2WW - for those TTC-ing

Congrats GBOB!

Gbob!!!! Congrats dear. Im so so so very happy for you! How far along are you????

Im 2 days late now. On the day I was expecting period I tested. The package says read the results within 3-5 minutes. But I read it at about 8-10 minutes and I saw a red faint line. And the line got darker and still stays till an hour or two later. Dunno if can be counted.

I tested today and yet its negative using those cheap strips. Gonna test tomorrow FMU to confirm after 3rd day late.
GBOB that's great news!! Congrats Dear!!!! I was just thinking of you as you have been also quiet.....don't worry so much ok, the earlier you see gynae and plan each step with gynae, the better. Very happy news indeed!! :))))) Yippee!
Thank q v much blessedone, hui, shery, jeslyn and miraclebaby. This comes as a real surprise for me too cos I totally gave up already. No charting, no opks, no obsession with 2ww n I almost forgot when my af due. I've even stopped taking supplements for a few months alrdy... Not even folic acid!! Bd twice only this month n dnt even know which date I bd...went Bkk n had beer, ate pineapple and drank ice coconut too! But I did try something different this month though. Abt a month ago someone posted something abt lifting legs high up open n close like scissors and also do the kegel exercise after bd. I did that. So not sure if its cos of this that did the trick.

Shery dear, i am only 4w3d according to my LMP. pls try to use clearblue digital to test FMU. Dnt use cheap test strips as sometimes some mayb faulty that's y the line was faint at first. In my opinion, a line means a line. There must b hcg present so that there will b a second line dear so I am v v excited for u too!!!
Miraclebaby, I was v quiet cos I kinda gave up trying and actually accepted that I will b childless.... I mc before thus I m v paranoid now that I bfp. Worry history will repeat. **TOUCHWOOD** but I know worrying doesn't help. But just cnt help it.
GBOB, must see your gynae the earlier the better yah, they will know how to help you. Friend of mine had that too when she was preggie before, must monitor closely with gynae. Try to see Gynae this coming week ok, don't wait. God Bless dear.... :))
GBOB I understand how you feel as I've MC before too and will also worry if get BFP...the worry will not end I think for those who have bad experience before until the baby is born healthy and well. So stay happy, healthy and Zen ok!! :) We are here to support you! **hugs**
Miraclebaby, I've arranged to see my kkh endo next Fri. Finally managed to bring forward the appt with her. U know what I did? I actually searched for her on fb n lucky her profile wasn't v secured, I found her n I fb messaged her! V thick skin right! I kept apologizing to her for messaging her thru fb so abruptly... She replied n said she will c me next Fri n I am to do my thyroid blood test this Mon before I c her. At least I feel more relieved now.

As for my Gynae, I emailed him leh but he haven reply me on when to c him

I dnt really feel much now n that's y I m paranoid! I guess if I start puking like mad I will b one HAPPY PUKING WOMAN! WAHAHAHAHAHA
hahaha GBOB.....good to be light hearted about it all and just be cheerful! Good luck with next week ok....hope all goes well! :))
hahaha GBOB.....good to be light hearted about it all and just be cheerful! Good luck with next week ok....hope all goes well! :))
Thanks gbob! I dun dare to get excited at all. Been thru many disappointments liao.

Im so v excited for u leh!!.enjoy ur moment! Relax and chill... rem dun syress and strain urself hor!!!
Shery, I same as u. Been thru so many disappointments until numb le.... Keep an open mind as best as u can dear... Same goes for me... Will try to zen zen zenner this time...I remember we almost always have the same af date for quite awhile... I remembered u also use cb fertility monitor hor? Hope u bfp deary. Awaiting for your good news tmr ya!! Gambete!
Congrats gbob! I m Veri Veri happy for u. Pls take good care of yourself & no lifting of heavy stuff & squatting.

Shery, I will b rooting for u too! Pls go get the clearblue digital!
Gbob: i m so happy to see u spreading bb dust here!! Congrats!! I m now holidaying in Taipei but AF reported on Friday... sianzzz.... how I hope I can have a bfp soon...
Yo yo Keira babe! Thanks deary. Dnt sian dnt sian. Just enjoy yourself to the Max in Taipei! Eat, shop, just b happy!! Dnt think so much abt ttc for the moment and enjoy yourself, relax yourself. We have all been too tired n drained cos of ttc. Your body mind n heart needs to take a small break ya.
Hey god bless, I'm the one who posted raising legs up, with open close legs + kegel exercise!! Woah, it seemed to work for u and soooo happy this method helps. If its really through this method, hope it continues to help more ladies ttc successfully. Few more days to ovulation for me, gonna work hard again. =)
Ooh btw, to other ladies who wanna try kegel exercise too, you can actually do it anyday anytime even without bd coz it helps strengthening the muscles and helps circulate fluid better.
This morning I tested with clearblue. BFN.

I guess the day 1 faint line that I saw is just too good to be true

3rd day late and nothing. I hope my period comes asap if I'm truly not preggy.

Btw, normal.clearblue and the clearblue digital different sensitivity meh?

I just logged in and saw your wonderful news!! Congrats, gal!! So happy for you
Although i'm at 14 wks, my morning sickness is getting worse by the day, i'm feeling very xin ku but at the same time thankful for these signs that bb is growing well so i know what you mean when you said you don't mind puking.. Quick go see your gynae and endo k.. Probably cannot scan yet but can get support meds.. Cos of my previous m/c, my doc started me on proluton jabs twice weekly since wk 4.. Now still on it till wk 17, then change to once weekly.. Expensive but all worth it for bb!
Hi shery dear, I am not too sure abt the sensitivity of cb digital and cb normal. I only know cb digital u dnt have to guess got line or not as it will just indicate "pregnant" or "not pregnant". No need to squinch our eyes to look out for Line. Gal, I read that sometimes if late implantation sometimes hcg take longer time to b detected. I sincerely hope this is the case for u. Just hang on n monitor if evil witch arrives or not n test again a few days later if it doesn't. I sincerely wish your evil witch crash for the next 9 months.

Thanks miloqueen dear!

Yo min81, thanks for your well wishes sweetie. U having bad ms ah? Hugs. Must b real kan kor. *patpat* I had a missed mc last year n bb got no hb at week 7. I had a teeny weeny bit of brown spotting that lasted three days n I immediately emailed Dr Loh n he asked me to go TMC 24hour clinic to get support jab on thurs evening. Had one proluton jab n he prescribed me with only a week of progesterone capsules. I then emailed him again on when I shd go back c him, he no reply me already leh... So I am also not sure if I shd go other Gynae or what. How abt u dear? Which Gynae r u seeing ah? So good leh... Like so protective towards u making u get more support jabs etc.... I know u were with PC Wong but he dnt do delivery right?
Gbob: guess u r right... shall eat n drink n shop to the max in Taipei first! Ttc can wait... lol... take care n have a h&h 9 months!!!! *Hugs*
Hi ladies,

I recently had my BFP and I still have some cb smiley opk(13 sticks) and first response (20 sticks) to let go @ $88 inclusive of normal postage..

Retail price for cb is 7 sticks for $75.90.

I'm adding on a clear blue digital pregnancy kit for free!!

Do PM me if you are interested..

Ya very bad ms this time but just very thankful whenever we see bb growing well during the scans.. Since Dr Loh gave you a week of meds, you wanna make appt to see him before it runs out? I heard from another lady doing ivf that he's not feeling well this past wk, probably that's why he didn't reply to your email yet.. Has he got another gynae in his clinic that you can see earlier? At least all your records will be at same clinic.. I was seeing Prof Wong till abt wk 9 when he said i can 'graduate' and go to another gynae for care till delivery.. I asked to be referred to Prof Mahesh.. Think you probably read about him before in the other thread? He heads the rucurrent pregnancy loss clinic in nuh and specialises in high risk pregnancy.. Hubby and i find him very nice and reassuring and feel secure i'm under his care..

Take good care k.. Absolutely no strenous activities and try to rest more.. Wishing you a smooth 9 mths!
helo ladies,
just logged and see so many postings !

firstly .. Congrats to GBOB, good to hear from you and collecting your BB dust, do take care and rest well !

thanks for rooting for me, last mth missed agan, and cycle just restarted again. Sianz ! got to continue on !

have fun and relax yourself in taipei, weather over there must be shiok.

as long as no RED means still got chance
yes, I rem searching for info on net & its harmful for ttc..use preseed..

im already zening mode from now onwards le, not harbouring any gd news from now till my studies finish..i don't wann stress myself over both tings at the same time..
GBOB: been long since I log in and saw the good news here. Congrats to u on ur bfp..know u went through a lot..is really a miracle and surprise for u right..please rest well and take good care of yourself..don't worry too much and take a step at a time.. *grabbing ur bbdusts*

Strawberries: Congrats on ur bfp as well..*grabbing ur bbdusts*..Wishing u a 9 mths H&H ahead..

min81: so fast u are already in 2nd trimester..glad that everything is gg smoothly for u..hope ur ms will get better day to day..I just started my ivf cycle..hope everything will goes well and I can sprinkle bbdusts here soon..rest well ya..

labbittree: it is not advisable to use sperms when tcc..you can buy conceive plus lubricant or sperm friendly lubricant..
Yoyo faith, thank q gal. I m trying v hard to relax n not worry too much... Easier said than done but I will try all the best to u in your IVF ya!
Congratulations GBOB!!

Really happy for you! (The thread seems to come alive after your good news too~)

Like what the other ladies said, no lifting of heavy things or strenuous exercise for the time being. My very traditional gynae even told me to avoid pineapple and coconut during the 1st trimester. I very kiasee, even avoid coconut milk. Might sound very pantang to many, but good to play safe.
Thanks allets n rurukumi.

Rurukumi dear, yes I will also b extra careful than to b sorry. It really didn't come easy for me especially when I have already given up trying. Really come as a surprise for me. I cnt help worrying cos I have very high thyroid antibodies and am worried that it will attack bb. Worst thing is, I had sore boobs hungry pangs n frequent urination few days back but yesterday everything all gone n I dnt feel preg at all. This is so stressful.

Labbittree, yes deary, usually O happens 14days before your AF
GBOB - dont think too much. diff women experience different preg symptoms de.

labbitree - to be exact, it depends on your luteal phase. generally, women LP is 14 days on average. but some can also go up to 16 days.

in 2ww now.. remaining zen and hoping for the best! this month dont have, there's always the next month. and anyway we just started on the tcm last week.
GBOB, hope you got your appt already. Rest well and relax...

My cycle is long up to 60 days so ard CD46 +- ?
I am lazy not doing any tracking as feels very stressful also. Wondering shd try bd til CD how many days ?

allets, gd luck, hope that you be next showering us with baby dust !!
Thanks allets and labbittree. Apt fixed for endocrinologist. Gynae no. Lolx

Allets, hope u will b showering bb dusts soon ya. Zen mode is good!! Jia yo deary. Rooting for u.

Labbittree, wah your cycle so long? I suggest u do bbt for one two months to pinpoint exactly ard which day u O n then afterwards u dnt chart anymore n just bd agar agar ard that period of time so as not to get so stressful
Congrats GBOB! Haven't come into this thread for a long time!

*Wave* Min,Strawberries :p and KitKat

Ladies, anybody knows whether Dr Zou is going back to China for holiday in June? I kinda overheard when I'm there last weekend but didn't get to ask.
hello... it's been a super long time since i last login!

Congrats to GBOB on her BFP! may you have a healthy, smooth and happy 9 months!

actually i never planned to test. because the day i expected my period, suddenly my boobs felt super heavy. usually it happened way before my expected AF. i saw a faint line on HPT BUT it was after the recommended test result (3-5 mins) while i checked in within 10 mins.

then day 2 till today BFN. But I have been having bouts of dizziness, boobs still feeling heavy, nausea esp yesterday. Aiyoh. i hope my body is not playing tricks on me.. coz i actually never did much of a thinking about conceiving these days.. just letting it go with the flow...

I hope if I'm not preggy, my AF would come asap coz at least, I wanna enjoy my holiday. Me leaving for Hkg this Thursday!!!
