2WW - for those TTC-ing

ttc, you may want to chk with ur gynae, if it's implantation bleeding, you may want to seek help early. Early supplementation helps.
If you observe and it gets heavier today, maybe it's early AF. Quite common to have 1-2 shorter/longer cycles yearly.

BBKK, how abt using other brands of opk? BD BD BD to cover all grounds!

TTCing, monitor your af.. isit fresh red or light pinkish.. if is light pinkish.. there is a risk of m/c if is really BFP...

babykk, is your cycle regular and if your O is around cd14 last 2 cycles then maybe u already O.. sometimes is u drink too much water then dilute the urine so cant catch the LH.. just BD to cover grounds...

Talk to you ladies later.. i go MAKAN
Beanbean: ic, then in this case, how to calculate the avg cycle of days for the next month?

If :-
April AF: 24 days
March AF: 36 days
Feb AF : 31 days
Jan AF : 35 days
Ecup, oh no.. Really? I really drink a lot water these few days cause I wanted to cleanse my body. I drank 2 liter a day. Shit I might have o-Ed. Cos last few days it is very faint opk then today no line leh...

Tat happen to me too. I suppose to o on last mon. But from last fri till sun the opk only show faint line. Den on mon opk no line Liao. But I got o pain on sun nite to mon morning. With ewcm. So duno is it o Liao or not. Den today after bowel movement saw ewcm again. Arghzz
<font color="0000ff">
Hi Ecups,
Haiz..can u imagine.. guess what!!! I forgot to test my OPK again!! arrughh.. last time dunno who say the time to test is 10am - 1pm? Damn!! I missed liao leh.. now still can go test anot ah?

feeling sleepy... yawnz..</font>
Afternoon ladies,

ttc-ing: maybe u wanna go scan? Or maybe u take a hpt? to check whether u r preeegy?

missy: how many times did u test? I read maybe if u test twice daily u will not miss the LH surge. So i test once between 10-12pm then at nioght 8-10pm..

As for me, today is my 3rd day taking the induce menses pills.. hee.. So excited!! =D

Cant wait for AF to come then finish den i can take out my OPKs again.. =D
afternoon ladies! so sleepy after eating Qi Ji nasi lemak. haha feeling so full now!

castiel: i tested twice yesterday, once in the morning, once at night. when i tested in the office at 10am yesterday, it was a visible clear line but when i test at 10+pm last night, it was very faint already haha. but we were to tired to BD yesterday too. maybe will try today and tml night like what the girls advise hehe

by the way, for those who use the OPK strips, how long do u dip the strip in the urine? i not sure how long do i have to dip it to ensure there is sufficient urine to detect the surge hahaha.
<font color="0000ff">Just did the pee test..
I almost cannot see the test line man.. its faint until.. I see liao I also wanna faintz!

Haiz.. think my O like really not soo soon man..

beeries, i dun care wht time test le.. i normally test after 10am onwards.. lols.. should be ok bah...

Vanilla, seems that you are so excited as im.. lols.. one in 2ww one waiting for evil witch.. lols
hi ladies!!

O well well well... AF suppose to be report today but haven seen a sign of blood~ sigh
hate to have AF on weekends! hopefully it will be a painless AF!

this weekend the shopping mall will be very crowded!
Missy: I had Qi Ji nasi lemak too, but sponsered by a drug company which came to give talk at the clinic....Feeling sleepy too...

Ecups I am in 2ww too...
Vanilla: I consider it as AF liao, since the flow is rather heavy. Dun wanna test on HPT, waste it and get disappointed all over again.

I will go scan on CD11 as suggested by the gynae. I went there last CD21 but the gynae said it was too late to check for O liao. Should go on CD11~12. Then he can then advise possible O date by ultra-sound scan.

Do u know how to calculate the avg cycle of days for the next month?

If :-
April AF: 24 days
March AF: 36 days
Feb AF : 31 days
Jan AF : 35 days
today is my CD2~~ heavy and cramping
Cycle is getting shorter...from 36 days to 24 days but on the other hand, good too
can BD soon after AF ends
ecups: yup.. have to leh.. only worry is the clomid wun work...

ttcing: Maybe u take all 4 cycles den divide by 4? lol.. Avg.. haa.. Cuz ur cycle seems not same.. quite difficult to est when ur next cycle will come.. =) maybe u should start testing once ur AF finish.. in case u miss e O.. =)
Vanilla: Ya, quite irregular. Dun wanna waste $ on OKP, unless got EWCM. Anyway, I will be gg to gynae on CD11 to scan for egg or potential egg. Will try to BD soon after this AF ends, on every 2 days/alternate days all the way till CD30 bah... if possible

Anyway, avg CD should be ard 30 days if divide by 4. Haha...hard to tell also. Just whack after AF ends! =)
Ttc, good that u confirm it to be early AF, can start new cycle soon again.
Looking at ur info, ur usual cycle is more than 30 days, so after the slightly shorter or longer cycle, it shd go back to ard 30 days again.
But since u be gg for scan next cycle, I believe u will be able to pinpoint the o day more accurately.

I do read that some pple may have 2 cycles that are slightly longer or shorter before regulating itself again though

And according to my gynae, +/- 3 days is the norm, not considered haywire or early or late.

Hope this help ;)
Beanbean: Thx for the info. It is very helpful indeed. Actually I think it can be due to my hormone imbalance too as I must admit that my mental health isn't very stable and cool for the past 5 months. Temper got worse and short fuse easily. Getting really upset when I get my dreaded AF every single month

Think every month have to change strategy liao. I tried all possible things eg taking BBT, OPK, estimated fertile period but always disappointed. Have to stop taking OKP and just BD every few days. I find that this will make me a lot less stressed up. What do u gals think?
TTCing I think maybe stop testing OPK for 1-2 months and just BD? go with the flow and maybe you'll be in for a surprise? understand the frustration &amp; disappointment when AF reports every month cause we're all waiting for the BFP! but maybe stress can mess up our cycle too making it harder to conceive. Jia you! and just BD!

sometimes I feel we BD just for the sake of baby making, like a standar route and no passion anymore hahaha poor hubby
Missy: yup, just go with the flow. I think the more we do more things to get ourselves preggie, the more stress we will get.

Good luck to u too!
<font color="0000ff">Its Monday.... blues......

Took my OPK over the weekend.. see no lines at all.. zz.z.
threw away the sticks.. haiz... </font>
Hi morning,

Berries, I also very disappointed this cycle. I start testing opk from cd10 till now cd20. All neg or faint opk tot might be coming soon. Then I went to see gynae to check on the egg, dr said I might hav o already or haven o yet. What an ans!!!
The only thing I tot was that I might miss my o cos I might drink too much water that dilute my urine that y I can't get a positive opk. Some more I tested twice every day. How can I miss?
Then what happen was that on sat morning I test with clearblue and got a smiley face using first morning urine then I got a smiley face. But 2hrs later I try testing again and It is neg lor. Dunno the first morning urine accurate a not.?
Cos usually all the while I tested clearblue using first morning urine and give me the smiley face when I really ovulate.
Babykk: me too. I test from CD10 to CD25 all negative. Got a few days the strips seems to be darker but it I still negative. I went for a Gyane scan and told there was no egg. So I ask to induce menses. Now waiting for menses to come then take clomid.

Prosper: I take it at night. 2 tablets. Cuz it will cause drownziness. So don't drive wor.
Hi ladies!! is MONDAY!!! although abit BLUEEEE but still be postive ok..

Babykk, *hugs hugs* testing -ve OPk is a norm to me liao.. immumned!! Do not take first urine as your reading cos after 1 night our urine is the most concentrated so it might have mis-lead your reading.. As for your doc... *knock his head* wht an answer!!! What is might or might not OOO????!!!
Simply put this way, if you have O, he is not able to scan your egg, if u have not O, he should be able to scan your egg but just that has not been release!!!

Vanilla / prosper,what is utrogestan?
Prosper: oh.. That one I not sure leh. I take it twice befor wonky. One is to induce menses, 2 tablets a day and for 10 days. Another is when I preggy, had very very very light spottig and Gyane priscribe same thing. Take 2 at night and for 10 days.

Ecups: it is a hormone thingy ba. Can be taking during pregnancy for unstable pregnancy or induce menses.
<font color="0000ff">Hi all..

Just to check again.. how to take Conceive Well ah..
Just pop 1 tablet &amp; 1 capsule together after a meal is that right?

And it is to take just once daily?</font>
Berries: me too!! Egg don't know go where Liao. That's y I induce menses den take clomid to invite e egg out.. Lol..

Conceive well is to be taken once everyday only. I usually take it in the morning. One tablet one capsule.

Ttcing: nope! Not good!! I quite sure tat one of my cousin is pregnant. Haiz.. I'm happy for her but deep down inside I don't feel comfortable. For my situation, I just hope that no people ard me get pregnant before I do. Be it to think that I'm an evil person, so be it. I'm sorry but I really couldn't help it. Haiz.

So I really hope and pray hard that this cycle of clomid will help to O and I'm quite positive if O I'll be able to get pregnant for this cycle. If no O then it's impossible to get pregnant de lo.
Vanilla: like u, I feel uncomfortable but what to do? Sigh....

But u know what? One of my colleagues whose horoscope is a rabbit told me just now that she once sat the national exams with the dragon batch. There were more dragon kids as usual so the exams were more tuff and more people didn't make it in the end. Even As or Bs will be moderated. Maybe she told me this to console me la as I told her sadly that most of my Frds are having a dragon bb except me

Anyway, treat this as a way that our future kids are telling us indirectly that they dun wan to b a dragon bb so that they have lesser stress in the future
then they will also have more chances to be scholars
Vanilla, how previously u know you have to take clomid? I mean why you know u are not ovulating in the past? Cos all the while I tot I m ovulating but this month kinda mess up.
Ttcing: firstly, I really nv think about the horoscope when I got pregnant, In my mind I just wanted to get pregnant ASAP as I know ttcing can be a very hard and long process for some couples. So I urge hubby to try ASAP and not delay. When I got pregnant, I din even think tat my bb will be dragon, it's when my mom mention then I realize it. I'm happy with any horoscope baby.

When I lost Castiel, I desperately wanted to get pregnant ASAP. It's a lost that I wanna quickly make it up and that's why I wanted to have another dragon baby to make it up or should I say replace my boy but deep deep down inside I know no matter how many baby I had, they all cannot and will never replace my Castiel boy! That's for sure.

Now I still desperately wanted to get pregnant but it's not that easy. Both physically and mentally. However, u have to be very positive cuz I believe positive mindset will have positive outcome! I strongly believe.

That's y I said if I can O I'll definitely get pregnant. Cuz I did it once before and I'm pretty sure I will be able to. My only worried is the dosage of clomid as the cycle I conceive Castiel, I was given 100mg of clomid. But this time round another Gyane only prescribed 50mg. I'm not sure if there will be enough effect to make the egg come out. That's my only worry.

So gal, really don't worry about the horoscope anymore. Seriously, it is not impt at all. At all! The health of bb and mother is what really matters. This is what I realized when I lost my boy. When you really get pregnant, trust me, horoscope is the last thing you want to think on your mind le.

Babykk: I went to Gyane when I wanted to conceive. I told
Gyane that my menses is super irregular kind. It's obvious that I'm not Oing, so the Gyane just prescribe me 3 cycles of clomid and pills to induce my menses. That's how I conceive my boy and on the first cycle of clomid. Hee. Quite proud but no use. Haiz.

You also have ovulating issue? I was told even if you have your menses regularly you might not be Oing too. Did you went to Gyane before to have a check? It is possible to have menses even nv O. But If u O, you definitely will have menses if the egg is not fertilized.
<font color="0000ff">Vanilla,
haiz.. ya lor.. funny.. I look at my discharge, its abit thick now but the OPK still shows negative..

I think by next mth must die die go see gynae liao.. fact is I still dunno go see who.. haiz..

yap.. I started on my CW yday.. I also took it after my bf.. but becoz I took a cuppa kopi every morning &amp; I heard that it is not good to take med 1hr before or after kopi so by the time I take CW is like close to lunch liao..

but hor.. clomid cannot take too many cycle.. its not good leh.. the last time I took on clomid I went on for 1 cycle &amp; gynae advise me to stop.. haiz..</font>
Berries: it depends in what type of Gyane u wan.

Try out a few Gyanes before you decied to stick to one lo. This it's always ex to go for the first time but no choice. People say this doc good that good but ultimately it's u who muz think he or she is good ma. That's what I think lo.

CW take noon also ok de la.

Clomid, I only took 1 cycle for the previous pregnancy. Ya. I know long term will have serious side effects. this time round I only take 2 cycles with lower dosage. So I hope it's enough to force the egg out.
pray hard *fingers crossed, body twisted*
hihi how everyone, the thread beoming so quiet nowadays.

Vanilla, does clomid make us dry down there? cos i read it does.
Babykk: it depends in individual leh..

The first time I took clomid, I have those ewcm a few days before o lo.. But aft I give birth the very first O detected, I'm very dry. so I guess it depends in individual de ba..
hi ladies... is tuesday.. cant wait for weekends...

Vanilla, i knw u are anxious but still u have to take good care of yourself &amp; wait for 3 months to revover before starting to bfp.. u understand right..

berriesd, your discharge is those cooked egg-white or EWCM?

TTC-ing, i guess we will have those sour sour feelings when we knw pple get preggy &amp; worse they marry later than us!! im marry for 11 years lor.. and everyone is popping except me.. but still got to face it...
Hi ladies,

Haiz, my AF just report an hour ago, feeling kinda dishearted. Have this feeling of wanting to give up. Tears somehow starts to welled up when I see pink. Feeling rather lost at the moment.

Was thinking if I should take a break from all the ttc.
<font color="0000ff">Vanilla,
wahh.. u soo lucky ah.. got preggie during ur first cycle of clomid? Mine no news no nothing..

I also dunno which gynae I want to go see.. ultimately someone not too X I hope.. so I am now thinking lor.. haiz.. I want to 1 shot scan womb, do watever necessary tests &amp; also my DH's SA.. so still thinking..
eh how ah.. who is cheaper lol..

wah.. u this round 1 shot take 2 cycles ah?

erm.. when I took clomid the last time.. yap.. I was dry down there..

eh.. talking about dry.. watever happen to our bulk area of the lubricant etc?
anyway I am always drier so need to apply some lubricant too.. btw.. can I asked when u all apply is it to apply both inside &amp; outside?

me ah.. discharged is EWCM.. eh.. what is that for long form again? kekeke..
just some strips of transparent discharge..
eh.. u say cooked egg-white!! Gosh!! like those eggs served in YaKun??
Kaoozz... I wanna puke liao..
u just made me swear off eggs for a while... whahaha..
cooked egg white is solid white color one leh.. u mean ur discharge got such color ah??

u r trying for ur 1st child? me too.. Sigh.. Y!!!!!!!!!

if u think u want to take a break.. then take a break..
start again when u feel like it.. dun push urself too hard .. really..</font>
berries, you can use preseed as lubricant. can be used as internal or external. if internal, use the applicator and insert in. very easy to use. I often use that. very very gd for ml session.
