2WW - for those TTC-ing

blissful: subway melt is not beef leh... bacon n cheese!! hee... SHIOK!!!!

oh... haiz.. everywhere also gt this kinda pple de leh.l.. real sianz..

vanilla: Oops.. sorry.. i dun eat bacon n cheese.. but i love cheese fries by kFC..hehhee

ya i agreed.. but hai.. here is the worst i even encountered.. tot i will be in a happy environment.. but nearly to a yr in this company but i dun see im happy at all..
blissful: haiz.. work ma... Seldom happy de la.. Unless u really work in a very good environment company.. Like my sis de previous company.. The boss treat my sis very good la.. They r good fren like tat.. Very nice..

Even tat time when i lost Castiel, her boss and another colleuge bought me chicken essence.. =)

So sweet of them la... I only meet them a few times.. They are really very nice pple la... really very nice... =)
vanilla: yup.. but at least abit happy work also happy.. now i totally no xin to work.. or just to say totally dun care..

i agreed, nice ppl will hv but a few.. till now i haven meet 1 at all.. hahaha

sorry to bring up ur sad story..

at least i feel much better now! =)

thanks to all the listening ears..

cant wait to zoom out from this room!
vanilla: =)

btw, anyone of u here know gallstones.. i think my mum has it.. gonne bring her to a&e straight tmr.. hope no need to hv any surgery..
if really needs, can use my medisave de ma? cos my mum is a hsewife ever since i was born..
blissful: i thk my godma has it.. Her case, she is in alot of pain.. The doc gave her some medication and then stone will come out together wif e urine..

More serious case, i thk need op leh.. U nv buy any medical insurance for her? It is very impt leh.. Not trying to find biz but it is really impt.

U can buy for ur mom using medisave or if she got medisave can use her own to buy too..

Dun play play, sg de medical bill can be sky rocket high de... =)

Anyway, if u dun have and need some info, can ask me abt it. More den willing to share it wif u.. hee... PM me.. =)
Found something very encourging and meaningful.

A Dedication to all mommies who suffer a loss before.

I'm so looking forward to my "<font color="ff0000">R</font><font color="ff6000">a</font><font color="ffff00">i</font><font color="119911">n</font><font color="0000ff">b</font>o<font color="aa00aa">w</font> <font color="aa00aa">B</font><font color="ff0000">a</font><font color="ff6000">b</font><font color="ffff00">y</font>"!! =D

A rainbow, the beauty that comes after a storm and a symbol of hope, is a description women lovingly use for their babies that are born after a miscarriage, still birth, or infant loss.

For women who have experienced a loss, conceiving a “rainbow baby” doesn’t make them forget the loss, take it away or diminish it, but it does give them hope for a new chance at motherhood.

I'm back. Doing work at home is no fun at all zzz. Ecups I thought of getting second opinion, hope can ttc earlier and without worries. This cycle I spotted quite badly too and late ovulation. Supposed to go back ww but really don't feel like seeing him, just brings back the bad memories.

Wow this thread very happening now! Really enjoy dropping in to read. I need to shape up my body. Hope reiki healing can help when I go for third appointment on Tues. Doc appointment I'm still torn between Michele lee and Benjamin tham.. Guess I'm just like vanilla. Impatient and I don't think I can tahan to wait two more cycles!
yaataa: haaa.. Same.. I dun wan go back to my previous gyane partly also becuz i dun wan to go into the same room and start thking the same thing again... Recall everything and moment i had with my Castiel boy..

Haa... 2 cycles? tats long.. I cannot tahan tat long la..

Same i oso looking for a gyane tat i'm comfortable with...
i m back to SG, back to the reality. had wonderful times there, many first times there. first time to snorkel, first time to dive, first time to swim with sharks, first time to swim with fishes in such close distance. dun feel like going back to work tml. haiz. tml the french woman is back to the office and i will leave the office on the dot cos still very tired.
I'm in but not for long coz not working today! Haha that already makes me super good mood man. Taking the day off from everyone and everything and going to play mahjong. It's been about 2 years since I last played. Hope today will be huat huat and more huat!

Hub says the ingredients for our future meals depends on me le... Wahaha. Energeticdragon your holiday pics make me really itchy to go travelling!
thanks yaataa. go go, SG is too stressful liao. going travelling in romantic getaways locations will make u feel more relaxed. 与世无争。people there are happy with their lot, even earning 200USD a month, they are content. wish u huat huat huat later on ur mahjong game.
gd moin ladies..

Sleepygal!!! saw your pictures in FB.. cool man.. guess is a good timing right...lols.. Got whack every nite bo...??

Finally i officially start to BD ytd.. n i tot i will be super high.. but in the end it is painful le... dunno is too long nvr do liao or after the operation still pain..
.. boohoo... disappointing.. or i think i supre fat nowadys... totally abit turen off to BD..hahaha... i machiam like old lady lo..
Morning ladies,

Wah Yaataa, I'm so envious, I will so very much rather be playing mahjong than working. Wish u game 13 番/台 later! Damn sian in office now, today stock market 满江红. Plus weather so sucky. I need a holiday too!

Good luck to the ladies going for their scans this week.
e-cups, yup, the resort people told us its the rite time to go maldives at this time. cos from late may to jul, there will be monsoon, so rain is expected. around this time, only drizzle at nite is expected so its ok. its very hot there. i had a tan back. lol. i m already very dark lor plus the tan, super dark lor. din whack every day la, too relaxed liao, every nite laid on the bed and fell asleep really fast. tried in the day time but din really managed to do it too.

e-cups, probably more foreplay will help?
Morning gals!
I'm not working today but will be visiting my friend's new born twins later. Can I check with u all here whether a pregnant lady can attend babies' first month or visit new born babies? Some people say can, some say pantang - scare the new born bb will "absorb" the "good luck" from the unborn bb in the preggie's woman's womb? Got such things?!?

Coz almost every month now, I have baby first month parties
to attend and is also ttcing. If unexpectedly pregie and happen to attend baby's man yue, not sure if this will clash?
<font color="0000ff">morning everyone!!!

no lah.. not say me also do noticeboard lah..
I am saying that ur life revolves ard the noticeboard.. so like very "you yuan" with it.. kekek.. hope u r feeling better now.. at times mean colls are just detestable..

wooo.. looks like u totally enjoyed urself. where did u go ah?
swim with the sharks.. wooooo... scary..

steady lah u.. take off to go play MJ!! lol..
Huat Huat all the way!!

I need a short break too.. for a hols.. anyone got any recommendations?</font>
See I can't resist coming here to talk cock haha. Waiting to go downstairs for my friend to pick me up at 1030 :) energeticdragon is it true they have free flow buffet for every meal? Damn, me and my greedy thoughts again..

Ecups, I also hardly bd cos super pain. Even with lube its still killer lor. But I think it will get better! All we need is lots of practice ok?

Bbcripps, thanks! You sound like a mahjong fan! When is your hub coming back? Really hope I won't be the slowest in terms of building my tiles. So long never play, really feel rusty le
E-cups, I'm in wealth management in a bank. Very stressful too, cos my customers' portfolio all damn jia lat recently. Stock market down, currencies down, even bond prices also down. Haiz. Ironically when I'm going to the doc every other day last week I'm more distracted so not so stressed. Now in my 2ww, nothing better to do, bo bian have to focus on work n the market I lagi more stressed. I think I need a hobby, haa.
Ttcing, actually during my #1, I went for newborn, manyue, weddings, etc etc everything also whack. Come out healthy full term bb. Second preg I was slotted to be my good friend's jiemei, but cos of pantang we both agreed better not. In the end, I miscarry even before her wedding. Actually very hard to say one, just go with gut feeling ba.

Berries, me craving tomyum soup from bkk in this weather!
yaataa, for my resort, they included the breakfast and dinner in the hotel charges. they provided international buffet and have a table allocated to you from the day u checked in till u checked out. lunch is not included so we brought out tidbits, biscuits, instant noodles and milo. but we din really got time to eat lunch though, cos everyday busy snorkelling. lol. the international buffet is free flow, u can stay there as long as you wished. but of course the restaurant is only open for 2hrs for the buffet so dinner and breakfast is limited to those 2hrs lor.

berries, i went maldives. lives there are really simple. fishing, snorkelling, diving, laying in the sun to enjoy the sun.....romantic place.

sleepygal, u went maldives!! WOW!! bet its veyr relaxing there right? I love DIVING!!!! Haven tried snorkelling.. Tried diving once in bali!! The feeling? AMAZING!!! AWESOME!!!!

E-cups, is it too dry tat why pain?

Anyway, how u gals define first morning urine? I noe cannot use tat to test for OPK, lets say i pee at 8am and went back to sleep and woke up at 11.30am, i use tat 11.30am pee to test?

I tried it leh... But it seems to be faint den the test if i test like 2-3hrs later.. How come? like tat also consider as first morning urine?

Here is my OPKs, it seems to be getting lighter today... haiz.. Anyone? Guess tml really need to spend morning to go see gyane liao.. lol..

<font color="0000ff">TTCing.. kekeke
ya lor.. wishing.. lol..
its been like ages since I last went Phuket man..

wahh..what free flow buffet?? where where? kekeke..
tom yam soup.. hmmmmm.... I now wishing for Korean Ginseng Chicken soup.. kekekeke..

wahh... Maldives.. on my wishlist ah..
eh.. how much u spend there ah? I did sound out my HB that I wanna go Maldives then he say wait he save $$ first.. zzz...

ur test looks darker from CD22 onwards leh..
so that means u O on CD22 till now?
CD23 PM looks light though.. but CD24 AM looks slightly darker again.. </font>
berries: ya, i dun thk i O leh... If we tested positive on OPK, it does not mean we O straight away ma. Test Positive for O liao, O will take place 12-36hrs later..

This morning de is lighter.. haiz.. On my CD14 it is also like CD22.. Then CD15 onwards it became lighter and lighter liao lo.. I hope i did not miss the O.. Or is it my body is trying very hard to release the egg but fail?? haiz... headache... =(
vanilla, yup, diving experience was awesome, even though i din go very deep like only 1-2m below. too scared and panicky cos cant swim. lol. but managed to see many nice fishes which we can only see in discovery channel. snorkelling was fun too, din go too deep into the water too. also managed to see many colourful corals, fishes, baby sharks, sting rays/eagle rays, organisms, etc. words cant describe the feeling... wohooo......

berries, the flight from SG to Male is about $1,700 for 2 pax (inclusive of taxes and surcharges). accomodations was abt $3k for 7d6n on water bungalow with breakfasts and dinners inclusive. other than that is the water sports like excursions is $40USD per pax per trip (exclude 16.6% tax). All in all we spent abt $1,000SGD for the excursions, miscelleous, diving lessons, rental of underwater camera, buying of sovenirs, etc. but the plain / mineral water there is expensive. 1.5L bottle cost $6USD (after tax), thats $7.50SGD. soft drinks is like $6.50 per bottle of 300ml. water from the tap is not for direct consumption, need to boil, even after boilling still taste a bit salty. overall, it was a good experience.
will love to go again if have the chance.
Vanilla, Not dry but is wet but when "bang into inside" feel pain... machaim kena forced lor.. lols...

As for your opk.. maight be u are not O-ing... thats y cant detect the line.. or u try again to test.. or maybe u try too much water..??
sleepygal: the feeling is really awesome la!! haaa....

e-cups: oh... maybe ur cervix is low? tats y? I dunno la.. I jus guess only.. heee

yaa.. these opks are negative.. haa.. the lines get dark den light again... haiz..

Hope tml i go gyane can tell me i will O soon if not give me medicine to induce my menses!! haaaa
E-cups...sometimes I too have the feeling...either dry or din do for very long....
Tried drinking Grapefruit juice for 3 days in a row...ended up with very bad gastric pain yesterday...So now going to take EOD...till ovulation ends...Which was either yesterday, today or tomorrow...
Vanilla04...i think you should let nature take its course..let ur menses come naturally and start BDing again...God will bless you with a child real soon...
One simple advice from me...BD EOD or three times a week..an advice my gynae gave me....Leave the rest to GOD.
From my knowledge from my biology lessons is that....we O every month if egg does not meet sperm will then break down as menses...So if we O catching the time is the most important thing...count 14days backwards from your last menses.
last year went to see gynae because after 1yr of trying after my first MC, as i was not getting pregnant. He prescribed me 3 cycles of clomid...took two cycles then gave up to nature...Dec last year took the last cycle of clomid and I got pregnant only to lose bb again..
This time I was given 6cycles of clomid...this is my first cycle and fingers crossed...hope I strike again...maybe I should not have attended my hubby's cousin's wedding knowing I was pregnant...there are so many 'Wat ifs' and 'whys'running in my mind...But I will not give up trying. In fact I dont even used the ovulation test strips as I go by counting my days carefully..
Hope my sharing helps all of you in one way or another...
Mrs R: Thanks for replying..

my menses aft birth came back le.. But now the O is missing.. Which i dun know how long will it take to come back.

I am worried becuz my menses before i got pregnant is very irregular and only came like twice a year kind. Some year came a few more times. So i think high chance aft birth my menses cycle will also be like tat..

Tats y i wanna induce my menses IF, gyane scan and say no egg is found...

I hope i can strike without any medication help too. If i have a very regular menses, i wun induce or rush but cuz of my irregular menses history i have to.. hee.. =)

I'll still use my OPKs, it will help increase the chance.. But i wun tell hubby if i test positive liao.. Cuz tat made him work jus ofr bb and not have fun. I thk 1 party know can le... =)
Mrs R, good to see u around... Maybe i should do something with my hubby to get myself excited.... lols... hopes it get better!!! :p

Vanilla, Maybe monitor 1 full cycle before start to induce your menses.. guess we are always the lose out e.. cos menses irregularzzz..
Afternoon ladies,

Wow. It's been awhile since I log in. So happening these days.

Welcome back! Hope the triP will bring you good luck. One if my friend went on a trip to US. And got preggy on the cycle after they are back! (; btw, which resort did you go to? I'm thinking of going in 2nd quarter of the year.

Looking at your opk. I think you're going to O soon. Why not you don't compare the opks? I ever read somewhere that it's not healthy to compare cox it makes us more stress and by stressing ourselves, we may delay ovulation too. Secondly, not every women will have darkened opk and fade out every month. Some can't see it darkening. Then became positive le. Or will nvr see it fade and suddenly line gone le. So don't stress yourself too much, ok? Jiayou. I think it's coming soon.

I know the feeling of kena bang inside. Hahaha maybe it's your cervix. For my case its when cervix being low then will have this feeling. Haha. Or try adjusting the position of yourself or your butt. It helps. ;p
<font color="0000ff">Vanilla,
huh?? I thot darker means O liao?? no ah? hmm..
wah.. then like that I am confused already.
can someone show me a positive OPK strip? I really wonder how it looks?
or it must be as dark as the test line then considered O ah?

wah.. $1.7 for 2 pax is reasonable leh.. btw.. u go F&amp;E ah..
dun mind can u share with me ur itinerary or where u stay?
Coz actually we are planning for Maldives but dunno where to go then thinking of follow tour very sian.. so if u willing to share share.. u can pm me ya.. thanks.

Too Much Details!!! whahahahhaa.....

Mrs R,
think u better stop ur grapefruit juice if it is giving u gastric.. or try to drink it straight after meals? It might help this way?
u mentioned count 14 days backwards from ur last menses? is this to detect O or wat? kekeke.. </font>
raine, i went to adaaran club rannalhi at south atoll from male city. the resort is 45mins speedboat ride away from male international airport. the speedboat costs $146USD per pax for a return trip from male to the island and island to male. i booked at hotels.com and found this as the cheapest resorts ard. of course, there are cheap one, to stay in the city like those tall building, i dun want those so chose this one. as for visiting in 2nd quarter, u need to check the weather, cos the resort manager told us certain months got monsoon rain and will have heavy rain so most outdoor activities will get cancelled.

berries, maldives go F&amp;E is good enuff le. cos the resorts will organise those city tour for u all to join but of course need to see whether ir schedule can fit in or not. for us, we din managed to join any cos the timing is not suitable for us. we just arrived at male airport and found the resort's conceige counter and boarded the speedboat from outside the airport. then they will send us to the resort. then at the resort, they will arrange some activities and u can join if u like the activities (morning fishing, sunset fishing, diving, snorkelling, turtle excursions, manta ray excursion, etc), otherwise to to enjoy the scenary and breeze at the comfort of ur room.

travel agencies i tink is more expensive. cos i got ask before, per pax is abt $2,500 for flight &amp; 6d4n stay n staying in std rooms like those downtown east chalet rooms. mine is ard the same price but stay 7d6n at water bungalows which i tink is more worth it. somemore tour agencies is not flying off everyday, they need to combine and fly when they have enuff pax, so not flexible. just my tots though.....
sleepygal: wow.. So total e whole trip u spent how much?

I wanted to go Maldives too!! the water there so nice and clear.. =)

e-cups: Haiz.. I dun even noe when will the next menses come lo.. If wait another 1 month still haven come den very sian de leh.. haiz..

I really salute u gals who can wait.. I really got no patient i gotta admit it.. =(
Yes berries it's to detect ur O

I found prune juice with folic acid n calcium, drinking tat now...
Think I m going to O soon...can feel it..

Thanks for your info. Shall check out the resort. Initially was planning on club med or W resort and spa. But it's not cheap. So trying to look for a more reasonable pricing. Which airline did you go with? Sorry to bug you, hahaha. Ya lor, I'm worried about the weather too.

Ya gynae scan may be good idea too. They can estimate when you will O by looking at the size too. Keep us updated.
raine, no problem. yup club med &amp; w resort are expensive cos they are more popular. for this resort, i have to declare 1st, the first is not as nice as what we have here in SG hor, the way they cook meat is quite disappointing, hard and dry. the pastas, noodles, grains are good, the potatoes are great, we love it. just that the meat is too tough other wise the sauces /gravy are good too. breakfast was good too. got nice waffles, cold cuts, cheeses, etc. depending on your preferences ba. for my package, breakfast and dinner was included. for other resorts, they only provide breakfasts only. the rest is on ur own.

i forgot to mention, for the tour agencies prices, they only include breakfast at for the 6d4n stay + flight and the price is about $2,500SGD per pax. its the same price i m paying for this one but with dinner included, even though food was only so-so. at least better than they dun provide and ended up need to pay yet the food is not nice right? this is how i see it la.

we flew by Singapore Airline cos got promotions for 2 to go.
stephaie sun is preggers!!

haha morning ladies. yesterday MJ was very enjoyable although i was the biggest loser hahaha! lotso of adrenaline filled games when people game wit 4-5 fan. omg! i also got myself bubble tea, but WARM one with coffee jelly. sinful indulgence but i'm telling myself that at least i didn't opt for a cold drink!

had murtabak for breakfast this morning... sinful!
