2WW - for those TTC-ing

No O this month so no chance.
Another BFP reported from cousin.

So boring and hopeless and meaningless plus sadness.

Life is so boring. Motherhood is going to be in next life for me. Rot in old folks home during later years.

morning ladies!

castiel, i took conceive well and evening primrose oil together the other time. i took both at the same time together with my Vit c and folic acid after my breakfast. not sure if it's the right method.

by the way, how do i post picture here? 1st time testing for O using OPK (instead of clearblue) but i don't know how to read the result. so wanna post and ask the girls for clarification.
Missy: ok.. Thanks..
I thk fish oil there's no limit I eating how much per day right?

The OPK is negative.. The left line muz be as dark or darker den e right line. U can post ur pic on this website. Countdowntopregnancy.com there pple will vote of it is positive or negative..
very fun.. U can also vote for others de. Haa..
Jass, jiayou!! We're all rooting for you here!
My friend told me.. if you think positive thoughts, you'll attract positive things.. if you think negative thoughts, you'll attract negative things. So... think positive all the time! *hugz*

missy... i no experience in OPK but it looks negative to me based on the instructions..

Hahaha bunny!!!! YESSSSSS I can smell the weekend too! Darn, when will the next public holiday be?? :S
<font color="0000ff">Morning everyone!!

wahh.. taking pills still got methods one ah.. siao liao.. no leh.. I just pop everything after my bf.. lol.. wonder if this is correct??

looking at ur OPK, I would think its positive or either coming soon? But still not too sure..

but our Expert Vanilla say its negative means negative.. eh.. Vanilla.. so meaning that the control line must be darker then the test line then considered positive ah.. hmmm... i seee </font>
morning ladies!

vanilla: JIA YOu for ur next cycle. eggs will be visiting u soon!

well, AF will be reporting tmr.. i shall wait and see.. sigh

beaniez: ur af reports?

actually, i would think going to ovulate le.
Coz i read somewhere, as long as one part shows as dark as the control line (in this case, the left side of the test line is quite bold)

Coz not everyone test at the point where LH surge is the highest.
As some LH surge might be quite short de ..
tks ladies! i also not sure how to check if it's positive or negative base on what i saw but will just BD! hahaha in case i miss the egg

i also think i'm going to O soon cause i had quite alot of CM yesterday. but not EWCM kind.
blissfulasa, my AF reported on Tue, so today I'm CD3.. but nvm, new cycle new hope! I was working backwards and it seems that we didn't BD around O, so.. nvm will still have chance this coming cycle! :D your BBT got monitor? If never decrease, u still got chance this cycle!! :p
beaniez: ooohhh.. thats fast.. im not sure.. hving slight cramps on n off but this is not like last mth which i hv a feel that af is comin soon n i will sure wear the pad to prevent..
no i didnt monitor BBT.. hehehe.. shun qi zi rang ba.. just like e-cups always say, pang chang xin!
I think your supplements must be spaced out...Cant down everything at once...Some might not be absorbed by ur body as some drugs do interfere with the rest... This is from what I know...
Clomid 50mg is for ladies who do ovulate but helps to release one more egg...100mg is for ladies who have problem ovulating...
Hi ladies.. good mid-morning.. busy the whole morning cos BOSS Is in the hosue!!!

Well, guess this is not my month lia.. test 4 days of OPK...

1st day OPK - negative
2nd day OPK - light
3rd day OPK - light
4th day OPK - lighter.. i almost FAINT!

Guess my egg just rupture earlier n not ripe.. puiz..
ecups, beaniez, thanks ur encourage! Hugs!
beaniez, i nv take bbt for a while liao, but think i will diligently do it again for next cycle.

I have decided to take my fav tehpeng from now till sat (expected due date for AF, wahaha) to make myself feel better.
Sasa, we can be cycle buddies!
Starting CD1, I will start taking better care of myself.

vanilla, not sure if all can be taken together, but maybe you can try taking them 2hrs apart?

Does anybody know when to take 润 and 补? I think i remember my mum telling me 润in the morning,补at night before sleep,wondering is this the correct order? or the other way round?

bbcrisps, any symptoms?
berries: i not expert lo.. Jus tested too many times le...

missy: Ya i would agree tat u might be O-ing soon... =) I cant zoom ur photo so if u see its abt half of the line is dark den positive le.. Anyway, u might jus wanna BD and BD and BD!! =D

bunny: i heard abt tat too.. I got tat on my CD14 and CD22.. Side also same dark as the right.. But no egg.. So later i heard from another thread tat it might need to be half as dark.. I saw on the peeonastick.com. i thk all depends on which brand is it.. =)

blissful: thanks.. Hope so.. Today is my 2nd day of taking pills to induce menses.. =D

Mrs R: Cuz previous time i take is start wif 100mg. So i scare later egg wun come out den i waste another cycle liao lo..

OK noted... I'll take separately..

bean: ok 2hrs apart den... =)
ecups, 润as in nourishing, bird nests, hashima, fu zhu yi etc. Those that make us pretty!

I want to start steaming chicken with chicken essence again, but wonders if it will keep mw wide awake if taken at night.

I just read online that green tea helps with ewcm, but it is also liang. Can take? cannot take?

vanilla, you want to try taking raspberry tea? it helps with inducing AF. If sat, my wicked witch still not here, i will probably drink it.
bean: respberry tea? i nv heard before leh.. hmm.. can try.. thanks.. =)

Mrs R: huh.. really ar? =( anyway, i called up the clinic to ask le.. So wait for them to get back to me ba.. scary... =(
Yes Vanilla, one of the side effects of too much clomid...
I suggest u start low first, then if nothing happens increase the dosage...
<font color="0000ff">ya.. raspberry tea is good.. I drink it often when my AF is here.. lol..
This is what I drink.. I buy online from iherbs.. but Cedele also sells them here but more X...

think I can start testing my OPK soon..

u dun faint ah.. I think if I show u my results u lagi faintz.. lol..</font>
Hi gals,

Not sure if this is bad news again.

There was a light red flow since this morning on my panty liner but it is only my CD25/DPO7 (I think). My usual cycle should be between 31~36.

Anyone can advise me what is going on? I dun dare to tell DH as he might become disappointed again

TTCing, could it be implantation bleeding? i often hear the girls mention this. not too sure. maybe the rest can offer some insights.
Missy, we cycle buddy right?
I test opk from cd 11 to today cd 14 still neg...
Few days ago still very faint but today none.. Dunno when will o. I predict today o leh but dun have but yesterday bd. Cos I aiming boy so I got to aim chun chun de leh.. Hope I cAn o tomorrow.
Who is my buddy cycle?
Can I check does anyone have this before?
My af came for 5days and all the way brown discharge from cd 12. Cos usually af stop at cd7 but this time took so long to clean up. Does it means my o will be later too?
ecups, i havent confirm, but i think it's in that order now that i recall my mum brew birdnest for me in the morning on my ADW.

berries, me taking this too, got mine from celede 9.90 per box if i din rem wrongly. Good luck for the O!!

Windy, this tea is unsweetened. But tasted ok, no siap siap aftertaste. i add in one teaspoon of honey to sweeten on some days.

TTC, is it spotting? or red flow? mayb implantation like wat missy suggest?

I went on a crazy search on google. though Af not here yet, but i think i am throwing all hopes for BFP out of the window and planned on my next cycle liao.

Googling for ways to improve quality of eggs and apparently CoQ 10 is appearing quite often. Any one has insight on this?

New Cycle New Hope!
missy / babykk / beanbean: Mine is red flow, not spotting leh...that's why I am worried.

Anyone experienced light red flow (not just a few spots) on around their DPO7 and still BFP later on?
Hello ladies,

I'm in my terrible 2ww now, the days seem to be passing by so slowly. According to babymed.com ovulation calendar (very useful website, go check it out), today is DPO 6 my eggs would have just arrived in my uterus. I'm visualizing my womb welcoming my eggs with wide open arms now *pls pls pls implant*  Man the first 3 days after my IUI was rough, I had cramps, then body aches, then gastric n severe bloating. I look like I'm 3 mths pregnant now lor, jia lat. Think it's the side effect of the progesterone pills I'm taking. Today is much better, just boobs a bit sore. This stupid medicine mimics so many pregnancy symptoms, damn cheat my feelings. Trying not to think too much. Like E cups wisely said, ping chang xin ba!

You ladies r too funny la, discussing all the optimal positions. Whole afternoon I was staring at my HP laughing, so obvious I'm skivving lor.
babykk, yes I'm your cycle buddy! I posted pic of my opk strip this morning. The girls say I should be o-ing soon :) haha but we bd yesterday. today we're still outside, abit tired to bd leh
Missy, I also bd yesterday but my opk neg lah. My hb slept le. We agreed to bd tomorrow morning. Just now when to check got a bit of mucus. Hopefully tmr will o.

Anyway I seen your pic, it is quite dark, based on my experience I also have something like that before and next day is the big O. So u dun worry, will be tmr
morning ladies! do you have very short-lived O? rem the OPK i posted yesterday morning, most of you said i should be O-ing soon. that was the test i did on wed night. i tested again yesterday morning and it was quite dark but when i test last night when i reach home it became so faint already!!!
so confusing! that means i may have missed the O already right?
Good morning ladies!!! is TGIF... Thank guanyinma is FRIDAY!!!!!!!! Im officially 2ww cos temp shot up from 35.88 to 36.21...

TTCing, do not panic, as if red flow u still can be preggy but u must be extra be careful..must be unstable.. u monitor and maybe test HPT.. sometimes it can be detected positiv.. *fingers crossing for u*

bbcrisps, ping change xin!!!! is like that de.. scared that we will see the wicked witched (af) when due.. but dun be too cautious.. relaz and your eggs will open up to your DH soldiers la..

missy, dont be confused...might 2 possibilities:

1) U drink too much water before testing so the urine might be diluted..so tested faint line..

2) Your O is here... BD tonight &amp; tml.. should be fine..dun panic..

My point of view la..

Ladies, remember when u detected dark lines doesnt mean that your O is here it mean that that your O is coming in the next 12 - 36 hours..

Where is YAATAA!!!!!!! IS FRIDAY!
wah, so many posts ytd. was so busy with the stuffs when the french woman is here. no time to peep here too. was so pissed off with her, think the things she asked me to do is so simple. thanks guanyinma, she is leaving tonite le, can be free from her clutches le. hahaha.....
E-cups, thanks for the clarification. anyway last night hubby and i got home late. too tired to even think of BD. hahaha and i forgot to bring the OPK out today to test this afternoon! shall test it tonight and see
i thought how come my O so short-lived! hahahaha
goooooooooooooooooooood morning ladies!! wah ecups you super happy, i like!! *Jiggle* i just came back from my mushroom minced meat noodles brekkie.. yum yum yum yum yum!! ecups jiayou! these two weeks will be like crawling but we can always chit chat here hehe.

missy, i used to not get very clear positive opk test, so my gynae says as long as the lines are clearly visible at first glance, just whack. so can take her advice if you are like me, no clear positive. that's how i strike #1

i went to dr lee on wed. wow the nurses and all are nice and i was happy to see my old doc again. compared to ww, she is so much more thorough! did a scan, she said all looks fine, and she even asked about pap smear and did a breast examination for me. only paid about $155+ and i was there about 40mins!!
E-cups: I m not sure if I'm also considered in the 2ww with bleeding. It bleed till today and is it like AF, seems a bit heavy flow
If AF, then my last cycle is only 24 days. I guess I would test with a HPT next week but guess I would end up disappointed again..... Sigh....

My BBT is also higher these few days, ard 36.5 except yesterday at 35.XX and then the light red flow started. Today is 36.56 again. However, not sure if it is becoz I m falling sick with sore throat and flu, that's why my BBT is higher than normal....

Missy: like what the rest here said, just whack tonight and tomolo coz the big O might be coming within 12-36hours since yesterday. Best is to whack every alternate day during your fertile week so that u dun miss any chance bah.
Good luck!
<font color="0000ff">Its Friday!!!! Wooohhhoooooooo.............

nope the tea is not sweet. basically not much taste one..
but I like it coz its very mild &amp; light &amp; I feel that it calms me down.. lol
a box in Cedele is $9.90 if I am not wrong..
there is a iherb bulk purchase here somewhere in SMH, u go order from them..
I think I paid like about $5 a box.. I 1 shot buy 8 boxes.. HUATTT ahhhh.. whahaha...

oh ya hor.. shit! I forgot abt my OPK!!
Nvm. I got those strips at work.. lol. kekekek.. ltr will go toilet take ..
today is my CD15, hope I have not missed it.. kekeke...
I really think I need Gingko nut man.. think my brain not working..

huh? implantation also got spotting? hmmmm..

Yaataaa... kekekek..
see lines can wack liao ah.. but my lines like super faint de how man.. sad alh.. haiz.. on my hp app it shows that my O date should be 16 so that means I can start OPKing now hor...kekekek.. KS abit..

oh.. u went Dr Lee? Michele Lee ah?
all in $155+ ok leh.. </font>
yaataa... *jingle jingle*
i just love mushroom minced meat noodles if the mushroom is juicy juicy!!!
have to be happy.. cos in 2ww liao... so just wait n see.. if not then next cycle lor.. hahahaha

berries, u just remeber your OPK bah.. n if faint lines just whack la.. i also.. whack alt days... what to do..
missy, i used to have short LH surge, once in the evening at 7pm. It will normally go away the next day. No worries abt that, it may mean ur surge is fast and precise.
You bd-ed the day before right? to cover safe grounds, best to bd again tonight coz like what the rest said, actual o is 12-36hrs away ;)

berries, yes leh, implantation spotting and some can experience ovulation/mid cycle spotting too

ttc-ing, is your flow watery red? in small amount, can soak panty liner type?

All the very best to those in 2ww!

I just gave my HPT one last chance. ok, onward to raspberry tea. cant wait for wicked witch to fly by!
Morning ladies,
Wow hardly have time to finish reading the posts. Hahaha. TGIF! So happy! Was planning to watch Tim Burton's dark Shardows, but couldn't get tickets for the gold class. Aiyo, wonder why movie tickets are always snapped up days before. Zzz Still thought a movie can lighten my mood a little during this 2ww.

Hmm... You might want to test earlier. Coz looking at your bbt being still high, still got hopes. Hmm... But if it's very heavy flow for a few days, you might really wanna observe carefully. (;

Your food always make me drool. Now I'm craving for mushroom mince pork noodles. Hahaha.

I like what you said" so wait and see..... If not then next cycle lor..." hahaha sound so relax. I keep remind myself that it's alright take it easy. We got one whole year to ttc for 2013 baby. (;
Beanbean and raine: my flow is watery and seems heavy. It can fill a panty liner and today I used a pad as it seems heavy. I would usually get a day of spotting b4 AF and then heavy liao. Yesterday's not spotting but light flow. If it is AF, then dunno why now only 24 days?!? My avg is 35-36 days. My cycles really seem irregular ever since I started ttc! Dun dare to pin too much hopes this cycle liao.... I think 98% gone case
TTCing, dun worry k. Do you want to call up clinic to ask? That time i also like that, after bd striaght away spotting and that day is my O day, i am very worried and i called, dr told me not a concern at all, then i am relaxed after hearing it.

I am damn sad, just tested opk and neg, today cd16 already. My last 2 months O is around CD14.. few days ago still faint line but dunno why now become nothing....
