mild case of PCOS. So then there's a cure for it. So those gals with PCOS, please don't worry. You can conceive. I did!!! And my husband's SA morphology is only 13%.

Hi berries...

I was really mad when I found out ab intimate sms on his handphone...However,after a while,i cooled down,I talked over the matter..I actually ask him why he did it and is it because I "failed" as a wife and stuffs like that...Coz i am not in good r/s with my MIL and I am quite hot-headed and hot-tempered...Hence I could understand that he is "sandwiched" in between...I have mellowed down my temper since then and be more "bo chap" between my MIL..Just knock my head and say "yes" to watever she say...hehe.."ren" lor...I just feel that sometimes when man "strayed" (or rather turn his attention to other pple) is coz we are neglecting them...I had also admitted that I was too pre-occupied with work that time hence neglected him lor...Now we are more loving then before...and of course now and then still have "small" agruements lah..to spice up the r/s...hehe

Just tell him "Look here...i think there is a problem with our marriage and I want to know wat went wrong,let's solve it together..."
My hubby married me when he was 25...I think it is great courage of him to commit so young..haha...That's why I can believe that he love me very much to have such courage to commit into a marriage when his other frenz are still single and having fun around
(As of 28 April)

Waiting to Ovulate

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon</TD><TD> 5</TD><TD> 9 May </TD><TD> 22 May</TD><TD> 31-34</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 7</TD><TD> 7 May</TD><TD> 22 May</TD><TD> 28 31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hoonie</TD><TD> 9</TD><TD> 8 May</TD><TD> 20 May</TD><TD> 32-35</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> 9</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 24-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 10</TD><TD> 7 May</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 34-36</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 12</TD><TD> 30 Apr</TD><TD> 15 May</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hayashi Hakida</TD><TD>14</TD><TD> 29 Apr</TD><TD> 16-18 May</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby26</TD><TD> 15</TD><TD> 29 Apr</TD><TD> 15 May</TD><TD> 31-35</td></tr></table>


<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fat Fat</TD><TD> 22</TD><TD> 8 dpo</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MSN_Queen</TD><TD> 23</TD><TD> 8 dpo</TD><TD> 1 May</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> 23</TD><TD> 20 Apr</TD><TD> 5 May</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Roslyn</TD><TD> 24</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 5 May</TD><TD> 27-33</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 25</TD><TD>?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD> 25</TD><TD> 17-19 Apr</TD><TD> 2 May</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 26</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 4 May</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gladys bride</TD><TD> 29</TD><TD> 15 dpo</TD><TD> 27 April</TD><TD> 27-28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zenn</TD><TD> 26</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paperplane</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> 18 dpo</TD><TD> 23 Apr</TD><TD> 32-35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasnie</TD><TD> 21</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 36-40</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD> 22</TD><TD> 24-27 Apr</TD><TD> 10 May</TD><TD> 32</td></tr></table>

Part of it, you have evaluate what happened and ask urself why it could happen. It's not always asking him, then he will tell u why.
Maybe u can suggest to him, is it because u dun make life "fun" or are u boring him, etc kind of questions.

I know it sounds like a hard hit on urself. But it's part and parcel in finding out the problem.

Or maybe...maybe he just like to sms and its best to set the terms on the sms type.
morning yuki,

thanks for updating our data here early in the morning!! xin ku ni le
got spotting this morning and temp drop.. sigzzz... AF coming today i guess!!! haizzz..
... will try again next month!!
Hi all,
i noticed that most of you are actually keeping track of the cycle date and taking temperature and so on.

Cos i am currently not doing this. We are leaving nature to take its course but how long should we try before we should maybe seek the adv of a gynae?
hi kim, thanks for sharing!
Just a qn, when u went for TCM... did they share wif u like wat herb helps to regulate this problem (e.g. ABC herb is to bu3 kidneys to produce better eggs??) The thong chai hospital don't really explain... so any suggestions what herbs are good to build up hormones for women/men? Me going to see during lunch time today! Thanks

Yuki, hope u are feeling better today!!
Hi Louie, my TCM only said the cause of my PCOS is because I'm Yang deficiency. So she just gave me some powder herbs which is supposed to bring my body back to harmony, not to bu my eggs. I also asked her how long it will take, she said it depends on individual body consitution.
Hi gladys bride

not xin ku lah... hehehe...

Try again this new cycle, okie... gambatte...

Hi Louie

Thanks... feeling abit better but fever still up &amp; down... last nite even worst... even got diarrheo and vomitting... luckily got one long weekend to rest... though alot of activities this weekend... oops...
kim, i see... so guess ur body strong! hee. Btw, which TCM did u see? are u still seeing to an-tai?

gladys_bride, jia you for next cycle!!

yuki, u down with flu &amp; cough or gastric flu ah? U better get sufficient sleep ah gal. Not well how to BD? My tis cycle a bit weird, BBT q high lor 36.6 range (more like post O) coz flu, infections will adjust BBT higher. Really pray &amp; hope no effect on TTC-ing! Tis few days better liao, took 2 pkts of TCM but BBT like remain ard tis range... not sure if herb v "bu"? Later going for review... hee
Hi Louie

Dunno also leh... at first I thought was common flu but yesterday nite then start wif diarrheo and vomitting... dunno wat happen... this morning till now ... keep feeling cold...

Till now, haven't start taking BBT coz fever will cause the bbt to go up also... so won't be accurate also... that's y, no point in taking...
Maybe shld go see TCM also... coz eat medication for so long liao... always have gastric flu lah, diarrheo lah... fever lah... I take MC also take till I pai seh already... Though I dun like my current boss... but also dun wanna be irresponsible in my job also...

Thinking of taking a long break... to rest my body &amp; mind... My company's D&amp;D is in June... so probably after settling with that event, if I still feel very lethagic... will wanna tender my resignation and give myself a break... Wat do u gals think? Shld I or Shld I not?
Hi louie,

The other time the chinese physician commented my body belongs to those heaty type and wei4 not good, therefore whatever i took also cannot be abosrbed by the body. Think we need to build up our system 1st before TTC.

BTW, which chinese physician u go? Any feedbacks?
HI gals

any one have similar experience?

today is my cd28. period supposed to due yesterday. Today i keep having cramps,so tot AF is here. WEnt to the toilet and check, alot of whitish creamy discharge. I never experience b4..shocked to see so much
yuki, aiyoh... poor thing ah. Better get the right medicine even thou u may not be taking MC. Yup, u can consider TCM lor... I find tat seldom got pple body regarded as "balanced" in TCM context one lah... hee... Think later, I better ask more questions, wat is tis herb for etc.

Regarding ur job, guess u'll be the best person to know lor. Don't think we can give any constructive advice since we are not in ur shoes. Not sure if u are a christian, but the same thing applies lah. Whatever decision u make... have a peace of mind! At least u know why u chose tat path &amp; have no regrets!!

ohohjazz, me seeing Thong Chai. today, will be 2nd visit wif hub (1st time). Still v blur, if have new info will update u gals
hi gals
i was on the pills til march this yr. had already stopped it. was trying to ttc now.
had one child age 2 liao
can anyone tel me wat's cd, af etc?
abit blur on these terms
Hi Louie

Thanks for the advance... hehhehe... I'm not christian... but of course, I would need to consider it properly... there's alot of plus and minus in term of whether to let go of this job... I've been thinking abt it for quite awhile already...

I was scared that if I dun hold on to a job, I might lose my market value... but then again, if I were to continue working here... my body might deteroriate... given the conditions that I kept falling ill at least once a mth... made me kinda tired in this job...

Plus, scare that once become preggy, then expenses will go up and without a job might be even worst...

Arrrggghhhh.... dilema... dilema... fed up already...
Hi Pooh,
AF Aunt Flo menstruation/period
BBT basal body temperature
BC because, or birth control, or before children
BCPS birth control pills
BD baby dance (sex)
BF breastfeed, or boyfriend
BFN big fat negative (pregnancy test)
BFP big fat positive (pregnancy test)
BOM Basic ovulation monitoring (available in SGH)
BTW by the way
CD cycle day
CF cervical fluid
CM cervical mucus
CWIM see what I mean
CS or C/S cesarean section
DC daycare
DPO days past ovulation
EBF extended breastfeeding
EBM expressed breast milk
EDD estimated due date, or expected date of delivery
EWCM egg white cervical mucus
FF formula feeding
HPT home pregnancy test
IC incompetent cervix
IUI intrauterine insemination
IVF in vitro fertilization

LOL laughing out loud
LP luteal phase
MC or M/C miscarriage
ML maternity leave
MM mother's milk
O ovulation
O'd ovulated
OPK ovulation predictor kit
PG pregnant, or pregnancy
PPD postpartum depression
RE reproductive endocrinologist
ROFL rolling on floor laughing
SD sperm donor
SIL sister-in-law
TCOYF Taking Charge of Your Fertility, by Toni Weschler
TTC trying to conceive
US or U/S ultrasound
VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean section
Hi Yuki,
Remember the other time I had passed u a book when i meet u?maybe you wana have a look at that....it will help to build up your body constitue...cos me last time take MC take until have to take no pay leave leh...dan i took the supplement and m much better liao...(no MC for around 3 months liao....)
Hi Louie

Which chinese physician u seeing there? Also for couple is there any things need to be done before seeing them? Like medical reports etc?

Sorry for so many questions asked.
Hi Louie, I was with EYS Dr Qi Xiao Yan. I think her medicine works for me cos I had my first ever positive OPK test after I took her medicine. Previously, my OPK always negative. Looking back, I should have gone earlier to see TCM instead of spending so much $ on clomid and ultrasound scans. My gynae once even charge me $80 for clomid and less than 5 mins of consultation. My heart a bit pain when I left his clinic. :p

I guess I only have 2 solutions. Try to find another job ASAP or either that take a lower paying job. At least, you will still have ur income and maternity leave.
yuki, i am bored with my job too, so many things on hand to do, but I tahan here becos i so scare i would lost $ due to my DH cannot support both his parents and me... Also I need to give my own mum household $$ becos my brother is very poor, can't afford.. She said to me I quit also muz give her $$, i really stress, but she is my mum.. (my dad no longer around)..

i never get thru this kind of experience, but i read from some webs. before.. this can be one of the good sign le.. you test the preg. test kit already??

yuki and louie,

ya ya.. i'll jia you next cycle!!
hi gals! i've been busy with work the past few days so never post anything here.... jus finished reading all the posts! *phew*


guess everyone is bored with their job. mee too... but no choice still got to work. no money to spend if not working...


maybe got good news? u tested?


thanks for updating the table but i guess my O won't be on 9th may. now i also blur cos 1st cycle with clomid is 31 days then 2nd cycle with clomid is 34 days. i think my O should be around CD17-20 which is 9th may to 12th may. guess i will be wasting alot of OPKs this cycle.
Hi Icebaby

I was on a lookout for jobs for quite awhile liao... but didn't find anything I like yet... Difficult to find a job also because of my level... I've reached the ceiling for my current position but I dun feel confident enough to take up a greater responsibility job... thus, also hard to find job...

Hi Penguin

I'm in HR line... Hmmm... for mi, my hubby will be able to support me... but juz too used to spending my own $$... if gotta fully rely on my hubby... find it very funny also...
Hi Kim,
ur clomid is very ex leh!!how many tablets did u pay for $80????? BTW,which TCM are you seeing now??I also gt PCOS. My doc in SGH put me on clomid...going to try the 1st cycle soon....
stella, u r testing HPT or OPK har? Quite confusing..

me 2WW like very long leh. I am feeling giddy everyday but no sign of being PG. I am so tired at night and always go bed by 10.30pm at latest. Too tired due to my work that's why I always have this headache problem..

yuki &amp; sharon, I am in logistics, but my job scopes seems to include alot of bits and pieces one, like bao-ga-liao. Tell boss liao but he is also of one kind type, bo-chup bo-chup like "u can do u do, cannot do, go lor" attitude, very sianz. i already act like very lofty liao, alot of thing I let it stack. It's just a job, duno why UP always want to ill-treat me like that, like I really press under his thumb, really sianz..

if i find new job, sure below market value coz i am not young...plus i had been with this co. for 10 over years, maybe they also "sick" of my existence liao.

msn-queen, i thok we starts off the dame day how coe u r on CD23 while I CD26 today har?
Seems like your got PG symptom ler.. Me still nothing. Only fat inside my tummy

Hence I guess the only thing u can do is take a lower end job with comes with lesser pay (take it as a lower allowance) and less stress.

I guess it's not easy to give up. You will have to make a decision on that.

Dun end up being burn out okies?


Understand ur predicatment. I guess it's a matter of taking a risk of getting another job.
today is CD13 for me.. still dun see any EWCM.. hmm.. maybe too stressed up.. keep wanting it to come! haha.. looks like very hard for me to strike this mth.. coz hb gg overseas on mon.. keep wishing to O before he goes.. at least can try.. if we keep testing -ve.. does it mean we dun O? have no egg?

yuki - i guess u can take another job tt's not so stressful and at the same time have income coming in albeit a little less? since ur hb does not need u to be contributing to the hsehold? i can't afford to coz hb no $$ to support.. =(

i tested with preg test kit , but its negative

i tested with opk during my cd 22, its positive. weird hor?

hope it clears up the confusion

i am not reading too much into my symptoms becos it is very similar to PMS. one thing i am shocked is the amt of white discharge i am having now.
Hi all,

we did have a talk last night &amp; he admited that he knew it was wrong for him to hurt me, he only see it as a fun thing to him. He said that he did not realized that it was so serious as to him, these smses simple means nothing. I asked if I failed as a wife, &amp; he said no. the reason he did that, he also don't know why. maybe he said its because of a boost of his ego ride. So now we are back to normal &amp; I really hope that this incident can matured us further into our r/s.

seems to be he has no real intention in those SMSes...Probably for fun only....Smetimes it's just those cheeky msg,which means no harm...Since u have let him know u do mind this type of messages being sent to the gals,I believe he will not do it again.

Try to let go of this incident,and have trust in him....At least,he didn't really emotionally betray u right?

i think u should montitor the discharges for a few more days...And wait for another week to test on the HPT again...
stella, u r into your 2WW or still waiting for O?

didn't see your nick on Yuki's board leh, that's why quite confuse here.

So u BD on CD22 or not since OPK used to gauge ur O coming and if BD on CD22/23 should be able to test with HPT after the 2WW (which is the day your AF is expected if it never come) isn't it the case?

If today is the timing ur going to test with HPT, could it be that you test it too early? Sometime the HGC level takes time to esclate. I duno if I am correct.. When is your AF suppose to due if base on previous cycle?

u should weigh ur priority now lor....If ur DH's income can allow u to work P/T,why not?
At least u still have an allowance working P/T,and a job which allow u to be stressful and have more rest...
Do u think ur present company will allow u to work on P/T basis?

I in 2WW liao.

Yah i BD during my cd 22

my ad is suppose to due yesterday. Yah, maybe i tested too.
Hi Galz
Seems like I hvnt chatted wif u galz for a while...

I jus came bac fm my gynae visit...my gynae amplified my bb's heartbeat for me to listen...cos I cldnt figure out the blinkin of the heartbeat...it was sooooooooo undescribable...u can c the sound waves on the screen...jus like contractions waves...

Lost 1kg today due to diarrhea tis morng...

Hi Berries

Read abt yr relationship pblm...dun dwell over it...marriage is made to last...u hv signed the pprs...tatz it...both of u hv to make it work...no option no 2...I hv oso been thru some sms saga durin the period b4 my customary n after my ROM...my marriage has now stabilised...(I hope)...n tatz y I m willin to hv a bb...there r jus so many galz out there nowadays who wil throw themselves at any men...both of u jus hv to exercise self ctrl...anyway...I m glad tat u hv patched up wif yr hb now...hv a sweet long wkend..okie...*hugzzz*

Hi Yuki...

U take care of yr health okie...if u r really unhappy...like wat Hayashi mentioned...quit...get a contract job...the job mkt is not tat bad now...but hvg said tat...weigh yr options...my hb took 3 mths to find a job which he liked...yeah...not jus any job...but one which he likes...

I saw the heartbeat blinkin durin my last visit thru a v-scan...today...I jus cldnt figure out the heartbeat blinkin thru the ab scan...tho my gynae said tat it cld b seen...so she hd to switched on the amplifier for me to listen...so paisay...
