2WW - for those TTC-ing

Thanks everyone for the encouragement.

angel_mummy I ovulated on 20 june.

sunbelle, I used to give priority to work n delayed my family planning. I even stopped tcc when I knew my fellow colleague was preg. when I was abt to ttc again, my hb was not well..im now in my late 30s. guess what? my boss (a lady) told me cannot get preg during this period cos we r shorthanded. v pissed.
I think your boss has no right to stop you from TTC ... That is outright unreasonable ! You should continue to TTC because this is your life :) don't let what she says affect you or your family planning in any way. When u finally got preggy, jus have to inform her :D
Agree with angel_mommy too. If worse come to worst, look for another job. I have seen bosses who are supportive if their staff going IVF, having to keep taking leave too.
I hope you keep trying and get a baby soon. With any of us gone, the company wont fold. But they would not know how sad we feel when we miss the chance to have a baby.
Thanks everyone for the encouragement.

angel_mummy I ovulated on 20 june.

sunbelle, I used to give priority to work n delayed my family planning. I even stopped tcc when I knew my fellow colleague was preg. when I was abt to ttc again, my hb was not well..im now in my late 30s. guess what? my boss (a lady) told me cannot get preg during this period cos we r shorthanded. v pissed.

I feel you. When a colleague gt pregnant. Another colleague asked on my behalf my boss wad if I got pregnant too. My boss immediately told her.. No she better don't get pregnant. It's very sad n sucks to have selfish bosses.
Hi all,

Any successful stories to share whom have endometritis cysts but didnt go for any surgery & able to conceive either naturally or via IVF? Thanks.
et2180, like you I have this endo cyst before. Causing great pain previously. Went lap by Dr Loh in 2009 that time he is still not famous yet. Been with him very long.

Yeah think will be dangerous if the cyst still there. Do u have adeyomosis ? I have so I dread time of the month.
My own cent of view : IVF is an expensive n emotional process. We should maximize the chances. The cyst might rupture even if you fall preggie. Quite dangerous.

I m also going for scan soon cos I have a feeling my cyst came back cos I brown spotting between menses.
Angel fairy: I married late. So everything was delayed. But what is important is look forward. Dun look back.
Wow can I request from dr to get F gonal? Though I x know how much.... What's the chances of striking after injection?
hmm. tat one i not sure. i did when i was do SO IUI. which eventually fails.
mayb u can check wif ur gynae..... but i need high dosage as my egg is super stubborn type. lol....
Hi Sunbelle,

My cysts r 5cm & 3 cm big but my gynea dun recommend surgery cos of scarring & low ovary reserve.. Yeah, can understand that thru natural means, will have lower chances but somehow, my fren able to conceive.. I did IVF in April but was a failure with no frozen eggs also.. :< Now nursing my health back first before deciding whether to go for round 2..
hello, is this consider O day?


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Thanks everyone for the encouragement.

angel_mummy I ovulated on 20 june.

sunbelle, I used to give priority to work n delayed my family planning. I even stopped tcc when I knew my fellow colleague was preg. when I was abt to ttc again, my hb was not well..im now in my late 30s. guess what? my boss (a lady) told me cannot get preg during this period cos we r shorthanded. v pissed.

Hack care your boss. When you are preg, what can she do? Jia you!
I feel you. When a colleague gt pregnant. Another colleague asked on my behalf my boss wad if I got pregnant too. My boss immediately told her.. No she better don't get pregnant. It's very sad n sucks to have selfish bosses.

I feel for u both too cos im workin in an environment where superior n boss do nt like ppl to take leave or mc..
I meant leave is all staff entitlement.. i was sharin with angel_mommy the other day too..
I felt that nowadays some offices is nt really family oriented types.. n govt kept on emphasis work life balances but whereas i dun see any worklife bal in my area cos both of them work till very late n they do hv their own family.. really pity their families n the one who takin care of their children (grandparents)..

So now my practice is report work on time, leave work on time too unless otherwise i will stay abit..

dun hv to really care whether they said can or cannot preggy.. once u r preggy im sure they cant do anything cos gettin pregnant is beyond our control n this is unplanned de ma.. if they dare to sack a staff who is preggy im sure u can report straight to mom..
agree w rainbowbb. the irony is some of these bosses fr hr practioners.

what is more impt is our family. nobody can replace them while companies can always replace a staff.
Trackin Bbt is like stock market.. up n down.. haha.. 'buy n sell'..

I will noe by tmr if im nt wrong.. Dpo14 today.. norm af will report between dpo12-14...

Ping chang xin!!!!
hi ladies, talking about ttcing & work, will you all tell your colleagues or bosses if you are going for IUI/IVF & keep them prepared mentally? As you all know, usually IVF will need to be on hospitalisation leave.
hi ladies, talking about ttcing & work, will you all tell your colleagues or bosses if you are going for IUI/IVF & keep them prepared mentally? As you all know, usually IVF will need to be on hospitalisation leave.

For me i will not inform based on e non friendly work environment im in and one of them will blow this to the other dept.. i dun wan to add stress onto myself during the period of iui/ivf..
Trackin Bbt is like stock market.. up n down.. haha.. 'buy n sell'..

I will noe by tmr if im nt wrong.. Dpo14 today.. norm af will report between dpo12-14...

Ping chang xin!!!!

Good luck rainbowbb!
Mine too.. that day my husband saw my chart then he was saying, wow, like stock market.
My temperature has been low... Till now my BBT has not identified that I O... unless the temp increment is that small.. sigh.
Good luck rainbowbb!
Mine too.. that day my husband saw my chart then he was saying, wow, like stock market.
My temperature has been low... Till now my BBT has not identified that I O... unless the temp increment is that small.. sigh.

Thanks gal... i placed e chart im plottin on table so my hubby can see n will comment those days that went dwn.. but it will up next day..

So now i jus ping chang xin..

This 2ww is really a torture to me.. fatigue almost everyday n can KO soon i on my bed.. back sore on n off.. craves abit of the days.. (.)(.) on n off felt heavy..
N now all gone i think the witch is on her way ba...
No crampy feelin but only twitchin pain on right side..

Ur temp is low? U slp in air con room? Try to wear socks too..
Thanks gal... i placed e chart im plottin on table so my hubby can see n will comment those days that went dwn.. but it will up next day..

So now i jus ping chang xin..

This 2ww is really a torture to me.. fatigue almost everyday n can KO soon i on my bed.. back sore on n off.. craves abit of the days.. (.)(.) on n off felt heavy..
N now all gone i think the witch is on her way ba...
No crampy feelin but only twitchin pain on right side..

Ur temp is low? U slp in air con room? Try to wear socks too..

As long as AF is not here, we can always hope. :)
I don't sleep in aircon room, I have ceiling fan on. Usually, I will try to wear socks... but sometimes with socks, temp lower. Last night I don't bother to wear socks then my temp this morning is higher than yesterday morning. LOL. Its okie, I just take my temperature as it is and let nature takes its course. :)

Jia you!
Trackin Bbt is like stock market.. up n down.. haha.. 'buy n sell'..

I will noe by tmr if im nt wrong.. Dpo14 today.. norm af will report between dpo12-14...

Ping chang xin!!!!

Cross fingers for you! I'm not so lucky.

I'm DPO16 today. AF should report on DPO18 and I think she will be on schedule this month.. Have been getting some dull cramps and some old blood stain.. oh well....
For me i will not inform based on e non friendly work environment im in and one of them will blow this to the other dept.. i dun wan to add stress onto myself during the period of iui/ivf..

I also have the same sentiments as you. In a working environment with lots of hypocrites around, I find it stressful to even let my boss know about it. Last year when I took so many days of MC, he already cut my bonus to half of others. I cannot imagine what he will try to do to chase me away (like my previous boss) if he knows I am ttcing.
I also have the same sentiments as you. In a working environment with lots of hypocrites around, I find it stressful to even let my boss know about it. Last year when I took so many days of MC, he already cut my bonus to half of others. I cannot imagine what he will try to do to chase me away (like my previous boss) if he knows I am ttcing.

Some people are like that, when they are not in it, they don't know the pain of others...
Maybe even we ourselves may make the same error without knowing if we are not the ones ttc-ing.
Maybe you just go about doing your things and IVF, can hide how long then hide how long, don't inform him.
I feel you. When a colleague gt pregnant. Another colleague asked on my behalf my boss wad if I got pregnant too. My boss immediately told her.. No she better don't get pregnant. It's very sad n sucks to have selfish bosses.

@darbi I tell you, this is reality de. So why bother to tell your boss if you are ttc? Only when you cfm preggie then tell. By then, too bad.
I also have the same sentiments as you. In a working environment with lots of hypocrites around, I find it stressful to even let my boss know about it. Last year when I took so many days of MC, he already cut my bonus to half of others. I cannot imagine what he will try to do to chase me away (like my previous boss) if he knows I am ttcing.

@bubbleblue1 WAH!! cos of mc, cut your bonus to others? Then if like this, I won't put in so much efforts for work liao. If that is how the bonus is going to be awarded. This is very ridiculous. If it's in other countries like UK, confirm will be sued for discrimination.
@darbi I tell you, this is reality de. So why bother to tell your boss if you are ttc? Only when you cfm preggie then tell. By then, too bad.

Yeah, I wont tell the bosses that I am ttc. My colleague happened to ask my boss and I am thankful, cos now I know what kind of person my boss is. The more I wont tell, then throw a bomb only when pregnant.
haiz...now I see my bbt chart, I also very confused. Before I saw TSB, my chart really like stock market - go up then go down then go up n go down again. I saw TSB on CD11 then took her med...from CD13 to CD16, I have alot of EWCM. I think I actually O on CD15. So if that's the case, today is only 6DPO? Long wait man
Honestly, I'm very confused about my O day. My bbt chart keep having ups and downs too. Then I saw TSB and took her med on CD13 and CD14. I started to have alot of ECWM on CD15 which is the day I seem to have ovulated. Since then, the bbt chart has been going up since then. So if CD15 is indeed my O day, today is 6DPO. Long wait man....

Hi, mine is similar like your's. Keep going up and down after my clearblue said I m at Peak. Then I also suddenly have EWCM/Watery CM after my supposedly O date...
I concluded that maybe this cycle I unable to O... LOL.
As long as AF is not here, we can always hope. :)
I don't sleep in aircon room, I have ceiling fan on. Usually, I will try to wear socks... but sometimes with socks, temp lower. Last night I don't bother to wear socks then my temp this morning is higher than yesterday morning. LOL. Its okie, I just take my temperature as it is and let nature takes its course. :)

Jia you!

Yup.. no red means hv chance.. red comes den will hv to be more hardworkin in e new cycle.. :)

Hehehe.. for me i rather see high temp cos its has been high for so many days den suddenly low i will feel abit down but i will tell myself do nt give up.. still early to know e final results..

Yes.. most imptly we hv to feel relax thru out e bd process n try to think s little s we can durin 2ww..hehe
Hi, mine is similar like your's. Keep going up and down after my clearblue said I m at Peak. Then I also suddenly have EWCM/Watery CM after my supposedly O date...
I concluded that maybe this cycle I unable to O... LOL.

@Piggling tell you the best part hor...when I saw TSB and showed her my previous bbt cycles. I see mine with up n down so thought I ovulate each cycle but TSB say that I haven't been ovulating for a long time because my temp increase don't maintain long enough then dip after 1-2 days. So I presume after taking her med, I'm beginning to ovulate cos my temp since CD15 never dip already. It's been going up n up.

Somemore, over the wkend, I felt severe stomach cramp which also made my back hurt and it was twice in the same day. After that, the stomach has been feeling crampy. Haiz, the symptoms of AF and early preg are just too similar that you can't even tell which is which. I tell myself, mustn't think too much and bank too high hopes. Later, even more disappointed.
@Piggling tell you the best part hor...when I saw TSB and showed her my previous bbt cycles. I see mine with up n down so thought I ovulate each cycle but TSB say that I haven't been ovulating for a long time because my temp increase don't maintain long enough then dip after 1-2 days. So I presume after taking her med, I'm beginning to ovulate cos my temp since CD15 never dip already. It's been going up n up.

Ohh.. if based on what tsb said, maybe I also did not ovulate... I also cannot maintain high temp, this is my first month taking BBT. I think my temp usually at most maintain two days up then come down... Sigh. Think I no hope le...
Yup.. no red means hv chance.. red comes den will hv to be more hardworkin in e new cycle.. :)

Hehehe.. for me i rather see high temp cos its has been high for so many days den suddenly low i will feel abit down but i will tell myself do nt give up.. still early to know e final results..

Yes.. most imptly we hv to feel relax thru out e bd process n try to think s little s we can durin 2ww..hehe

Yah, definitely is prefer higher temps de.. I also hope mine will be high but unfortunately, it is quite low...
I also have the same sentiments as you. In a working environment with lots of hypocrites around, I find it stressful to even let my boss know about it. Last year when I took so many days of MC, he already cut my bonus to half of others. I cannot imagine what he will try to do to chase me away (like my previous boss) if he knows I am ttcing.

This is too much.. how can they cut ur bonus jus bcos u took days of mc..
I suggest NOT to tell anyone at all.. nt even HR.. if they ask u just said is P&C.. this type of ppl will nt show concern de.. even they did they will aak u once n for all.. nowadays bosses are one kind.. my side oso.. thou i m nt doin ivf yet (once in my plan) im sure they will penalised me.. i felt my boss will treat my coll better than me cos she is single n available unlike me married n will hv kid.. so he will rather groom a non family.. thats how i feel n sense..
But come to think of it i feel he is very selfish cos he has a wife who gave birth b4 so he shdnt treat his staff in this way..
@Piggling tell you the best part hor...when I saw TSB and showed her my previous bbt cycles. I see mine with up n down so thought I ovulate each cycle but TSB say that I haven't been ovulating for a long time because my temp increase don't maintain long enough then dip after 1-2 days. So I presume after taking her med, I'm beginning to ovulate cos my temp since CD15 never dip already. It's been going up n up.

Somemore, over the wkend, I felt severe stomach cramp which also made my back hurt and it was twice in the same day. After that, the stomach has been feeling crampy. Haiz, the symptoms of AF and early preg are just too similar that you can't even tell which is which. I tell myself, mustn't think too much and bank too high hopes. Later, even more disappointed.

Its gd sign temp stays up after u O. Hope it cont this way till e day u are due for af n can test! Good luck :)
Cross fingers for you! I'm not so lucky.

I'm DPO16 today. AF should report on DPO18 and I think she will be on schedule this month.. Have been getting some dull cramps and some old blood stain.. oh well....

If no red means u will hv chance..
Old blood stain might be IB from ur last menses..
Finger crossed for u too.. :)
Finally my turn to see TSB this friday, waited for a month for her appt. :p

Hi, Celebrian, do you see her at Chinatown?

I noticed that TSB's consulting hours in Chinatown is only in the afternoon, does that mean we can only call them in the noon and no one will be available at the counter in the mornings? As I tried calling just now but no one answered the phone.

Hi Ladies! I miss u all & here I m.. I stopped coming to this forum for a while coz each time I share w DH what I've read here, he said I'll only get more stress up.. But I'm feeling alright & very happy to see many BFPs - we all know how difficult it is to get one!! Congrats all MTBs!!

I juz want to update & share..

Aft my 4th & last round of clomid in Apr, I experimented May w/o clomid but continued OPK & BBT.. I got +ve OPK for 2days thinking clomid has restarted my engine somehow but BBT did not shift up.. So I think I didn't O.. Made me think that I might have wasted my 1st yr on OPK alone (I was on regular 28 days cycle & detect O using CB digital).. So ladies here, u may want to use BBT to counter check OPK.. If it's too tiring or stressful, maybe try for a mth or 2 to confirm the understanding of ur cycle & O period..

(For me, it was during a blood test to check my hormones level that I discovered I'm not ovulating.. I get my monthly "menses" even though I do not O - I was shocked to know that initially.. Asked gynae b4 & surfed online to know that it can happen..)

I've since went to polyclinic to get referral letter to KKH, waited 1mth 1wk for my apptmt @ Clinic D near end-Jun.. Seen Dr, shared history & past test results.. Dr ordered Pelvis Scan & I asked abt HSG & she ordered for me too.. Glad that I'm taking a break & not working, I managed to take an earlier cancelled slot for Pelvis Scan & juz done HSG last Fri.. The scans cost me $65 & $80 which are really cheap coz subsidized - let me know if u wanna know what to expect & I'll share later coz this post getting long.. :p

Continue to jiayou evry1 !! :)
