First time mom-to-be. Pretty excited but anxious because of some prpblems lately.

Hi, I'm a mom to be in 2025 and am currently reaching the end of my 1st trimester I.e. 12w6d.

So far, I felt like being pregnant was amazing, like I'm growing this little one in me. So cute. So interesting. So amazing. I want to take this time to share my experience thus far.

Until about 1+ week ago, I had some mild spotting in the middle of the night. It was quite scary, cos no one ever said that you should see blood in your 1st trimester. In a span of 8 days, I had spotting 4 times which was very uncommon. I've not heard of anyone spotting very frequently. It was a mixture of brown and red. So the 1st time I spotted, it was most likely due to gardenella bacteria which the doctor immediately administered anti-biotiocs. Then she also gave me utroprogesterone which we didn't really know why but the doctor said it would help with the pregnancy hormones to grow more so I just listened and took the medicine accordingly.

So to share more info about utroprogesterone, utroprogesterone can be taken orally or vaginally. Only when I did vaginal insertion, the spotting/bleeding went away. When I took it orally, the bleeding came back. I shared this with my gynae and she advised for vaginal insertion all the way. So far, I've not seen any bleeding/spotting.

However, in a span of 8 days, due to bleeding/spotting, I was very anxious that going toilet to urinate became a phobia. Cos it was like I never know what I'm going to see. Am I going to see colour again or what. I sometimes cry then tell my baby it's not his/her fault, just want you to grow healthily and hope everything will be OK. I'll manage accordingly.

On top of that, I was also informed that I may have a risk of pre-eclampsia (an optional test if u take the OSCAR test) due to the hormone in my blood that's not within the normal range. Then my gynae advised me to take aspirin but however warned of potential bleeding. Then when I heard the word 'bleeding', I was like at this point I'm focusing at this point in time to make sure I'm not bleeding anymore so if I take aspirin I have to bleed again? Huh? Yep. Just felt like crying about it. At this time I cannot determined izz my hormones making me cry more than usual or it's the phobia of knowing I might bleed again if I take aspirin. I also felt that sometimes not knowing is for the best.

Then today, I've never experienced this before, a suddenly gush of clear odourless fluid (if anyone had such an experience in the end of their 1st trimester/start of 2nd trimester, please share with me!!), I was like what's this now. Is anything going to happen to my baby. Why is this happening. Got so worried that I went down to Thomson medical clinic to check. Gynae took a swap to check whether the initial bacteria that was present in my vagina was truly gone. Then checked and everything is fine. I don't have a short cervix as well.

I think at this point in time, I just feel like crying cos it's like so scary cos idk what is going to happen. I just hope my baby would be ok eventually.

My current thoughts right now are like whoa. How did mothers do all this without the worrying back then?? Or even nowww. Idk. But you know what? MOTHERS ARE AMAZING. Cos we withstand all these negative emotions while going through pregnancy.

So that's my journey thus far. I really hope my baby is ok eventually (so far all the times I went to the hospital to check for the times of the spotting and sudden gush of clear liquid, my baby is ok).

I also do think my current gynae is ok/not bad so far. Like I shared with her my worries on taking the aspirin and she was very patient and understanding if I didn't want to take at the moment. JUST. TOO. MANY. THINGS. ONGOING.
Totally understand your worries and anxiousness! I am actually taking aspirin and calcium at the moment for a month already (about 16 weeks now) and I did have my reservations before taking them but after talking to my doc, it rly does not have any side-effects other than easy bruising and bleeding. Also I am slowing down my movements and try not to go out as often as told by my doc that my placenta is a little low.

Baby will be okay~~ baby will feel mama's emotions also so baby will also anxious :( hope you will feel better as time passed~
I think my symptoms are similar to yours. About 11w plus, a gush of clear fluid down there but I didnt see gynae for this. At 13w, I had red spotting which landed me in A&E. The gynae said it is a threatened mc and advised me to rest. The funny part is she only gave me 1 day of MC instead of issuing me a few days of Hospitalisation leave.

I then researched all over and saw a post there one lady said she experienced the same, went to work and the last thing she wanted happened. She regretted going to work. It made me panic and I informed my company that I wanna take unpaid leave to rest. They kinda didnt believe me that why doctor asked me to rest but didnt issue me MC. Come on la, doctor wont give a lot of MC what. At the end of the day, we bear the consequences, not anybody else.
Hi, may I know is it normal to have whitish/slight yellow accompanied with clumps of discharge during pregnancy? this happened a few days ago. I'm about 4 weeks & I have also just had very light spotting with discharge when I went to pee. Would appreciate some advice pls.
