(2011/10) Oct 2011

Hi mummies I've been dormant in this forum for a few weeks since I return to work. Not easy to cope between work and family. Changed my portfolio at work and feel so useless since I return cos I don't know a lot of things in the new portfolio and pple more junior than me knows more.

Been back to work for almost 4 weeks. 4 days ago my milk supply suddenly dropped! And these 2 days even worse. I'm only getting around 50% of what I used to have. Have been pumping ard 5-6 hrs since I return to work and was able to maintain the supply for the first 3 weeks. Not sure if it's due to stress and stretched pumping hours that my supply dropped so sudden and drastic. Anyone had the same problem?

Today went Ntuc to buy a tin of formula. Feel so upset that I have to supplement with formula.


mnm2009: my PD recommends a 3hr interval if pumping and not latching on, as the theory is that pumping extracts lesser than latch on. so if over a period of time, the body gets the signal that less milk is required (as less milk is extracted) then the supply will drop. supply drop might not be immediate, so that might explain why you were able to maintain supply for some time.

u can try taking those supplements like fenugreek or sacred tea to boost your supply...

Thanks Creamdonut. It's really not easy to pump every 3 hours at work. If I have no meetings on my schedule I still can afford the time. But I do feel bad that I'm taking office hours to pump. I wonder what my boss thinks if I leave my desk to pump every 3 hours.

How do the rest of the working mummies manage this at work?


I oso do not think its possible to pump every 3 hours at work. What will our bosses think! I only pump every 3hours in the 1st 2 mths after I gave birth. Now i pump every 5-6hours, total of 4 times per day (at 6am, 12noon, 5.30 pm and 11pm).

I'm doing sales so I'm oso under a lot of pressure at work n need to travel sometimes. I just hope I can continue to EBM as lOng as I can.

Hi rejoy - 2nd week back at work.i manage to survive my first week at work. Very tiring and stressful cos need to pump and want to leave on the dot.Everytime come bk after pumping so much emails to clear.


I also pump every 5 to 6 hrs at work, usually it's lunch time. I will latch on for the morning feed at 6 plus then pump before I go work ard 7am then 12pm,7pm, latch on at 9pm and pump at 11pm.

I hope my supply maintain.so far it's ok.

Mnm: ya I also find it hard to pump every three hours. So I just pump during lunch time (4hrs break) and another round in e aftn. The washing up takes up a lot of time also.

Sweetsnow: u are on full bottle feeding now? I also have hectic hrs, might have to give up my latching for e night feeds soon as I keep have to OT.

Forever81: 11pm is your bb's last feed? why not latch?


I've been on full bottle feeding ever since baby's full month. I dun latch coz for my own convenience. Supply so far so Gd.


me still struggling. milk supply drop like crazy. these days i bring him back he wants to play with me but i am pumping so waste at least 30min. trying to hang on even if it means combining a number of pumps to get the milk amount he requires. doubt i can last long with OT coming. sigh.


envy. i wish my supply can sustain but... sigh


my boss hinted no pumping so no way to pump every 3 hours for me. sigh. i want to latch night feed but i worry he not full then wake up in the middle of the night. i also worry after night feed i don't have enough milk to feed morning. sigh.


when will teeth come out. at the ifc, one of the baby only 4month but got a little teeth already.mine still toothless. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my bb alot fo saliva. drip all over. mouth always wet. is it normal? i see the other bb at ifc, seems ok.mine drooling like crazy.


don't be sad. utltimately will progress to milk powder, just a matter of time. just that we have to work so stress etc will reduce our milk supply.they should increase the ML to 6 months instead of 16 weeks. at least until bb can eat solid. a few of the mummies here also supplement with fm. bb still growing well. its us mummies who feel sad. sigh

Creamdonut: yup,11pm I pump cos usually after the 8pm feed my bb will sleep to ard 2am.my bb usually on drink from 1 breast so I need to pump to empty the other side.

I also agree the washing takes up alot of time.

By the way,how do u wash the pump in office?is washing with hot water snuff or need to use detergent?

I started taking fenugreek over the weekend. Hope that my milk supply can increase. Will monitor a few days and see if it works.

Will be wonderful if we can have 6 months ML. Government shd do more in promoting BF. It's really not easy to balance between work and baby especially if we are BF. Some bosses and companies are not very understanding towards BFing mums.


I put my pump in the fridge after use and rinse with hot water before the next pump. Sometimes when I'm rushing I don't even rinse with hot water. It's just like storing milk in fridge which can last for 2 days so I guess the milk on the pump from the last use shd be ok. Not sure if that's correct.

Sweetsnow: wow, u managed to maintain. When I start using pump, I keep getting blocked ducts n supply drop.

Pofy: ur boss dun let u pump?!? That is so mean! Shld write in n complain to MOM. As for teething, I read online say gals first. Not sure real anot. Mine also a lot of saliva, ESP aft meals. It's ok one la, jus wipe can le, esp e neck area if not rashes.

Forever81: u will wake up feed at 2am? Wow, admire u! I usually concuss aft e last feed at 11pm. Hahaha

Washing of pump: I put a set of bottle sponge n pigeon liquid cleaner in ofc. Will wash aft pump n air dry till e next pump.

Do u all bring pump back aft work or only e ebm?

Dear Ladies,

How is everybody? Anybody went for the baby fair over the weekend at Expo? I went and bought quite a few things, the playmat, NUK teats and some misc things. Bought the pamper from the watson fair as well.

When i started work in the middle of January, my supply is still ok till last 2 weeks, supply suddenly drop like crazy after having fever, suspect block, true enough, it is super block, went to a malay massage lady, she is very gd, she help me to unblock, although supply still not it use to be bt still ve, hopefully it wld slowly come back.

I pump every 4 hrs in the office usually twice, 11am and 3pm, my bosses are all ok, usually they dun bother abt me as m in the management level. I would wash my pump with the detergent after every pump.

My schedule for feeding my baby is latch her on at 10 plus, 3-4plus, and 7am, during the day, she is on my ebm.

I would bring back the pump and the abm in the cooler bag. incase, i ned to pump at hm.

my baby went for her 2nd dose of 5 in 1 and the 2nd dose of the rotavirus as well as the prevenar, and she has fever. Think it is cause by the prevanar.

I ask the doc if i can start her on cereal bt the PD suggest me to start when she is 5.5 mths, think different PD has different thinking, i ask her if i can use the bumbo chair, she suggested later as well.

Hi rejoy28, my bb had fever for her 2nd dose but she did not have the pneumococcal yet as I'm worried. She would have it next month and I intend to take leave to monitor. It's so tiring when bb is sick coz I can't get to sleeP. I keep waking up to monitor.


Agape Babies do sell organic cereals if any mommies are interested but I'm not sure which is good. My friend says no one put in milk but my pd ask me tO and that means I have to change my teat I think. Any mommies fed cereals already? Any advise on which brand?

Babies using the bottle.

In Feb, my baby started to resist the bottle. She is on full bm diet and has always been ok with the bottle. We just did a major move to china so I attribute it to adjustment blues. If your baby went through such a bottle strike before, please share with me the type of teats that you are using. Thank you!!


hi winny, my gf (her baby is a fussy eater, now in her 9th month) recommends organix cereal. They tried several brands and this brand comes out tops.

Hi mee&you!!


I'm using pigeon ones ever since my bb rejects avent.


do you know where I can get them?

Hi Mummies

I'm also a Oct mum and have been a slient reader all this while. I have gained alot of support from the sharing in this thread and hope to join in too.

Hi mummies,


Heard NTUC only sell nestle, for wider range, we can go cold storage...else can order online form iherbs...tink they do sell organic cereals...

Washing of Pump

For me, i rinse my set with tap water, thereafter sterilised with hot water...after that i store in a ziplock bag

Milk supply

I was having prob with my milk supply intially too, but after having the sacred tea, i was able to maintain after being back at work for 2 mths[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Washing pump

I usually jus wash under hot water n put in a ziploc bag. Sometimes next use i'll wash agn wif hot water but if rushing for time then i'll jus use w/o washing since alr wash once hrs ago.. i'll latch BB ard 6+am then pump ard 11+ n 5+ in office. my milk supply also dropa little recently wif more stress coming up as my boss is leaving n all work r dump to me. M really tired everyday dragging myself to work!

I went to e EXPO over wkend n let BB try e Heinz pear n banana mix but he dun seems to wan it leh.. so didn't buy, he's ard 4mths 3wks now..

Hi Mummies

Milk Supply

I currently pump 4 times a day, hope the supply will not drop after I return to work this Friday.


I intend to get an additional pump to put at my workplace as my pump is very heavy.

Hi Winny

I read that brown rice would be good for our babies to start solids with. Thinking whether to buy the brown rice cereals or to make it on my own. Hope it is not too troublesome

Hi starry goat, I heard brown rice is better too but according to my pd, it's more heaty so she ask me start with white rice first given that my daughter is more on the heaty side.

Hi mee&you,

I saw organix online too. There r quite a number of brands... Headache.

Morning yummy mummies! Am so happy because my baby's bottle boycott is over!! Yeah:)))

Mummies, how much does ebm does your babies drink per meal? Each time baby L drinks from my breast, she can last at least 2.5 hours. Am wondering how much emb to prepare per feed. Thank u!

morning, my period just came even though i am still breastfeeding..... sad.... think supply is going to drop even further

my girl drinks about 120-150 per feed depending on her mood.. haha... normally this is hw u cal how much to let the bb drink: weight * 750ml / 7.

Morning mummies!

My baby girl takes about 130ml ebm per feed about 3 hourly. But I will feed her 160ml for her last feed so that she can last through the night.

Thanks mummies! I suspect baby L drinks around 125ml of ebm per meal and she can last approx 2.5 hours. She sleeps 12 hours through now, 9-9. So, I imagine 125ml is enough.


Hope it doesn't applies to everyone..


Wow ur gal slp 12hr! My son keeps waking up from 10pm-12am for no gd reason. So I've gotta coax him.. then he'll wake up at least once in e middle if e nite to feed n i'll change diaper m feed him agn b4 I prep myself for work. Think becos mine on BM tat's y he keep waking up..

Hi bubblygeekypig! Baby L is on full bm too. Have you tried the 10:30pm feed, recommended by Gina Ford? That was life changing for me! Once we started to wake baby L for this 10:30pm feed a month ago, she was able to sleep till 8am on the first attempt.

Hi mee&you, I tried for my baby but she will still wakes up at 3-4 am loh. But I don't mind la coz I can cuddle her since I don't get to since I'm working. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mee & you

Yes my BB usually dun slp for long hrs b4 12am so in fact i'll clean n change him into pyjamas at 10pm n then latch him on ard 10+. Then once unlatch he'll be awake n i'll play wif him for awhile n then slp for awhile n he'll wake up ard 11+ to latch on agn n then finally slp then he'll wake up betw 4-6am for feed.

Hi rosyrabbit!

I'm going back to work tomorrow. Wonderig how to cope with the work and the pumping. My pump bag is so heavy!!

How do you cope with it?

Wow just came back from HarbourFront and gosh, Mothercare is having BabyFair and the Q is so so long. I think it's about 2 hours wait but I didnt go la.

Just happen to be there.

hello starrygoat

i had a temp to cover for me, there were some changes in the office. My mum is helping me to take care of the baby. so i am a weekend parent.. pick him back only on friday... any weekend mummies here?? sometimes u will just feel jealous that you cant see baby often while baby is at mum's place. but can't change the plan now as my mum left her job to help me take care. and now me and my hubby is the main contributor to my mum household. there is mixed feelings, like you work to bring money back, yet baby can only come back on weekends. No choice also as hubby do not drive to work and we dont stay close to mum...


how is everybody. me back at work a month plus already. sigh. not too good.

yes, if only we can complain about bosses who are not pro family.


i saw the papers on mothercare.

Their stuff not cheap so i guess when there is sale, everybody will rush. good deal everybody also want. sigh.


yes, found out the baby with a tooth is a girl so it seems gals have teeth first.

i waiting for 6 months to start cereal.

i wonder how to start?

is it feed the cereal one meal a day then slowly increase to 3 meals a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner? or can start 3 meals all cereals right from the start? must eat cereal for how long before we go to porridge? after porridge is it meat or must wait got teeth then can?


supply will drop when period comes. my gynae told me because the body starts ovulating. in fact i read on the internet, when our babies start sleeping through the night, our body will start to prepare to start period eventho we are breastfeeding. sigh.

guardian got baby items on sale, can check it out.


Oh me now have spotting so I'm wondering will I have period all of a sudden..

Me also back to work for a mth n I'm getting more tired everyday.. now tat my immed boss is leaving everything I've to do so it's worse..

Hi Mrs Chun

ICA need to see ur bb's face.. It's either u bring ur bb before applying or when u go for collection of de passport.. Remember to bring along de original birth cert..

Taking of photo for bb is real cute!!

Hi mrs chun I just collected my bb passport today. U can take photo yourself then submit online. Less than a week the passport is ready for collection. You have to go ICA to collect. Remember to make appt. very fast.

Hi pofy, I'll be starting cereal soon but prob add half teaspoon to milk for 1 feed a day for 3 days then slowly increase.

My pd showed me a newspaper cutting from May 2011 and it says should start cereal from 4 months. She told me she recently wet London for conference and it also say should start from 4th month.


Making passport.

Yes, do remember to make an appointment to collect the passport. We were in & out of ICA in 5 minutes:)

It's baby L's 4mth jab tomorrow. Am curious to see her weight & height as she is super chubby now.

