(2012/06) Jun 2012

u all nvr migrate to fb? how come chat different topics here??

LOL. i just pop by see u all still so active but i can't connect who is who w/o face.


I'm new here. My #2 was born on 18 Jun.

deebee : I did sleep training for my #1. Developmentally not ready till after 4 months. Recommended to sleep train from 6 month onwards but can try at 4 months. I trained #1 when he was 16 weeks old. Took 3 days and after that we could just put him in his cot and leave the room. Now he is 3 years old and it is still easy to send him off to bed :)

But not many can go through with the controlled crying method which I used.

#2 also needs to be carried to sleep and if I put him down, he wakes up. Naps very little but at least he sleeps through at night. Must be too tired. Lol!

Hang in there. I'm waiting for #2 to be 4 months old to sleep train him.
Petrina, I also cannot connect who is on fb and here. So those on fb are on from this forum? *blur* haha...except u..coz u use same name. Just realised winnie is smilez..For eg, Nattan, sunbelle, groovy.. I dunno who they are on fb leh

Cyn, ya I rem many mummies staying in the east here. But on fb, mostly organise in sengkang, serangoon for meet up. I also stay in the east...

For bedtime now, I'll usually wipe her down and change her then feed her. Afterthat, I'll leave her in the cot and she will fall asleep on her own. She started falling asleep on her own i think a few weeks back. If she's really tired, sometimes, she falls asleep while drinking. Before that, I needed to carry and pat pat pat, walk walk walk (sometimes take so long!!). I think it helps that her day naps are not that long (max a total of 3-4 hours) and the rest of the time she's awake so by 7-8pm everynight, she's ready for her bedtime.

I didn't intentionally try to train her but somehow she just could do so on her own or maybe her day/night body clock has kicked in by now?


Maybe should restart a post on FB to identify ourselves and our nicks again. :p

Yeah, most of the meetups are in northeast and quite out of the way for me. Plus I haven't tried going out with baby alone yet. haha...


Are you on FB too? Does your SIL stay nearby?
Mommies who are already working, how did you do it everytime you leave home? I cry everytime I want to leave and even the night before, knowing I am going to work will make me cry buckets.
I miss my baby so much!

My Mom said sometimes when I was at work, she cries looking for something (probably me). Heart pain.. Thought of leaving my night shirt for her to smell, but I'm afraid it'll be worse.

Between, where can I go to buy the soft story books?? She loves to be read and even responds when we read to her.

My joint pains are subsiding, but still there. I guess it'll take time to heal.

I hope all mommies and your babies are doing well!
Hi smilez, i am not on FB leh..yeah heheh more active here hehehe your gal is pretty active hehe my gal has grown to recoginse people like me and my voice etc..

now having the issue of these few days wondering why she doesnt wan to drink from the bottle and keep wanting to latch on for my breastmilk. i am afraid if it continue then my care giver next time will have problems.

anyone of you has this issue huh?

eni : is normal to miss the baby. mi too..guess is all motherly instinct and motherly love...yeah jus tell yourself at night u are seeing her....develop more of her fotos and place at office hehhee :p
Hi Mummies,
Anyone liked Thomson Medical Centre's Facebook page? They are having radio give away contest, you can send your baby's photo in, my boy is no 9, please help to "like" if you join , thanks mummies
Sunbelle, I dun have such issue coz I am not on tbf. So he is also used to formula. But sometimes powder stuck at the teat, he can't get milk will scream like mad. So just have to soothe him

Eni: guess it is normal for us to feel attached to baby. Dunno how I'm gg to cope when I'm gg back to work. Funny thing is daddys have no such problem. Haha
i have the same issue as you.. how huh? i still haven't find the solution.. planning to change milk bottles to see how.. didn't have this issue with #1 last time.. a bit loss.. i thought they would prefer bottles since no need suck so hard.. that's wad i heard, since the teat flow is more steady and comes out on its own jeez!

i don't mind meet up in east? we organising one?? i need help searching for cc in the east too.. any recommendations from mummies?
hi kadice, is good that you dun have this issue. cos for past three days, she is drinking littie as my breast unable to produce to meet her drinking needs.

hi hope : lucki these two days i managed to trick her into drinking from bottles alreadly...
what i do is to let her suck from my nipples first then after 10 mins, i let her suck from the bottle...it works..u can try that

wonder how are the rest coping? i am not on FB group..can i ask a mountain question. if one join the jUNE MOTHERHOOD group in FB, can my bosses in FB see what we post huh? cos the reason why i din use so much is becos of that....

Is your girl still rejecting the bottle? Try feeding her when she's very hungry then maybe she bo bian and will start to drink. I only latch once a while and mostly bottle feed EBM so no issues drinking from the bottle.

So far supply has been more than demand and she has been drinking only 130ml per feed.

FB group topics are very happening and most importantly, no matter what time you post, surely have someone reading or replying. Plus we share pics there.

It is a closed group so unless your bosses asked to join the group, they won't be able to see what your post there.


I think the dads are used to it liao cos after the first few days they return to work and plus they not so hands on with baby so don't feel the attachment as badly as us.

You managed to get your soft book?
Did someone mention east side gathering? Where?

Jus brought bb for first vaccine this afternoon, cry alittle even though he has the numbing cream, he cries bcos of the medi injected n not the needle. But jus now at nite he kept crying n fussing, till 12am I can't tahan I give him panadol even though no fever then shortly after I bf him n he fell asleep. Keep my fingers crossed for tonight!
oh ya, for ppl asking to join, pls mention your forum nick.. in case there r strangers..
cause we have all photos there. for security reasons.

once identity is confirmed, you will be allowed into the club.
Hi I got a question..will fellow fb group members be allowed to view each other personal profiles and info? Or do we have to be friends besides joining the group?
Ssmilezz,I bought the "mirror me" book recommended by one of the fb mum instead. Try if he likes,then I would buy soft book next

Cyn, if gathering in the east..I want to join too! Weekdays are good.
Hi, can the mommies share how is your pumping schedule on working days & weekends when back to work?
Also how much is your average supply? Tks!
sunbelle, i have many of my baby's pictures(and Iphone video recording) with me, but sometimes seeing her makes me more sad lah.
Last week was my first week back to work. What a torture. Cried so much.

kadice, it is hard for me to be away from my baby. I agree, guys may find it easier. I think us women are more emotional. Our maternal instinct is very strong. When I leave for work, it feels like I am leaving my heart behind. Everyday, I look forward to coming home to her.

hi shawnjas, I am also still breastfeeding. First few days were a bit haywire. I pump once when I am work around noon. This is my schedule roughly. Hope it makes sense to you.
At home I pump at around
5-6 pm (when I come home from work)
9-10 pm (before going to bed)
1:30-2:00 a.m (when baby is awake to feed).
5-6 a.m. (when she wakes up and I'm up to get ready)
I make sure I have 5 bottles ready in the fridge before I go to work. Each bottle contains 80ml.
At Work I pump once at

So far this schedule is working for me, but a couple of times I didn't pump at 5pm because I chose to directly breastfeed. Same also around 5-6am, sometimes I direct breastfeed her before I go to work.
Everytime I pump, I get around 150ml. Sometimes 100ml.
Good luck, it wasn't easy for me at first, but it is getting better.

WEEKENDS, I pump more and last week managed to freeze a bag (160ml).
Eni, thanks for your sharing....
If u latch for both feeds (5pm & 6am), does she empty both sides? How many feeds your Bb drink per day? Do u prepare refrigerated milk for the 5 bottles? Bcos seems the amt u pump is just sufficient only... Pls advise if I m wrong...
Pump at work - 11am & 3pm (total daily - 450mls)
Latch at home - 7pm, 9pm, 11pm, 3am, 6.30am, 8am.

My gal drink from bottle - 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm.
60mls each. 300mls total.

I store my milk in bottles, 120mls in 4 separate bottles. I put in freezer in ofc. Then bring home, put in refrigerator in locklock container.

I work monday - thursday as i save my last 4wks as flexi. So every Thurs i store my milk in milkbag for easy storage in freezer in locklock container to prevent ontamination.

Every sunday, i'll bring down my frozen ebm using the oldest. Monday she will drink fbm. Tuesday till thurs drink fresh ebm.
Friday till sunday i fully latch home or bring her out. I don't pump. I leave my pump in office.
I detach myself from my girl very easily. Dunno y..
My boy wasn't easy. I resigned cause i can't bear to leave him.
But this girl i wanted to go back work. I only miss the freedom and the hugs.
Perhaps cause i know she is in good hands so i very relax.
I prepared alot videos n photos. I stick all her photos on my cubicle wall but i find myself too busy to think.. Only pumping then sit n think of her.
wow petrina : i admire the amount of effort you put in breastfeeding. looking at your feeding schedule. think you have littie rest.

yeah just to ask hor, i seldom facebook, if all the postings i made to the group hor, post fotos will other like my kapo collegues whom are not in the gp can see huh?

hi smilez, yes my gal resume rejecting the bottle again yesterday. very very shack leh....cos super tiring to always latch on til sore nipples and when go outside might not be easy to find a room.

went to buy NUK teats to stimulate the shape of nipple hopefully she will take it.

yeah jus wondering what are the tins that u all provide to baby sitter besides, milk powder, diapers, wipes, baby clothing, all the creams etc huh? first time mum here so din noe what tins to really provide.

yo, anyone send baby to interesting classes in parkway huh? if yes, we can enrol together next time. i also dunno what classes are good for baby hehee

i jus let my baby go water spa at marine parade and helps to strengthen her legs..hehehe
i mus admit is pretty expensive but the joy of seeing her happie in the pool is indescrible.
hi Shawnjas,
When I direct breastfeed her, it's usually both breasts, but she seldom empty the last breast, so what I do is I pump and empty it.

My girl feeds every 2 - 3 hours, but sometimes she could sleep for 3.5 - 4 hours straight. We always make sure to wake her up to feed and never let her sleep more than 4 hours because once I let her and when she woke up, she immediately wailed in hunger. It scared the heck out of me.

On average, she feeds about 4 or sometimes 5 times from 7am - 5pm. AND another 4 or 5 times from 7pm - 5pm. AND I make sure I pump 5 times and if lucky 6 everyday.

Roughly within 24 hours, I pump and produce 750ml and
My baby feeds about 640 ml (8 times in 24 hours).
So far, thank goodness I have not ran out of milk for her.

The 5 bottles I prepare everyday is refrigerated. Yes, it is sufficient, but I also normally have about 100ml or so extra in case she wants more or if i am running late. The extra mls I gained from pumping more over the weekend.

Good luck. You'll get the hang of it.

Petrina, looks like you are in a swing of things with pumping and breastfeeding. That is great. I am getting the hang of it, but still nervous at times in case I can't produce enough. Seriously thinking of taking fenugreek. I was told and have read about it being a good boost to producing more milk. I normally eat and pump at the same time. Only sometimes when I miss her too much, I will "run" home during lunch time to pump and eat infront of her. At least can see and kiss her.

Hi Mommies, have you tried fenugreek tablets before to increase milk supply? My Mom told me since I am pumping sufficient milk, why would I want to add more?

Hi bzmommie, welcome. I am also new here.
I really envy all you mommies who can do total bf. I'm already taking BOTH fenugreek (advised by LC) and domperidone (from gynae), and I still have to supplement 90ml of fm every evening.
Petrina: I admire your effort in feeding almost every 2hrs... Mine is 3hrly & I already feel tiring... But however, latch is much much easier than pumping... But no choice have to resume work so have to pump.... I have just started pumping this week so abit stress & worry as the amount expressed not as I expected... Seem latch is still the best pump.

Eni: if u pumping enuff, think don't try fenugreek first as some ppl will have side effects... And u will smell like maple syrup...

Let's jiayou to all all working moms in Breastfeeding!!!
Hi everyone,

I'm mostly a silent reader here, noticed some of you also having probs wif milk bottles, is this normal for bb when they hit abt 3mths? My daughter also rejecting her bottle
. PD mentioned that her weight gain is not ideal, but mentioned not to force bottle to her coz she might be having bottle aversion. Any ideas on what to do?

Btw I juz requested to join the FB group, FB name is noelle tan hee please approve.
mummies,I am starting to worry how am I gg to continue breastfeeding when I'm back to work. My feeding pattern different from all of you as I dun have enough milk and need to supplement. I latch most of the time for all e feeds(abt 3 hourly) then top up with FM..dats why having very sore nipples. I wonder if my flow is so slow that i latch abt 1hr in total each time. But this aside, my problem is the small volume I pump--at most 50ml each time

Weird thing is baby ok with this amount when latching on sometimes, but sometimes screaming with hunger.
So I need advices on how to continue breastfeeding when back to work. Night time I can latch. Daytime confirm can't latch, so continue to pump this miserable amount at work? Sigh.
hi kadice i am generating only 50ml same as you. not much milk to store summore lor....
i hve supplememnt with Formulae milk but these days baby dun wann bottle..headache.
Hi Shawnjas, thanks. I thought so too. Maybe I shouldn't take fenugreek just yet since I am pumping enough. What other side effects will I get? Hubby and I love maple syrup and I can't smell it

Kadice and Sunbelle, I'm sorry you gals are struggling with producing enough milk
I was like that in the beginning when my baby was just born. When I latched, like you Kadice, it would take about an hour and sometimes less than 2 hours, my baby wanted to feed again. I had sore nipples and sometimes cried when latching because it was really painful. I went to my OBGYN at NUH and she prescribed me with Calcium Supplement called Caltrate 600+D. I continued to latch and express my milk (every 2 hours eventhough the milk wasn't that much) and slowly, my milk started to increase.

How much does your baby feed at each meal? For me, even if it is little, I'll still pump. A few weeks before I started working, I sacrificed my night time (between 12am - 6am) to pump milk every 2 hours, after I direct breastfed my baby and empty my breasts to "send" the message to my body to produce more milk. Please do not get too upset if you cannot breastfeed exclusively. When I was not producing enough, my doctor suggested that I give my girl FM during the day and breastfeed during the night or vice versa. It wasn't ideal, but she said baby's formula is not bad and the bottom line is our baby feeds enough and healthily. As for pumping at work, I think if you still have milk, why not continue pumping. Every drop counts..
Kadice and Sunbelle, I'm like that too. Usually can pump about 60ml only. The max I've ever gotten is 80ml.

I used to have to supplement fm at every feed. After I started on fenugreek then domperidone, I tried to gradually reduce the supplement amount until now it's just 90ml of fm once in the evening.

I direct latch my baby as often as he wants. Sometimes it's as frequent as every 1-1.5hr. I read that some women do produce enough bm, but lack the 'storage capacity', so need to nurse/pump more frequently in order to meet the baby's daily requirement.

I guess I belong in that category. But yeah, it will be a headache when I return to work. Will just have to pump whatever I can.
Eni, the side effects of taking fenugreek are supposedly loose stools and smelling like maple syrup.

Personally, I didn't experience any loose stools. But husband did comment that I smell like herbs.

I heard that oatmeal also helps to boost bm supply. Thinking of trying that next, maybe you wanna give it a go too?
Oats boost bm. Milk too.
Try drinking thick milo hot only before n during pump. Continue red dates water.. Drink lesser chilled drinks. Take more fluids in general. Eat more meat. For those who can take beef, it helps alot!
Non beef eaters, take codfish, salmon, threadfin, tuna. Oily fishes WITH skin...

I tbf my boy for 3yrs. I dun wanna let my girl down. Besides i save alot on fm.. Just cant lose weight cause muz constantly eat to maintain milk production.
Cost is a big drive.. Hehe
Plus i c my babies so plump n healthy compared to some fm babies is also a big drive. I m glad i can provide for my girl the best there is.

bfing isnt for everyone. Dun take to heart if u cant but pls carry on if u can. Dun waste you ability. Every drop counts. Dont be sad if u need to supplement though i always believe every mom is built to bf. just be determined..
100% agree with petrina! The diet she mention does help with bm supply, not forgetting black beans also. U can either drink black beans soup or add them into ur red dates Longan drink. Or both. Plenty of hot soup is gd too. Those Milk meant for Breastfeeding mothers r also gd

When I was working last time, my pumping n latch schedule is almost the same as petrina except mine was 3hrly instead of 2.

Eni - if u already ve enough supply, u don't ve to take supplement to increase, u may overstimulate n end up with infection instead unless u want to pump n store as much as possible. Some babies do drink little, as long as bb not fussing n weight gain is normal, I won't bother.

Best way to increase is latch or pump more frequently at shorter interval.

Sunbelle, Kadice, in the beginning I was also having trouble producing sufficient milk esp when my son goes through his growth spurt periods. Those times, he had to latch practically every hr! And he latched for almost 40-60min each time, so I was practically latching round the clock
Not only were my nipples painful, I started feeling depressed and adversed to bf. Every time I hear him make noise wanting to latch, my heart would sink. The only reprieve I had was a few hrs in between when he slept or when I had no choice but to give him formula after my breasts were emptied and exhausted. I was unable to store any amount of milk. But things slowly got better after the 2nd month when I tried to pump more often after latching. I forced myself to pump at least 2x a day and I also took supplements like calcium and fenugreek. Slowly my pump amt increased, now I produce 180-250ml extra (total per day) to store on top of latching. Don't give up yet.. keep pumping and latching, and drink lots of fluids (I like to drink Horlicks). Things will get better. If I can do it, you can do it too.

Shawnjas, my schedule is roughly like this right now:

Latching: 11pm (last feed), 3.30am, 5.30am, 7.30am, 9.30am,11.30am (nap after this), 1pm, 3pm, 5pm (nap after this), 7pm (sometimes skip this if he's too tired and sleep through till next feed), 9pm

Pumping: 8.30am, 12.30am

My son drinks about 100ml per feed normally. At night for the 11pm last feed, I normally give him a bottle of 120ml ebm and then sleep latch him as he would refuse to sleep unless I lie down with him :p When latching, he now takes about 15min on each breast compared to 20-30min last time.

Re pumping after going back to work, I plan to pump at 7.30am and latch before going to work, then pump again at 12pm and 4.30pm, reach home by 6.30pm and latch, continuing the schedule as above. Hope this helps..
Hi Nattan, really inspired by your experience... just wondering, how long do you pump at each session?

I've tried to latch and pump, but I'm rarely able to complete a pumping session because the baby will be crying or fussing soon after I start. I'm taking care of baby alone, so no choice got to abort the pumping and pick him up. :-(
Hi bzmommie, I used to pump about 45min in the beginning. I use the Medela Freestyle, but previously I used to pump only 1 side at a time. A bit silly I know... My bm yield was also low, about 30-50ml per breast each time. Now I pump only 10min for both sides and my yield increased to 70-100ml per side.

Re fussy baby, make sure he is fed and cleaned before you pump, preferably when he's sleeping ;)
If you are into TCM, a physician I saw for my numb fingers advised me to drink more tonic soups like 十全大补汤or 八珍汤 to improve my blood circulation. He said actually bf is taxing to our bodies like having menstrual period, so we need to replenish our qi and blood supply with tonics or else we can feel tired easily. So now I try to have tonic soups 2 or 3x a week. Maybe that helps with increasing bm too.
Petrina, I salute u for tbf for 3 years..... Really strong determination!

Nattan, thanks for your schedule.

Seems many mommies already established Bb feeding schedule...
I still can't know his pattern yet cos sometimes he can stretch from 3hrs to 4/5hrs in the middle of night, thereafter, rest of the feeding time change again...
In the first place, did u all feed on schedule or demand to establish the current feeding schedule?

As increasing milk supply, I know that black beans, oatmeal, porridge, beer, salmon can helps... Esp, lots of fluid too...
<font color="aa00aa">nattan,
Your post reminds me that I still have some 八珍汤 herbal packs in the fridge that I've forgotten about.

So far, I only express once per day (at around 11pm to midnight) at most while latching for the rest of the time. Quantity is not much - ranging from 30ml to 100ml both sides depending on when the last feed was. So far, baby is growing well. My biggest concern will start when I return to work.

Anyway, for mums who are facing supply shortage, besides pumping or latching more, please endure till baby starts eating solid. This is because, some of them will reduce BM intake once they take more solids and you may find that your EBM becomes enough for them.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">And yes, black sesame seeds seem to help with my supply. I usually put a dash of it into my cereals.</font>
Petrina, I'm inspired by your determination &amp; Nattan, your experience is encouraging.
Now seems a bit too late to establish a higher supply of milk flow...anyway I would continue breastfeeding, even of it is partial. At least baby can get some nutrients from the BM.

Kadice, don't give up yet. If you continue to latch on demand your supply will eventually increase. I suggest you latch your baby before giving formula. At least you will not need to give him as much fm. Also, after the growth spurt period, your body will continue to produce more bm while your baby's consumption decreases, so you can pump some to store. As others suggested, you can drink more soups, eat oats and other foods to boost your bm production. At the very least the nutrients can be passed to your baby
