(2011/10) Oct 2011

i think mine is a boy leh... cos gynae told me during last appt that this could b a boy.. my colleague also say my nose getting rounder, which is a sign of having bb boy... but can only confirm during next appt 2wks later.. on polling day somemore...

im happy abt it cos i wanna have a boy 1st.. cos gor gor is better than jie jie i tink hahha...


The names i tot are all for girls... cos i tot i'll get a girl.... sad

my child cant b BFF with my best frd's daughter(who is my god-daughter) who is born on 26Jan11...we still want enrol them in the same sch & make them the best frd... dream scattered...

i've wishes for a princess.... my nick hope for a princess ginn ginn..... disappointment......

i've high hope at the Lunar calendar thinggy said i've a girl....... the higher expectation, the more the disappointment


thanks for sharing your u/s photo! so cute! glad to know that the scan showed positive results for you! HB and I already have so many names and been through so many 'arguments' over the names! hahaha..


Is it true that our noses will get rounder if we're having boys?! Or maybe it's just because we've been eating too much so the fats go to our noses?! hehehe..


your boy can still be BFF with your best friend's daughter! you two might even end up being in-laws! Hahaha..


don't feel sian lah. my hubby was like that when he found out we were having a girl. but i tell you, he loves her like nothing else now! you will too, just give yourself time to digest the info. boys are very fun too. can dress them up to be little sailors, wear tiny tuxedo rompers etc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks! scan results look good. now is blood test, the unknown! i hate the waiting part. :p what are the names you and hubby have thought of so far?? can share?


A bit hard for my boy to be married with my BFF's daughter.... cos she married a Muslim.... so i dont tink I want my son to marry to her daughter....


I ask my hubby abt names, his reply is u decide u decide.... no respond from him

congrats yaoyi & ginn on knowing the genders! one girl & one boy update news today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ginn, if 1st one boy gd aso.. no stress rite.. try a girl girl for the 2nd one nxt time then hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry> ur bb position so good! mine was always facing down in the end the sonographer have to keep disturbing the flip here flip there -___-

HS/Tabbyz> I think the nose part quite true, recently I saw one frd's photo on FB, then i realised her nose got bigger and rounder then found out she is preg and later she say its a boy! :p

Ginn> so now u have a "daughter" and son already..be happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ginn, don't be disappointed because your baby is not the gender you hope for. Baby's healthy is more important! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Boy or girl really doesn't matter. When I had my #1, I wished to have a boy but she turned out to be a girl. I was disappointed and thought I would not love her. But I fell in love with her at first sight on the day when she was borned. The first thing I wanted to do for her was to breastfeed her. I donno why I have that thought.. Mother instinct maybe... I still remembered I kept asking the nurse and doc if I could breastfeed my child. haha.. Every child is a gift from God and I'm sure you too will feel the same way when you see your child. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i'm supposed to be doing last min packing for our flight tonight but cant resist peeping in here. lol.

wow, so exciting! gender alr known for 2mtbs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my #1 is a gal, i'm still hoping for #2 to be a gal cos i think gals are more fun + bb can wear all the elder sis's clothing. haha...

but i wouldnt mind a boy too lah. 1 girl + 1 boy = HAO (good in chinese) so a boy completes the pic i guess.

my gal's name is evangeline - it means messenger of good news. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we thought its a beautiful name & fell in love with the name right away.

#2, thought of a few names for both boy boy & gal gal... choices quite limited cos we wanted to choose a name which symbolize sth nice & its meaningful.


same as you when i had my #1 i wished to be a boy as my mil loves "bird". when i know the gender so upset, scared nobody loves her. But in the end i love her so much and everyone too.

Starry, thanks for sharing! Good to hear that your baby is healthy. I had my Oscar Scan done in KKH. Also got big screen for Daddy to see. haha! Our baby was not so cooperative, baby kept facing down and the sonographer kept asking me to cough to make my baby change position. I'm also glad that the final result turned out to be good.

Jasmine, yes sad to say that traditional chinese family prefer boy to be the first child. I'm from that family too... But when I've become a mother myself, I realise nothing is more important than the health of a child. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jasmine, same same like my inlaws too leh.. when having #1, they kept asking boy or girl even though alrdy known girl.. then sometimes when they whispered..(thou can hear) they said muz be boy leh...cos bump so sharp etc etc.. & the best part in the delivery room..my hubby called both his mum & my mum to inform bb born safely etc.. but mil 1st qn was boy or girl *vomit blood rite!! so nw..i told my hubby im nt gng to tell them gender so soon..prob drag till near 3rd trim.. sian..

Tabbyz, updated here a Mth ago ;) GYnae said is girl but dun buy clothes till we double confirm again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

He spent a good ten minutes searching for balls & stick but found none! & my baby not shy, open big big!!

Tonight will be 16week appt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hopefully can see more clearly to confirm!!!


ya lorx. bo bian my husband only son, elder sister not married yet. his cousin all give birth sons de, we are the first one got girl girl but after dat his another cousin #2 is girl. so stress nor. cny they will ask me when want #2 boi boi?

I wanted a girl as girl is closer to mother... n my hbday working time is long n he has to work on weekend too so prefer a child same as me so we can go shopping together.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ginn, don't worry. Boys love shopping too! If my boy sees me dressed up, he will auto go & change his clothes!!! & say, "Are we going shopping?"

Plus by then, you might be too busy sending him from enrichment class to enrichment class on weekends to worry about being bored :p

Dear Mummies,

I am from jan 11 thread. Bought too much similac mum and I have stopped breastfeeding. I have 3 tins of unopened similac mum to let go at $14 expiry is 2013. Pls kindly call or msg me at 94550525 if u are interested.



they shouldnt give us stress right? like now most of them keep tell me "this bb is boi boi" plus my gal keep say "didi"


kids love shopping. my gal always v happy to know we going "gai gai"

wah.. stress leh if for me if they keep saying bb is boy boy...

ever since i voiced out some unhappiness to them.. nw they dont dare ask me directly..but they always "target" my gal..asking her boy or girl n wat doc say.. few days aft my last check up.. they called n tok wif my gal.. i almost freaked out when my girl said "hmmm.. boy girl hmm doc say... (she paused while i kept signalling to her to shut up..shhh) luckily.. in end she said "doc say.. boy & girl.. 2..1.." haha


thanks for adding me to the secret group! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] saw many cute babies/kids for those 2nd timers.

rabbit bb, lizy,

i had to flip here and there for my #1 too because she was lying face down. some mummies even had to go toilet break, drink orange juice, walk around and spent half a day there just to get readings. stubborn babies don't wanna move. haha!


drink warm honey lemon every morning! best manuka honey with UMF...


I love your bb girl... so cute and you are so young!


Bring a plastic bag with u.


cos the weather very bad either very sunny or raining.

Re: Virus

Super pek chek, this gal cough w/o covering mouth. Virus spreading everywhere. Now with bb inside, hope i wun get her virus with my immune system low. hais!

Just now i was eating, halfway someone pram suddenly fell onto my side of my tummy..

I was soo stunned and look at my friend..

the lady kept apologising..

but i didnt look at her.. cos too sudden..


heng my tummy was growling a bit and no aching..



yaya my Longchamp is like a rubbish bag..

hubby also asked me to put small plastic bag inside,

put so in case i need to vomint

some fruit, biscuit, hahaha

and also full of receipts cos too messy .. didnt bother to manage.. as there is only one small card slot.

bring a plastic bag is useful.. when time to come.. if we need to vomit, we can still do it gracefully and not kana the bloody stomp..


Jinnous, sour plum helps. I felt like vomitting after bfast and took a sour plum. Helped me greatly.

snuppy, pi pa gao is effective n safe. I'd this phlegm cough for 2 months n didn't quit until I took pi pa gao for 3 days, once daily.

Back from gynae. gender is inconclusive sian. Hope during detailed scan next mth will know. Oscar report made me worried. 1:413 for Trisomy 21 but gynae against me doing amnio s MC risk is 1:200. Have gd vibes abt bb after he said tat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry, my #1 was also the same when we did the detailed scan. The sonographer was trying to scan her heart then but #1 position wasn't right yet she didn't want to change position no matter what we did. In the end I was told to go toilet and walk around so that she changed to a desirable position for us to see her heart. I was made to go out of the room 2 times just to make her change position.. that's my stubborn #1 and it turned out to be her character... Maybe she was borned in the year of OX... that's why.. haha! Hopefully, the detailed scan for my #2 will be smooth.


Think of GOOD things about baby, it's the long weekend.^^.

i have been drinking the black cough syrup since last sunday till now .. but no use at all..

I think i will try pi par gao again..

thanks :D.

I think during detailed scan ard 20th weeks. you should be able to see the gender !!! ask bb to cooperate with you..


i read u say stomp! lols!!! ya lor nowadays little bit ppl post to stomp liao we got to be careful. dat day saw a lady vomit at mrt, lucky she got plastic bag with her. so poor thing!


Ever since i read about stomp and found out so many KPO & super free singaporeans like to post lots of weird and nonsense stuff..

perhaps they just want to add on the entertainment in SG..

but some are purely ridiculous.

there's one recent about no one giving up seat for a preggy on bus 190.. some stomper replied .. saying she's still young..

I was like !#$#%#

then what can only give up seats to those who are old and preggy ???

haha weird..

oh ya btw when's you detailed scan..

hahaah too excited so ask around..


ya lor alot KPOs. my hubby always disturb me say be careful ar later ppl stomp u. BTH! Preg must give up seats le wad, it doesnt matter with age, is the safety lor and is tiring for us. should let guys preg den they know how we ladies feel.

my detailed scan is 6 June. Next gynae's appt 6 May. Both on the 6th.


xie xie ni! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she's a daddy's girl. knows how to manja and make daddy carry her. hoho!


thank goodness no harm done! you are not alone with the branded rubbish bag. i once poured milk all over the insides of my little LV bag, wipe with tissue and totally forgot until inside grew mould. yucks, i know. sent for washing. :p


i also believe a baby's basic character can be sort of 'guessed' even while they are in the womb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my girl also stubborn from the beginning. she only liked one particular position in the tummy and was always in that position, no matter how you poked her or shake the tummy. wonder how our #2 are gonna be like??


My gal's milk powder also spilled inside my bag before. The dispenser came out loose. Lucky the diaper bag not branded de.

snuppy, you are right. Gynae said I'm low risk anyway so I'm kind of relieved. This past mth I was worried n told hb scarly bb died in me. He said nonsense. At least bb was showing me nice, strong heartbeat tat makes me happy.

2nite I'm going to Ayer Hitam with hb n #1 b4 driving up Malacca for coy retreat.

Detailed scan 16 May.

Argh my kid's having a fever 38C! I hope he can recover well enough for the Msia trip.

woaw seems like all of you so fast.. early June...

so good


my next gynae appt is 14 May .. also still long T,T update me on your next appt.


Ya, hahaha my burberry bag has food crumbs inside too & choco bits stucked ahahaha.

It's okay you won't walk alone..


Ginn Caim,

Woaw yours super early GOOD..

Had my Oscar Scan yesterday. Nasal bone was present, and NT is between 1.5- 1.9. So, considered ok. Now only pending for blood test result. *Cross finger*

Gonna have my detailed scan on 12 May, 3 days before my bday. So excited about it le!!!

My gynae refused to speculate on the gender, saying that now is not the right time to c the correct gender... So, I bo bian... Have to wait till next visit.

My little one is now measures ard 67mm. I still marvel eveytime we look back at the Ultrasound photos! It's amazing!


my 60% gal become 90% boy in a month

they also found cluster of fibroids

not much mood to shop during BB expo sale le.

