(2011/10) Oct 2011

any mummies change teat already? i'm still using avent 0mth and am wondering when to change? any mummy can share your experience?


pofy: ahha, what i did when they started nagging at 4mths was to give in halfway. i let them feed bb the rice water (pronounce "arh-m" in hokkien) that is in the rice cooker like slightly before the rice is completely dry up. so it has the nutrients of rice but yet is still in water form. can feed by spoon to train bb or feed by bottle (faster and less messy). as for cereal i will also wait till 6mths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrschun: yups, change quite some time already. now using the 4-6mths type, faster flow. bb kept crying last time when using the stage 1 teat so changed loh.

Rejoy28: some shave on 1st month and some 4th. For me I didn't shave my bb on 1st so 4th lo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


not changing yet.


I'm using rice water to make milk already but not sure if it's correct. Will ask PD next sat.

Same here my BB sometimes also will flip n slp side ways else he'll lie on his tummy while he flip during slp.. I also scare he might suffocate so I turn to his back.. yes he also like to suck his thumb n sometimes put 4 fingers in till wanna vomit but will con'd sucking!


I straight away switch from no 1 to no 3 when he turn 3+ mth.. so now he's 4mth he's still on no 3 teats. Initially MIL mention tat he drink till 'too rush' wif milk flowing out from

his mouth like will choke, ask us to try no 2 but we didn't buy anyway.. so we slowly train him then he's better.

Morning mummies!

I have been busy preparing myself to start work. Staring on Monday.Having mixed feelings.Feel like a newbie at work with so much changes that has happened over the past 4 mths.

Hope that I can continue my milk supply as I intend to bf long term.Seeing all the comments on mummies that started work really make me worry if I can sustain.

Winny- my bb now sleeping pattern is short naps day time and longer hours at night.


My bb just took his second dose of 5 in 1,rotavirus etc.He is 6.5kg n 61 cm.Finally I have an update on his weight n height.

But my next appt is still 2 mths later in April when bb is 6mths old. He will be taking his 3rd dose then.

My BB keep scratching his head recently n there was twice scratch his head till there r scratches n bleed! Now wearing back his mittens.. anyone BB also keep scratching e head?


Mine! I cut his nails but he scratch till bleed.ESP when he is trying to sleep or when he is frustrated he will dig his different his scalp!

Is their scalp itchy tat's y they keep scratching so hard? Wat cause e itch n is there a need to apply anything? I've tried putting powder but he still scratch n then he'll suck his thumb!!

Winny: my bb nw also same as forever81, short nap in the day, longer hr at night.

I ve fever on wed, n on fri, my milk supply drop like crazy... Usually, after 4 hrs, my breast wld feel bloated, bt on fri, it doesn feel any bloatedness at all.... Super super super sat...

I Brought my bb to have her head shaved and I almost cried when I see her cry. But luckily she's quite cooperative. Didn't really cry the entire process just abit here and then.


my bb sleep so much lesser. Naps reduced but night time still sleep late. Hope it's fine.

Morning mummies! Need some help! I have a "milk blister" on my right breast.It was painful when I bf this morning.any remedies how to cure it?sian! Going bk to work tomorrows and I must have it now.

Hi dear mommies! Anyone uses Rainbow or Delphin vacuum cleaners? Saw the Delphin demo recently and quite imPressed but would like to find out more from end users.

hey forever81, i had milk blister after i return to work too! theres 2 mthds that i used, coz apparently, this blister will cme back on and off...

1st time, i got my baby to suckle till he burst the blister...u will feel that the pain is relieved immerdiately, juz a tingling sensation...

my 2nd time, my boy din manged to burst it, hence, i used a clean needle to burst it...the milk will be ooshing out like crazy, but u will feel beta..however, this time i took longer to recover, as my nipple bleed abit as and when i latch on...esp the recovering process, coz the skin will be dried up...

i hav heard of frens gng to lactation consultant for help...


don't know leh. the scalp the last time i brought to pd he still got cradle cap. now no more but he still scratch. pd also didn't say anything when he say the bloody marks so i didn't ask much. next trip i go i will ask. but these days when my bb frustrated, he will pull own ears. sometimes he miss his ear then he will end up pulling his own hair and one batch will come off and next thing i know goes to his mouth cos he likes to suck his thumb.

i very upset. i don't know how to stop him from sucking thumb. my mil keep saying very dirty and its a bad habit. sigh


don't be sad. i slowly weaning off already. my milk supply drop alot. sometimes can only get 50ml so i accumulate to one feed. my hubby say so tough especially now i have to work ask me to stop. i very tempted but still trying to perserve like CoCo. But Winny is right, no need to pump can save alot of time. Nowadays after i bring baby back becos i pump i waste 30 minutes cannot be with baby but only get 50ml, i wonder if the trade off between 50ml of milk and 30minutes more with baby which is more worth it. sigh.


if u intend to poke yourself, make sure needle is clean and disinfected? i not sure can't advise much but at least i think needle have to be clean.


My BB like to suck his thumb too.. but we didn't really try to stop him la.. even sometimes we offer him pacifier he also dun wan.. I feel like applying BB oil on his scalp but scare he'll aft scratching his head he'll suck his thumb! Ya my BB also likes to do e same he'll pull his ear, scratch his head when frustrated.. even MIL also comment this BB a bit diff..

I told my Hubby my supply seems like dropping but he ask me to pump more often to.stimulate but it's such a waste of time n i can only pump in toilet...

winny: have read abt it in the past. most impt thing is whether u can take the time to use it frequently, cos its heavier than normal vac cleaner. and also how often u will use the wet function. so weigh the pros n cons first before u buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubblygeekypig : nv heard of itchy scalp leh. can try put baby powder? those lotion type so tt no powder particles flying in the air. i feel put oil will worsen cos the pores on the head will get clogged.


any mummies here giving FM for the night feed and BM for all other feeds? would like to check if like tt how long can the can of FM of like 800-900g last if only feed once a day?

duno if worth it to buy a can cos must throw away after opening for 4wks....

Creamdonut, my baby feeds 5 times a day and Wah time 4 scoops (120ml) and my 900g of milk lasts abt 10days. So can make abt 50 times.


I try putting powder on Sat then Sunday I saw still got e crandle cap so i hand itchy go remove for him Haha! Chk ytd so far still ok.. so i didn't apply anything shall monitor n c how it goes..


i also seen the delphin vacumn cleaner demo before. Find the price too steep (ard $1.6k) and instead we bought the dyson vacumn cleaner ($700+) which has similar end result ( no dusty air emit fm the vacumn cleaner) so far we r happy with the dyson.

Just went for bb fourth mth injection. She is now 7.8kg and ht 65cm. Nurse said my bb going to be overweight soon as she is now at 90 percentile. On the other hand we r worried bb be underfed as recently she is rejecting milk n we need to spent an hr to force feed. She also skipped the night feeding thus she only need 5 times a day 150ml milk....

Hi forever81, i did not poke very deep and din really feel pain coz the engorgement was worse haha...but pofy is right, u gotto make sure its clean...else i suggest u go lactation consultant for them to do it for u


i bought Rainbow - $2k+

costly but worth it as first generation model served my mom for 30 years before it conked out.

water based vacuums better as can trap dustmites. coz i have dog so can suck up furs and all around me is BTOs very dusty.


i bought Dentonix Cradle Cap shampoo. quite drying for bb hair. to get rid of the cradle cap - yellow scabs, i use cotton bud with baby oil rub on the cradle spots til it dislodge from bb scalp then shampoo head. this works better than shampoo alone.


my bb never shave at first month - snip abit only for tradition then 4th month shave left like 1-2 mm. his hair was sparse and some parts have some parts bald, so supposedly shave whole head will even it out and generate growth... hope so... looks very different now he is botak.....

Hi mummies,

Me will be starting to go back to work next week. Having mood swing this week. Getting more emo le. Haha.

My mil will be taking care of my baby who is staying opp my house.

Planning to still let baby drink bm. So will be expressing out daily. How much is enough? Cause me still latch on.

Hope this will be successful.. Cause predict that will have not

much time to pump. Plan to pump out during lunch hour. Will ask collegue to buy back for me lor.

What should I prepare to bring to my mil?


Hi mummies,

Me will be starting to go back to work next week. Having mood swing this week. Getting more emo le. Haha.

My mil will be taking care of my baby who is staying opp my house.

Planning to still let baby drink bm. So will be expressing out daily. How much is enough? Cause me still latch on.

Hope this will be successful.. Cause predict that will have not

much time to pump. Plan to pump out during lunch hour. Will ask collegue to buy back for me lor.

What should I prepare to bring to my mil?



Will use ur cotton bud method if I c it agn hee..


My BB since 3 mth doesn't drink much milk alr.. he only drink 70-80ml of BM every 2-3hrs.. n need to trick him to drink.. like when offer him pacifier when drowsy then pull away n offer him milk cos trying to bottle train him.. since then even latch on also diff..

Forever81: hw work?

Pofy: cause I ve very bad block duct, I spend almost an hr to use hot compress then pump out the milk, like u m thinking, is it worth spending tt one hr pumping n missing out the time spend with my bb. She has started to recongise ppl, today when I wan to play n carry her, she cries like nobody business n non stop, only wan the granny, cause once she carries her, she stops crying...

Hi mummies,

How's everything?


My bb started recognizing ppl when she was ard 3mths old... Now oso getting v obvious that she prefers my maid. Bb see my maid only will laugh and it's really laugh out that kind, not smile. Sigh, but I guess it's inevitable.


Anyone knows if there is any weaning talks coming up? I wanna learn more on how to giving solid to bb.

Really? Can they recognize ppl now? I tot only abt 8th mth then they start to choose who they want. Like that quite sad but like sweetsnow mentioned its inevitable.

What makes it worse is my mil puts her to nap beside her on the same bed everyday.

Yesterday I worked late and when I reach home my bb already fell asleep. I hope by feeding her in the middle of the night helps her to recognize my smell. But sometimes she wouldn't go back to bed after milk and I'm super tired the same morn... Like right now. She woke up at 3.45am for milk then wanted to suck pacifier and slept at 5.30!! Gosh!


try to endure n this phrase will past. My bb started to sleep thru the night when she is 4.5 mths. Thus the first 2 weeks of work was the most tiring period. Now we have better n longer scleep.

I think maybe cos my BB slp rather late n I'm e one who change him at nite so I still have e time to interact wif him when I'm back from work..


There's a baby fair this wkend not sure if they've talk on weaning.. I noe this fair is by mediacorp.

Sweetsnow and all mommies, I registered myself in dumex website and they sent me this. U might want to register too. They will send me baby's progress and information.


<dumex> Unsure of how to introduce semi-solids into your little one's daily regime? Call 18002653188 for a FREE complementary feeding guide! While stocks last.


Hope this helps.

Hi mummies,

My baby is 4 mths old.. She realli recognize ppl, my mum say slowly she will start to recognize house too..

How to stop her from sucking fingers? It's irritating to see her sucking, when I took her fingers out she will immediately put in again.. And the worst is she sucked her fingers to sleep.. When I pulled out her fingers --- so red!!!


Bubblygeek, my elder boy also stopped drinking milk when he was 3months old. In the end we dream feed him when he is almost asleep or even sleeping... He will suck very fast and finished the bottle. Awake, he will resist and cry and cry when we try to feed. Latching also dun want. I also give him solids from 4months onwards to supplement.

I am trying to drag my pumping intervals to 6/7hrs and not pump in the middle of the night. Any mummies do that? Will supply drop by alot?

My girl seems to be able to recognize familiar faces too. She loves her grandpa who takes care of her in the day and brings her downstairs to walk walk. Will do big big smile whenever he talks to her. Me, she largely ignores sigh. But I sang to her and I realise she is more responsive when I sing the songs she is familiar with.


Same here.. whenever my BB's awake v diff to feed him be it bottle or latch on.. so i'll try to make him drowsy 1st then feed him n yes he'll drink v fast. But dun think i'll supplement wif solids yet.. I'm wondering wat can I feed him wif 1st..

Im pumping ard 6-7hr interval at work, but at nite I jus latch him on. Think my supply slightly drop initially think due to work stress but right now it seems to be getting slightly better..

Mommies, went for my bb 2nd rotavirus today. Pd says can let her start cereal already not not to wait till 6 mths. She say I'm outdated. Haha! But not brown rice. Start white rice first. So mix a teaspoon in 2 of her feeds. Then slowly increase.

Also do not let bb stand in her legs as their legs not strong enough for their body weight.

Ok that's all I know for today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

I tried giving my boy (who just turn 5 months) cereal but he would refuse and scream. Anyone encounters this? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] do you put them in highchair when feeding solid? Cheers


Thanks winny for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so it's better to start by mixing e cereal into milk and feed via bottle or to feed via spoon?

Also ah, is there only 1 brand of infant cereal in the market now? I seem to only see one brand on ntuc website...

