(2011/10) Oct 2011

I last went to Mount A was when my sis's MIL's last stage of cancer.. Lying on bed, motionless... Cant forget that moment..

Mount A's room is older... I dont think I will go Mount A..



Hi, welcome! Depends on which hosp u go to, u will be given a list of things to bring. But generally just bring simple stuffs like 2-3 PJs, 1 set going-home clothes for baby, some comfort items for urself like nipple cream, mints, medicated oil etc. No need to bring breastpump as u can use the hosp's set. The nurses will sterilize the pump parts and bottles for u. Hosp will also provide things like wet wipes and diapers for baby, maternity pads for u (unless u prefer other types u can bring urself), basic toiletries in the bathroom. I was very Kiasu the last time and packed a lot of things. This time round gonna be simple. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mt A had major reno done last year. I stayed in their upgraded 1-bedded rooms and all my visitors commented it looked like a hotel room! http://www.mtalvernia-hospital.org/upload/UserFiles/File/ST_17April10_Suite_life_at_Alvernia.pdf

now at 19 weeks, baby weight : 250 gm.

my most likely baby boy at 15 weeks now changed to most likely baby girl at 19 weeks.

hairy tummy : gynae told me, it will drop off after giving birth.

for stretch mark : now start using cocoa butter oil.

baby movement : feeling it every night since 4-5 days ago. soooo happy.


I have a 2nd hand babyplus for sale at $260 neg. Used for 5 months and still in good condition. Comes with original box, pouch & instructional booklet.

Pls sms me at 90672485 if interested. Thanks!

Thanks Edd, Roxanne and Starry Mommies,

Edd, the reason why i'm asking is i went to a few shops, they give me a list of what to buy for babies/whatever they are selling in the shops. I do not want to end up buying all and not using in the end. And moreover stuffs like Ruyi oil not in the list.

Roxanne and Starry, very useful info, i hv copied and paste what you said on my notepad, then i will slowly extra out my shopping checklist soon. So i just buy and tick hahaa

btw: for PJ, must be dress type? can i buy button top and pants instead? TIA!

For BB clothes to be worn on discharge day, is it better to wear romper type or normal shirt and pants type? or i just buy a newborn gift set will do?


for the first months its easier to put on rompers or shirts that are tie fronts, snap, or button fronts aka kimono style. This way you don't have to pull the romper over bb's head, which I felt very queasy about doing.

For Pj, I prefer to wear t shirt with lounge pants vs button down gown. easier to just lift the shirt to bf than to do the buttons up and down. Besides, I felt funny about walking up and down the hospital and receiving friends dressed in my ah ma clothes! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re; Breast pump

No real need to, just latch on. Pain from bf is usually a result of improper latch. Once you've got it right, there should be no pain. The amount pumped in the first few days will be very little, around 30ml or less... and it gets stuck in the pump parts. Very sian to spend so much time pumping only to yield so little. Can be very demoralising from some mums.

I found this BF video to be VERY helpful, hope other first time mummies can pick up these tips



Thanks for the link! very helpful


you are welcome, glad to share! my babe discharged from hospital wearing romper but i won't recommend 'cos like what 1d1r and tamms said, not easy to put on romper for newborns. best is the kimono style type, no need to button or snap anything. just tie loosely and swaddle up!


i had sore nipples for like more than a week initially. checked with LC and was told latch was correct but the sucking action from baby caused abrasion and just needed to wait till they get 'seasoned' after a week. damn painful that time. plus the engorgement. not looking forward to that this time. hope can avoid.

Starry, yr list of the confinement foods sound yummy very much better than mine leh!:) I miss my hmtwn black vinegar pork trotters, kampung chicken soup cook with rice wine + old vinegar..maybe is bcos my mil don't have any experince to cook for those confinement food bah! Tis time i wan to ask for more recipe from my family in M'sia, then ask my mil to cook it accordingly :)


your mil can cook well? maybe before you give birth can ask her to try cooking a few dishes let you try. hee hee!! oh, you can go popular get the bilingual confinement recipe book. got some m'sian style dishes too. think sometimes the ingredients play a huge part. my mom bought special black vinegar and sesame oil for confinement use, even bought kampong chicken for the hong zhao / sesame chicken. by the way, what's old vinegar?

Starry, haa..haa..you knw my hubby always complain abt the food tat cook by my mil de lor! he said she suka suka add tis and tat de...乱乱煮的..for me, i'm not fussy lah, i can eat anything. Oh, i mean 老姜 (red color) haa..haa..taste is more hot than the normal yellow color one, but i think it's hardly can find here..


oh! i get what u mean about the old ginger! yeah, cannot find here. i cannot remember off hand can only get from where liao.. think there was one time my mom's friend brought her some from her hometown. very expensive, and she used all of it to make into enzymes (酵素). too precious to cook with, she said. lol! if the food ur mil makes is that bad, why not consider confinement tingkat? 'cos you will be eating her cooking morning, noon and night for 28 days le! can you tahan? i was sick of all the food after like 2.5 weeks. :p

another very nice confinement dish - pork ribs peanut black bean soup! good for bm production. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

some links here to help you..



http://www.momsinmind.com.sg/confinementrecipes.html (this is very helpful and simple)

Hi mummies, I'm from nov10 thread.. Selling of some of my cream away cos I've overstock.

Desitin nappy cream-creamy 4.8oz Exp04/12, selling @$10

Lasinoh nipple cream 2oz Exp 09/12, selling @$12

Interested? pm me.. ;)

dear tamms and starry,

when i go hospital, they will give me a goodie bag, meaning i won't need to buy a diaper bag right?

also if pj is just normal t-shirt and pants, i have pj from Younghearts, i wouldnt want to purposely get buttondown ones as will end up not wearing.

like those bb clothes u mentioned, got sample to show me? if too troubelsome, its ok, i will ask the shops

btw: if use cloth diapers, must put nappy liners inside right?

As for disposable diapers, what brands do u recommend? Must buy how many packs for Newborns? I intend to use cloth diapers at home and disposable ones outside.

kindly advise :D thx

hi Tasha, seems like u are really doing ur 'homework' now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Well I know TMC and Mt A will give a simple diaper bag. But I find it small for when I bring my girl out on long whole-day trips, especially once she's on formula milk (gotta bring a lot of stuff). So best get a separate one but buy later bah since u won't bring baby out so often initially.

Pjs - I prefer the button down ones or those with openings by the sides. 'Cos I found it hard to keep the shirt rolled up while bfing and kept dropping down over baby, really irritating esp in the middle of the night. Those button down ones were more convenient for me and I was a pro at buttoning with one hand in a couple of days. Maybe u get a set or 2 then see which u prefer. Only $8 a set from Chinatown. They are roomy enough to pull up and bf instead of unbuttoning too.

Baby clothes - very common and can be found at places like kiddy palace. Those button down ones are gd. If u don't mind, ask from friend's who have kids before u and see if they can pass u the hand-me-downs?

Cloth diapers - those new and trendy kinds no need to use nappy liners le. My babe is on blueberry minkies (can google and see). These are pocket diapers with inserts. But for newborns I won't recommend as usage can be up to 10 pcs a day. Very headache to wash! Best use disposables first till they are 3-4mths old then switch to cloth. Only need to change ard 4-5 times a day by then.

Disposable diapers - Mamy poko and pampers are good! I also like huggies but coverage not as gd as MP. Newborn poo is very watery so best get those with good bum coverage to avoid leaking of poo. Just get 1-2 packs of NB sized diapers can le. Baby may upgrade to S very fast. Some didn't even use NB and used S straight after birth.

Hope these help! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry to barge into your thread, had some items to let go.

Used only twice : Avent Digital Bottle warmer selling at S$70. Please PM for details

Brand New: Lansinoh breastmilk storage bags (50 pieces) letting go at S$18. Please PM for details

Pjs - I prefer the button down ones or those with openings by the sides. 'Cos I found it hard to keep the shirt rolled up while bfing and kept dropping down over baby, really irritating esp in the middle of the night. Those button down ones were more convenient for me and I was a pro at buttoning with one hand in a couple of days. Maybe u get a set or 2 then see which u prefer. Only $8 a set from Chinatown. They are roomy enough to pull up and bf instead of unbuttoning too.

Dear Starry, i'm confused over this, 1stly u said buttoned ones better, then $8 a set from Chinatown is to pull up instead of unbuttoning, do u have pictures to show how it looks like?

If its normal pj, my area neighbourhood shops hv like 9.90-13.30 depending on design, no need to go to chinatown. Not sure which shop or which part Chinatown have also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My own pj sets are mainly t-shirt with shorts or lounge pants types

As for Cloth Diapers, now i have to consider between using cloth or disposable for newborns now, my mum and aunties all insist that i should use cloth diapers at home and disposable outside. hiaz... *fan niao* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Starry, it looks good but to me, I think is the "memory"... So TMC will be the one for me..

I hope to build up my supply asap so intend to bring my own pumps there.. Will latch n pump.. But it really depends on individual.. I m bringing my own pads cos I used up so many pads due to my complication! Ended up spending 100 over plus on pad in TMC..

Dress type for pj, I think our csec or natural wounds

Paiseh, iPhone hard to post ah..

Carrying on.. Pj dress type better cos c sec n natural wounds will make it a bit hard to lift ur leg up to wear the pants...

The nurse will clean up the bb once more n put on new clothes bearing hosp name for them.. But I think some parents would want their bb to wear the new set they bring.. But bb will be wrapped up so also can't see.. Hehe

I think so this time round I won't be telling my frens abt my hosp stay, I couldn't rest well the last time cos too many visitors.. Whenever I want to sleep or rest or bf, someone will come de.. Ended up I was really v tired

Tasha, who will wash the cloth diaper? If got helper then nvm..

Babies' stools r very watery ESP if bf.. So it is quite disgusting, the whole diaper will be stained yellow de...

Dear Roxanne,

I will be getting a maid in my 7th or 8th month, my mum will be around during my confinement period also.

They insist i should use cloth ones cause will ease the baby incase of rashes, 1 day need to change like 10times? wow, meaning if i buy cloth diapers, i must get like 3 dozen??

Tasha, if use cloth diapers, need to get around 30-40.

Usually 1 day will use up around 10pcs (or more for BF babies). Then usually is soak in a large pail of soap water, end of the day then wash all together, hang dry. If weather is good next day can use already. If weather not good, need to sun for 2 days.

You intend to get the maid so late? If you choose a maid now, the maid will arrive in July (if passport is ready). So that will be abt 7th months already.

I personally feel not enough time to let the maid get used to your family & the routine. Also, the first one that comes may not be ideal, so you add on to your frustration by then.

My friend got her new maid in her 6th month. End up the maid can't tahan and she request to go back to agency. Then she tried getting a replacement, wait & wait. Now her baby 6mths old already, still no replacement maid cos the other maids that came, all can't look after newborn. & my friend has already quit her job cos no one to take care of bb.

Tasha, I used cloth diaper for my second boy since he born till around 1 plus. I only have about 15 pieces. Not very difficult or troublesome to use. I used the brand Moo Moo Kow. I find them very good cos last time my boy very fussy about wet diapers. A liitle bit wet and need to change. Very ex to use the disposable. After I used cloth diaper, it lasted him longer.

Wish to sell the following items:

S26 Stage 2, 900g: Price S$33 each. Quantity: 2 Expiry: 21/01/2013

S26 Stage 4, 400g: Price S$15 each, Quantity: 2 Expiry: 05/09/2012

Friso Gold, 900g: Price S$36, Quantity 1. Expiry: 06/07/2012

while stock last, self-collection at sengkang / buangkok area


The pjs I mentioned are 2-pc types with short-sleeved top with matching shorts/pants. The top has buttons all the way down. What I meant was, u can either treat it as T-shirt pull up to bf or unbutton it to open up. Material is stretchy and comfy also. Ur mom is so on, insist on cloth. It's a lot to wash esp during initial days. Bf babies poo very often.


Yeah better if the memory is there. Sorry to hear abt ur SIL too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] What complication did u have that time, used so many pads?


30-40 so many? U talking abt those traditional muslin types?


pjs depend on your preference, if you're having csection, then better to get button down gown, you don't want your pants rubbing on your wound. For t shirts, can wear something that fits just right, otherwise an over sized t shirt can be falling on baby's face which is annoying.

For breastpads, I like Pigeon the best. Tollyjoy is also good, and slightly cheaper. Mothercare pads do not absorb well and feels hot.


nb poo really is very watery! be prepared if you wanna use cloth diapers. It will leave an ugly yellow stain. For nb baby I like mamy poko. Later on can switch to other brands.

If you're concerned about rash, just make sure baby is changed quickly after soiling, and clean with a bit of water. Dry and air thoroughly and apply diaper cream. Cloth diapers can save $$$ in the long run, but they are a lot of work. Great if you have a maid who can follow your instructions closely.


After reading ur post, I was reminded of a daddy friend I have whose boy gave a mega watery poo bomb at 2am. Just nice the diaper was open and his boy decided to 'shoot' his watery poo out and it flew almost a metre, hitting the curtains!! Wahahha! He even showed us the pic of the aftermath. Real classic le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So be very careful with newborn poo!

Thanks Mommies for all the patience in explaining to me, aarrgghh so much to learn, sweat!

I wish to opt for Natural Birth unless doc say i must C-sec so guess i hv to get dress in case i kena c-sec

If i get maid early, theres no one at home except my hub and i, my mum will only come over when i do confinement, i hv irregular working hours meaning most mornings or afternoons i will be home but if i hv work, she will be left alone, i dont want her alone in the house when im away for a few hours for work everyday, my hub works late also, if she comes early v redundant, i will be stopping work 1month before i give birth so i can train her myself as i can cook also


Give urself more time to learn. I would say it's 50% theory and 50% practical in motherhood. U can learn/read up and get tons of info now but u won't fully understand till u go hands-on after u pop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't sweat k? Things aren't as difficult as u think. And we are all here to share and help!

Hi mummies,

Where else can I find/buy baby cot beside Kiddy palace and mothercare? Just want to have more options.

Also where can I find/buy sayong "yao lan"?

Thanks in advance!

Good morning mummies,

Does anyone rmb the title of the confinement cookbook which is quite popular in SG?? i can't seem to find it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] if anyone knows please tell me..

Many many thanks.. & it's monday again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning gals! Can I check with you gals if it's alright for us to visit a colleague who has just given birth? My colleague said 'chiong' leh...

better not bah... and full month celebration also cannot go...

but if u nv pantang these kind of things, then go loh hee..

Jinnous, if both your colleague and yourself not patang, just go loh. For me, I'll check with the mother first to see if she's ok for me to visit her and if she said she doesn't mind, then I'll go. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just play safe and didnt go for my friends' baby shower. at least have a peace of mind, afraid if anything happen, also won't get blame.

even though my friends are okay, but their mil or mum may not be..

Ohhh.... hmmm... then I better dun go lor... ya... dun wanna get blame if anything happens... zzz

I changed to using Clarins leh!! The smell is so much better than cocoa butter!!! :p

starry, i got post partum haemorhage... Bled until I thought I was dying! The nurse quite funny, one shot used 4 pads to make a super big pad for me.. duno how she tie de.. in the end, after 15-30 mins, all soak.. very jialat.. so this time, i bring my own pads, already bought 3 big packets liao.. duno enough or not.. even in the delivery ward, the nurse said i got alot of water from water bag leh, also used up quite alot there...

Pj dress is convenient but hor, everytime when i slept too long, the dress will roll up leh, think i very chor lor.. haha

ya jinnous... i dont really believe in all the superstitions but then, if anything really happen, ppl will link it to what u have done etc..

i dont want to get blamed so play safe lor, dont go is the best!

Roxanne & Jinnous,

Yes have a peace of mind, lol

Seriously, day by day i am getting excited yet nervous about delivery, haha how sia.

I keep thinking what will delivery be & how painful it is ..


My colleagues are a little shock by my colleague giving birth so fast. She's 33 weeks and her bb is 3.4kg. She was bleeding from last Wed, admitted till now then doc said she dilated so need to do emergency c-section today. One of our colleague is one week later than her.... now she's a bit scared....

