Sunbelle, Kadice, in the beginning I was also having trouble producing sufficient milk esp when my son goes through his growth spurt periods. Those times, he had to latch practically every hr! And he latched for almost 40-60min each time, so I was practically latching round the clock
Not only were my nipples painful, I started feeling depressed and adversed to bf. Every time I hear him make noise wanting to latch, my heart would sink. The only reprieve I had was a few hrs in between when he slept or when I had no choice but to give him formula after my breasts were emptied and exhausted. I was unable to store any amount of milk. But things slowly got better after the 2nd month when I tried to pump more often after latching. I forced myself to pump at least 2x a day and I also took supplements like calcium and fenugreek. Slowly my pump amt increased, now I produce 180-250ml extra (total per day) to store on top of latching. Don't give up yet.. keep pumping and latching, and drink lots of fluids (I like to drink Horlicks). Things will get better. If I can do it, you can do it too.
Shawnjas, my schedule is roughly like this right now:
Latching: 11pm (last feed), 3.30am, 5.30am, 7.30am, 9.30am,11.30am (nap after this), 1pm, 3pm, 5pm (nap after this), 7pm (sometimes skip this if he's too tired and sleep through till next feed), 9pm
Pumping: 8.30am, 12.30am
My son drinks about 100ml per feed normally. At night for the 11pm last feed, I normally give him a bottle of 120ml ebm and then sleep latch him as he would refuse to sleep unless I lie down with him

When latching, he now takes about 15min on each breast compared to 20-30min last time.
Re pumping after going back to work, I plan to pump at 7.30am and latch before going to work, then pump again at 12pm and 4.30pm, reach home by 6.30pm and latch, continuing the schedule as above. Hope this helps..