(2011/10) Oct 2011

Hello mummies,

Have been a silent reader all these while as pregnancy is not stable. Keeping fingers cross and praying every day I can carry the baby to full term. That is why I hesitate to join any discussion threads as I worry MC again. However, still want to seek some advice from mummies here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Confinement food catering :

And recommendations or advice on this topic?

Both my mil and mother cannot do confinement for me so I will have to depend on myself.

Confinement lady :

I won't be getting a confinement lady too as it is not within our budget. I read that it cost $2,000 plus for a confinement lady. So I thought to do confinement myself with just food catering. Do you all think its workable?

Pre and post natal massage :

I have very bad water retention so gynae says no pre-natal massage until 3 trimester which will help bring down the swell. I was hoping to save on CL so that I can do a few sessions of pre natal and then engage a post natal massage.

Any recommendations for this?

My office lady recommended me this place called babies bellies. Have anyone used them before?

Thank you.



oh no! sounds scary. 'cos cannot see and cannot feel. i hate the maternity loop pads. so irritating, especially when need to go pee. so i bought the extra thick and long kotex pads which worked very well. but the leftover pads very wasted.. used likes less than half the pack.


hope both your colleague and her baby are okay. 33 weeks really very early. thankfully nowadays hospitals are very equipped to handle such premies. likely stay in nicu for a week or so can come out le. her baby sounds big!! 3.4kg at 33 weeks is huge! maybe don't even need nicu if can breath by him/herself.


you are in 2nd trimester too? have faith in your baby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do you have anyone to help you with cooking during confinement? then like that can save even more, no need to order confinement food. but it's definitely workable with catered food and taking care of baby all by yourself. a few mommies here did that too. i had my mom to cook and clean for me, and i handled baby all by myself as well. it was only more difficult the first week or so. after that it was pretty much a routine.

pre/post natal massage:

the last time round i was with origins jamu massage. but a bit ex.. $750 for 10 sessions. service was not bad though. looked forward to all the sessions. this time round gonna engage freelancer, which is cheaper.

Starry, regarding the free backyard BBQ Grill, did you call them alrdy? I called them tis morning and one of the girl told me that they are out of stock now cos too many of parent have redemp it since 20 May. But i tot redemption is only start from 01 June? Than she said don't worry, they can do reservation first, wat we have to do is jus give then contact number and name, they will call us for collection once the new goods coming in end of June. So if you have not call them yet, pls call asap.

I went visit not so close fren when she give birth lei. Think her full month celeb for bb also coming up. Should check w her ba. Now to think of it another preg fren didn't visit the given birth fren.

Baby bellies got website u can check. Recent bb expo got their pamphlet. Quite ex.

I also just wanted catered confinement food but hb insist cl. Haven found one yet! Agreed not to go ahead w mil do confinement to avoid conflict.


who did you call? the huggies hotline or the little tikes distributor? i also thought only start redeeming from 1 june onwards.

Starry, pls call Aprisin Singapore Pte Ltd (the place tat we will collect the thing) Tel 63368311.

actually they are jus nearby my office only, tat's why i go to purchase Huggies product :)

good afternoon mummies!

jinnous, it's up to you whether you want to visit your colleague. personally, i would go as not superstitious. 33 weeks at 3.4kg is like having a full-term bb!

welcome and congrats pofy! same here i'm not getting a CL as the charges are ex. i just secured confinement tingkat with Newbaby Confinement Food.

However, if it is #1 you are expecting i'd suggest a CL. otherwise, it'd be v good if you go for those childcare classes to prepare you to take care of newborn. Mdm Wong BB from TMC is a v popular choice.

i've not done pre and postnatal massage for my #1 due to me breastfeeding. Anyway the water retention will go away after you deliver.

emily, i think they screw up.. They keep giving different replies at different stage. I just called tell me redemption have not started only start 1st June. But she says overwhelming response, i ask her how she knows? Redemption havent started. She says make reservation, collect only July. Huh? so weird one.

i just called up and i think a bit screwed up. no proper communication. last week i called and was told to come redeem from 1st june onwards. just now told 20 may ppl started redeeming and now no stocks, wait till end-july then can collect. i left her with my name and number. dunno whether will end up telling me first-come-first-served, no more already.

Mag & starry, feeling very angry, rite? like kena cheated le! They told you is July, but for me is end June leh! why got different answer de? my daughter is using mammypoko but i purposely go to buy Huggies bcos of the free gift

starry, they are not giving right information. I called on 20th May morning they told me only start 1st June. Then after i bot in the noon i call again they say 1st June not now, ask me do not go down...

I guess going to be a big hoo-ha...

starry : Thank you. I will try my best. I have complicated medical problem but will definitely try my best. Nobody will be helping me with cooking or confinement so that's why I thought of this method. The elder folks insist I must engage CL but they don't know about our finances so I was feeling very down. Because of high risk and complicated problem, we spent alot on doctor already and I am saving in case i need to do a c-section instead of a natural birth. C-section i read is very very much more expensive.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Its good to know there are mummies successful in doing it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Gives me great encouragement!

luv : I will check out the newbaby confinement food. Thanks for sharing. Was thinking of saving money and ordering just normal food tingkat.

post/pre natal massage : breast feeding is it cannot do massage? If yes, then I won't even need to consider because I want to try to breastfeed and hope I can.

Hello mummies..

Has anyone tried the dreamgenii pregnancy pillow? is it effective? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I saw it at Mothercare, but it's much cheaper to buy it online (diapers.com.sg)..wondering if I should get it

Huggies: I went to cold storage twice, didnt buy the diapers in the end cos my hubby dont like huggies leh.. It causes diaper rashes for my gal.. i told him to stock up for this new baby, he also dont want.. He said he rather go buy the toy.. sigh..

hi Pofy, re to Confinement tingkat:

I was using natal essentials, their factory is near my house and so i always get warm tingkat very early... Found another one on the net:


This time round I want to try confinement tingkat for lunch and normal tingkat for dinner.. Or maybe 2 confinement tingkat suppliers cos their menu not much change, abit sick after 3rd week...

S$2k should be more than enough, u can also stock up the red dates, longan for a month... as long as u have proper diet n nutrients, it should be okie.. maybe u can order half half...

starry, i was on cathether for very long, almost two days cos of my condition.. so i nvr have a chance to go toilet with those pads on.. i only remembered when i went to the toilet, 2 big blood clots dropped on the floor and i was so frightened that i was stuck in toilet for a long time, not knowing what to do.. then somehow, a nurse suddenly popped into the room and knocked on my door, i also forgot did i press the panic bell for help then.. haha

Pofy, I think if u go by c-sec, it is quite tough to look after ur bb urself esp for first 2 weeks.. the wound should be quite painful... good to have some help

emilybaby, mag,

yes! feeling cheated and upset! but i thought okay, give them the benefit of doubt and wait first. i called up on the 20th to check too, and also told 1st june come by collect. if end up no notice from them, no stock or whatever, i will definitely complain big time. i was told just now that stocks will arrive end-july and we will be notified to come down collect. plus, i was assured there will be enough sets for all of us. mommies nowadays are very tech-savvy, if no more stocks, surely we will get 'wind' of it through the forums and i'm sure there will be mass complaints. don't think huggies/little tikes dare to play punk.


how come bfing cannot do massage? or u meant baby needed to latch very often so no time for the 1hr+ massage daily? i pumped my bm out so no issues for me that time. even when my babe cried for milk, my mom was around to tend to her.


have faith! if you have the will, you will have the way to make things happen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] c-sect is really expenisve, that i agree... my hosp bill came up to nearly $7k with scheduled c-sect. my colleague's bill was $11k 'cos of emergency c-sect. really must save up! another way you can save $$ is opt for 4-bedded ward. i read that some gynaes under TMC offers free upgrade from 4-bedded to 2-bedded ward. you can consider that too?

luv, when is your next visit to Dr Cheng?

I will be doing the detailed scan coming Wed..am so looking forward to every visit cos can see baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

do u know the gender of your baby yet? During my last visit, doc says that it will most likely be a baby gal. but can only be 100% sure when we do the detailed scan

Hello, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roxanne : My husband will stop work for 2 weeks to help me for 1st 2 weeks. I hope he can handle if i am in pain for 1st 2 weeks. I read that painkillers will be given by doctor and the painkillers are harmless even if we breastfeed. i hope i read correctly. I went to surf the website you mention. Not cheap, you are right. About 2K. Maybe i will opt for 1 meal of confinement and 1 meal of normal. Too expensive already. Sigh.

starry: thank you. I will definitely try my best except i can tell you. everyday is a worry. after experiencing a mc and now with problems in pregnancy, it takes the innocence of out pregnancy. every toilet trip and every wipe, i am scared. $11k???? $7K? oh my goodness, I am not at all prepared for this sum. now i panic.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

even $7K is alot for me. Sorry but I thought only about $4K to $5K when I see those posters in the lift of the hospital. Yes, will be looking at the 4-bedded option to save money.

Pofy, if finances really bothering you, you should consider changing to govt hospital (SGH or NUH are way cheaper than private & better than KKH).

For confinement food, you can try asking neighbours if anyone can cook for you. Then get a PT maid to come do the cleaning will do. Cheaper this way.

Also, don't worry about the expensive herbs. Honestly, the expensive herbs are the ones are cause a decline in breastmilk supply.

I never took any of those herbs during my confinement and I managed to produce tonnes of milk (and my boob size pre-preg was smaller than A cup!)

My confinement food was simple food cooked by my maid. Just use sesame oil & ginger will do. Use fresh ingredients & hv a good variety in your diet is more impt.


Do you have medisave? talk to doc and see if he can help bring down the bills.. which hosp are you be going? I know there is a welfare dept at KK..u can always talk to them if you have financial difficulty..May ne they can help. Don't worry too much..be a happy mommy..

As for tingkat confinement, if you think it's too expensive, you can cook them yourselves. Simple recipes..just the usual add seasame oil and ginger shreds and boil your own red dates tea..:)

There are some simple dishes that your hubby can cook for you when he's looking after you for the 1st 2 weeks. The subsequent weeks, either you can cook your own meals or order 2weeks tingkat.

Some example:

Seasame oil chicken,

Steam fish,

Ginger eggs,

sitr fry ginger pork slices/chicken slices

soup - normal soups like ABC soup also can..as long as nutrients is good.

mee sua - just add some veg, fish slice, and ginger/seasame oil..

Stir fry kailan with ginger shreds.

(If you may, add some liquor/DOM to your dishes)

That should do..:) my sisters had those when she had her confinement cos she picky on food and she was ok..did not suffer any unwell..and bb grow well too.

hope these are helpful..

fyi - my singaporean frd who resided in US did not do confinement or rest like us. She did her own marketing and cooking right after bith then. She has 3 kids now and her wellness is still good still..:)


i hope i haven't scared u! okay, i must let u know that my $7k bill is for 5D4N stay in a 1-bedded ward at Mt A, with scheduled c-sect under GA. i had complication after baby was taken out so maybe that added to the cost also. my colleague's case was she was admitted for natural delivery, but baby's heartrate dropped so went for emergency c-sect. emergency c-sect is extremely expensive. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] she also stayed in 1-bedded ward for 4D3N in Mt E. that explained the $11k.


yes, definitely can. i paid $2k++ in cash. the rest medisave. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The medisave claimable is fixed depending on which type of birth you had. So if you choose 4 bedder, your bill may not be so exp. Also, the hospital you choose plays a part. Mt A & TMC are the cheaper private hospitals. Glen E & Mt E are the more exp ones (assuming same procedure, same bed class, can be around 500 - few thousand more).

anyone got CL to reccommend?

all those baby bonus and CDA account - how shall we go about it... hostpital will inform us ?

we have 3 months to go then have to be on standby from week 36 onwards - when to pack hospital bag.

heard some say not to buy diapers now as newborn might be big and waste newborn diaper size?

other than cheong chong shop, where else good for all BB necessesities - small essential items?

Hello all mummies.

thank you very much for all the encouragement and good advice.

1d1r : I was with SGH (suppose to be the cheapest) but due to complication I got a second opinion so now i go to doc in TMC. I stay in Woodlands. I don't think we will take a PT maid. Not within our budget. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I should be able to handle with hubby. If not for that 1 month just close 1 eye. my boobs also flat. in fact, no increase at all despite pregnancy. same size, smaller than A. Now I wonder if there will be milk cos office people also wonder why my boobs did not grow.

Royal : Yes, I have medisave. I am still working so it should help. That's why I have to continue working despite condition. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I noted down all the dishes you recommended! I think not difficult. I cook some of them too. I just need to train my hubby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Perhaps I can adopt this method. I will discuss with hubby. You are right. In western countries they don't have these practices such as CL etc at all. In my office, there used to be one overseas woman. She said after she gave birth she went to gym in the same month! My mother said she is crazy. hahaha

They just don't understand that alot of stuff there are many people who don't do it. I try to do what is within my means.

Starry : No worries. Now i can rest better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahah. Mt A and GE or Mt E, all out of my range so never think of them before. I think the 4 bedder in TMC should be my option.

pofy/starry, there's no harm in enjoying massage while breastfeeding. just that (1) i wanted to increase my milk supply so i latched on #1 constantly, even through the night.

(2) i also heard that massage can help us lose weight quickly. but i lost so much weight while breastfeeding that i decided that's no point. finally, mine was c-section so i tot i need to wait until confinement was over, by then my wound had healed already.

happygal_01, my next visit to Dr Cheng is on 13 June. so nice to have a bb gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my detailed scan was done last week and it's a boy again. but he's active and healthy. i'm thankful for that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pofy, yes painkillers are there to help after a c-section. they won't interfere in breastfeeding. confinement tingkat going rate is $1,140 for lunch & dinner 5 days a week for 4 weeks. if you find that expensive, maybe order normal tingkat and put alot of sesame oil, ginger, black bean etc into the food.

but i'd still suggest the confinement tingkat as you need to eat really well during your confinement. assuming you are giving birth in Oct11, you still have +/- 4 months to go. now is a very good time to start saving.

if you and hb are working, try to aim for S$1k savings a month. prepare a budget and try and stick to it. i did one 5 years ago and update it every month and it's paid me dividends [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i was shocked when my colleague told me about her bill size. Mt E is really very very ex.


all these will be done for you at the hospital together with birth cert, registrations etc. after that you will receive letter from OCBC telling u that the CDA is set up for your baby and send u the ATM card and password separately.

government will 'reward' u with $1k (if i recall correctly) within a couple of months after u pop and this sum goes into the bank acc u nominated (either urs or ur hubby's) then just have to take out the money and bank into baby's CDA. i'm not sure if there is a shortcut for this. but anyway, just have to top up the acc with cash as and when you want to and the government will match whatever sum u deposit in at the end of the year, up to maximum of $6k. so u can put in $6k and government gives u another $6k. good deal huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] this sum of money is useful for vaccinations, ifc/cc payments, school fees etc.

gilera, the baby bonus and CDA account form will be given to you and/or your hb upon registration. there's a instruction booklet telling you what to do. for the CDA account, not all banks offer it. i signed up my #1 through OCBC.

i started packing my hospital bag when i was 32 weeks along, just in case [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes, diapers don't buy now. some babies can be 4kg at birth. can just buy 1 small package for standby. those small essential items can be bought at known supermarkets. thank God for 24-hour NTUC Xtra!

pofy... if possible, take confinement food. I think KKH has nurses or midwives visiting the mummy if you require. Can go check out their website.

Pofy, talk to your gynae abt your financial concerns. Some gynaes at TMC do deliver at Mt A & the bill size at Mt A is cheaper. & they are more flexi abt payment compared to TMC (for TMC, you don't settle the bill, you cannot carry baby out of the nursery).

Your gynae may also be able to lower his delivery fee for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello all mummies!

Feel very happy for all the advice and encouragement. Let's all jia you for our baby!

1d1r : horrors! so realistic, no payment no carry baby home. I didn't know they have such harsh practice. the ugly truth of reality! I haven't discuss with doc on delivery because the pregnancy was not stable and doc ask to take 1 day at a time. So i dare not rush for fear of great disappointment. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jinnous : thanks. I will check them out.

luv : i think i will skip the massage lady. save the money for baby. also worry if its c-sec then trouble to arrange and also if i massage nobody look after baby. hahaha. one thing less to plan and spent i guess. yes, +/- 4mths to save. I am working very hard on that. Hubby also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good to know painkillers will help then i can also help my hubby with baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry : Mt E leh. Its like high up on the mountain. Very expensive. The sound of it also very expensive. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But everybody have their own comfort level. So we all make do with what we have. Maybe i strike big sweep then I can go Mt E.kekeke.

Pofy, maybe you can take to your family regarding finances also. Just hint to them that you are worried about complications which might add to the cost of delivery, so sound them out if they are willing to lend money if that really happens.

Me & hubby were not earning a lot when I had #1. & I sounded out my parents & my uncle before delivery to let them know that I might need to borrow money from them if any complications arise & the bill turns out to be much higher than expected. Once they said ok, really took a big big load off my shoulders :D


not sure whether is it a must to consume more ginger, vinegar, etc .. anyway, i was recommended http://www.empirefood.com.sg/tingkat.htm .. cost wise rather affortable and the dishes seem delicious ..

GSS is just round the corner, so perhaps you can buy essential baby items .. for me, i am just buying the minimal and necessary items .. getting baby clothings from friends ..

not sure whether you went through the previous posts:

1) keep all your consultation receipts and claim from medisave when you deliver

2) philip is having a sale this weekend .. go and buy those essential baby items ..

let us know if you need any help/advise .. jia you!!

back from my detailed scan today... just an update... a baby boy too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all, been busy at work, wasn't active in the thread for a while.

Gg for my detailed scan this wed, quite excited also. Hope can confirm gender this time.

Happygal : u also gg for DS Tis wed? Also TMC?

1d1r : congrats !!


Congratulations!! Ur hubby must be over the moon? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm reporting to update too! 80% confirmed a GIRL cos no balls nor bird could be seen yesterday. Gynae says got chance will turn into boy but I doubt it lah. Lol! So glad that I can reuse Jadelyn's clothes for Jazeree. Very 不舍得 to throw or give them away!

Think my fil is gonna be quite disappointed. He was hoping for a boy and the other day while we were having breakfast, he made a really awful and tasteless joke abt me if this one is not going to be a boy. Think back still feel a bit sore and upset. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

fantastar : Thank. Yes i checked it out. It seems this company quite popular? I have read other mummies using them too for meal tingkat. Price also reasonable. I can consider. That will take out the cooking for us and my hubby and myself can concentrate more on baby and housework.I will discuss with my hubby. Thank you for the sales recommendation. I hope i can stock up some bottles during the great singapore sale. Philips sale i won't be going because i not buying breast pump. I hope to latch the baby direct to save some money. The pump i read is very expensive and 2nd hand ones i read not advisable.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry : don't be dishearten by what your fil says or think. I face it all the time, the crude remarks on why i cannot get pregnant etc etc until when i finally did, the demands for gender start coming. They don't know how tough it is to get pregnant and stay pregnant. Not everyone is lucky to strike on first try and not everyone is lucky enough to hold their baby till birth. There are loads of mummies out there heartbroken. I went through it and I can tell you, no time can heal the wound for losing a child. Our wish is for a a healthy and happy baby, the gender is secondary. So as long as you are happy and your hubby is happy, forget their comments. There is no such thing as must be one girl then one boy to be "Good" etc, all children are gifts and we all treasure them no matter their gender. Cheer up! Very soon, your little princess will be arriving!


Congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yup, my DS is tomorrow at TMC. What time is your appt? Mine is 2.45pm...am thinking of joining the hospital tour before the DS

idir : thanks for your suggestion. but hor in my case, it will be easier if they don't borrow from us. hahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My inlaws like to take risks at the casino so it has been a constant worry for us. i wish we have no casino in singapore. i didn't grew up with one. now that we have 2, i also worry how to teach my child in future with such tempting vices so near. sigh


Girl is very cute too. I really want a girl to accompany me and doll her up everday.. but we cant control of the gender so as long as bb is healthy, we will be very glad enuf! Im happy with both genders, so now only hope to have bb girl in next 2-3 years [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya my in laws and mummy are super happy as tis bb boy will be their first grandson. happy for them also... but looking at online shopping for bb girls clothes is so much nicer and for boy is so limited and plain one...sien...

Anyone knows about Left Uterine Notch? this is one of the diagnosis i gotten from DS yesterday. My gynae told me not to worry anything about it as the right uterine is alright... I still have little doubt and worry anyway...


So you will be wandering around TMC for quite awhile before your appt?...cause I think the tour is only for about 30-45mins :p

Yes, I will be delivering at TMC. My gynae only delivers in this hospital.

Good morning mummies.

Takashimaya storewide is having some sales..

i manage to scan a few photos off the brochures..

additional 10% for cardholders [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am planning to get vaccum flask i wonder is it worth to buy at taka since now its having sales??

roughly how much will you spend for a vaccum flask???

i have lots of things to buy cos this is my #1..


Pofy, which gynae are u under now in tmc? Some gynaes are very expensive leh, I will recommend u to go to Dr Lawrence Ang from TMC, he is in Sun Plaza, near to u. His rates is cheaper and got free upgrade from 4 bedder.

Otherwise, u can follow what starry did? Get a queue in polyclinic to refer u to KKH so that in case of serious complications, the fees will be subsidised? I heard that those who gave birth naturally in 6 bedder dont really have to pay anything cos all covered by medisave, but duno true or not la... maybe u can check it out?

