2WW - for those TTC-ing

Hi winkle and xiaohuiss, thanks dearies....

Shery, y dnt u go gp n get a bt done urgently? Cos at least u find out if u bfp u better dnt fly to hk this thurs cos first Tri not safe to travel. I hope your case is one of late implantation and/or hpt cnt pick up your hcg but bt can. All the best deary. I know how frustrating u r feeling now... Hugs
Thanks. I'm trying to remain +ve and not think too much.

Thanks for your advise. Totally it did not come across my mind to do the blood test. Will do so tomm morning. *continue to grab ur baby dusts*
Aiyah, i just called Raffles Women's clinic (nearest to my home but is not where my gynae is located), i was told that I should wait out longer to go for blood test despite my reasons to test. Sigh.
Ya shery. Maomi is right. Any gp can do no need go women's clinic or Gynae. My gp at one George street is v good. She will actually help to rush the results. N how come they ask u to wait out longer.. Wa Lau if u r preggy how r u able to travel on thurs wor...
Congrats Gbob & grab yr bb dust......I saw yr worries about controlling the thyroid being answered by other mummies. U cn set yr mind down. I m 22 days late but tested negative for pregnancy till date. 2Nite I will b visiting my gynae & see how it goes. I m really praying hard for miracle to happen.
Good Tuesday Morning, Ladies!!!

have been reading silently and not had the chance to comment.

@GBOB, big congratulations! So happy to know your turn has come after all the patient waiting! Cant imagine how exciting this must be for you. Hope this will be a healthy sticky pregnancy to full-term for you!

Now I am 10dpo according to FF, this mth i charted sporadically cos had to see my TCM doctor, especially during the fertile week, and also used OPK. Temp not so high, and I've stopped charting cos my temp dropped abit ytd and I was pre-occupied abt it the whole day. If AF is coming, it will... gonna give up charting since it adds stress... hehe
Yoyo Jo, thank q so much for your well wishes. Exciting yes, worried also yes. Lolx.... So diff to keep zen. Anyways, stop charting if u feel stressful Abt it deary. Jia yo ya!
hey hey..

how's everyone? the thread suddently so quiet ...

during the 2ww, do you all feel that your boobs weigh a ton ? i was examining them and omg, they weigh , but the nipple, still soft soft kind.
hey ladies! i'm supposed to be due for menses tml.. till now only symptoms are: frequent urination.. boobs not very sore.. extremely tired.. only difference comparing with menses is whenever before my menses.. i'll have brown discharge (like clearing the old blood from previous cycle).. but this time round there's no discharge at all and my menses should be due tml!! Super Blur now!
Hey ladies, I'm back from Taiwan... to those who r in 2ww, good luck! I standby cartons to collect baby dust liao!! Heehee...

Those who r in a new cycle this month, let's jiayou together!!!
Hi Ladies,
Been busy recently. no time to reply. hahaha. but got time to read wat u post...

hows ur trip? muz b enjoyable ba... hahaha..
yaya. lets jia you. i now very curious to c gynae for scan.. lol.. becoz take clomid then feel body like abit different. cant pin point wat tho.. keke...

yup. late Ovulation = late period as period comes 14days after u O....
Stoney: all the food n shopping did bring away my AF blues! Heehee...

I realised all the cutting down of cold drinks n caffeinated stuff really worked to keep away pms and AF cramps... no AF cramps at all this time round n only a lil bit of breast tenderness... no wonder my mum always say dun drink too much cold stuff..
yup. my fren always scold me as i always drink cold drinks. hahaha. becoz not gd. lol... but then mah. i also dun hv much cramps when AF come. so most of the time i dun bother. lol.... which is very bad...

recently my body like burning. hahaha. dun knw is the weather hot or becoz i took clomid this time round. feeling not so well recently.
... fri c gynae muz c wat he say liao....
Thanks Stoney!!
Hmm.. so that means I still have to wait till Monday to test!! :<
How not to stress while waiting...

Hey Keira, I've not been drinking coffee too for bout 3mths already.. It sure does help on menses cramp and I sub the coffee with slice of lemon with warm water every morning! it helps generates more CM..

Seriously not sure if this is my month though.. with after what I've done! (-_-")
Stoney: so good of u to not have cramps during AF! But too much cold drinks will make the womb too "cool" I guess?? Good to drink less ba..

Hai Tang: I've tried making fruit infused water to substitute tea and sweet drinks recently.. but it make me become more hungry due to the citrus acidity.. haha.. so I just stick to plain water, lrd tea and fruit juices nowadays..

My hubby n I decided to be zen this cycle and do wat we should do after AF is over.. we dun wanna pin too much hopes cuz disappointed so many rounds, sian oredi.. lol.
hahaha. only time i feel very bad cramps is when my AF is super late. hahaha....
yup. cannot take too much cold drinks. trying to cut dwn. but weather super bad recently. i keep feeling very warm. so haiz. give in to temptation. hahaha....
Have to agree with stoney.. weather is way too hot not to drink cold drinks at times :p

haizz.. I've been using the clearblue mornitor for the 2nd cycle already.. seriously my fren 1st attempt.. JACKPOT.. without any opk

Now just gotta.. be good.. and play the 2ww waiting game!

We all Jia You k! Off work soon!
Hai Tang: Ya lo... so envious of them, they no need chart bbt n opk.. still bingo lo.. haiz... so many of my friends now pregnant with 2nd one or popping their 2nd child liao.. I'm still trying lo...
Keira babe> ya! It's freaking hot n humid here lor! I hate the weather really! Every time I cnt stay home it decides to rain, when I can stay at home the sun so bright n sunny! Zzz... I miss cool cool weather... First Gynae visit I just fixed next wed... But too early to c anything la... N I'm scared lah...
GBOB, excited for your 1st appt !!

Ytd slept and this morning woke up late, no time to bd and can't bd til Friday PAP smear, sigh hope O isn't this few days !!
GBOB, just curious if you do 'feel' something in your tummy before you tested bfp? The last time I managed to conceive, I have this slight cramps and the feeling that 'something' is stuck to a particular spot of my lower abdominal. I wonder if I think too much then or it is true that pregnancy feels this way. Since my m/c, I didn't have that feeling when ttc and quite accurately turn out to be bfn.
Yo miloqueen, this time round I didn't feel anything at all. Really nothing. I didn't expect a bfp anyway. So when af missed, I didn't test. Af late three days later then I started to wonder how come my boobs so pain so I took bbt tat morning to c my temp got drop or not lor. When I c tat it is still high, I went to poas.
Thanks for sharing, GBOB! So not necessarily must 'feel' something. I'm asking as I typically will bochap and go into 'give up' mode if I don't quite feel the previous symptoms. So this shows that everything is possible and each bfp can be different!

Btw, other than sore boobs, did you experience other symptoms like waking up early consistently out of the blue?
Miloqueen, my previous bfp which ended up in mc I felt cramps n backache for a day before af. I guess that might b the implantation day. This round dnt have so u r right. Not nec every bfp is the same. I didn't wake up early consistently wor... I'm a pig I can sleep alot one. Haha
GBOB, haha you so funny. My TCM will ask me if I observe any changes in my sleeping as a pre-BFP sign that's why I asked you about it. Thanks for clearing my doubts and you take good care yah?
Hey ladies, how's everyone.? Been busy busy lately and I had mia for few days. Anyway, anyone taking conceive well and spot changes to your normal cycle? I'm asking coz I had a lot of creamy cm for few days right after af and now it seem that I'm gg to o few days earlier as cm start to be watery today. I should expect o coming sun or mon if base on my usual cycle but now FF also telling me I'm entering my fertile phase soon.
Hi chocolate..remember me? Haaa my af did not turn up as wat i expect (on last Sun) so means i dont hav short luteal phase. Late for 4 days liao but i did't test, cos i think i might O late. Really very funny cos my af always very ON as i took Ba Zhen soup for 4-5times everytime after af. The last cycle also same but my body become siao siao le, maybe im old le.

Im taking CW but only 1 week so did't notice got any different yet.
Hihi, i've got brand new Clearblue Digital Ovulation kit (20pcs) for sale, expiry in Nov 2014, email me at [email protected] for more info.

This kit identifies the 2 best days to conceive in each cycle, over 99% accurate. It's easy to use &amp; show a smiley face when you are about to O. This eliminates the guesswork of test line as dark as the control line in ovulation strips.
It’s important not to urinate for at least 4 hours before using Clearblue, best to test in the morning after you wake up. This is to make sure that the hormone level in your urine is concentrated enough for the test to detect.
Hey Abbie, if you r late for 4 days, why don't you take a test first coz if its bfp, you can take precautions of your next steps. I'm in CW for 12 days but in middle missed 2days coz forgotten. I usually o on cd15 or 16, I'm only on cd 12 today but think gg to o anytime. Read online that CW may change the cycle for the first few months n thenback to normal after that. If so, now ive to predict my new o days. Lazy...
hi, i am hoping to sell my preloved clearblue fertility monitor at $200. Only used for a few cycles, n i no longer need it as i'm expecting. I will include 12 new fertility sticks which will be able to start the first cycle (usu ~ 10 sticks). Pls pm me if u r keen.


Morning ladies...
Been busy past few days. Today finally on leave. Haha... got time to come in to post. Going to c my gynae Later to c the effect of clomid. Haha...
