If it's your spinal giving you issues, do get it checked soon. Like what Nattan says, it should not be painful.
My wrist hurts like crap, it started during pregnancy and feels numb in the morning (some fingers). Doesn't help that we sleep in aircon room cos baby feels hot!
My veins are so visible and i guess my poor wrist is just overworked. Thankfully, I don't need to pat pat and carry my girl to get her to sleep nowadays. Previously, putting her to bed takes like forever and my arms would ache like mad. Now, she can fall asleep after her bedtime feed on her own. Thank god.
It's prob the angle of our wrist when we hold our babies or pet them. I will change sides - sometimes i use my left side to support her head, then next round, I use right side. Just rotate so that one side is not overworked.
I suggest you take calcium supplements. Nursing moms need to replenish their calcium. I am taking calcium, fish oil and Lactagreek (for BM) daily.
I haven't weighed my girl yet but at 6 weeks she was 5.3kg. I am pretty sure she is close to 6kg now coming to 10 weeks.
She's drinking around 6 times a day now. Around 120-130mlm
No leh, my PD says next jab is month 3. So we just follow what he says.
She did her first flip from her back to her front few days ago. I thought it's easier for babies to flip from front to back! Maybe it's a fluke. LOL! I haven't seen her doing that again.
I think the bond with our babies is so special. My hub says, my girl is always looking for me - when she hears me speak, she will turn to look at me (when I'm not carrying her), else she will be crying and fussing and my hub is trying all ways and means to pacify her and when he gives up and pass her to me, she stops immediately and smiles at me cheekily. aiyoh....
Is your girl able to sleep through the night yet?
During baby interaction time, I will usually sing/talk/entertain her. I leave her in the bouncer with soft book on her lap and she can stare and smile/babble non stop. Else I put her on the play gym mat, let her kick and look at the overhanging toys. She has started to swing her arms to hit the toys cos I keep using her arms to do that and it creates noise. I also leave her at her cot - she's very engrossed with her musical mobile and those soft books.