(2011/10) Oct 2011

hi mommies, i have 3 tins of Nestle Nan HA 1 at $35. Expiry is 2013. Self collect at bukit batok.


For those mummies who put your baby in ifc..how do the caregiver there feed your baby milk? I heard my hb mention the teacher them put our baby in the rocker to feed? I saw the teacher was doing there when i was there just now..i think it should be okay cos it's a fisher price rocker..45 degree tilted so..not so worry about baby vomit ir choke..but i'm just curious why they don't carry baby to feed?

Hair dropping

My hair has been dropping for more than a week aready..hope it will stop soon..i also have hair dropping after i gave birth to my elder..but i don't remember dropping so much..even my elder son tell me toilet floor got many hair..

Milk feed

I think my baby has to been on 3hrly feed forever so long he's in ifc..how i wish he can stretch a little longer to 3.5/4 hr like last time..guess they only allow baby to increase the feeding amt but stick to same interval?

The teacher say my baby has out grow the new pair od socks i bought him a month ago..so i just went to buy a bundle pack of 3-12 months sock to replace..i think very soon i will need to go change all his clothes already..i already packed those 0-3 months in bags ready to pass to my colleague for his baby on the way..

Any mummies got lobang when to buy cheap baby clothes? He needs many to change in ifc..

been thinking to get those short sleeve cotton clothes for him..


This morning i just told the teachers my baby knows how to flip over and hold his head up..They told me he managed to do that some time ago already.. i hear already so sad..i missed all those milestones..guess what i was the last one to know..even my hb knew it already..haiz..

I wonder how many more milestones i will go on to miss after this..


I noticed i started to have more discharge down there lately? Because of that I put on pantry liner everday for hygience sake..any mummies experiencing this like me?


You have a very terrible boss..

My boss is very nice..he's a very family oriented person..there was once my elder son had chalazion eye surgry..he asked me to keep my leave for family time next time..and sign my timesheet indicating i was working at another site..that was 5 days of free leave..

But i find no more challenges in my work anymore..thinking of switching job..but so scared of meeting bad bosses and long working hrs..i heard so many stories about bosses not happy with working mothers taking too many annual/ childcare leaves to settle family issues..really in a dilemma now..


Quizzer: my mil frens told her (who is a very experience nanny) that they NEVER carry bb to feed, something like, then the bb wld not be too attached to the feeder or wat...cant rem the real reason why, sorry.

Milestones: guess that is the downside of a working mother, that we will miss alot of their first time...

Hi Quizzer, my son was also put on the rocker to feed at ifc. Initially I was worried but luckily so far he's ok.

Baby clothes

You can try Bugis street or Bugis Junctiion BHG. I went there last weekend to buy clothes for my son & BHG had plenty of baby clothes on sale starting from $2.90.

Any mummies know where can I buy cute & cheap hat for baby boy? Saw plenty from gmarket but mostly are with wig.

Hi pofy,

Have not started full formula milk yet. I still express milk in morning before n after work twice a day. Supply dropped drastically as I believe not enough rest n time to express. Used to pump around 100 ml in morning but nowadays only managed to express 30ml. So pathetic right ? But I shall try to express whatever I hav for my bb until she reached 6 mth ba.

i also dropped a lot of hair, feel quite sad. i hope it will stop soon, if not i will end up with a lot of short spiky hair in a few mths when the new hair grows out, hahaha...


Any multivitamin to recommend for breastfeeding mums? Newobinmin can? Coz this is the 1 I was taking during preg.

How abt calcium pills? Any recommendation?

mee & you, my baby also poo once a week and she is on total bm. My hubby said might be i'm taking too heaty stuff, so i tried to take some coconut water, and she started to poo two days in a row.

sweetsnow, i take the normal calcium pills (in a box with purple wrapping). Can find it at Unity. And I take fish oil pills from my gynae's clinic.

i've pm luvagape too, but no reply leh...

Quizzer: u have really a nice and understanding boss. Mine is bad too. When I'm in my first trimester of pregnancy, he ask me to attend a meeting in JB. Told him I don't want coz still in 1st trimester and I don't feel well but he shoot me back and ask me if I don't have to travel to work.

Pofy: the good time last for less than a day. Haha!

I'm one of the mommies who also feed bb with NAN HA.


I also feel my hair dropping more these days.


though I had stopped bf for 2 mths, my mense still not here. Is it normal?

Sweetsnow: my girl has been taking iron, folic acid n multi v since she is one mth old, it is prescribe by her pd, accordin to her, the bb wld nt fall sick easily n wld make her stronger. As I am breast feeding totally, m taking iron, multi v, calcium, folic acid n fish oil frm my gynae.


What r ur plans then? Since you pump, y cannot store n must throw? If u intend to change job, do start looking around coz the market is getting quiet.

I'm only back to work for 2days n I'm alrdy v depressed. Partly miss bb coz now she's more fun to play with. She now can aim for her toy rattler and shake it. I find it so adorable!

My boss is still as mean as ever n my colleagues actually told me she's worse than before. Sigh. Now the new big boss oso not an ez person, so I'm starting to feel the stress alrdy. Can't wait to get a new job.


Blackmore's pills more exp hor?

Mrs Chun,

The calcium pill is which brand? Unity house brand izzit?


Where can I buy the bb vit? Can tell me the brand or show me the photo?

For your own vit, u hv to go back Gynae to buy? Are hese the same as the ones you took during preg? Even when I was preg, I din take Folic acid pill (coz got multi vit) and iron pills leh.


No fridge at work so pump n throw plus I pump in dirty n wet toilet standing up,worry contamination Co's toilet stink badly all the time. Not much milk anyway these days Co's stress up as I try to hurry,not relax state. Sigh.


bought the sat papers. Tough to find job at my age. N I also worry new job,new boss n new challenges,worry I cannot cope n makes me more stress.plus sweetsnow is correct, market very quiet. Sat thick papers on scholars!


When u intend to change to nan 2ha? 6 months can change already. Any idea hoe to phase in the new milk for stage 2?


I also depress actually. I miss bbs slot n detest my job. This whole week I have been on emotional yoyo. Everyday near end of work day,I watch the clock.even work incomplete I fly off n walk super fast to catch mrt so tat I not late in picking up bb. Even I leave on the dot,he is still usually one of the last few to go home. Sigh. U only start feel relax when I carry him n feel happy again.


Not pathetic! I admire your perseverance. I also have days I pump little n I paisei pass to off teacher Co's they need to combine many bottles for one feed.so I store n use it for weekend myself n bb will be on fm in ifc. I also feel sad with supply drop. In fact I feel sorry n guilty at times tat i cannot feed him as much bm anymore. But i see other bbs on fm doing great too n i try to tell myself i m being silly. Winny' s bb on full bm n myself also full fm bb but all ok so i hope i can stop feeling down on this issue!


My bb fed in the chair like u said in ifc. I hope he OK with me carry him to feed n not insist fed in chair Co's I not buying chair. U got a good boss. If u love ur job,it would b good to stay on.mine is a nasty boss. Was just telling hubby if I can complaint to govt about such bossess who r not pro family n not pro breastfeeding. No wonder birth rate keep dropping. Who wants to give birth when we have to worry about getting our job back n also have not pro family work environment?


Thanks. I hope hair loss stop soon.



Sigh end of weekend. Dread the coming work week. Let's all enjoy our day with bb before work!

Ntuc bb fair

Saw got bb fair so mummies can stock up on diapers etc.

Pofy: yups e ntuc bb fair quite good! I stock up on quite a bit of stuff. Too bad this time dun have huggies wipes on offer liao, last time grab 3 bundles now use finish le, hahah. Hope next wkend e baby expo got huggies!!

Hi pofy,

Don't be depressed la. And don't worry abt milk. Bb on fm are growing up very well too. I was like you initially feel bad changing to fm but after that u see bb still growing well and healthily and you have more time for yourself. So don't think so much.


Hmmm.. I'm really not sure leh. I'm visiting pd on 24th so I'll check with her. My bb is turning 4 mths next tue so still got abit of time to check out. Actually I tot of changing to similac.


Where is it? At ntuc? I went ntuc yesterday but like nothing much to buy leh. I have not use wet wipes for very long. If I change diaper and she didn't poo, I didn't wipe bb butt. Haha! If bb poo then I'll use. One day I think I change 4 - 5 times diaper only.

Winny: yups it's at ntuc. Certain items only those bigger ntuc have. U can go to the ntuc website and click on e newspaper ad for "baby fair". Got baby cereal on offer too, can stock up and feed bb when 6mths ;p

Hi, any mummies brought their baby to take Rotavirus vaccine after they are 3.5 mth? I brought my son to see pd yesterday for Rotavirus vaccine but was told he can't take.. The pd said Rotavirus had to take at 3.5 mth, he's turning 4 mth on Tues 14th Feb so pd said he's overage. Any mummies encounter such experience also?

I checked with my GP , she said as long as 2nd dose is taken before 6 mths of age n the interval is 4 weeks from the 1st dose. I read the brochure , it also mentioned bb can be vaccine from 6 weeks old onwards... Hmmm

Hi! Any mommies did passport for your baby? Do I need to make a separate passport? Where to take bb passport photo?

Winny: I did. She wld ve a passport on my own. I took the photo myself, use the white nappy as background. Let her lie on it

Sweet snow: I gt it frm the PD clinic, it is a black colour solution for iron and orange colour for multi v. Nothing special, the label also juz indicate iron n multi v. Mine, I took frm the gynae, ya exactly the same as I took during preggy.

Pofy: ya, the market is slower now cause economy nt so good. Bt dun lose hope k? Keep searching, sure wld ve. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi but someone has to add me. Or can I add as friend? How I find the group in fb?

Rejoy28, so u take the photo then bring to photoshop to tell them u want to print passport photo? Or u crop by yourself?

Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65

- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each (*$30 if taking all 3 tins)

- 2 tins of NAN 2 (exp Oct'12) $10 each

- 1 tin of Gain IQ (exp May'12) $10

- 2 btl Gerber puffs (strawberry apple and peach, exp Sep'12) $7

- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder & Wrist Rattle Set @ $10

- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies, sorry i don't have the time to co-ordinate this adding of friends to FB thing as i've suddenly got urgent matters waiting for me to settle, not convenient to disclose here...


Me leave the house at 6.30 to travel to ifc. I carry baby out n try not wake him but usually when I change diaper he will wake up but no choice. So My bb wakes up around 6am. The trip to ifc is our interaction time.evening most of the time he sleep or I busy with housework n settling down so interaction very little. Sigh. No choice I also feel bad got to wake him up so early.


I still try bf. But supply drop.dun think can maintain much longer.


Yes. I trying to convince myself feed fm OK. Shd not b guilty. Let's see how things go.

Gilera, rejoy28

join fb already must still visit here Co's pole like Me no Facebook account n access. Very old fashion.

Hi Mummies, sorry to interrupt here, I am selling L size pampers at $12 each and self collection at Clementi area. 4 packets for sale and if you take all 4 packets then will sell all for $40. Please text me at 81285340 if you are keen. Thank you

Pofy, Libra, dun feel bad abt waking bb up so early, when they started school in future, they ve to wake up early oso.....

yup, wld still come here to chit chat.. :0


yes yes! training for primary one morning session?? hahaha. our baby start training in advance for 6 years. good training.haha

so happy today is thursday. tmorrow i will be even happier cos its friday. and then sat and sun i can have 2 full days with bb. just thinking about it makes me super happy eventhough i am very tired! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also started to buy cereals to stock up for bb during the ntuc fair. but i was told bb must start with brown rice first. am i being too kiasu to buy so early cos still got 2 months before they reach 6 months.

hello all mummies! its been a long time! been so busy!

i hope everyone's doing okay:)

Pofy: start on rice first. I started my bb on organic rice ceral as it is said that brown rice cause constipation and the cycle is like that: rice-> brown rice-> multigrain


i only see brown rice cereal, didn't see rice.

which brand rice cereal you try, can share info.

thank you

yeah. everywhere's only selling brown rice. I bought mine from an organic shop. im currently using bellamy organic white rice. there are various brands though, for eg, happy bellies.

Does everyone have a smart phone that we can chat instead of coming into this forum all the time?

I bought bellamy organic white rice from ntuc NEX @ 7.10, nt cheap at all. bt is for 4mth+ so i think is ok... m only to start her next mth since she wld be 4 mths on the 25.

pofy: u can buy it online as well: iherb, they are selling alot of brands there

Hi all! I'm looking at the lunar calendar for bb's month calculation. So even though she's born on 19th, her actually 4th month was on Tues, 14th. I'm going to shave her this sat. Quite 不舍得.

Btw r ur babies still sleeping a lot? Usually my bb's routine is wake up - bath - play - sleep but nowadays she's not sleeping anymore. What abt your babies?

nnicole: i found this article saying that rice cereal is the best to start with. but it did not mention anything about brown rice leh...


is the rice cereal you mention to start with something like this?


weird thing is the same product is stated as 4-6mths on the australia website but as 6+ mths on the sg website (http://www.nestlebaby.com/sg/baby_nutrition/products/product_detail.htm?stage=1&num=10&pci=1)


Same here On milk supply. I took fenugreek in order to maintain supply. Now only managed to express 30ml in morning n 60ml at night. Hope to continue doing so as long as possible.

My bb nowadays like to sleep on her side instead of on her back...so worried that she might suffocate if her face suddenly roll facing the bed . She also wanted to sleep on our bed instead of her baby cot... As such both hubby n myself can't move a lot when sleeping.

We tried to let her drink milk mixed with cereal but she vomited out few times. We have stopped doing so n wait till she is 6 mths old.



happy bellies only have brown rice leh but thanks for sharing.


i ordered through a lady in this forum. she doing iherb spree. but didn't buy the white rice because got to wait to collect and my friend ask me help buy other items and she needs it soon. i will check out ntuc to see got white rice or not. but i read the tmc books, they say only to start with brown rice, no mention of white rice. i thought both are rice lah, so should be ok even if i can't get the white rice cos not cheap $7.10. can last how long i packet? 1 week if eat everyday? i will keep a lookout for it since still early. guess i will feed more water than once he starts cereal.


me also the same. i dare not bring those small quanity milk to ifc to let teacher feed. so i freeze those small amount i pump out at home then combine into one feed during weekend. better than nothing although i wonder any benefits still to baby since only get one or two feeds of bm. morning i still latch him. only night i express. sigh.

my bb also sleep on his sides these days. such his thumb. how to stop this habit or will they stop themselves? i worry his thumb smelly and will the nails turn soft and rot since keep sucking?

cereal. i only start 6 mths per my pd altho my mil have been nagging and nagging say 4mths can start and say i deprive my bb of nutrients if i don't. sigh. i just close one ear.

