2WW - for those TTC-ing

it is vinyl material. this is abt 9inch (length) x 5inch (height). you wan 3times more than this? big wor, you wan to bring out or keep at home one?
stickybfp, what you intend to do? cos i dont intend to get it at the moment. It take 1 mth to reach me, ship from taiwan
I didn't take in alot of cloths. Jus took in those 5 designs I like so that I can make for myself if no one orders. Not cheap lor when need to ship from overseas
<font color="aa00aa">hihi!
been so busy the whole day from morning.
want to rest also cannot with all the compulsory visiting to do.

ehy no prob.
i might also need help from u about my cpf investment under prudential.

im free to meet up tomorrow nite.

my spotting stopped last nite.
then this morning came back.
think i really had no rest today..argh.
might need to see gynae tomorrow.</font>
hi lynzi,
be honored if u dun mind me... haha... i'll be happy to take care for u...
ya, is better u see ur gynae early...
i not sure abt tomolo yet... care to drop me an sms... then we confirm tomolo?
nine 2 seven two 6 7 six 9
morning ladiesssssssssss

as usual i am in school. and i can't believe that i'm on full day course tomorrow, before coming back to stay over in school
how horrible it will be tomorrow!

i can't wait for weekend already... lynzi and claire, i don't mind meeting up if i am free after my dinner at my in-laws. claire, just keep me posted k?

i had a great day out yesterday!! the only thing that marred my happiness was that the saleslady was sooo confident i wouldn't fit into M size. i was so indignant and insisted on trying it on.. in the end, really can't fit! hahahaha!

serves me right for 'underestimating' my size :p
Gd mrrnign gals,

What a day...spend my holiday rotting at home.. and listening of my DH "business proposal" ... going to faint from brain died exhaustion.. whahaha

Wish, received my payment liao..??

Yaataa, is natural u cannt squeze to M size..If u can.. something is wrong... :p and i did not whack my DH on that night.. but kena whack from him ytd night..:p hope still able to catch the boat sia...
yaataa, if you still can squeeze in M size, you really steady leh.

I'm so sad. I think i am too trusting or some ppl are jus damn too free. Someone order a pouch from me and went MIA again
Wish, har..!! really har... y dun u ask the pple to pay 50% downpayment first then before u do it...?? *sayang sayang* dun be sad ok.. something it happens...
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!

forgot to reply u that yes i got more white discharge.

u too trusting le..no good.
U should start taking at least 50% deposit before commencing work. Ppl will think twice of going mia if they paid half already. And even if they do, at least u wont lose so much.

isnt it school hols now for sec sch?
So poor thing eh u.
Do rest more when u can.

Im going to gynae later in the afternoon. Hope lil beanie is ok.</font>
cos she said she will collect from me tomorrow so i didnt collect lor. stupid me la

lynzi, dont worry so much. beanie will be ok. keep us posted
Wish, sayang lah... maybe that person forgot only.. did u call her..?? maybe u see how to contact her by email as well..

Lynzi, ohhh.. is the white discharge comes everyday.. or as and when... coz my white discharge disappear liao.. whahha.
i ask her to sms me but she didnt. very disappointing. always get cheated by buyer, those ppl at BP ask liao then disappear. im such a loser. i have no festive mood at all. usually by this time, i am happily shopping. super sad as the date is nearer. by right, i should have given birth by now :''''(
Wish, *hugz* Dun feel sad.. u still have us.. your loyan supporters.. and do not look back ok... u should be thinking of your japan trip...
Must really give u a "Ecup jingle hug" when see u... give u the warmth.. :p
Had a bad morning today, dreamt of ants appearing in my kitchen again where they have disappear for 3days aft i apply new putty. So the 1st thing i wake up in the morning to check my kitchen, gosh the ants was crawling on the wall &amp; they eventually manage to make a hole on the new putty which is exactly the same spot of the old hole. This time round i decide to dig away the new putty &amp; create a bigger hole on the old putty so that i can spray instecticide. Haiz the hole is too small for the intesticide to go in. Have arrange pest control to come down this sat morning, hopefully in time to join u all for the outing.

Yaata, dun be sad...u can't fit into M size bcos of ur well endowed boobs. U still have slim waitsline lor. I try &amp; let DH see &amp; he says tat the price is worth it but he claims tat i grown fat alot especially my tummy &amp; butt since i always wear S size last time....so sadz.

Stupid me, last nite went to join the Crabtree &amp; Evelyn's queue, when i was abt to make pymt den realise its a private event for members for the 30% sale. Luckily the lady infront of me is nice enough to loan me her membership card.

Haiz...didn't bd for 6days liao cos we r very tired &amp; my OPK shows neg. Can anyone pls tell me whether did i miss the boat based on my chart?

Wish: The business world is tough, so always remember that being too kind to others means being unkind to yourself. Always get a deposit, no deposit, don't start work. I know a home business that does mani + pedi = she will always collect $20 via bank transfer and if the customer does not show up for appointment, the money is forfeited. Just state it clearly in the terms and conditions on your blog, because if they are sincere about the purchase, they will not disagree.

I know it's hard, but u really have to stop thinking about the lost girls. They are definitely in good hands now. It's tough, but for sure they will not come back. If you make your live miserable by hanging on to it, it will affect yourself and your loved ones, and the future children you want to have

Think of it this way, the body gets rid of defective ones, so it's better that they were gone then, rather than to have them come to this world, and then take them away -- i think that would be a greater torture.

I personally feel it because I actually had another brother who passed away at 4 - i was 10 then. Till now I still miss him, and I wake up crying sometimes, because he would have been 23 this year... but i try not to think about it too often, because I know my parents will be very affected... it was the first time i saw my dad cry too -- when the nurse at the emergency room came out and told us "sorry". It was just like in the dramas, but drama == life... I really really miss him.
hi ladiesssssssssssss, i snuck out to buy breakfast again today. had fried beehoon with curry veggie and brinjals, yummy!!

lynzi, have u tried the glutinous rice congee with lotus root combi? hope you spotting has stopped and yes, do keep us updated k!

bunny mummy, for your chart, it seems like haven't really ovulated yet. your bbt is generally on the high side though, which is good. the only possible point of ovulation (as seen from your chart) is CD16 or 17. correct me if i am wrong ladies. if not CD 16 or 17, i think haven't ovulate yet cos the temps are pretty similar pre and post dip.

wish, must collect a minimum of 20% before proceeding with work. a lot of bad people out there, just wanna play people out. hugsssssss cheer up!!!

BFP and wish, personally i find that the longer the time period and the 'closer' you are to the child/sibling/relative, the harder it is to let go. wish, i agree with BFP, must move on from the loss. definitely you will be missing them and thinking of them, but think of it in a positive light -- they chose to leave so as to make your life easier for you. i trust they know that they are dearly missed by you.

let go off the incident ok? when you strike and give birth to a healthy bb liao, it will be the time to tell bb about his/her older sisters and think about the times you spent with them. now, think about sunshine and joy and happy stuff, like japan trip!!

BFP i still so sad. mandy no friendzzz me. and i think that xiao deng is also another alias. omg!
no you're not lah dear. I just want you to feel better
It will take a long time, probably never.. but u must accept the fact that they are not coming back. And if your emotions are affected, it will affect your bb dream ok? hugs**
i'm now on TCM medication for the past 3wks to tune my AF cycle. If O on CD16, CD17, think i must have missed the boat since i only BD on CD14.

Btw where are we going this Sat??? In fact i'm craving for mahjong &amp; BFP's curry...lol
hey hey hey hey hey hahaha i played a bit of MJ last night leh!! i played only 1 feng and i hu 2x of peng hu!! SHIOK MAX!!!!!!!

bunny mummy don't worry i think CD14 is still ok cos sperm can live up to 7 days wor. but my own thinking is that don't really look like ovulated yet. so don't think too much la!!

and me also craving BFP's curry!! wahaha! eve your house can open house bo?? i promise i will help u kill as many ants as possible when i go over
hi gals,
morning to all...

*Hugs* wish.... jus hang in there....

hi eve,
lolz... u very funny but u found good bargains yst... i anything with this sat...

hi gals,
me gg to see doc tomolo... i took the contraceptive pills but hor... my af came yst... omg... red red... but light flow... crazy... i took pills for 9 days lorz...
anyway update ur tomolo... see wat the doc says...

ceraine doing her et today... =)
Hi all ttc mums/mtbs,

I have some left over opks and hpts sprinkled with baby dusts to sell off, cos I strike already.

9 OPKs (ovulation strips) + 2 HPT (pregnancy test strips) + 1 HPT mid-stream kind (means u can pee on it directly to test).

Selling off at $8 inclusive of normal postage. PM me if you are interested k? Thks!
So scary and pyschotic right? But it's okay, I know I have my supporters...

Let's have another potluck soon, i can whip up something again too...

Can someone help me analyze -- did i o or not??
I had pregnyl jab on fri
BFP, *hugz hugz* dun be depress... i nvr even bother to take my temp.. i nvr knw when i "O" jus whack...haha.. maybe u guys preggy liao.. left me here alone in the thread...
BFP, hugs. I’m also depressed in seeing my friends’ babies getting bigger and bigger, celebrating their 1st yr birthday. One by one popping and posting their babies’ photos. Recently there are so many of them.
yes wish... hub's fren facebooked us - daughter celebrating one year bday
but they dont know we trying lah... cos we never tell so cant blame... but i cant help getting emo..
Hey BFP, y dun think it the positive way.. seeing that next time is your turn to post and make us envy... hahha...
KEEP YOUR MIND FOCUS.. like how u focus and win the singing competition...
BFP, i understand you cos im seeing too much and very emo now too. all of them sound so happy excited and i feel so sour
yo i am home
was sweating on the bus like a pig man, the humidity today is KILLER!!

BFP i read online u supposed to ovulate 36-40 hours after pregnyl jab (according to 3 websites, that's the general timing la). did your doc tell you when to bd?? my guess is that you ovulated either monday or tuesday. if temps remain high tomorrow, should have ovulated liao. what has your bd schedule been like this week??

ladies here, all don't sad ok. *HUGS* must always remain positive!! if being invited to anything affects you, just feel free to turn down invitation. at this time, just put yourselves first.

if this sat eve house is free, we can go over!! drama will be on tv and itchy fingers people can MAHJONG. potluck again??
woohoo... yaataa.. u sure eve can bo..?? u like the lady boss sia.. whahaha...

MJ.. hmmm *hand itchy liao*.. can i rest my ER TONG on hte MJ table...??wahahha

bunny mummy, thank you for opening your place!!! *muacks* i will be your MJ kaki ok. hehehe when i get my new place, will be my turn to host le

ecups wahaha when you talk about er tong, we always call it the "ni peh" (bra). can rest but don't let the table collapse hor!

wish, ya lor that one really TOO MUCH. she only got one friend leh. obviously is fake account..

ms wong, walau!! all in my tummy liao muahaha
