(2011/10) Oct 2011

Hi Mummies and Mummies-to-be,

Congrats to you all!

I'm a mummy of 1 and my son just turn 13months. I've started a blog selling DIAPER BAG ORGANISERs, TOTSEATs and Baby clothings to earn extra cash.

Please feel free to visit my blog.


Free Normal Postage for SMH Mummies!

And I hope you have a safe delivery!


minidiary, how do i join the secret FB for oct?

Btw, went for scan this morning. Gynae confirmed that 95% is a prince. Head size is 3cm.

Anyone has recommendation for gd post-natal massage lady / ladies?

Wishing all MTBs a gd weekend ;)

Fantastar: glad that u have calm

down and feeling so much better.


Xiao_rabbit: congrats on knowng ur bb gender!

I m looking forward to my next appt.. Hopefully

can see gender! Hubby n his family

v traditional.. Hoping for a boy( we have 2 girls already).

I honestly don't mind boy or girl. But v pissed cos hubby n his family like insist that this one must be a boy! Arggg... Stressed by them!!! I told hubby- this one boy or girl u All go ask ur sperm la! How I know?!!! Haha


PM me ur FB email add and I will add u into secret grp. congrats on ur prince! im so excitedly waiting for Monday appt.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ive been wearing the band every min except sleep and bathe. Not really sure if it works though. I still hv sudden vomit urges...

Fantastar, where are the topshop maternity stores? Sorry ah... I stay in Sembawang... got lost touch with the fashion stores in town liao :p

Creamdonut: can you wear the short dresses over a maternity pants? You can get formal pants so it doesn't look as bad as tights.. Me got a couple of nice dresses from united sq but very exp. Can wear after giving birth so I didn't mind. ~$60-80 per dress

Creamdonut, agree that maternity wear only wear for few months. If you don't mind, you can try buying 2nd hand ones from forum. A lot of ppl selling off their maternity wear (usually still in very good condition cos they also wear for few mths only).

Hi all,

Can I check if you have started buying things for bb? What are the essential things to buy? Everything are so ex..

Btw, is playpen or bb cot better?


Creamdonut: I must admit that it is only worth when you get it during their sale .. Will let you know if they have any upcoming sale .. If not, you can check with your friends whether they have any maternity clothings to give away .. For me, I got a bagful of clothings from my friend which can lasted me throughout my pregnancy .. Got to buy a few pants though ..

Blessedmummytobe: you can get a checklist of baby essentials from taka .. Quite comprehensive and the checklist is free of charge .. So far, I only have got the sterilizer as it was on sale .. Other than that, I was thinking of waiting till 3rd trimester but worries that I might be too tired to do any shopping .. So I probably buy a bit here and there when there is sale/offer .. By the way, have you heard of the promotion for Avent sterilizer from one of the forum mummy? Is now $99 @ Giant (retailing at $190+) .. Comes with sterilizer and 3 BPA free milk bottles .. Offer ending today ..

Creamdonut, the Avent steriliser is roomy enough for any brand of milk bottles so not a must to use Avent milk bottles if you buy the Avent steriliser...

Creamdonut: agree with 1dog1rabbit ..

Royal: I experienced the pain occasionally when sitting or standing; pain will be relieved upon lying .. Checked with the gynae; is positioning-muscular pain .. One of my friends also experienced it and according to her gynae, the baby is growing and thus is pushing upwards ..

Weighed myself yesterday at my parent's .. Lost another 1.5kg =(

Sigh... Trying to take nap since 5pm but can't get to sleep! Feeling bloated since this morning, wanna puke but there's nothing coming out. Gosh, feeling real bad. ;(

Thanks fantastar... Yes i need to get some of those ready at home. Managed to force out some foamy mucous and now feel better.

Cant wait till 4th to visit my gynae!!! Hope to know the gender soon...

Hi fantastar,

Thanks.. But I rarely go Taka... Looks like I gotta make a trip down.. Thanks for the info but I just bought sterilizer from bb fair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2nd_bb: no worries: you just got to find the 'method' that is best for you .. For me, at least with the sour plum drink and lemon honey jelly, I managed to finish 3/4 of my meal .. Cannot keep on losing weight ..

Blessedmummytobe: me perhaps will be going down to taka these few days .. Will get the checklist, scan and post it here ..

mummies, i m worried, woke up to see reddish brown discharge on panties! sigh. in my 15th week today. dunno whats causing the spotting, called my gynae, she ask me to be back on utrogestan.

i hope the spotting will go away

Creamdonut, my mum also say steriliser is waste of money... until she tried it out herself. Saves a lot of time & water.

Traditional method: Boil the bottles

Risk: Bottles might melt if you do not look after the bottles carefully (cannot let it touch the pot) plus you need to leave the pot there the entire day, takes up space, esp if there are other ppl in the house & they need to cook their meals.

Steriliser: Load in everything, pour a capful of water, press 1 button & few minutes later (depending on which brand/model you are using), tadah!! If you forget to come back to turn it off, no worries. It will auto off & won't damage your bottles. & it is sterile as long as you don't open the steriliser. Super convenient!

Even my mum was won over by it. & she kept saying, "if last time got these type of products, then no need to get confinement lady lor"

She also said something similar about breastpump, "if last time got such thing, I would have fed you until no milk. then you ppl wont always fall sick easily!"

1d1r, ur mum so fuhny!

my mother told me last time during their time, govt isnt pro-breastfeeding de.. the slogan for promoting milk powder at that time was something like only rich ppl give their babies formula milk... think i grew up by powder milk one..

Good morning.....

the weather is killing me... headache again....

And i cant slp well last nite.... Tummy is not comfortable, it's cramp or pain here & there... not sure wat's the pain is about. ANd my back is aching too.....


lol!! my mommy is the same as yours! initially also said just boil can le. until i showed her the power of my sterilizer. 6 mins flat 'gao dim'. wahaha!! same thing abt the breastpump. last time where got such thing?? and that time maternity leave was a miserly 1 month! so she didn't even bf me at all. straight away to fm.


me too tummyache. wonder if it was too much chilli from last night's bbq seafood dinner.


be careful with the spotting. rest more okay? hope the utrogestan will stop it.

Me also prone to backaches! I'm seeing my gynae this Friday. I'll be in my 16th week. Able to see gender?

Morning mummies, Nw waiting for gynae for oscar, dunno can get to know the gender!??

Feel like changing job but then like at this point in time no point to change....haizzz... Juz Nw got headhunter call me dunno want to try for it anot....

Me dun feel as excited this time round like for #1 when going to gynae visit... Feel abit guilty abt it.... 2nd time mummies do u all feel the same?

hi starry, ya, i will monitor closely, very worrying leh. in my 15th week then start spotting, sounds quite weird. any idea what could it suggest?


you have low placenta issue? that's the only reason i can think of, based on experience with mine (bleeding and blood clots). have you done a scan to make sure everything is okay? now that got spotting, have to refrain from standing/walking for too long and also intimacy with your hubby. you working full time?


exciting!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] what are you hoping to see? hee hee! i was also not as excited like you. just felt really tired out during the waiting in the lounge.. don't feel guilty lah. when you start thinking about holding a newborn again in your arms, i'm sure you feel that love and joy all over again! especially when baby starts getting active and kicks you in the ribs. haha! hey, update us k? show us scan pics!

hi starry

hmmm the last time i scanned, doc didnt mention anything about low placenta. so i am not sure if mine is that case also. yah i am working full time, but accounting, so dun need to stand / walk long time. guess i need to stop the intimacy as well. very worrying leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

During my last visit to the gynae last wed, my gynae said i've low placenta & it's covering my crevix, so i've got placenta previa. But he mention I'll only start to bleed at 7th month when BB is getting bigger.

Cdbaby: I tink you better call up your gynae to check what is wrong

Jinnuos: Yes, you'll be able to know the gendar at 16weeks... these few days, talk to your BB & ask your BB to open the leg so mummy can start to buy new clothes for him/her....


*hugs*! may not be serious matter. don't worry so much. it is worrying if you pass out fresh blood like menses, blood clots or have cramps. when was ur last appt? if want a peace of mind, why not quickly go down today and let gynae have another look at you? my gynae also nv mention anything abt low placenta till during oscar last week, sonographer told me it is actually very very near cervix, any lower would have covered the opening. knowing that made me feel more secure in the sense that at least i know what is wrong and not letting my mind wander off with negative thoughts like something wrong with baby or what.

another possibility mentioned by gynae - cervix infection or got polyps there. cannot see from scan, must do internal examination which we both think better not, wait till later weeks then do if bleeding and clots persist.

Hi mummies!

I'm a January mum.

As my confinement lady was very good, I would like to recommend to u all. I was very satisfied & well taken care.

Her cookings are nice too

If interested, pls pm me


Juz finish scanning Nw waiting to do blood test. Everything normal except the neck thickness is too much... Sianz... Nw making me worry....doc say need to c the blood result then decide wana do amino test anot... Double sianzzzz...

Hopefully everything is ok.... Keeping fingers cross....

Hi Ginn

I called up Gynae, she ask me not to worry and just start on some hormones pills.

Hi Starry

Its not fresh blood, just reddish brown discharge. This mrng was quite a patch at the panties, but nw, it seems to be present only when i wipe off. So i also dunno should worried or not. My last appt was last wed. And a scan was done, but nothing about low placenta or placenta previa was mentioned. my gynae clinic super busy de, so i also dun wanna go and bother her.

should i walk in to any other gynae's? i feel like having an u/s to see if baby is alright.



no such thing as go bother gynae lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you are so nice!! you are her patient and pay for her service so if not sure, just go! if walk into other gynae's, you may be charged very high rate for 1st appt. and the new gynae will not know any history that you may have. if can, go back to your current one, ask for scan and ask for internal exam too. this is just to be very very sure nothing is wrong with placenta and nothing growing on the cervix. maybe she will give you mc for next few days and ask you to have bedrest also. most impt i feel is trust your own maternal instinct. if you don't feel well about the whole spotting issue even though gynae says no worries, just pop by and see her.


how many mm was the neck thickness? i was told anything below 2.5mm or a little bit overshot is okay. think tmr evening can call and check on the blood test results le. very fast will be out.

cdbaby: have more rest .. and if you are worried, go for an ultrasound to make sure .. i have been to the 24-hour clinic twice, just to make sure baby is alright ..

re: sterilizer

my parents, aunt and MIL were asking why do i need a sterilizer .. just place the bottles into boiling water will do =.=

jinnous: me also will be in my 16th week this friday and seeing my gynae as well .. was thinking of asking her to see whether is a girl or boy, although my appointment for gender confirmation is 3rd of june ..

hi starry, thanks for ur advise. coz last wed i just went in due to a "appendicities scare". i was having so bad cramps that i thot i was having appendicities. she prescribed me antibiotics just in case its early stage. then this week again another "scare". i feel like i so troublesome like that. I will monitor though. If the bleeding persist, I will surely make an appt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks. my instinct is maybe its nothing, just some cervical changes due to stretching or what. but all those things i am reading on the internet is scaring me

Hi gals

How's everyone? Was rather busy and not been checking the thread for quite sometime. Seems like it's getting very very active. Haha...

cdbaby: KKH's 24-hour clinic have ..

royal: no worries =D but remember to bring it up to your gynae at the next visit so he/she can take note ..


Starry, the length is 2.6 mm really sianzzz its higher than average. Doc say he will call me the result then decide the next step to do amino... Hopefully nothing major... Haizzz... No mood to work man....My Preggy all smooth no ms nothing ... Then this thing happen....

