2WW - for those TTC-ing

<font color="0000ff">Morning everyone!!

ya.. true.. coz last time I only did the test once.. then always cannot find my O! zzz...
eh.. u very cute leh.. cannot conquer 1 egg! whahaha..
but its true.. at times I also cannot find positive sign at all.. all negative de.. sian!

wahh.. u r like adding more &amp; more food to take to the list.. ekekeke..
eh.. I thot yday I read somewhere that someone say grapefruit might be too cooling? I did ask my TCM downstairs the hse ah.. they also said the same thing leh.. hmmm.. damn..

whahahahaha.. u r like a lion let out on a leash..
can BDBDBDBDBDBD!! lol..

I had soon kueh for bf today.. yummy but like too little.. coz me still not full yet.. whahahaha...</font>

berries, grapefruit drink is cooling?? damn...i just bought a huge packet of florida grapefruit from ntuc on tuesday -_-
Yaataa, yes the doc will deliver the swimmers to the doorstep but dunno if the swimmers will know how to knock on the door or not! Hehe. My gynae that day told me because my DH's troops normal form (morphology) is low, so sometimes they cannot fertilize the egg properly. N sometimes even after fertilize already, they will not know how to send out signals to the egg to implant itself into the womb properly. So I told my hubby that day: "Ooi, can u pls send me some troops that r not so dumb can or not?! I poke n poke myself every night, wake up so many of my eggs, my very finite source of eggs that will never be replenished mind you, n u send a gang of blur blur dumb troops who dunno what they r doing?!". Jia lat la, no wonder take us so long to conceive!
theoretically, a lot of stuff are cooling in nature, like bittergourd, winter melon, cucumber, even my fave chinse cabbage aka BAI CAI.. sob sob but so far even when i eat lots during #1, still ok. of course if possible then avoid :p

berries, i had fish briyani topped with a sunny side up!! ultimte indulgence... YUM!!
WAHAHAHAHHA bbcripps, i really enjoy your analogy! very humorous and fitting. i had the same case with hub. he has very very very low sperm count, so i told him please arm whatever troops he has with compass.. it is a long and hard journey, please don't get lost!!
blissfulsasa, hahaha.. *shy* have to be ping chang xin.. otherwise how to carry on with the journey right..

missy, *waves waves* Im your cycle buddy!! today is my CD10... waiting to the BIG OOOOOOOO....

My darling yaataa, at least u still tested +ve OPK right which is good liao wor.. wondering this cycle i can catch have my O bo cos my first Ovulation after the Operation still dun knw how much the operation helps..:p

bbcripps, jiayou &amp; dun give up.. how i hope IUI can help me lor.. cos the doc say i can only go IVF.. =.=" sian lor.. so we decide to try for 3 months natural then see how..:p

berries, cos i am a nun for 1 month lor... last time can continous le.. bcos of the operation and the AF hindering u can imagine like a vampire not drinking blood for 1 month lo.. wht will happen...!!!
Blissfulsasa: thx for the link but how much do they actually sell for each strip? 3 free 1 for $1, meaning each strip is just $0.25? Have u bought from this seller before?

Berries and Missy: grapefruit juice is recommended by vanilla04 here leh, proven and tested
try to leave the carton out of the fridge for a while then drink. It had lots of vitamin C though. Or drink only when u think it is your fertile week?

I'm on my CD18 today, haven't O yet as no EWCM. Usually my O should be ard CD21 onwards.... Or maybe even CD28? I really dunno..... Will just BD every 2 days from now ^_^
*waves hand at E-cups* have u started testing for your O? you can start today! hehe

TTCing: i think i will start to drink from CD10 onwards haha. hopefully it helps for this cycle. your O comes so late? CD21 onwards? actually i did not really monitor the trend of my O. don't when does it normally comes knocking on my door also -_-"
E-cups: U sounds like a tigress let out of the cage.. Haa.. Happy bding!! Ya I thk I responded quite well to clomid. I even had those ewcm before I O lo.. Haiz.. Now cm oso dun have not to mention ewcm..

Yaataa: yes.. Still in e mist of peeing and disappointing.. Arghhhhh!!!!! I like ur explanation too!! Lol

Berries: ya la.. Sometimes very demoralizing de leh.. But den will be angry.. Haa.. Crazy me.. Lol

Bbcrips: Ewcm I had it before. A few days before I tested positive for O. O is coming for u!!! feel so excited for u!! Sometimes I felt like, can someone catch e sperm n put it right next to the egg!! Then can save e hassle of bding!! Haiz... Can someone save me from this thinking!! Arrgghhhhhh!!!! No need to leg high high for 30 mins somemore...

Haa.. I like ur explanation.. Lol.. Anyway, how much speem did they put in each time? They will wash n take out those with better performance de speem right?
I m now on 2 days leave.... Clearing leave with no particular things to do. Hubby is too busy to get away so no overseas holidays for me
Just did housework the whole morning. My boss even suggested that I go Labrador Park or Har Paw Villa via the Circle Line to explore myself. Anyone been there yet?
missy, too early for me.. My O normally is about CD15-20 but after operation still dun knw the trend.. but will just monitor EWCM.. but i forever go this CM as &amp; when.. dun knw idsiit i need it sooo badly... lols *blushes*

I cant determine am i too wet or having EWCM at times.. bahahaha... but i normally have opaque white CM before the EWCM..but after O still as n when got CM..lols
<font color="0000ff">Missy,
I dunno ah.. coz I also bought a big florida yday.. zzz..

whahahahaahha.. u r sooo cute! kekekekeke...
I love wat u said! I bet ur hb must be laughing his lungs out!

wahh lau... fish briyani!! arrrrhhhhh...
I just had chicken rice with stewed lamb.. fatttttttttt

Amituofou.. Nun for a mth!!
now on a raping spree liao!! whahahaha

grapefruit if not cold not nice de.. lol.
anyways.. I will finish my Florida then see how..

I just send my O calculator to my Hb and tell him to take note..
he actually replied me with a ... (o_O).... (#_#III)... wahahahaha</font>
i usually have wet, like watery, CM before ewcm comes along. and usually only test +ve opk after i spot ewcm.. assuming ovulation occurs about 36 hours after positive opk, very often i don't have ewcm, or even much of cm when i am ovulating le. like that still can strike, so i guess it's ok ba!

ttcing, it's quite hard to walk to labrador from mrt, same for haw par villa. i used to love travelling to hort park area, then trek through southern ridges and end up at harbourfront mrt station. can eat inspirasi? aspirasi? the ayam penyet at the food centre opposite harbourfront centre to reward myself.. woohoo
i want to rant!!! kena backstab by people lor... PUIZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shit man... whtever i say is being magnify!!!! WTH!!
super ANGRY...
berries: I just drank some grapefruit after putting the carton out from the fridge. Still ok le. Not too cold, but a bit chilled.

Yaataa: thanks for your suggestion ;) I m still nuahing at home now after finishing my brunch. Just cooked marcoroni soup with small scallops, boiled eggs and mushrooms
My bf was just chicken essence and then grapefruit juice! Coz I
wanna finish my housework first, bathe then cook a proper

Think I will just take the circle line to MBS shopping mall to Jalan Jalan, then meet hb for dinner. He wants to have mutton soup later as he said mutton soup is good for men's fertility! :D

I'll consider gg to either holland village for brunch tmr, then Har par villa or Labrador Park. But Labrador Park is just for trekking right? Like bt timah hill? Where is Hort park? Heard b4 but seems inaccessible by mrt?
<font color="0000ff">yaataa..
eh.. walking to Hort Park is far man!! lol..
but since u got food as a reward at the end of the journey then ok lah.. kekek..

wahh.. what happened?
stab them back lah..lol..

just drank my grapefruit juice.. wahhhh.. sour like seow!!
my coll say grapefruit very acidic leh.. not meant for pple with gastric prob like me.. seow liao.... </font>
Berries: I just drank the grapefruit juice too, coz mine is expiring today! Think certain citrus fruits eg lemon, orange and grapefruit, though sour and acidic, once consumed, will be alkaline. Good if u wanna conceive a boy. If body too acidic, ur v-area might even kill off potential soldiers who might not be able to even enter into the grand C-entrance and upwards.

Yaataa: Labrador Park and Har Par Villa are now easily accessible by the new Circle Line MRT. I'm now off to Har Par Villa by the CCL for some "me-time" ;)
TTCing: nope i haven purchase yet.. but seems to be realiable ba as seen from the review?
will be purchasing from them soom..

GOod morning ladies

Gonna have a whole day meeting n the sky out there is getting darker and darker le! zzzzZzzz
good moin ladies...

after a discussion with my hubby and my buddies.. they say let it be a lesson.. dun be so outspoken! lols
so have to case closed.. anyway.. i have yet to take any OPK.. whahah today is CD11
morning ladies!! ecups naughty! better start to take opk liao. are you still seeing tcm??

ttcing, do give feedback on your walk!! i loveeee going for long walks. i miss my childhood days when my parents used to take the whole family to haw par villa. especially loved the boat ride through the levels of hell. never failed to fascinate and scare me in equal measure!

i had vegetarian bee hoon with curry veg this morning! shiok shiok. waiting to head off for bak kut teh lunch later ^_^
Yaataa: completed the "walk" in Har par villa in just an hour. Free entrance now but no more boat ride but just a short walk though *disappointed*

Continued my journey down e CCL to ....... Holland Village for food!!!
ecups, perhaps can try tampines since you have been with dr zou some time. i very bad tcm buddy, supposed to go with bunny but hub unsupportive every time.. dislike dislike
<font color="0000ff">Good morning ladies..

Its Friday!!!! Cannot wait man! kekekee.....
The weather today is damn good to zzzzzz in.. kekekeke..

I am longing for Bak Kut Teh leh. .. Yaataa!!
arruughhh... </font>
Wow... So many talking early in the morning!! lol...

TTC-ing: u went walking in Har Par Villa? So hot!!! lol... Jus by thking i feel like sweating le... -_-'''

E-cups: Haiz.. sometimes life ar... Start taking ur OPK soon!!! Hope u find ur O soon... Mine still missing... haiz...

As for me, i wanna book appt to see Dr Benjamin Tham lo.. But then the appt is the following week!! OMG!! Super far la.... I wanna check whether am i O-ing if not den i wanna induce my menses le.. No point wasting my time...

So i tried Dr Yvonne Chan, also same thing... next available appt is 14May.. So far... -_-''

Then i tried Dr Sim Lee Ngor, also same thing..

So i tried Dr A L Lim, so he is available next tues.. haa.. So looking forward to him la... I mean my appt... hee..

I find tat Dr Yvonne Chan charges r on the higher side. 1st consulation $95 and above without GST. Scan, $85 and above without GST. Quite high side.

Dr Benjamin Tham, 1st consulation is $100-120. Scan: $80

Dr Sim i cant rmb le.. But Dr Lim de, quite worth it. $85-120 include scan le... But medication and further detail scan are not included le... =)

Hope Doc can scan and tell me I'm normal and O-ing SOON!!! That's wat i wanna hear most.. If not i wanna induce my menses le... =) Pray hard!!!!!
berries, this chilly rainy weather is really best for hot soupy stuff!! arghhhhh can't wait can't wait!!

vanilla, I CALLED BEN THAM THIS MORNING TOO~~ ya so packed eh!! i want to check i'm all systems go.. earliest appointment is thursday right? i asked can have later appointment ma, recep says he hardly see past 3pm.. and i got work lor

managed to get an appointment TODAY!! with my ex-gynae dr michele lee!! 4.40pm.. hope she says nothing wrong with me!!
yaataa: The next available appt is 14 may lo.. They gave u this next thrusday? I nearly fainted!!! haiz... So no choice i gotta see another gyane..

Cuz i jus wanna check my follicle.. Hopefully it is alright.. So i guess which gyane also doesn't make a diff ba... Jus wanna get my O back.. So i can continue my ttc-ing journey, I had waiting for nothing.. Dunno when will come.. haiz..

YEDSH!! I'm inpatient!!! =(

Anyway, u going to ur previous gyane today? Good luck ya... Hope everything is alright for u.. =)
bring my own lunch box n lunch in alone.... haiz... after all the 江湖险恶。。

im not doing anything at all... should i go and see the doc and check the follicle?
E-cups: huh... like so lonely leh... =( nvm.. u got us to keep u accompany.. haa..

Ur jus Cd12 today rite? Still can wait for O to come..

Mine is CD22 liao leh.. Still no seeing O.. So i thk i took 1 of the lady advise go to gyane and check my follicle.. See if I'm O-ing already or not. If not den i wanna induce my menses and start on clomid le.. Dun wanna waste time to wait for O if it is not gonna appear..

Another thing is i dunno how long is my cycle de.. my menses before preggy is super irregular kind. Can only come twice a year. And i strike on my 1 cycle on clomid. So i really dunno how long is my cycle... So this is really bothering me... =(

Anyway, i'm so looking forward to tues for the appt!! hee.. Gonna get an answer so dunno to wait le.. How i wish i'm in 2ww... haa... Miss the 2ww!!
Dear Vanilla, twice per year! wow.. same like my cousin but she manage to strike n got a bb boy nw.. so u also can do it! Jiayou ok...

For me, im used to get kena backstab cos jus im the apple of my boss eyes.. previous company also like that.. i just dun understand y they so jealous lo.. if want to kick me then prove to your boss that u can do better... haiz... Im CD11 now and sipping my cold pink guava juice from sunkist..opps..:p
harlow =) meeting is over! thank god!

wah, y both of u appt with gynae is sooooooo far apart! seems like pregnancy rate is v high this yr ar?

e-cups: saw ur posts being backstabbed! cheer up! dun feel sad.. i noe how it feels, i got it not once but a few times
dun feel lonely, me too bring my own lunch box n lunch alone, pretty lonely and i hv been doin it for mths coming to a yr!

jus rem,
the things u do will mk ur happy
other ppl's stuff doesnt concern u, u need not to get upset / angry!
E-cups: ya la... TWICE only la.. haa... Somemore even if got mense oso doesn't mean u r ovulating lo..

I very positive if i can O i can get preggy SOON!!! haa...

Life ar... really got pple like tat de leh.. Den got those hypocrite pple ard u la..... I mena i got hyprocrite pple ard me.. haa.. opps...

I oso been drinking cold drinks... opps.. haa.. naughty us!! keke.. =P
oops, i cannot make it due to work, guess will stick to thursday appointment with ben tham
tuesday got slot with michele lee but i am booked for reiki healing at 3pm.. work hard work hard, hope it pays off with a nice healthy bb!!!

blissfulsasa, yes i think too many preg and bb le!! till no time for appointment till so much later!

today very guai, just had 2 cups hot milo and one warm chrysanthemum tea.. *pat on back* hahahah. vanilla jiayou!! my previous cycle i positive opk CD29 but still bfp! although mc but i believe it was just a once-off :p
Hello ladies, I'm officially in my 2ww, back to the 14 days of reading (way too much) into every pull or twinge or ache my body makes! Hee. Shall try not to think too much.

Berries, ya my DH was laughing when I scold him. Then he can still say his boys never knock on the door cos my egg very unfriendly wor! So I told him last time when we first met I also super unfriendly he can so thick skin keep on bugging me so now why his boys so shy?! Haiz ya.

Castiel's mummy, good luck for your gynae appt! Hope he finds a big fat beautiful follicle n u can O soon! For the IUI, they usually wash the sperm, filter out all the debris n the non-moving ones, n inject the balance end product into the uterus. Usually the vol is around 1/2 a tiny tiny test tube. According to the lab report, today we had 36.7 million motile sperm post wash. My DH's troops look a bit better today, motility improved fr 61% to 76%, n morphology (normal forms) improved fr 2% to 5%. He's damn pleased with himself lor *roll eyes* Think it's the vitamin B, C n E I'm feeding him.

Am going to try to relax for the next few hrs now (as hopefully the troops r strategizing how to approach my eggs n gain entry!). Gonna have to try hard not to think abt work or check the market (occupational hazard)!
<font color="0000ff">Vanilla,
cool.. come tell us after ur visit to Dr Sim..
eh charges quite reasonable leh.. u know the Dr Ang which I was asking around?
Her Cons :$90-120
Ultrascan : $100-$120
wahhh like very X man!!!

ya man.. nice weather to zzzz in..
Tell us more abt ur visit to your gynae later..

oh.. u &amp; me in the same situation leh!! arruughhhh.. such idiots!!!
haiz... heng is my boss understand &amp; stand by me..
I guess that is the most impt.</font>
<font color="0000ff">bbcrips!!!

Good luck!!! Keep us posted!! Me like just starting of new cycle.. arruughh.. Y sooo long!! CD7 today only..
whose my buddy?</font>
Blissful: ya.. I thk everyone chionging for e dragon tail bb la.. Haa.. So pack!! I have to Wait till 14 may.. I can't wait!! Haa

Yaataa: Wah.. CD29 ar.. Rats long... I hope I sun have to wait tt long..

Bbcrips: I really feel ao excited for u la.. Haa... Keep us posted!! Ya.. I hope can see 1 big big healthy egg lo!! Haa

Berries: I not going dr sim.. Her appt oso very long la.. I'm going Dr AL lim.. Wah.. Ur female dr Ang charges also quite ex leg... Dr lim de inclusive of scan leh..

Anyway, I thk e-cups quite near u.. She should be CD12 today.. Not very far apart..
berries, hopefully my boss can understand me all the way... lols

yaataa, why are you going around making gynae appts???

Vanilla, u make feel like going to go for a O scan as well.. lols they say that can make the egg to O one leh.. but must inject la..whwhahaha
<font color="0000ff">Vanilla..
ya lor.. like sibeh X lor.. zzz..
eh.. u go to ur Dr Lim then tell me how is it ok? keke.. must go for economical one..

CD12 quite far leh..

u r CD9.. that is near.. kekeke..

so far how ur boss react? </font>

missy: me too.. cant concentrate at all.. my mind was going home! gonna have subway for my dinner!!!

counting down a week to my AF reporting

yesterday while was standing on the train, had a sudden cramps.. mad! was so wanted to ask the person to give up the seat to me.. wahahaha but i didnt la.. kekekeke
sasa: subway! nice! hehe i like the cookies haha

that's the sian thing about being a woman. AF reporting! all the cramps, sore boobs, mood swing etc hahahaha.
those in 2ww just ping chang xin... relax..maybe it will turn out a surprise...

berries, near la near la.. 3 of us cycle buddies la..whahaha.. just that missy is in between nia..

Oh ya... im not testing my OPK yet cos i still not getting mt some stretchy CM... so maybe wait for a feqw more days...:p
yup.. goin to hv cold cut trio, honey oat bread! yup.. agreed their cookie is nice esp white choco with macademia. yumsss

ya lo.. i sure have PMS de.. n its b obvious de.. i will be v v v v moody de.. sigh
i hate the ppl!!

ya u can ask me to put the notice on the boa rd
i only tell u nicely dunno hv space to squeese anot, den u cant jolly say nicely tk out the old ones

y must u phrase it "how can it be space, just tk out the old ones la"

damn idiot shit man!
e-cups: urs still early ba... normal 28 day cycle de only O btween CD11-17... So still early for u..

Anyway, aft birth i dun have those ewcm but i still tested positive for O...

berries: okok.. actually, i just wanna check my egg. So doesn't matter which gyane i go but i wanna go test test see which one i comfort wif.. but those i really wanna try de all have to wait till 14 may!!! which is so super duber LONG!!!

I hope to save some MONEY!! Hopefully i can test positive before i get to see him... heee.... =D

Anywya, i heard Dr Lim dun have package de leh.. Its on each time basis... U go see him consulation which include scan...

blissful: i love their SUBWAY MELT!!!!!!!!!!!!! drooling!! haa... =D

And who are the ppl??
<font color="0000ff">Ecups..
dun say u lah.. me also havent started OPK, no CM yet too..
think not soo soon.. have to wait somemore.. kekekeke

I m falling asleep at work man.. yawn..

I see like u &amp; the noticeboard very the "you yuan" always noticeboard here noticeboard there.. aiyah.. Friday liao.. dun bother so much..

I need a bed now!!</font>
vanilla: ooohh... i dun eat beef.. so my choice v limited, cold cut trio, tuna, these 2 are my favourites!!

the staff in my dept!! the one who backstabbed me also.. he, the one go tell tales i nv do work, always online.. WTH.. which eyes he saw it.. even i did that, i m using it durin my lunch hr n my phone what.. doesnt get into his way at all..

v sian.. its fri n i get this crap! tears rolled out, after that i went out to cool down.. somehow i hv the urge to throw immed!

berries: what u mean "you yuan"? u also doin tat?

actually now i v low profile liao.. i keep to myself most of the time.. i dun wan to talk to them at all just in case get backstabbed again.. m v careful with my words too!
to me quiet is the most powerful weapon on me!


sorry for my rant.. really want to rant it out!
