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*waving* It's good to hear from you too!
How is your LO now? Started to be more mobile?
Mine still can't crawl
I've not started mine on enrichment classes though some fellow parents have done so. There are programs like gymboree, Kindermusik that caters to young babies from 6 months old.
Since your wife is a SAHM, I think those 2-hourly or 3-hourly classes should be fine. There's no need to send your DD to half-day childcare service as the fees are not much cheaper than full-day service since they have to reserve a place for you even after your DD went home.
Which type of program will depend on your budget, convenience (accessibility) and curriculum (exposure) that you want for your child. Shortlist a few and call to enquire about the registration procedure, program outline, etc. You may need to find one that suits your DD's naptime, else she'll be cranky. Or, adjust her naptime.
You can also buy or DIY flashcards. There are lots of free resources online. Google for it. If you intend to buy, Popular book store have quite a wide variety. Personally, I think it's not necessary to get those with red words. As long as the words are large and pictures are clear, they're fine.
Or, try home-schooling? There are many websites that parents share their experiences and resources.
Bring your baby to parks, museums or even the beach to let her tread in the grass, sand, etc.</font>