(2011/10) Oct 2011

re: natural delivery without epidural

wanted to go for natural delivery without epidural .. but after 'hearing' so many real-life events, me now having second thoughts .. but think i will still stick to natural delivery without epidural .. will opt for epidural if the pain is unbearable or prolonged ..

re: confinement

wow, 1 month never wash hair and only fan .. me already discussed with mil last week .. she is alright with me showering, washing hair (but must do it with herbs) and air-con (hospital also air-conditioned =p but of course, cannot be blowing directly at me ..

re: name

have not finalize on a name yet as gender still unknown .. hubby initially wanted to name baby as cashew as baby looks like a cashew nut from the 1st official scan with gynae =.= when i told him that since we are planning for 4 kids and it happened that there are 4 alphabets in-between our names (F, G, H, I) .. each one will take 1 alphabet =p but then, thought i might chicken out later and have 2 instead .. so thought if son, then will be under same alphabet as me (J) and if girl, then will be under same alphabet as hubby (E) .. and was just thinking Jerrick for a buy will be nice, then hubby 'poured a pail of cold water' - "later those elderly do not know how to pronounce and called him jelly" =.= anyway, english name to be finalized after baby's gender is known .. chinese name will have to go to those feng shui shifu and calculate ..

re: baby stuffs

what have you all buy so far? me only bought a sterilizer and diaper bag .. have asked for baby clothings from my friends .. colleagues are getting a stroller .. other than that, me planning to just buy breast pummp and buy some necessities ..



sorry to "pour cold water" too. my friend's son is called jerrick! and he is being teased in sch ( pri 3 only).. frens call him 'jia lat'

jinnous, according to http://www.mom.gov.sg/services-forms/Pages/wp-online-fdw.aspx you can apply for a work permit if you have your SingPass. But i'm not sure if your friend's friend can look for work directly without agency as i think FDWs need to pass some tests before they can work in Singapore.

re: name yup hb and I have decided on the name for our #2. Waiting for approval from parents [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think FIL will have no problems with the name cos for #1, upon my dad's request FIL went to his eldest bro and actually got a family name almanac. He's that traditional [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes that why have to make sure bb name is fool/ joke- proof!

Everytime see my nephew Ethan , the words: "Ethan... Hv u eaten? " comes out

It is possible to do all maid paperwork thru MOM. No need agency. Courses n tests etc can just sign up. My Burmese coll told me this way that's y intend get Burmese maid thru her.

But as no agency, if maid no good, no replacement.

another filipino coll also sourcing her acquantice for me

hope next week scan @18weeks can see my bb gender liao. wait until my neck soooooo long.

cant wait to shop for bb stuff!

good morning mommies!

so many posts to catch up!

RE: Philips Carnival Sale

I have the 20% voucher also. Too bad we can't use during the sale. Just browsed through the website. So many things to buy from them! I'm gonna get the baby monitor, milk bottle sterilizer, bottles, bottle warmers and pacifiers! Anything else to get? Not sure if the sale will be good. Need to check out the retail prices for these items first.

Thanks minidiary for sharing the sale with us!

Pray&Love, yr mum will come over here to help you during yr confinement? Very good hor, I miss M’sia confinement foods a lot. my mil will cook for me, but I still like and prefer those M’sia confinement food. yummy yummy.... ;-)

Starry, saw yr post in Nov thread. Wow! you act really very fast wor, alrdy bought the Huggies (S$100) product and got the voucher for free BBQ Grill. Hope i still can make it after work tonight :)


wahahha! my hubby lah, told me to quick quick go buy diapers. i bought mostly for my girl since she's still on diapers. toilet training is very very far off. oh, no voucher though. just have to bring the receipt to redeem from the little tikes office. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no choice. listen to her lor.

rabbit_bb #1

me 1 month later =(


#1 we bought it. still using it now cos scared if leave it in the storeroom will be spoil. Still functioning well too =D

baby movements:

these 2 nights feel alot of movements usually after dinner. i sit on a couch dat is 1/2 lying down. im thinking either bb full or listen her noisy jie jie's voice dats y so active but today lunch i felt it again. usually i muz lie down alil on my bed den can feel more.

toyogo plastic drawers:

i store my gal's home clothings inside too. i go toa payoh warehouse to buy it. lots of choices...


i still got meals at the hospital after checkin. about noon time.

tmc or mount a better? ladies any reviewS?

oh yah, emilybaby. m'sian confinement food diff from singapore? these were some of what i had during confinement:

- vinegar pork trotters

- chicken thigh in whiskey

- hong zao chicken

- sesame chicken

- mee sua soup with rice wine

- dried oyster rice

- sesame/ginger stir fried veg

- pork belly soup with rice wine

same as m'sian style? i ask 'cos my mum did confinement for me. she's malaysian, but in singapore more than 30 years and a lot learnt from local friends.


think both TMC and Mt A are good. but so far from reviews i've had from friends and personal visits when they pop, it seems like Mt A is a tad better in terms of service and room availability. heard from 3 friends that the nurses in TMC are all super bz, no time to teach u how to latch baby. they brought the babies in to my gfs, help latch on baby then left le. didn't 'bother' giving any latching tips and the LCs are also not very helpful. dunno is it they never ask or what.

whereas for Mt A (i gave birth there last year), the nurses teach u without u having to ask them and they make sure u know what to do before they leave the room even if it means staying for 10-15mins there. i only saw the LC for a while due to engorgement during my 5-days stay there. nurses helped me more than LC!


i heard that TMC nurses are not patient and food standard also drop. Mt A nurses are good and pro breastfeeding. #1 was delivered at TMC, most likely #2 will be at Mt A.

btw where u get the rice wine? 3years ago, my mil get it from a friend's friend but now lost contact le. the rice wine super yummy nor.. 1 bottle she sell for $10.

wah starry.. ur list of confinement food is making me drool.

hungry hungry hungry

My filipino colleague told me she had friends who also tried to get thru direct, then some can some cannot, must go thru agency. So she dunno what's the chances of getting thru.

And I think the minimum is 1 year contract. Haiz... I'm not really sure leh... haha cuz wasn't prepared to have maid. It's alway the two of us... plus my dog of course. Felt like intrusion to provacy leh.. what u think?


that's what i heard too, but of course there were some who said the nurses were very helpful! i guess partly is by luck?? TMC too 'hot' le. rooms are always full. recently just visited a gf there and thru out her stay she was in 2-bedded. requests to upgrade to 1-bedded all kena turned down 'cos fully booked.

re: rice wine

i bought it from this nice lady who posted abt her homemade rice wine in the forum. i still have her contact somewhere and can pass to you if you want. think quite lucky that her wine really very nice and fragrant. not too sweet and not 'siap siap'. i remember she even did free delivery to my mom's place. still have some leftover in the fridge.


after like 2 weeks u will get a bit sian of the food though. lol! but i remember i was nv sick of the fish. either cod fish or salmon or threadfin with just soy sauce. delicious!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


TMC really too "hot". Gleneagle used to be expensive hosp now i heard TMC is expensive.

Can you pass me the contact? Thanks so much~


PM-ed you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] TMC is expensive now. last time i heard Mt A is cheapest among private hosp. still true??


going on hospital tours help. and speaking with friends who have given birth there before. that time i visited 2 diff gfs at TMC and Mt A and chose the latter 'cos felt more serene and staff seemed friendlier to me.


i bought without the 'zha' that time, so 5 bottles $50. if buy lesser think a bit more ex at $15 per bottle of 300ml. if buy with the 'zha' is $10 per bottle. the wine quite concentrated so per bottle is enough to cook like 2-3 whole chickens.

FYI, there's pros & cons of self-hiring.


- no need to pay agent fee

- can interview maid if you hv the contacts

- no 'free replacement' if the maid is not suitable


- maid was not trained at training centre to prepare for worklife in SG (no probs if you hire ex-SG though).

- the paper work is not easy to settle (I've done it before) - MOM likes you give a lot of trouble, esp if you are first time employer

- you need to make sure the maid clears English test (no prob if getting Filipina or ex-SG maids) & medical check up

- if maid dun pass the test, you still hv to pay for her air ticket here & back

- You need to help them get a passport (not all of them have passports)

I still prefer to pay that few hundred bucks agency fee. Like my current agency, very good. Cos I'm asking for extension of my current maid's stay after the new maid arrive, they help me think of ways to appeal to MOM & help me to settle all the paperwork. & they keep me updated via email. Very efficent. & I got to webcam/phone interview the maid before I confirm. :D

it's easier to direct hire if you are hiring ex-SG maid. Cos already got WP no & can skip the English test.


Amongst the private hospitals, MT A is the cheapest, followed by TMC. Mt E, Glen E all are within the top 2 most exp!

I was also deciding btw TMC & Mt A. Decided to go bk to TMC though I hate the carpark situation there (but they got free shuttle bus from Novena MRT).

Mt A rooms are much cheaper than TMC.. the family suite (the most exp), which can have 2persons staying over, is only 3.1k. But TMC single room, cheapest already need 3.2-3.3k liaoz... but i prefer TMC's rooms leh. looks newer loh... Mt A looks like normal hospital room leh, which i dun like.. dun wan to feel like a patient.

their delivery room is much bigger than TMC's. but too big too airy, i will scared haha...

HS, I dun really like Mt A cos it's a 'general hospital'. A lot of male patients walking around (like no privacy at night).

For TMC, it's mostly female patients (nvr heard of male patient going to TMC anyway). Feel safer for me at night :p


Mt A is it Mt Alvernia. Think there is also shuttle bus from novena mrt.


can pm me the contact also. would like to try thought never try before.


i thought TMC and Mt A wards look quite the same. the premier suite at TMC is nice though! got personal computer for you to surf net too. the 2-bedded ones from both Mt A and TMC really look like normal hosp rooms. very cramped also, don't like it. and my neighbour was very noisy that time so whole morning spent in the room was very sian for me.

winnie.. yup Mt A is Mt Alvernia.

1d1r.. yah i also dun like the general hospital concept. cos there might be contact w ppl with other illnesses, which is like not very good for a newborn.. but i tink catholics would prefer to go there ba becos bb will be blessed by sisters ?

starry.. my hubby dun really like TMC rooms cos its cramped. their single room very cramped. but from my visits to TMC to see frens, i tink TMC rooms are ok leh.. but i agree that the 2 bedded are really cramped...


i have PM-ed you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


have a lot of men walking around? i saw mostly pregnant women, young children and infants during my whole 5 days there. maybe 'seasonal' for those male patients bah. :p

Starry, eh... it's a general hospital afterall... when we went to visit friends, we saw a lot of male patients (in patient PJs) walking around... just don't like that feeling...

HS, I also like the idea of the sisters blessing baby but I hv requested for my church pastor to do it & he has always been so willing! My boy was born at 4am on Sunday morning, my pastor arrived at 6am with my parents & he had to rush to church for 8am service! :D


TMC got different tiers of 1-bedded if i'm not wrong. the cramped ones could be the 'cheapest' 1-bedded room? i saw the premier room which my gf stayed in, very spacious. but the sofa bed for her hubby not very comfy and was quite small. toilet very big. haha! she told me additional $300 per night on top of normal 1-bedded room cost. expensive huh??


PM me too pleaseee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ya I like the premier single room... I wanted to see the normal single room but during the hospital tour, not available.


i will look out for male patients in PJs the next time i'm there. the way u described them tickled me. haha! didn't know it's a general hosp. :\ but doesn't matter for me since i'm paying so much i want gd service! and i don't wander at night also apart from visiting the nursery and the lounge area at the maternity ward. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my gf's exp at tmc kinda put me off. she cried during her stay there 'cos nurses refused to teach her latch baby. but maybe it was misunderstanding as i'm think if she had asked properly, the nurses had no reason to reject her. unless she really so suay encounter all those bo chap ones.

starry... yup.. i got the price list for those... premier room is at least 3.5k...it really depends if u need the computer terminal loh.. cos i tink i most likely will be either surfing net on iphone or laptop... most likely jus pay for a bigger type of 1 bedded that is without the terminal.

BUT all the rooms are subject to availability right.. soo have to see if u heng or suay loh. my mgr had to stay a 2 bedded for 1st night before transferring to 1 bedded the next day cos not enough beds...


really heng suay one. same for MT A... thought could book lor. i was stuck in 2-bedded for the first morning. luckily got mummy check out from 1-bedded room in the afternoon so straight after i popped i could take the room. my neighbour's hubby was very inconsiderate, used the ward's toilet. i was given liquid to clear bowels and was in surgical gown liao and hopping ard trying to hold in the poo while he hogged toilet! damn upset. and he and his wife watched tv without using the earphone provided, plus the pump noise i really couldn't sleep even though i was really very very tired. so i told hubby no matter what the cost, please please upgrade me to 1-bedded room!


thanks! will check with my mil whether want the zha anot.

will be going Mt A hosp tour around july to decide which hospital to go to.

babyinperth: Me going over from 10th June to 16th June... free and easy, staying in Perth city for first 3 days then driving out to St Margaret's for 2 days... Just want to get out of SG for a relaxing trip with some greenery and fresh air. Shopping's secondary hahaha... But if I do wish to shop, any recommendations? :p

I heard June usually very wet. Keeping fingers crossed coz I hate the rain!

Bubblygeekypig: I hope it's normal? My colleague was telling me hers didn't show until 5-5.5 months, so she was telling me maybe my bb very big??? Scared at the thought of putting on much weight... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Morninghugs.

2 days at magaret river? Will be pretty rush isn't it? Driving there or by tour? Magaret rivet is a beautiful nice town. Think u will like it. My Sis in law also coming during that period, their family is going Albany.

Not sure if perth is a better place to shop then singapore. But u can try the factory outlet called harbourtown. Got pumpkin patch and etc.

Places like target, kmart got pretty good deals for bb stuff. Clothes wise might be winter clothing during June.

Anyway, shopping is secondary right? Enjoy the blue sky, the vastness of land and relax. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear ladies, I'm new Mommy almost 20 weeks going for details scan next week.

My EDD is 12th Oct, 90% girl girl :D

Hesitate to post cause the threads goes so fast, i can't catch up. :p

I wish to start baby shopping after my scan, any mommies wish to share

(1) List of items to buy to bring to hospital

(2) List of items to buy for Mommy during


(3) List of items to buy for Baby up to 1st month/3rd month.

I hope to buy ONLY the necessary items because I need to get a maid which will cost me a sum already. :D

Many thanks in Advance


welcome tasha!

I think the most impt stuff to bring to hosp are:

1. pyjamas - dress kind with buttons on the front

2. breastpump

3. maternity pads - can buy 1-2 packs of kotex ones with maternity loop cos hospital will charge >$10 per pack, outside cost $6 only

4. 2 - 3 pcs of disposable panties

5. shampoo,soap, facial foam if u want to bathe..

6. Nipple cream - Medela got this purelan which is quite good

No need to bring anything for baby as hosp will provide for everything...normally they will give u a goodie bag for baby, u can ask for milk samples too..

Last time I bought a big pack of stuff to hosp, my husband still joke and ask me where i want to go for holiday.. end up, I nvr really use much things...

For confinement, massage lady is a must... Not sure what to prepare for confinement food cos i ordered tingkat one..

For baby, it really depends on individual and what's in the goodie pack...

1. standby a tin of milk powder

2. bottles

3. steriliser

4. clothes

5. diapers

6. cotton pads to clean baby

7. wet tissue

8. dustbin to throw soiled diapers

9. handkercheif, u can use tissue paper for this

10. diaper rash cream

11. soap/shampoo for baby, i will be using latacyd for first 3 mths cos it is very mild, almost like soapless

12. ru yi oil

I think these are essentials, u can add on a baby cot or playpen, carseat, stroller

