2WW - for those TTC-ing

Vivi....i also tink there is something wrong with my resume....but no leh i show my ex boss...my friend...nothing wrong....hmmmm

Thanks claire.....
i also think my resume got prob. i duno how should i describe my previous jobs cos alot of ppl commented it was too techinical but those things were the things i have done.
Vivi, thanks for the advice =)

Hi Beary!

Gals, i guess all ur resumes not much of the problem, i tink for most employers might think why u all from a specialised line, wan a big switch to do admin work.. somemore they might not be able to pay u for that kind of salary? claire might be correct, some employers cant afford to let u go on maternity leaves or child care leave.. haha..

last time when i went for my interview for tis job i m in now, i waited for 4 mths.. so a good job will deserve the wait..

Jia You!!
all had lunch liao mah? wah went out to eat, very hot!

i think companies nowadays employ fresh grads coz cheaper and can train...
sigh got sala if married meh then how employ spinster or sweet young thing huh?

Never thought my age and my marital status will hinder me in finding a job... gosh...
ya loh. it's easy to train fresh grads, they're not so resilient.
and asking pay is lower.

I'm having my lunch. need to wait til 2 plus for my appt. booooring.
Yeah Calzz agreed when they see you married they will ask this question, the last interview also asked me when am I planning.... haiz....
ask u all something... if there is a job that u really wanna do, but have to downgrade and get pay cut, will u take it?

i had this discussion with my dh... he is not in favour that i just quit like that and get a pay cut... but he said if eventually no choice (like my contract dun get renewed or something) then ok loh...
when interviewers ask if u plan for family..it be good to tell them you are at prime of career now as well a new job. you would like to focus more on career development and to shorthen the learning curve in your new job.thereafter consider family planning.
--> rephrase for better english..hahaha
**in any case if you are preggy..can tell them its an accident or watever reasons lor.

internet got lots professional Q&A tipss, very helpful.
i've compiled a whole list of it and customise my own answer.
HI Ceraine thanks for the tip...

Calzz it depends if the new job is a job that you all along you wanted to do go ahead.... if your perspective is on $ then very hard for you to move on to the new job....
haha...also to add, say something like you would like to commit more to work, pick up new skills within shortest period of time etc etc..
i forgot the exact phase i used.
this was my second version.
my original was, yes, i have been planning for kids all along.however, as i juz started a new career, shall halt the family planning till i am more settled in my new job/role.
you can speak very well. that's very good answers for the interviewers. next time we can ask you for interview tips Liao.

I do agree with vivi. maybe you can take some time to identify your priorities now. is money very important at this stage in life? or a less taxing working environment is more important.
I just had a job switch and there was a pay cut. but in exchange I gained a safe environment for ttc and flexi hours. money has along been an important factor for me but now I realize it's not everything. from time to time I get worried and stressed over money issues but hubby always tell me my main priority now is just to conceive a carry a healthy baby to term. money can earn later.
macaroons, my main piority is also family... the only reason why money is impt now becoz i may need it for ivf... dh and i got no savings coz we spent alot for the gynae visits and the iuis... so if i decide the take a pay cut, i need to suspend ttc for awhile to save money for ivf... haiz, that's y i'm in a dilemma...
my name in sch is yin ling, if i dun rem wrongly...ur name got contain hui? U from electronics enginering? If yes...i'm in ur facebook under Evelyn Chue
Hmm Calzz me too dont mind to take some pay cut in order to gain a less stressful job. Sometimes I feel I a bit no use la.... stressful job cannot take.... comapred to other people....

Moreover feel jaded at how the people are nowadays be it clients or colleagues. People dont treat you sincerely even though you go all out to help them. Like wedding couples at the end of the day they may say something bad about you although you have helped them
Hi Gers...

can i check...if after O still have alot white mucus...meaning AF comin rite eggs have ripe?

yes Macroons...i agree also $$ can earn later..BB planning is most impt now...
Vivi, like u I am also quite sleepy. Yet to write my monthly report..urgh!

beary, hi hi..

Ceraine, that's answer is good. I also use that before...haha
Oh, i longer than u. I TTC since last April till Jan then stop as hb not in singapore.

Anyone heard of SF Low from KK? My col just went to see him this morning.
Hi evelyn...i just add u
hope u dun mind .....
Calzz, is it. Is he good? I thinking to see him also but think need Q for few hours.

Beary, i also not sure as usually dont think can determine just by the mucus.
yes, quite quiet without our dear yaataa.

beary, i do have some white cm after O but i dunno is it becos the eggs are ripe. probably can wait for claire's advise?
maybe when u changed to a less stressful job Liao will be able to strike naturally before proceeding for ivf? if the pay cut is not alot, prob can try going for it?

sf loh is ivf specialist.
beary, yup spottng stopped liao... my cramps from this morn also gone...

greytatty, heard he is gd but i dun see him so can't comment...

macaroons, hmm... probably...
Macaroons, Ya he is ivf specialist but heard that he is also good in helping ppl to conceive. My col went to him and his advice is different from the gynae we went at hougang. The hougang one said that she did not ovulate yet sf loh mention did ovulate just that the egg is unhealthy and very small, cannot grow.
sorry my boss's door is open & he is seating behind me thus can't reply ur msn. Few days before my AF come, i'll have alot of white discharge.

any of u suffer from allergy dry cough caused by post infectious cold/post nasal drip or rhinitis before? I just feel very irritated cos i took TCM medication for almost 1mth & recently western doc say they'll give me cough syrup to surpress since its only an allergy cough. Although the cough is not whole day long but just feel irritated cos it doesn't goes off for coming to 2mths. Some ppl say its might be a 100days cough.
vivi, yaya busy. Go back home also got lotsa of planning to do for my trip this weekend. So much last min stuffs. Oops...guess I am one of the kind. hahah

Feeling better now? Dun care so much about ur current job stuffs, do whatever within your means lor at the same time just relax surf abit of net to gather more knowledge while u still got your pay lor.

Calzz, good to know that spotting has stopped. All the best to you.
Hmm I think given the situation now I rather throw the letter than by given the sack from my boss. somehow this sixth sense is very strong. I will throw my letter by end this week and then just nice month end lor.....

I am now like semi invisible liao.... a lot of things my colleague never really ask me much. I got a colleague who is waiting for me to go so that she can take my position. At first she also dont like my immediate supervisor and she complaint to me about him before but now it seems that she is pally with him and help him do his things lor....

How fake right? No wonder the zodiac sign is a snake ( 2 headed snake). Dont say I evil but I hope they will get what they deserved soon... What comes around goes around and every dog has its day....
vivi, can i ask u a question? what if after u tender and before you get ur new job and u get BFP, will u tell ur new employer who is going to hire u or tell them after they employ u? sorry ah, i think too much... hope u dun mind me asking coz me myself cannot ans this question...

If I BFP then I will get a contract job lor.... then I have consider before liao... if I BFP I dont think I would even want to stay in this crazy place and get humilated by people lor... their mouths all are very very evil..

I dont want any complications to harm my baby lor by remaining unhappy ....

I dont think if you BFP you can lie to your employer because they will find out sooner or later when you have the health check up... not very nice to be like that....
