2WW - for those TTC-ing

morning ladies...

AF started this morning, 2 days earlier than expected, could be because I blur blur went to drink bazhen soup on 10dpo... not so smart haha...

but quite excited to start using my fertility monitor this cycle!

Juz finish c my gynae. Sad to say. Clomid no effect tis round. Hahaha. Not ovulating yet After scan. Taking another Med to regulate and If menses come, next round will b 3pills Clomid per day. Power sia.
Hmm.. my gynae got check my lining Today. He say very Gd. All prepare. So guess my lining no thin ba. He mention tat tis round I take Clomid has no effect. Haha. Tats y next round have to take more. I also starting metformin pills fr Today. To regulate my cycle. So hope it helps. But I got visit my gynae during CD12-14 for check. Guess I in safe hands. Will c Wat He say on my next visit. BTW, I ask him Abt Very pills, He say Can take. It's multi vits. Hahaha. Guess I going to buy it.
Abt 60days. Haha.as my last cycle is 70days. So He say tis mth Shld b long cycle. So ask me b prepared. Becoz during the scan He saw alot of eggs. But not yet coming out. So He say I might have a prob in ovulating. Shld b very late o. Plus I took Clomid tis round, dun have much effect.or say no effect. So He say Shld b long cycle. Tats the reason He say next cycle try 3pills per day instead. Starting wan to go to 2pills. Then say b abit ks. Go direct to 3. C Whether will help or nt... Tink If Cannot, He will Tink of other ways le..lol
Hi gals!

Just to check if anyone knows what is the next step if clomid does'nt work?

I have been on clomid for almost a year and had a miscarriage in Aug last year. This is my last cycle with clomid which I think is unsuccessful again. Hubby not keen to continue seeing the gynae but I am curious what is the next step.
There's another drug similar to clomid but I can't recall the name ... My Gynae said if this cycle nth then next cycle try the other drug... I'm on clomid 150mg this cycle ...
My gynae on vacation and I spoke to the nurse. She said no other medicine after clomid. The next step will be IUI.

I want to seek more opinion on the next step so at the same time, I can consider if I should switch gynae.
Good morning ladies, we went to see Dr Su for the first time yesterday and she's advised me to drink LRD tea, and also drink shiquan soup weekly after AF. She's also advised against eating too much raw fruits and veg as my body is already liang.

I know this has been discussed a few times but can any kind soul advise again where to buy the instant LRD tea? thanks!
Hi Jo, I rem the sisters here says can get from tea box. Think they have website. U google n c?
thanks ladies! no wonder I couldn't find the product, I kept thinking it was tea-pal. Jurong Point is not far for me, will go check it out over the weekend, we bought some red dates and longan to brew our own for this week...
@pinjie, can I know which gynae you are seeing? Did you take clomid for 12 consecutive cycles? I'm concerned because as far as I know, clomid should only be taken for 6 consecutive cycles, as its side effects include thinning of the uterus lining. Did the doctor have any diagnosis about what's making it difficult for the 2 of u to conceive?
I bought a pack of LRD tea at jiufen when I was in Taipei 2 weeks ago. It was a different brand but the ginger was much spicier! I like! It's only $6/pack compared to the one sold at teabox which cost $10/pack....
Labbittree: it was just a short shopping n eating trip... but I really like f&e compared to group tour... can wake up late n no time restrictions.. heehee
Keira - was it you who mentioned that LRD tea not to drink during 2ww as it might affect if happen to be preg? now in 2ww and dare not drink leh. abit sick of plain water sia... asked my mil to buy for me when she went taiwan and i thought only 1-2 packets, but boy, she came back with almost 7 packets of blacksugar+longan+red date+ ginger tea. and some the shelf life only till August 2013. how to finish ??? dare not tell her cos we never tell her we ttcing lah.
Allets: Ya, I read in some chinese website that the 桂圆(longan ) may cause miscarriage... maybe without this ingredient of lrd can still be taken???
Hi jo78

Started taking clomid since last May. But was pregnant in last Aug and then miscarriage. Thereafter started clomid again in maybe Nov then until my last cycle in May. For June, I am not taking anything as hubby feels that I should stop medication for a few cycles. But I feel like I am wasting time when not being treated.

Gynae previously did all the necessary tests and said we are both healthy and normal. He said maybe stress.
Hey gals, I have a box of CLEARBLUE DIGITAL OVULATION TEST - 20 STICKS (new & unopened) to let go at $70/-. Collection at Boon Lay MRT/ Toa Payoh MRT (PM for other arrangements).

Ordered from Amazon but by the time i received item, realised i got BFP already. Spreading the dust to you all.

My TCM (Dr Su) say can still drink LRD during 2WW and even when preg.. But to play safe, i only put very few longan in proportion to red dates when i make my drink.

Dont be too stressed and dont give up, took me almost a year to get BFP after a MC last year. At the month i least expect to strike (thats why i went to order the Ovulation kits), i got it! Just hoping its a sticky beanie this time!
dear all, do you all experience yellowish discharge..not in v large amt la..a daily thingy..

is it normal? doesnt feel itchy or anything though..
I know yellowish often is due to some infection. Please tell ur gynae about it. Normal discharge is usually clear or a bit milky. The last time I had a yellowish one was due to a infection after my M/C.
Maomi, nope. I was there on Sat close to 1pm. Didn't take any queue number as I was already pretty late and only collecting some medicine. How long have you been seeing her and how you find her?
Miloqueen, ahahaha I thought u are the no. 29 from the previous Sat. I find the queue abit too long. On that sat, I waited closed to 3 hrs. I didn't like Dr Zou when I tried her about 2 years ago cos I thought she's not very attentive and is only interested in IVF patients. 2 years down the road, which was last mth, I decided to go bk to her again as I'm embarking my first IVF and there aren't many sinsehs that do acu for IVF. Also, the clinic opening time is also one consideration.

True enough, she's alot more attentive. I did ask her for some medication for my cough/slight asthma, however, she seems quite reluctant. Gave me some med eventually but didn't quite help. I also feel the acu is the same for everybody, like just the womb area and legs then the back near kidneys area (correct me if i'm wrong). However, I must say, her fees ain't that expensive, considerably cheap as compared to Raffles.

But, the last straw came the previous sat that I waited almost 3 hours. I thought its abit too tedious. Having to travel all the way from Jurong to AMK and had to wait for 3 hours. Not helping that I have to go for acu twice a week (once weekday and once weekend).

Hence, decided to go to try Raffles Hospital TCM (I was previously a SOIUI patient in Raffles but switched to NUH for IVF)since I see that many of the sisters in the forum goes there too. Fees is alot more expensive, however,the acu is customised. No eletric shocks but the needles are literally from head to toes. Dr Zhao of Raffles also put pierced one needle into my chest and I actually stopped coughing then and feels better now. Took some med from her for cough as well. Didn't have to wait long also as it really does go by appt time.

Sorry for the long post. I think importantly is you have to see who sinseh you are comfortable with. If u don't mind waiting, Dr Zou is ok. She should be very experience.
To add on, she didn't tell me she's on holiday from the 12th hor. i overheard (u know how u can hear alot of stories there) ahahaha.... that's y came here to ask ask
jeslyn - better give a call to your gyane to check. Cos worried might be infection inside hence no itch. Might need antibiotic to clear all.
Maomi - ever considering the one at Jurong ? Ying Chuan Medical , a female tcm also doing for fertility. started seeing her again this month. we went visit her when we trying for #1 3 years ago and she remembered us when we returned.
Hi allets, thanks but I've heard alot of bad reviews on her
Anyway, I'm already seeing Dr Zhao of Raffles for acu, can't take medication once i start the jab.

Hi ladies ,
I'm thinking to see ban choon chan , what is the best time to see him? I'm now few more day due to Af.
If I reach at around 10am during weekday can I still able to see him? Do I need to call for appointment ?
Sorry I know this question might be asked so many times before, thks.
