2WW - for those TTC-ing


Sometimes every fornight, sometimes once a mth, I tell her dunnit so troublesome brew all the time then bring over my place. My body is those super heaty kind leh, can't really take Chinese herbs hmmmm....


U working ard Raffles Place oso rite? but the timing of the sales is btwn 11.30 am - 430 pm nia...

Mrs Choo... HUGZ. Try again next cycle and jia you!! Sometimes good things need to wait de

Oh E*, EYS got sale ah? Time to go stock up on some bird nest liao. Any idea when the sale is till? Must share your secret method with us.. btw, my friend swear by doggy style, says advised by his gynae as deeper penetration...

Oops babe79 and Liz.. sorry wrong Chris then heee paiseh Yes babe, heard Dr Foong is very good too... Liz, you trying SO-IUI first ah? Ic, thot was IVF. Hope you strike this cycle so no need!

Sasa!! *smacks sasa backside* Call your name then appear... so notti!!! In 2ww now? Any symptoms so far?

MM, $1.6k also very expensive ah.. but never mind, as long as he is good, it's worth it! Did you had c-sect then? Or was testing his episoctomy stitching skills ah?
Liz, Sasa,

Surely won't forget u all de, I promise to PM you gals if it succeed!

So when u rec'd my PM, it might means tht I hv gd news to share le hahahaha (lolx)

**Dreaming in broad-daylight, slap myself up**

I oso hope so soon, but maybe not tis year end bah...so most hopefully early part of 2008 can PM u all..(lolx) **Dreaming again**

Maybe u gals will strike first rather than me, then perhaps u all dunnit my PM le...hopefully it's tht case!!

But hor, I'm not really keen in a Rat child becos of horoscope clashes hmmmm....

can can... i work at raffles place. just 5 mins walk to the exchange... hee... but i think my BFW still left a lot. thus despite the promotion, maybe will not buy this time cos wait too many at home and can't finish yet. cos prob eat once a month only. scared after O eat, no good. :p

do keep me in the loop yah! i want to know too!

willing to try all sorts and ways. hee...

pardon me asking, your DH spermmies are good? cos i worried my situation is where DH spermmies is the X-factor so keep nagging at him to take medicine. :p

Liz, can check with u, ur DH's TCM medicine is also see TLK one?

roxy, is it? me yesterday just doggy styled! haa...

but no O yet wor.... :p
roxy, me here. I m down wif flu & very bz at work so didnt talk much.

My gynae charge $1200 for normal, $2000 for c-section but it include the $600 package fr 12weeks onwards.

but some pple say next year good to have babies wor... hhmmm

don believe too much in the clashing thingy. my dad and sis also so call horoscopes clash one but still ok mar... =)

as long as have BB can liao... :p

I believe everything is fated de....if it's so then so be it lor...hahaha tis kind of thing cannot control de...see some of the gals here who strike, even BD once oso can strike or even never BD on O oso will strike, so anything can happen, think just relax and dun think so much about it bah...

My DH din take SA test, but am sure that when a guy faces stress over with work and etc...more or less the sperms will be affected.

Will keep u in the loop oso if it happen, but tis mth dun think so le becos DH is sick and I'm oso too tired & stressed over work to BD ahahahahaha...think alrd missed the date le moreover never keep track or even use OPK le...so I oso dunno when I will O or so? hahahahahaha...

My last cycle gone all crazy perhaps due to my stress levels bah...so I guess everything oso alter le, so nvm lar...nxt year then come talk abt it first, meanwhile I nd to address some other issues first.
e*star, ya lor...

sometimes being relaxed is a crucial factor... so i also not too overly kan chiong.. hee..

just take and do whatever is necessary lor...

hope you succeed soon and pass the "mi jue" to us!! ^_^
Thanks Dec. I still haven't decide which tcm, DH don't wish to wait too long at Ying Chuan.

Roxy - yes, most of my friends and auntie also mention that have to take the EYS brand baifenwan.

My sis in law told me that her gynae advise her DH drink fresh orrange juice to improve the sperm quality.Anyone hear before?
December, Yes, she also told me that leh..tamoto soup and vitamin c important for sperm. I did the fresh juice everyday for 2 weeks. after that very lazy to make it liao..Hehehe!
E*: wah... okok.. i will sure look forward to receiving the PM. I hope it'll be soon k

Roxyz: **ouch!!! Sasa jumps in pain**.. u bully principal leh.. i shall complain to MOE. sack this big bully teacher!!!

me ah??? haha... today CD14 dunno if O already anot.. hehe.

Rata: u take care k. drink more water n have more rest!! dun overwork urself ya
MM, I see... so you tried and tested his stitching skills liao

Sasa.. *sayang sayang* You got BD these few days or not? Hope the spermies meet eggie....bbdust to you!!

Rata... poor ger, must take good care of yourself k? Drink more water and ask GP for pregnancy safe medicine...

Me having neck pain, sore throat and cough also... urghh!! Hoping drink more water can go away.. plus now at nite always cannot sleep well, keep waking up to pee and toss and turn scared sleeping posture no good....
roxy, i didnt see doctor as i wan to avoid medication. So trying to let it heal on its own. U lei got see doctor? Drink more water & avoid heaty food.
roxyz: got ah... working hard... haha

Rata & roxyz: if still dun feel well better go see doc k. get well fast, else the illness will prolong..

hoppi: Zao An!!!
Morning ladies...

U dun feel well? must take care hor....

feeling better?

hehe...must work hard these few days hor...Got use ur OPKs? ;p..
Hi Everyone,Good Morning

I here Roxy!!! Sorry i was busy last few days. I will be away from thursday till christmas as well, cos i will be attending a wedding in malaysia.

Btw, today consider my estimated 1st day of missed menses, did a test this morning "neg" wo...
Do u think i should retest again few days later?

I'm thinking whether i should retest again end of this week before I request for hormones pills to induce my menses...(cos my menses is irregular one)
hey looks like many of you are not feeling well, do take care & see doc if you are still not well.. Christmas coming must take care oh!

Mrs Choo,

I know how u feel..same here, just got the disappointment this morning siah!!.
hi sasa!

pink piglet

yes yes you should retest next few days lah! good luck!!

Will be going to taiwan from Sat for 8 days. anything you gals need?
wow hoppi..... u seem to be always flying about leh... hehe

Taiwan???? would appreciate if u could pack mi in ur luggage?? haha
hoppi.... hehe.....

PM u le...

oh no, i seem very troublesome. Always telling others to help me buy things wor

Rata: glad u feeling better le
Wow, so ncie hor, go taiwan...Now is monsoon season wor, rem to bring a windbreaker along as the winds can be bery cold de....Also as a relax trip for u and hb lor =D...hehe..hv a made in taiwan bb =D
thanks to dec and pink piglet... hee hee have to unwind myself 1st cos next year will have alot of targets to meet.

aiya feifei wrong timing for made in taiwan leh. hee hee
rata and feifei, thanks! I saw a doctor before 3 weeks back for flu.. so now I just pop the same pills in... and I try to abstain from taking medicine too, only really buay tahan and kena forced by DH then I pop pills in. But will prolonged flu affect bb? I know fever will...
Btw, I got sore throat and my gynae advised me to take Mentholatum.. type of lozenges suitable for sore throats and coughs and safe for pregnant woman. Can buy this over counter. And not to take Strepsils or Difflam coz too strong for us. So those preggies or in 2ww might want to take note of this

Oooh... sasa, as long as got do can liao. Hope you strike this month!! Lotsa lazy bbdust to you!

Hoppi!! I also want to go taiwan.... can squeeze me into your luggage please? :p

Pink piglet, u can tahan 1 week of waiting ah? Why not retest 2 or 3 days later? Use the dbest strip, cheap cheap nia. And I will think it's safer for you to confirm not preggie before you induce menses. Play safe better... BBdust to you!!
Hi mommies,

I have always been reading the thread quietly..
and I understand each of your moods during the 2WW.

Here is a link on some of the symptoms that individual gets during the 2WW. In fact not everyone experiences the same symptoms.. So do not worry or pressurise yourself too much if you found yourself lacking of the signs that has been describe by those "graduates"..

Hope the articles helps to soothe you down while waiting...

Hope all your wishes comes true.
hi girls,
i am back from mum's place,unable to rest well due to construction.
been "buing", but i seems to be coming down with flu and sorethroat.
have appt tmr with gynae due to constant pain

hope its all flushed out le.

xmas coming, any xmas party?
ceraine, take care. The pain is like normal AF cramp? From my experience I got no pain but got blood clogs & i went back for blood test onli after my bleeding fully cleared.

didnt hear any plan of xmas party lei.
already party-ed last Sat. Yesterday was company's xmas lunch party. Tonight my friend's place party again. hee hee....

i wish i can bring all gals along. hee hee
heehee =D...nvm lor, can treat this as a recharge trip ;p.

Must drink lots of water...

oh dear...feel pain in tummy? Do take care ya...cos weather bery bad these days....

Hi Roxy,

Dont need to test liao..this afternoon my mense come liao...hahaha, actualy i'm quite happy, cos I tot if I m not preggie, I dont know when's the next time my menses will come le..

Since Apr, my menses drag from 40 over days to close to 3 mths.. I tried to take BFY last mth, hoping it could help correct my menses, wow i think it really works for me, It's so accurate for this mth..So I dont have to wait to take any P test, or hormones pills to induce my menses this mth le, I very happy, tot I'm also disappointed that I didnt strike this mth.

Hi Dec,

Ur menses also irregular izzit. Did u try BYF also, maybe u should take too..


Glad to hear from u again. How come u have the cramps? maybe can ask ur gynae tomolo?
