2WW - for those TTC-ing

Hi all, I'm now hiding in my office toilet. Feel so upset with my Hubby. When I talked to him abt HSG, he just said let things go naturally as we just get married, just settled our hse renovation... And he said I shld not take everything goes to extreme level (HSG) as we can spend sometime to see whether we can conceive naturally.
I find tat he doesn't in the picture at all and how he wants me to conceive naturally if my Fallopian tubes r blocked? Really dun wish to talk to him abt this anymore. He just seems dun understand me at all

Hey Bunny_mummy, good news on the way maybe...??

Hi @, i can understand your fustration..guess most hubby dun understand womens... hehe..
How long u guys marry... i marry for 8 yrs.. not even an egg... whahaha.. keep your mind positive.. dun stree yourself & your Dh.. not healthy, it will put strain to your relationship..RELAZ...
hi gals,
me back from my gynae liao... my lining too thick, cannot jab... must shed off first...

hi @,
guys are like that de... my dh also... and i couldnt find any support from him... relax relax... deep breathe...
till the day my dh sa test F9... then he starts to change... cos he noes he plays a part ma...
dun force lorz... wat to do... for me is different... becos my dh not supportive in my ttc issue... so i do all the tests myself... heehee...

but these tests are not entirely for fertility issue, is worthwhile to do esp for good health la... =) like that say ur dh will feel better ma?

cos my personal experience tells me do thorough check before natural... i got ectopic pregnancy a yr plus ago... at that time i didnt think of having a baby le... so didnt do any tests... end up, i lost a tube and a baby... serve me rite lor, cos i was ignorant then....

so there's nothing wrong doing a full and thorough check, now ur are not jumping straight into ivf or wat... is ttc-ing naturally...
Hi Ecup, Thks so much. I'm much better now. ;)
I just got married in jul thus yr. But b4 tat I Alr know tat I hv prob to conceive. My menses never regular ever since P6. The longest is 9 mths never come. Horrible rite? Haha
Ecup, I kno tat god is always with us, dun worry. We will strike soon!
Hi @, good to hear that... my menses also not regular.. Happy come not happy disappear... if not, the "evil witch" will attack me until i curl up in bed.. haha
Hello everyone had lunch already?

Me sneaking in for awhile.

Bunny Mummy good news for you? maybe coming soon? jiayou hope you have good news to share.

Sticky when are you taking the jab, is the blood lining thick serious or not? So any results on the blood test? Hugs not your fault to have etopic pregancy... dont think this way.
stickybfp, dont say that. if like that, i also deserve it cos i never eat well when i am young. so what is the next step, wait for the af to finish then next cycle then do??
Dun think I've gd news cos no O detect yet + only BD once I'm CD14. Just now lunch got super light pink streaks & cramps....later going to TCM den ask him. Hopefully nth wrong with my ultrasound cos I'm on my way to SGH now. So tml gathering cancel rite?
@@: the scan to check tubes is called HSG. The surgery to go in n see is called laparascopy. I have pcos too... 6th cycles of clomid, started from 50, then 100 and later doc wanted to up me to 150, Whih I was quite skeptical abt. So i switched gynae now on 50mg clomid plus 75iu Puregon (injectable). Not that scary after all cos I used to be afraid of needles v v much. So waiting to see if I get lucky this cycle lah... ;)
Lyn; dono leh not up yet. But my inlaw took. If I go over during the weekend I will post up ;)

Want to ask u all: since last thurs my first this cycle, I been feeling umcomfy when bd leh; as in hub always seem to hit somethin inside. Is it the lining that is too thick? I usually experience that before my period comes, so now like too early... Does that indicate something? Good or not?

N this few days o already but I still feel the kind of o pulling pain on the left side, where I was supposed to have o-ED from.
Hi ladies,
me back in action..ahha.. today woke up late ended up on urgent leave as the flight back was delayed yesterday. Ended up only reach Sing in wee hours.

How's everyone? beisde Lyzni anymore BFP news that I have missed?
Just finish seeing the doc, Ultrasound turns out alright. Suspect muz be ulcer so ask me wan to do scope to check for bacteria if I'm concern, I opt out. Can't stand the doc "wolfy looks" & his nostril hairs sticking out...yucks.

Hmm... Dun wan to go back office since I'll reach office ard 3.30pm. Going to c TCM now n den pedi before meet my DH. Feel so sleepy now.
BFP, hmmm.. maybe another good news on the way..?? hehe

Jazz, nothing good news.. hope BFP or bunny_mummy got good news on the way..

Bunny_mummy, eeeeeekkkk the doc sounds like a pyscho to me... yuckkk..
Hi all... This thread sure moves fast...
Anyway, I'm waiting to see a gp right now.... Really cannot take it.... Hope there is nothing wrong with me n hope tht the doc can help to give something to take so tht I'm "normal" again.....
Hmm... I've done chkups which all turns out fine but no results after ttc... Anyone like me?
hi frustrated,
me... haha... think is ur dh sperm too... dun blame urself...

hi gals,
oh ya, my dh failed his sperm binding test... omg...
I'm back again....ecups...where r u?

frustrated, dun feel down on all these..u are not the only one to be blame...cheer up ok!


then hw? he need to do test again?
guess what, we just had a skip session with our senior director. he is damn open lor, jus now show us clips of Striptease. haha
Ms Wong, emo leh... tall the -vr tots gushing in me.. damn.. seldom have that kind of feel...

Guess i need some private time alone.. going for a lonesome walk later...
<font color="aa00aa">hihi all!
I just had a long nap..so sleepy nowadays.
Lucky im at hm n can get some rest.

oh must shed that lining first ah?
Then your hubby how?

dont blame yourself.
Some men like that one..some even more ego..dont want to think that they are the one with the problem.

it takes two to play their part in ttc.
It just might be your hubby n not u.

why sad?
Dont feel down.
Come everyone, let's do jingle neh neh around ecups to cheer her up.</font>
aiya.. i always like that 1... maybe not many BFF around me.. so i always shop alone... then sometimes find myslef like abit chiam.. hahaha..
Im not in my straight mind lah.. jus ignore me.. i go for a walk then will be fine later...
Wish, i seldom have mood swings one... but if come.. jialat liao.. means i can flip the whole world upside down.. esp DH not around with me...

He is working OT tonight.. so sianzzz... maybe should go borrow books to read.. or go shopping..
Ms wong,
Me also meeting DH for dinner at orchard since I'm going there for pedi....waited 1.5hrs yet still not my turn to TCM. Think sticky also going to orchard meet vivi rite
hi ladies,

Check out our online store that have products to fulfil your TTC needs. http://babydustshop.blogspot.com

To purchase Ovulation prediction kits (OPK)/ Home Pregnancy Tests (HPT)/ Sperm Friendly Lubricants (Pre-Seed/ Conceive Plus)/ Basal thermometers, we offer special promotions for TTC ladies.

Supplements which are vital to increase your conception chances, check out our supplements corner.

Babydusts to all!
where can i go to get nice long dresses? simple n elegant but not over so as not to take the bride's limelight... but good enuf for me to sing on stage... hahaa ok i dono what i want.... went to daniel yam but nothing much.
hi ladies!!! i am back!! in school, sadly T_T very sad leh. tonight will be sleeping on our stretcher-like bed

@_@ and frustrated, welcome welcome!! we're all friendly ladies here
this forum is a great place of support and encouragement, so don't worry, u will feel right at home soon. i agree with sticky wor, best to get your hubbs tested too. it takes two hands to clap to produce a baby ma, so even if you are entirely okay, still might be hard to conceive.

BFP, long dresses i only know daniel yam cos i am quite noob at dressing up. i think long dress is niceeeeeeeee. maybe can look at evening gowns from bridal shops as well? some places rent out formal long dresses, there's a shop at macpherson and one more at golden landmark. alternatively, can google formal dress rental places as well. good to see you O as indicated on FF liao. so my guess was not bad!! hahaha self-praise again wor.

sticky, well the test results just means you are on the right track, since natural conception will be hard. jiayouuuu!!! after shedding lining (since you started spotting right?), then will proceed on to IVF cycle proper?

potluck shift to next sat? bunny mummy, i suspect your spotting and cramps might be pre-O. but dunno zhun bo, just bd these few nights k?
Jus finish seeing TCM, he say my hormones is still not gd &amp; the dipped in temp is not O but he say I'll be ovulating soon...dunno y I feel so wet tis few days, alot of white discharge tat soak my pantyliner
<font color="aa00aa">bunny,
could that be ewcm?
just bd every alternate nights then can increase your chances.

u preggy also still must sleep over ah?
cannot go home for the nite meh?
im sure the stretcher bed wont be comfy enuf for u..poor gal.

i always tailor made my long dresses so i have more choices in terms of fabrics..hehe.

glad that u are happy with your satisfying dinner.

i just had chicken briyani for lunch..one whole trayful of it..hehe.
satisfied too but i know later at 8 plus or 9 im will surely get hungry again..already standby some nutella rolls and mushroom soon kueh.</font>
lyn: but tailor-made i'm wary cos i don't want the end product to be diff from my expectation. Where do u make ur dresses? exp?

I really cant help but laff... did u all see the latest post on passion's fb? i don't know who's akimme but she's funny
morning ladies!!!

i was up at 6.20am today. it's really horrid sleeping in school.. first the couch is insanely grimy, and it's so hard and inflexible. secondly, the aircon was at arctic temperatures.. i can't wait to get back for a proper nap omg.

great thing is, we just finished breakfast! drove out to da bao MAC'S (*nudge*claire*nudge*) hahaha and bought some curry beehoon too. best of both worlds..

can't wait to kill off this weekend that started with work!! going to be back, hard at work from mon-wed.. MUST. ENJOY. WEEKEND.
pissed!!!!!!! jus now overheard my mil talking to my sil. she is saying grandpa keep complaining that other grandchildren never visit him, blah blah blah. then he always praise my sil bringing him out to eat. Oh please!!!!! everytime is share between my dh and her, why only praise her! we got give money for him to spend, go there and have meals with him, my sil only go there once a while. so gg once a while then will be appreciate by ppl
hi wish,
i tt liao...
oh dear... *hugs* ignore ignore ignore...
relatives tongues will wag wag wag.... they like to talk....

hi yaataa,
nice... omg, my side like thunderstorm... but no rain yet...
my side is raining heavily. planning my itinerary now, my god it's so difficult. who went Tokyo before? can i ask if my itinerary is ok or not

yaataa, have a good sleep at home. nice weather.
<font color="aa00aa">hihi!
very nice weather to sleep at home now.

i will always draw the design i want and pass to my tailor.
i got 2 tailors..1 at tanjong katong complex and another at joo chiat.
both chinese ladies and their sewing skills very good.
the price will depend on the design..whether easy or complicated..it starts from $90 to $100plus..not inlcusive of fabric.
the fabric i go arab st myself to buy.

aiyoh..told u it would be uncomfortable.
have a good rest at home yah.

yup yup..ignore those relatives.
all so insensitive..talk without doing some real thinking.
sometimes old ppl like that ah..like my grandma always compare between my son and my niece.
i have learn to keep my ears deaf to such comments...if not i sure get angry one but wont get me anywhere..sigh.
i only went tokyo once with my sis and her fren..all girls.
but then we only stayed one place..never really travel. we only went shopping and eating and more shopping and eating. oh and the superb onsen.
the furthest we went is to mount fuji..hehe.</font>
hi lynzi, if i plan like below, ok or not?

Saturday 4th Dec
Touchdown @ NRT Airport @ 07.30am

Check in ard 3pm at sunroute shinjuku

Shop around hotel area

Tour Tokyo Metropolitan Govt
Odakyu dept store
Keio dept store

Sunday 5th Dec

- Department stores
- Tokyo and Seibu
- Uniqlo

- Meiji Shrine
- Daiso Harajuku
- Yoyogi Park

Monday 6th Dec

- Sensoji temple



Tuesday 7th Dec

Hakone mt Fuji day tour

Wednesday 8th Dec

Disney land or Disney Sea

Thursday 9th Dec

Ghibli Mueseum


Friday 10th Dec

Tsukijj Fish Market

- Rainbow bridge
- Decks Tokyo Beach
- Venus Fort (Shopping)
- Odaiba Seaside Park

Saturday 11th Dec

7pm flight back from Narita
