(2011/10) Oct 2011


did you bathe thru out confinement? i had to observe the 5 days rule. no washing of hair, no bathing. but i secretly used the hot water shower to just rinse the whole body 'cos feel very yucky! and last year october was super duper hot. after the 5 days, bathe everyday with herb water. it is very very disgusting to not bathe and give baby sticky/sweaty breasts. yeeew...


saw your post abt names on the FB group. very unique and manly! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes, thought of names already. hubby and i both have christian names starting with J so little ones will have too. you can try googling 'baby names'. a lot of websites will pop out. and if you sign up as member on the abbott website, they will send you some milk powder samples, a baby cd plus a baby naming book. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if im not wrong around 1 week i never bath. for wash hair 1 month, i really b a gd gal lorx. Is so yucks. i tied my hair for the whole 1 month. mil let me bath but she sae dun wash hair for my good. mil did not know i use herbs water to bath everyday plus soap. she tot i alternate clean body and wash. is so hot! imagine coming out of the bathroom i feel so hot.

my frens told me oct will be cooling cos mine due end oct.


ours for girl will be starting with J, for boys will be G. J follow me, G follow my husband. =D

I thot of names also, boy or girl both starts with "M". But my fil don't like the names. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Should I pleased them or just stay with it?

Shan, hehe... won't share on open forum.. I've shared it on FB in the secret group :D

Babyinperth, your ILs are Chinese or Caucasian or other race? Maybe you let them choose a middle name or Chinese name to make them happy?

Afterall, you won't want them to be sore with you over this right?

My ILs don't care, so I dun hv to bother abt them. Only my mum is worried I will choose a nonsensical Chinese name since my Chinese sucks, so I had to get her approval for that. Glad she likes our choice :D


wow! you are really very guai, nv wash hair for 1 month!! i couldn't do it at all. hair was oily and itchy, plus weather was really too hot! thought october was supposed to be cooling month but last year was the exact opposite. think the monsoon season got delayed or what lah. everyday was like 32°C and above on top of being humid. the moment bathe come out sweat liao.


worth a look! my friends went for last year's and saw some gd deals.

1d1r: my in laws is Chinese, but don't speak mandarin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] No practice of having middle name, but can probably start it.

ok then will make a trip down...

but before that, i need to survey those Sterilizer bundle price first... if not, blur blur dunno whether it's cheap to buy there or not...

I saw from the philips brochure, that they have two kinds of steriliser, one is steam and one is digital... the digital supposed to be able to steriliser faster and bottles can be kept sterilised for longer hours....


ya lorx. listen to mil, no choice even oily n itchy. throw temper to hb.. haha~ cos i always have headache so no choice listen to her. i only blow fan only too. super hot! bb born on september so hot and humid...


the one i have is not digital, put the button down. after down i fix back all the bottles and put on the table.

Babyinperth, so they can't help with Chinese name? hmm... then a little tough.. maybe let them choose a middle name?

Or you sound them out if they can help with Chinese name?

we though we had gal and wanted this name. now BB confirmed BOY so we took the male equivalent of that name. HB lazy to look into other names. seems that we call BB by this name until used to it already. when search online, always stuck at A. too many!

chinese name HB only want 2 character. surname and single char for name. very diff. surname double wood - LIN. - LIM

Lim Kopi, Lim Milo, Lim Teh, Lim bei... lol

Mummies, I’m SUPER sleepy today! no energy to work at all :-(

Roxanne, I also received the email abt the Huggies promotion :)

I also been cough for 1 week le, Tuesday my mil cook the Apple water for me to drink, my cough is much better on the next day. Maybe you can try. I’ll try to drink red dates too. Beside red dates, wat else did you put? Is it like those that we drink during our confinement?

emilybaby, do u cough at night or daytime?

Those apple/pear is good when u have a heaty cough, normally cough in the day...

Red dates I just crushed it and put honey to sweeten it... I only coughed at night, so mine is those cooling cough... ya same, but i nvr put longan

Gilera, I got a lot of friends with surname Lin. Their names all quite nice leh.

Roxanne, Hu2 Zi3 is cute! hahahaha!

My hubby's surname is Huang2 (yellow). So any name will also end up as yellow something! hahaha! :p


thanks for the heads up on the promo! hubby told me to please go and buy huggies today. buahaha! he is more kancheong than me lor.


sounds very strict. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but it's true, better do proper confinement and regain back health faster. then if wanna try for next baby also easier.


your cough is heaty cough? boiled apple/pear sweet soup is gd! i like it with white fungus and the nan xing, bei xing. it's ok for consumption during pregnancy. get well soon!!


hu2 zi3 sounds cute! haha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hubby also a huang2. whatever we produce will also be 'yellow'. lol!

Afternoon mommies~

RE: wash hair and shower

when was the fastest mommies can shower and wash hair? I wash my hair daily and shower 2-3 times a day now. I cannot imagine if I cannot shower or wash hair during confinement lei

RE: Sterilizer

Do you mommies buy them yourselves or frds will give as gift? Scare I buy and get as gifts again.

RE: Baby bottle

Is Tommee Tippee bottles good? any mommies used that? BB godma going US in two weeks time, ask me for my shopping list. So wonder what is good to buy there other than the Medela Breastpump. Cos I think Tommee Tippee will be cheaper there too.

minidiary> i also will be going to see see the sterilizer n bottles and also hot water pot too (want to standby in the room if not very troublesome to go kitchen). Last year I went to see from Isetan the anti-colic bottles are so exp!

Sunbian go Toyogo buy plastic drawer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies!

so exciting thinking of all the names. already thought of a boy's and girl's Christian and chinese name already so really depends on whether scan next week confirms boy or girl. but my hubs wants a DIALECT name also! but he's not sure how to "spell" so might need to ask my grandpa.

i think i can feel the little one! feels like these very fast "twitches" in my lower tummy. at first thought it was my intestines but feels different. hope it gets stronger so i'd noe for sure!

wow you ladies started buying diapers already?! i haven't even bought a single thing for baby yet...i think the shopping spree will begin next week onwards after the scan!

sigh gotta work the weekend but looking forward to going for "babymoon". anyone has recommendations for a nice and reasonably priced bintan resort?

oh talking about chinese names, I heard say some child the ming4 cannot take one character name, cos too strong for them. Anyone heard of that too? I kinda like one character too..My hubby surname Zhang..but definitely not going to be Zhang1 Fei1 :p


where to buy Toyogo plastic drawer? is there a warehouse there? ya i think before i go philip sales, must know the price first... if not, later end up didnt buy anything...


the 20% voucher can use during the sales? if can, then will be very cheap lor...


I cant find u in FB, I send email to ur email add. do check and add me in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Once i started eat the LHK bird nest concentrate in Apr, my cough gone liao. I've been coughing more than 3 months even before preggie...

re: natural birth w/o epi

I am hoping and praying hard that i will have a smooth delivery for my #1. I have quite a high tolerance towards pain but not blood/needles.

decided during my 3rd tri will try to move and do some light kegel exercises to prepare for the delivery. but still i am excited yet anticipating, as this is #1 don't know how it goes??hahaha

So i hope i wouldnt be seeing blood or needles..

any mummies also hoping not to use any epi??

please share your views. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks minidiary... waiting for ur email [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roxanne & starry I think mine is a heaty cough bah cos most of the time is at daytime..will cook it again with the white fungus, nan bei xing then..heee..hee..

hope get well soon, if not really worried my cough will affected my baby.

Pray&Love, may I knw wat is LHK?

Thanks rabbitbb! will grab one drawer too to put in living room [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


LHK - Lo Hong Ka... haha my mum bought for me in KL, cheaper than here.


hahaha i cant read chinese words... what's that ar?? i know first word "Lao ... Jia" only.. haha it's the one i think...

Hey gals ask u huh...

do u think it's better if I get a maid? Like maybe for 2 months or so... then I get a day time confinement nanny (that is if I can find one also)? The maid is filipino and has 4 kids so she knows how to take of bb. Just that she doesn't know confinement only... cuz filipinos dun have all these...

rabbit_bb, tommee tippy teats are quite hard, my gal duno how to suck... but i heard good reviews about it..

minidiary, i duno leh, i hope can use.. maybe i shall call up first, if can use, we arrange a session, all of us go together and use the 20% voucher?


I double check and sent again.

Ya it's the correct email I've sent leh...

you check ur mailbox again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow if can use then the discount will be upto 100% haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya maybe can call up first


some of my friends didnt get confinement ladies. The maid helps out and in-laws do cooking.

But for my case i will still get confinement lady cos I have 2 more kids at home and also likely mine will be c-section again.


dont have le. maybe hotmail got some delay. i check again later on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jinnous, eh.. there's no such thing as getting a maid for 2 months only... cos you need to pay for their insurance & loan which adds up to a few thousand dollars & they need to 'pay off' the loan by working for around 6-8mths with you before they can clear the loan!

Unless you are taking transfer maid (agency will still take 1 salary from the maid & charge you agent fee anyway)... But seriously to get a foreign domestic worker for 2 mths is not possible. You end up paying more than getting a confinement nanny!


I did not bathe when I was in hospital and on the day I came back, so that's 3 days, but I did wipe down with hot towel and wash my face. Also washed my bottom with spray. the hospital bathroom felt cold and I was still feeling weak at that time. Besides, there's aircon in hosp so not an issue then.


I can't remember when I washed my hair... I think after 1 week...


i didn't need an enema, the day before delivery I had diarrhea. It's nature's way of clearing the bowels in preperation for birth. My sis had the same experience.


I took a milo before going to hospital too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Unfortunately I felt so sick during contractions that I threw up everything. yucks. Luckily my hb reacted very quickly and I managed to puke into a bed pan.

Dunno leh.... my friend has a friend who wants to work here but dun wanna go thru agency. So she wants to find work straight herself. My friend said I can apply work permit for her? Can that be done?


afternoon mummies! *taking breather b4 going back to peak period work* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jinnous, ur idea of getting this maid n day-time CL sounds not bad n price looks reasonable now that CL rate is at least $2k/mth.

Birth story: #1 had no intention at all to come out of my womb until 38w where he was finally head down n engaged at the pelvis. At 39w5d for some unknown reason his head got disengaged.

Gynae with a disappointed look said he can't afford to wait until more than 40 weeks as I'd severe but well controlled g. diabetes n the risk of stillbirth will be high if I continued to drag my pregnancy until 41-42 weeks.

Forceps or vacuum was out of the question as #1's head was too high up. Risk to #1 having Type 1 diabetes was high due to needing insulin pumped into my body during labour.

#1 was delivered via elective c-section exactly on my EDD. But I considered my case emer c-section as I only found out I needed the c-section just 2 days prior unlike some who booked their c-section at their 36-37 weeks.

Was v disappointed with the outcome. But seeing #1 not a difficult baby, and growing up healthy, makes my efforts well worth it. I recovered quickly thank God.

Would love to try VBAC for #2 but c-section is at the back of my mind cos to achieve a successful VBAC, I need to have a spontaneous labour between 37-40 weeks.

