(2011/10) Oct 2011

Mee & you, what time is the feed before the 10:30 one? Sometimes I feed my bb at 8+ and he doesn't sleep. I'll feed him again at around 10 but he still wakes up at night for feeding.


Winny, just half a teaspoon is enough? Can last baby for 1 meal? Or is that something to let bb try out after milk? How much milk to use?


I have just PM u. Please check your email including spam as I have something to discuss with u.

Many thanks in advance [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes, tiring but happy when i carry baby. i believe so for all mummies so i guess we have to jia you and endure. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

very happy its Friday again. Can't wait to spend time with baby tomorrow and Sunday. Precious 2 days. On such days, at times, i carry him all the time and my hubby scold me say bad habit. but weekdays i hardly get to carry him in the day time as we are separated!


I am facing problems fetching bb fr ifc before 7pm. everyday i rush and at times i actually run to the mrt. if i have to work late abit, i will be in trouble. does any body know how much is the market rate for a nanny? i want to see if can afford because no subsidy from government. sigh.

does government give any subsidy to care givers of baby eg grandparent?

pofy: i dun think government give subsidy, the only thing is the tax rebate for care givers for grandparents.

Started working for 2 mths already, yes is very tiring, esp at night, i still wake up to do feeding bt it is worth it cause that is the only time, mi n her time only.


yes, when i latch him i feel super at peace, very close. nobody, just me and him. at times i get jealous when my mil carry him during the weekend visit. hahaha. terrible of me.

white ricce cereal

i saw the white rice cereal mummies are mentioning, organix brand? its selling at a store in great world city basement. there is a organic food store. they sell many other brands too but prices quite steep. the organix white rice cereal is selling at $8.80 if any mummies are keen. Not sure what is the selling price in cold storage. i happen to poss by while on office errand so pop in for a quick price check so update here for all mummies!

i most likely will buy the nestle one. there is a bundle sale now for 2 tins. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pisces Gal: m staying wif PIL, so most of the time, my mil is doing the housework, i juz get the part time cleaner to come once in 2 weeks to do all the ironing, cleaning of the window grills, etc

Pofy, totally understand the jealousy. My mil is looking after bb during the day. I don't like it when I still see her carry bb when I go fetch him at night. Last night she took bb from me and fed him. She could have let me do the feeding. Haiz...

Hi MnM and pofy, I und ur feelings too. Sometimes weekend my mil will carry my bb and feed her when she's already the main caregiver. But I always try myself not to have this mentality. She's after all bb's grandparent.

Now I don't have time alone with my husband and I can't get myself to sacrifice weekend time with baby. Like so imbalance.


I think the pd wants me to give bb start adding a little cereal first to let them get used and also more nutrients.

I got the Organix whole grain cereal from Agape Babies. Cheaper. Haven't reach me yet. Will try it out and update all of you. If ur bb is more to the heaty side then don't give brown rice first I feel.

Oh also FYI:

John little having 20% storewide sale n if u buy $60 get further $6 off, $12 off $90 and $18 off $120 then ur nett purchases still have 5% off

Can stock up bb stuff

Hi mummies. It's been awhile I last logged In. I can totally understand the jealousy. I'm taking care if my baby girl full time n will do so for this entire year. Sometimes my mum just take my daughter from me. I hate it too.

Talking abt latching yes I will super miss it when I hb no more breastmilk next time. It has become a bond between us.

Starting in cereal. Pd says can start at 5 mths. Brochures n other info I read says start only at 6 mths. So very confused.

Hi mummies

I heard there is another cereal brand happybellies which looks pretty good too. Considering that and Organix.

I'm back at work already and my MIL is helping me to look after the baby. She dotes on her alot but sometimes I find our styles of looking after the child can be so different. But no choice...coz we still have to work

There are quite a number of brands actually then in the end I chose Organix as its whole grain. Supposedly to be more nutritious than white rice but yet not heaty as compared to brown rice. And it's gluten free.

But I do not know if it can be easily digested so got to try it out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies!

Just ended my 2nd week bk from work. Very tired as need to wake up to bf but overall still ok.

My milk supply is quite irregular. I can have 80ml in the morning n 300ml during lunch time.Or sometimes night time 80ml.Wonder if its ok to have inconstant supply?


My bb started with "pimple" on his cheeks.it will come n go.Check with pd,he say it's normal not anything to be worried.but now my bb has rash behind his ears to his neck.This morning saw on his chest n stomach n back has patches of rash too. My mum say it's heat rash cum my bb has got sensitive skin n we always let bb sleep air con so he get hot easily when not in air con. We applied calamine lotion n it subsides a bit but still there?Should I bring bb to see doc?

Hi forever81,

My gal has red patches on her back and stomach last few days.. Nanny said is heat rash, I applied California baby aloe Vera cream.. De result is good, maybe u can try on ur bb..

Hi MnM, I usually feed baby L at around 8+ before the 10:30pm feed. Once your baby can sleep through the night from 10:30pm till the next morning, you can start to bring forward the feed gradually so that your baby can sleep for 12 hours straight. Hope it works.


Happybellies have but its brown rice. Nestle ntuc sells plain white rice but not organic if u dun mind. Organix also have white rice cereal. Healthy times only brown rice cereal. Another mummy mention bellamny, i think my spelling wrong but this brand also got whte rice.buy fr ntuc finest.

I bought both happy bellies and healthy times brown rice cereal but will only give my girl after 5 months. Happy bellies is sweet but healthy times is unsweetened - better to be added to milk if necessary.

When are you mummies planning to give purées ? What food would be good to start with?

Hi mummies

Where can I find brown rice cereals from happy bellies n healthy time?

Pofy - nanny mkt rate is at least $700. Top up $50 for solid food . Can get ur hubby to fetch for?

Issit better to start with brown rice cereal or white rice?

Hi leeoh, my sil said she started purée on my niece and nephew when they r 5 mths old so prob I would do the same.

My period is here even though I'm bfing. No wonder my supply dropped drastically a week ago. Now it seems to be almost back to the normal level.

Hi mummies! Those whose babies are on full bm, when do u plan to start breastfeeding? I will be introducing solids at 6 months and maybe I will wean off completely at 9 months.

Mummies who have already weaned off completely, did you take any medicine to stop milk production? Or, u did it naturally?

Forever 81,

It's best to let PD see your bb. From what you described, by appears or have sensitive skin. My baby was like that too, his head And face will turn red after breast feeding. Rashes develop around face area and neck on and off. My PD says my boy has sensitive skin, so was prescribed with special body wash and body lotion. CB cream may not be the correct lotion.

You can choose to tell you PD at the next visit and seek his advice before you introduce solids.

Hi. My period came last month. Should be coming soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Can see my supply dropping this week.

RE: Happy Bellies

I ordered my HB and Healthy Times cereal from a mummy in the BP here. Got a few hits i think. If you want, PM me for the email address [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks. Nanny more expensive than IFC. expected too since its one to one. sigh. my hubby sometimes work shift so its tough for him to carry. and at times i find he perspire alot and very dirty so i worry he carry bb before he baths. he does not work in office environment like me. sigh.

pd told me to start cereal only after 6 months. so i will follow. i ask him white rice or brown rice he say brown rice lah. i was like i tot heaty? then he say that is not westernized woh.... hmmmm. in any case, i already bought the white rice and the brown rice so i will just let him eat the white rice first.

can baby sit up by himself now?

i tried but he cannot.... he will fall flat on his face or fall side ways. neck also like not very strong.

when can they sit up by themselves?

i also just check, no teeth yet. the baby gal at my ifc alrady has 2 at the bottom. very cute actually. hahaha

Hi pofy I think diff pd different but he's the westernized type so he won't believe in heaty, etc

My baby can't sit up too. Need pillow to support.

My pd also adv me not to let bb "stand" as their legs cannot support their body weight yet.

My whole grain cereal is here ill start this sat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Every baby is unique I guess so the other bb might grow fast while ours slower. But I feel it's fine la. They are still so adorable. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Long time no comment in here le. How's everyone doing?

I'm bringing bb for jab this thurs, so I'll see what the doc say abt when to start feeding solid food. But coz i'm going to a polyclinic, I dun think the doc/nurses there will say much. I'm more worried abt bb getting vaccine fever again.


My bb has 2 lower teeth le and she can sit up well. She can also sit by herself without support for a few sec. V fun to play with her now. She can flip le but til date only my maid n mum saw. She refuse to flip when I'm ard. She much prefer to stand!

My bb wants to stand all the time too but after pd said try not to I really did minimize chances of standing. If really Become bowl-legged then not nice already. Better play safe.

just sharing that the Taka baby fair has medela bottles promo....trade in ur old bottles (any brand) and buy their new ones at $6.90 for 150ml or 9.90 for the bigger 250ml. I bought 4! hehee. Also spotted some cheap clothes.

Does the oct mums group have a fb group? My colleague is in the sept mum group and she said they all migrated over to fb.


mine same as yours. only flip here and flip there. even when he sleeps he also flips. flip already get stuck cannot flip back so cry and cry. very funny but not funny when he does it throughout the whole night. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahaha especially when i need my sleep. sigh


your baby so fast want to stand already. mine can't even sit up himself leh. sigh.

yes, i think my pd is westernized one. i ask if after jab is it cannot bathe because my mil scold and scold say my bb fever because i bathe for him after jab. when i asked the question already. he gave me a long stare, i shut up. dare not ask. hahaha. then he said such practices have no basis. sigh


2 teeth. so cute. i waiting patiently for my bb to sprout his first teeth. hahaha. now he still bo ge.


Same here my BB also like to flip even during slp.. can't flip back also cry.. also no teeth n can't sit yet but he likes to 'stand'.. so far I feel his temp higher a bit jab but still bath him..

Hi pofy, she's not really standing but always wants to push herself uP using her legs.

My experienced friends ask me to sponge my bb when she's having fever.

As for bathing after injection, my pd ask me to wait couple of hours.

Anyone bought excersaucer/jumperoo? I'm contemplating to buy.

My bb very active and playful now, so I thought buying one wil keep her entertained. But my mum say not gd to let bb stand too long

sweetsnow: wow, so fast ur bb has teeth liao! mus be very cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Very interesting. She seems different everyday. She's getting very active n playful now. I rush hOme everyday just to catch more playtime with her. She can sit by herself for a few seconds too!

I wanna cut down on bf coz oversupply until no place to store EBM. Plus I lost a lot of weight until a lot of frens n relatives tot I'm not well. But when I see that my bb is growing so well, I feel it's such a waste to stop bf

Sweetsnow, I also lost too much weight until I got abit worried. Now thinner than pre-pregnancy. Some of my friends say they very envious but I don't want to look gaunt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Already starting to cut down abit of supply by dragging to 8hrs.

Mommies, today I added half teaspoon of cereal to bb's milk. She seems fine. I'll continue to do this for the next 2 days. Then slowly increase to 1 teaspoon for 3 days again. See how. Keke..

Sweetsnow, leeoh, hw I wish I can lose as much weight as u all. My weight is also the same as prepreggy bt tummy still like 4 mths preggy, when taking public transport, still gt ppl give up their seat for mi!! Haii

Sweetsnow: I just bought a Bright Starts bounce-a-bout (it looks like excersaucer but there's a jumpy board below) at Baby Kingdom / Hyperstore...can't rem which one...the one at Kaki Bukit. Bought for $149. I saw Taka baby fair selling a Bright Starts jumperoo at $149 also. I saw FP Jumperoo at Mothercare -- $299?? U.P is $399 somemore! Aiyo all these baby toys so exp!!!


me full of envy. sigh. i wish i can be like both of you to lose weight. i am in the same situation as rejoy28 except i haven't reach my prepregnancy weight yet. still a long way to go and my big tummy still looks 5 months pregnant. very embarassing at times especially when i meet people outside in the lift, some even ask when due? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


how? i am lost. don't know how to get rid of the tummy. in the mrt, i try to use bag to cover tummy which is tough also because it protrudes out. even my belly button still part protruding. so i look very much a pregnant lady. so pais sei especially when i reject taking seats offer. sigh. the slip you bought works or not? i saw a corset sold by wacoal. very tempted to buy it. haven't check out price but worry after i buy i won't wear it cos uncomfortable.


when can we let babay sleep on pillow? my bb until now still sleep without anything. i worry flat head??


add cereal to milk, can the cereal pass through the teat hole? will get stuck? i can't wait to feed him cereal and let him make a mess. hahaha.


yes, mine flip and flip even in the wee hours of the morning. sigh. very cute hor. but i end up with panda eyes. kekeke

merries diapers

i went ntuc and saw this brand of diapers sold. its japanese brand leh. but super exepersive. M size of i think 64 pieces selling for about $27!

Hello all,

Just to share with u That I am following Gina ford method to weaning and she teach step by step introducing baby rice cereal n fruit n vege purée so baby will not get constipated because of the white rice n also learn to accept vege and will not be fussy eater next time

Maybe u all can get the book and follow too


winny: ya slowly increase the dose, if not will easy to get constipated. tt time i one shot intro 5 teaspoon, then the next day bb no poo, hhahaha...

